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Resource CodeSystem/FHIR Server from package fhir.dicom#2024.2.20240331 (906 ms)

Package fhir.dicom
Type CodeSystem
Id Id
FHIR Version R4
Source http://fhir.org/packages/fhir.dicom/http://dicom.nema.org/resources/ontology/DCM
Url http://dicom.nema.org/resources/ontology/DCM
Version 2024.2.20240331
Status active
Date 2024-04-08T08:09:22+10:00
Name DICOMTerminologyDefinitions
Title DICOM Controlled Terminology Definitions
Experimental False
Realm us
Authority hl7
Description DICOM Code Definitions (Coding Scheme Designator "DCM" Coding Scheme Version 2024.2.20240331
Purpose This code system is published as part of FHIR in order to make the codes available to FHIR terminology services and so implementers can easily leverage the codes
Copyright These codes are excerpted from Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) Standard, Part 16: Content Mapping Resource, Copyright © 2011 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.
Content complete
valueSet http://dicom.nema.org/resources/ValueSet/all

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https://profiles.ihe.net/RAD/IMR/ValueSet/imaging-study-endpoint-payloadtype-vs Imaging Study Endpoint PayloadType Value Set
http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/ips/ValueSet/results-radiology-numobs-uv-ips Results Radiology Measurement Observation - IPS
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http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/radiation-dose-summary/ValueSet/component-radiation-dose-summary-vs Radiation Dose Summary component type
http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/radiation-dose-summary/ValueSet/procedure-reported-type-rds-vs Procedure Reported Type Value Set
http://ihe.net/fhir/ihe.formatcode.fhir/ValueSet/formatcode IHE ValueSet of Format Codes for use with Document Sharing
http://hl7.eu/fhir/ig/pcsp/ValueSet/vs-radiotherapyDoseType-eu-pcsp Radiotherapy Dose Type
http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/saner/ValueSet/DestinationRoles Destination Roles
http://hl7.org/fhir/uv/saner/ValueSet/SourceRoles Source Roles
http://vzvz.nl/fhir/ValueSet/participation-role-type NlVzvzParticipationRoleType
http://vzvz.nl/fhir/ValueSet/audit-event-type audit-event-type ValueSet
https://fhir.nhs.uk/England/ValueSet/England-FlagProvenanceRole England Flag Provenance Role
http://dicom.nema.org/resources/ValueSet/all All DICOM Controlled Terminology Definitions
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_100.html QuantitativeDiagnosticImagingProcedure
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_1000.html CTTransversePlaneReferenceBasis
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_10003.html EquipmentPlaneIdentification
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_10007.html XRayFilterType
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_10011.html EffectiveDoseEvaluationMethod
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_10013.html CTAcquisitionType
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_10015.html CTDoseReferenceAuthority
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_10022.html LabelType
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_10023.html SizeSpecificDoseEstimationMethodforCT
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_10032.html ProjectionXRayAcquisitionDeviceType
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_10065.html RadiationTransportModelType
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_12258.html CardiacUltrasoundRightVentricleMeasurement
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_12262.html CardiacUltrasoundPulmonaryValveMeasurement
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_12266.html CardiacUltrasoundMitralValveMeasurement
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_12267.html CardiacUltrasoundTricuspidValveMeasurement
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_12303.html EchoMeasurementType
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_12305.html BasicEchoAnatomicSite
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3043.html DigitalWaveformFilter
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3110.html NuclearCardiologyProtocol
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3205.html IndicationsforPharmacologicalStressTest
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3233.html STSegmentMorphology
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3239.html PerceivedExertionScale
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3405.html ProcedureActionValue
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3406.html NoncoronaryTranscatheterIntervention
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3409.html Drug/ContrastAdministration
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3410.html Drug/ContrastNumericParameter
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3412.html InterventionAction/Status
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3413.html AdverseOutcome
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3421.html ProcedureAction
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3422.html DeviceUseAction
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3423.html NumericDeviceCharacteristic
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3428.html CardiovascularImagingProcedure
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3446.html SkinCondition
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3448.html AirwayAssessment
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3451.html CalibrationObject
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3452.html CalibrationMethod
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3453.html CardiacVolumeMethod
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3455.html IndexMethod
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3456.html SubsegmentMethod
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3458.html ContourRealignment
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3460.html CircumferentialExtent
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3461.html RegionalExtent
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3465.html QAReferenceMethod
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3467.html EjectionFraction
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3468.html EDVolume
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3469.html ESVolume
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3470.html VesselLumenCrosssectionalAreaCalculationMethod
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3471.html EstimatedVolume
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3481.html IVUSDistanceMeasurement
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3482.html IVUSAreaMeasurement
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3483.html IVUSLongitudinalMeasurement
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3484.html IVUSIndex/Ratio
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3485.html IVUSVolumeMeasurement
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3486.html VascularMeasurementSite
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3487.html IntravascularVolumetricRegion
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3491.html IVUSLesionMorphology
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3492.html VascularDissectionClassification
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3493.html IVUSRelativeStenosisSeverity
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3494.html IVUSNonMorphologicalFinding
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3495.html IVUSPlaqueComposition
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3525.html BloodGasContent
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3526.html BloodGasSaturation
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3529.html Arterial/VenousContent
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3530.html OxygenAdministrationAction
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3531.html OxygenAdministration
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3550.html CirculatorySupportAction
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3551.html VentilationAction
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3552.html PacingAction
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3611.html PressureMeasurement
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3612.html BloodVelocityMeasurement
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3613.html HemodynamicTimeMeasurement
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3614.html NonmitralValveArea
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3615.html ValveArea
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3618.html HemodynamicFlow
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3619.html HemodynamicResistanceMeasurement
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3620.html HemodynamicRatio
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3629.html ProcedureIntent
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3663.html BodySurfaceAreaEquation
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3664.html OxygenConsumptionEquation/Table
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3666.html P50Equation
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3667.html FraminghamScore
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3668.html FraminghamTable
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3677.html SummaryCodesECG
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3678.html QTCorrectionAlgorithm
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3704.html MyocardiumWallMorphologyFinding
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3711.html ValvularAbnormality
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3726.html CoronaryInterventionIndication
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3739.html CathProcedureType
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3748.html AngiographicEFTestingMethod
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3752.html GuidewireCrossing
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3781.html LeftVentricleMyocardialWall18SegmentModel
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3785.html LeftVentricleApicalWall6Segments
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3807.html VolumeMeasurementMethod
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3813.html StentFinding
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3821.html PapillaryMuscleIncluded/Excluded
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3823.html RespiratoryStatus
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3835.html CardiacVolumeMeasurement
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3836.html TimebasedPerfusionMeasurement
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_3838.html DiameterDerivation
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_401.html AuditEventTypeCode
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_4011.html DXViewModifier
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_402.html AuditActiveParticipantRoleIDCode
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_4021.html PETRadiopharmaceutical
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_4033.html MRProtonSpectroscopyMetabolite
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_4052.html PhantomDevice
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_4101.html TracerKineticModel
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_4104.html BolusArrivalTimeDerivationMethod
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_4106.html QuantitativeMethodUsedforPerfusionandTracerKineticModel
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_6028.html MammographyRecommendedFollowup
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_6029.html RecommendedFollowupfromBIRADS®
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7205.html PurposeofReferencetoAlternateRepresentation
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7457.html SexMaleFemaleorBoth
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7465.html MeasurementDerivedFromMultipleROIMeasurements
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7466.html PETRegionofInterestMeasurement
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7467.html GrayLevelCooccurrenceMatrixMeasurement
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7468.html TextureMeasurement
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7469.html GenericIntensityandSizeMeasurement
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7470.html LinearMeasurement
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7472.html VolumeMeasurement
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7473.html GeneralAreaCalculationMethod
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_7474.html GeneralVolumeCalculationMethod
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http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_9567.html MachineToleranceViolationType
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_9568.html RadiotherapyTreatmentInterlock
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_9569.html IsocentricPatientSupportPositionParameter
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_9570.html RTOverriddenTreatmentParameter
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_9571.html PatientTreatmentPreparationMethod
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_9572.html PatientShieldingDevice
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_9573.html PatientTreatmentPreparationDevice
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_9574.html PatientPositionDisplacementReferencePoint
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_9575.html PatientAlignmentDevice
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_9576.html ReasonsforRTRadiationTreatmentOmission
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_9577.html PatientTreatmentPreparationProcedure
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_9578.html MotionManagementSetupDevice
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_9579.html RTSegmentMaterial
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_9580.html RTSegmentationPropertyCategory
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_9581.html RadiotherapyRegistrationMark
http://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part16/sect_CID_9582.html RadiotherapyDoseRegion

Resources that this resource uses

No resources found


  "resourceType" : "CodeSystem",
  "id" : "DCM",
  "url" : "http://dicom.nema.org/resources/ontology/DCM",
  "identifier" : [
      "system" : "urn:ietf:rfc:3986",
      "value" : "urn:oid:1.2.840.10008.2.16.4"
  "version" : "2024.2.20240331",
  "name" : "DICOMTerminologyDefinitions",
  "title" : "DICOM Controlled Terminology Definitions",
  "status" : "active",
  "experimental" : false,
  "date" : "2024-04-08T08:09:22+10:00",
  "publisher" : "FHIR Project on behalf of DICOM",
  "description" : "DICOM Code Definitions (Coding Scheme Designator \"DCM\" Coding Scheme Version 2024.2.20240331",
  "purpose" : "This code system is published as part of FHIR in order to make the codes available to FHIR terminology services and so implementers can easily leverage the codes",
  "copyright" : "These codes are excerpted from Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) Standard, Part 16: Content Mapping Resource, Copyright © 2011 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association.",
  "caseSensitive" : true,
  "valueSet" : "http://dicom.nema.org/resources/ValueSet/all",
  "content" : "complete",
  "concept" : [
      "code" : "ANN",
      "display" : "Annotation",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that produces annotations."
      "code" : "AR",
      "display" : "Autorefraction",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that measures autorefraction."
      "code" : "ARCHIVE",
      "display" : "Archive",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that stores images and other objects for a prolonged period of time."
      "code" : "AS",
      "display" : "Angioscopy",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that records images during angioscopy."
      "code" : "ASMT",
      "display" : "Content Assessment Result",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that produces assessments of the content of other instances, e.g., for quality or suitability."
      "code" : "AU",
      "display" : "Audio",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that records audio."
      "code" : "BDUS",
      "display" : "Ultrasound Bone Densitometry",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs ultrasound bone densitometry."
      "code" : "BI",
      "display" : "Biomagnetic imaging",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs biomagnetic imaging."
      "code" : "BMD",
      "display" : "Bone Mineral Densitometry",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs bone mineral densitometry by X-Ray, including dual-energy X-Ray absorptiometry (DXA) and morphometric X-Ray absorptiometry (MXA)."
      "code" : "CAD",
      "display" : "Computer Assisted Detection/Diagnosis",
      "definition" : "An image processing device, process or method that performs computer assisted detection or diagnosis."
      "code" : "CAPTURE",
      "display" : "Image Capture",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs image capture, includes video capture."
      "code" : "CD",
      "display" : "Color flow Doppler",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs color flow Doppler."
      "code" : "CF",
      "display" : "Cinefluorography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs cinefluorography."
      "code" : "CFM",
      "display" : "Confocal Microscopy",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs imaging using a confocal microscope."
      "code" : "COMP",
      "display" : "Computation Server",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that performs computation as a service; includes radiotherapy planning."
      "code" : "CP",
      "display" : "Culposcopy",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that records images during culposcopy."
      "code" : "CR",
      "display" : "Computed Radiography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs computed radiography."
      "code" : "CS",
      "display" : "Cystoscopy",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that records images during cystoscopy."
      "code" : "CT",
      "display" : "Computed Tomography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs computed tomography."
      "code" : "CTPROTOCOL",
      "display" : "CT Protocol",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that produces CT device acquisition protocols."
      "code" : "DD",
      "display" : "Duplex Doppler",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs duplex Doppler."
      "code" : "DF",
      "display" : "Digital fluoroscopy",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs digital fluoroscopy."
      "code" : "DG",
      "display" : "Diaphanography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs diaphanography."
      "code" : "DM",
      "display" : "Digital microscopy",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs digital microscopy."
      "code" : "DMS",
      "display" : "Dermoscopy",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs imaging of the surface of the skin using epiluminescence microscopy."
      "code" : "DOC",
      "display" : "Document",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that produces documents. i.e., representations of documents as images, whether by scanning or other means."
      "code" : "DOCD",
      "display" : "Document Digitizer Equipment",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that digitizes hardcopy documents and imports them."
      "code" : "DS",
      "display" : "Digital Subtraction Angiography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs digital subtraction angiography."
      "code" : "DSS",
      "display" : "Department System Scheduler",
      "definition" : "A department-based information system (for instance, Radiology or Laboratory) that provides functions related to the management of orders received from external systems or through the department system’s user interface. This definition matches that of the DSS/OF Actor in the IHE Scheduled Workflow (SWF) Profile."
      "code" : "DX",
      "display" : "Digital Radiography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs digital radiography."
      "code" : "EC",
      "display" : "Echocardiography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs echocardiography."
      "code" : "ECG",
      "display" : "Electrocardiography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs electrocardiography."
      "code" : "EEG",
      "display" : "Electroencephalography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs electroencephalography."
      "code" : "EMG",
      "display" : "Electromyography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs electromyography."
      "code" : "EOG",
      "display" : "Electrooculography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs electrooculography."
      "code" : "EPS",
      "display" : "Cardiac Electrophysiology",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs cardiac electrophysiology."
      "code" : "ES",
      "display" : "Endoscopy",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that records images during endoscopy."
      "code" : "F",
      "display" : "Female",
      "definition" : "Female sex."
      "code" : "FA",
      "display" : "Fluorescein angiography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs fluorescein angiography."
      "code" : "FC",
      "display" : "Female changed to Male",
      "definition" : "Female sex changed to Male sex."
      "code" : "FID",
      "display" : "Spatial Fiducials",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that identifies features or landmarks used to establish spatial correlation between objects or frames of reference."
      "code" : "FILMD",
      "display" : "Film Digitizer",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that performs film digitization."
      "code" : "FP",
      "display" : "Female Pseudohermaphrodite",
      "definition" : "Female Pseudohermaphrodite."
      "code" : "FS",
      "display" : "Fundoscopy",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that records images during fundoscopy."
      "code" : "GM",
      "display" : "General Microscopy",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs general microscopy."
      "code" : "H",
      "display" : "Hermaphrodite",
      "definition" : "Hermaphrodite."
      "code" : "HC",
      "display" : "Hard Copy",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that creates images to be printed as hard copy."
      "code" : "HD",
      "display" : "Hemodynamic Waveform",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that records hemodynamic waveforms."
      "code" : "IO",
      "display" : "Intra-oral Radiography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs intra-oral radiography."
      "code" : "IOL",
      "display" : "Intraocular Lens Calculation",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that encodes calculations for an intraocular lens."
      "code" : "IVOCT",
      "display" : "Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs intravascular optical coherence tomography"
      "code" : "IVUS",
      "display" : "Intravascular Ultrasound",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs intravascular ultrasound."
      "code" : "KER",
      "display" : "Keratometry",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs keratometry."
      "code" : "KO",
      "display" : "Key Object Selection",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that creates Key Object Selection objects."
      "code" : "LEN",
      "display" : "Lensometry",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs lensometry."
      "code" : "LOG",
      "display" : "Procedure Logging",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that performs procedure Logging; includes cath lab logging."
      "code" : "LP",
      "display" : "Laparoscopy",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that records images during laparoscopy."
      "code" : "LS",
      "display" : "Laser surface scan",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs laser surface scanning."
      "code" : "M",
      "display" : "Male",
      "definition" : "Male sex."
      "code" : "M3D",
      "display" : "3D Manufacturing Modeling System",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that produces data (models) for use in 3D manufacturing."
      "code" : "MA",
      "display" : "Magnetic resonance angiography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs magnetic resonance angiography."
      "code" : "MC",
      "display" : "Male changed to Female",
      "definition" : "Male sex changed to Female sex."
      "code" : "MCD",
      "display" : "Media Creation Device",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that creates DICOM interchange media."
      "code" : "MEDIM",
      "display" : "Portable Media Importer Equipment",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that retrieves and imports objects from Interchange Media."
      "code" : "MG",
      "display" : "Mammography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs mammography."
      "code" : "MP",
      "display" : "Male Pseudohermaphrodite",
      "definition" : "Male Pseudohermaphrodite."
      "code" : "MR",
      "display" : "Magnetic Resonance",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs magnetic resonance imaging."
      "code" : "MS",
      "display" : "Magnetic resonance spectroscopy",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs magnetic resonance spectroscopy."
      "code" : "NEARLINE",
      "display" : "Nearline",
      "definition" : "Instances need to be retrieved from relatively slow media such as optical disk or tape."
      "code" : "NM",
      "display" : "Nuclear Medicine",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs nuclear medicine imaging."
      "code" : "OAM",
      "display" : "Ophthalmic Axial Measurements",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that measures the axial length of the eye."
      "code" : "OCT",
      "display" : "Optical Coherence Tomography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that uses an interferometric, non-invasive optical tomographic technique to image 2D slices and 3D volumes of tissue using visible and near visible frequencies."
      "code" : "OFFLINE",
      "display" : "Offline",
      "definition" : "Instances need to be retrieved by manual intervention."
      "code" : "ONLINE",
      "display" : "Online",
      "definition" : "Instances are immediately available."
      "code" : "OP",
      "display" : "Ophthalmic photography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs ophthalmic photography."
      "code" : "OPM",
      "display" : "Ophthalmic Mapping",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that measures corneal topography, corneal or retinal thickness, and other similar parameters that are typically displayed as maps."
      "code" : "OPR",
      "display" : "Ophthalmic Refraction",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that measures the refractive characteristics of the eye."
      "code" : "OPT",
      "display" : "Ophthalmic Tomography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs tomography of the eye that is based on light and optical principles. Tomography based on other principles, such as ultrasound, is excluded."
      "code" : "OPTBSV",
      "display" : "Ophthalmic Tomography B-scan Volume Analysis",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs B-scan volume analysis of tomography images of the eye based on light and optical principles. Tomography based on other principles, such as ultrasound, is excluded."
      "code" : "OPTENF",
      "display" : "Ophthalmic Tomography En Face",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that creates en face tomography images of the eye based on light and optical principles. Tomography based on other principles, such as ultrasound, is excluded."
      "code" : "OPV",
      "display" : "Ophthalmic Visual Field",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that measures visual fields and perform visual perimetry."
      "code" : "OSS",
      "display" : "Optical Surface Scanner",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs optical surface scanning."
      "code" : "OT",
      "display" : "Other Modality",
      "definition" : "Other Modality device."
      "code" : "PA",
      "display" : "Photoacoustic",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs imaging by means of tissue excitation through the absorption of short light pulses and detection of the resultant acoustic emission."
      "code" : "PLAN",
      "display" : "Plan",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that produces treatment plans, e.g., delivery instructions for RT."
      "code" : "POS",
      "display" : "Position Sensor",
      "definition" : "A device or sensor measuring the orientation of the patient’s body."
      "code" : "PR",
      "display" : "Presentation State",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that creates Presentation State objects."
      "code" : "PRINT",
      "display" : "Hard Copy Print Server",
      "definition" : "Hard Copy Print Server; includes printers with embedded DICOM print server."
      "code" : "PT",
      "display" : "Positron emission tomography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs positron emission tomography (PET)."
      "code" : "PX",
      "display" : "Panoramic X-Ray",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs panoramic X-Rays."
      "code" : "REG",
      "display" : "Registration",
      "definition" : "An image processing device, process or method that creates Registration objects."
      "code" : "RESP",
      "display" : "Respiratory Waveform",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that produces waveforms of electrical signals from the patient’s respiratory system."
      "code" : "RF",
      "display" : "Radiofluoroscopy",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs radiofluoroscopy."
      "code" : "RG",
      "display" : "Radiographic imaging",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs radiographic imaging (conventional film/screen)."
      "code" : "RT",
      "display" : "Radiation Therapy Device",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that delivers radiation therapy; includes linear accelerator, proton therapy."
      "code" : "RTDOSE",
      "display" : "Radiotherapy Dose",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that records radiotherapy dose."
      "code" : "RTIMAGE",
      "display" : "Radiotherapy Image",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs radiotherapy imaging; includes portal imaging."
      "code" : "RTPLAN",
      "display" : "Radiotherapy Plan",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that produces radiotherapy plans."
      "code" : "RTRECORD",
      "display" : "Radiotherapy Treatment Record",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that records radiotherapy treatment records."
      "code" : "RTSTRUCT",
      "display" : "Radiotherapy Structure Set",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that produces Radiotherapy Structure Sets."
      "code" : "RWV",
      "display" : "Real World Value Map",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that produces mappings between image pixel values and some real-world values."
      "code" : "SEG",
      "display" : "Segmentation",
      "definition" : "An image processing device, process or method that performs segmentation."
      "code" : "SM",
      "display" : "Slide Microscopy",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs slide microscopy."
      "code" : "SMR",
      "display" : "Stereometric Relationship",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that records relationships between stereometric image pairs."
      "code" : "SR",
      "display" : "Structured Report Document",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that creates Structured Report documents."
      "code" : "SRF",
      "display" : "Subjective Refraction",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that records subjective refraction."
      "code" : "ST",
      "display" : "Single-photon emission computed tomography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)."
      "code" : "STAIN",
      "display" : "Automated Slide Stainer",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that applies, in an automated manner, a stain, or reagent, to microscopy slides in preparation for imaging."
      "code" : "TEXTUREMAP",
      "display" : "Texture Map",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that produces texture maps."
      "code" : "TG",
      "display" : "Thermography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs thermography."
      "code" : "U",
      "display" : "Unknown Sex",
      "definition" : "Unknown Sex."
      "code" : "UNAVAILABLE",
      "display" : "Unavailable",
      "definition" : "Instances cannot be retrieved."
      "code" : "US",
      "display" : "Ultrasound",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs ultrasound."
      "code" : "VA",
      "display" : "Visual Acuity",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that measures visual acuity."
      "code" : "VF",
      "display" : "Videofluorography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that measures videofluorography."
      "code" : "VIDD",
      "display" : "Video Tape Digitizer Equipment",
      "definition" : "A device, process or method that digitizes video tape and imports it."
      "code" : "WSD",
      "display" : "Workstation",
      "definition" : "A networked computer equipped with a display and software for performing specific types of work, generally intended to be operated by a single user."
      "code" : "XA",
      "display" : "X-Ray Angiography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs X-Ray angiography."
      "code" : "XC",
      "display" : "External-camera Photography",
      "definition" : "An acquisition device, process or method that performs photography with an external camera."
      "code" : "109001",
      "display" : "Digital timecode (NOS)",
      "definition" : "A signal transmitted for the purpose of interchange of the current time, not specific to any source or methodology."
      "code" : "109002",
      "display" : "ECG-based gating signal, processed",
      "definition" : "A signal that is generated for each detection of a heart beat."
      "code" : "109003",
      "display" : "IRIG-B timecode",
      "definition" : "A signal transmitted by the Inter-Range Instrumentation Group for the purpose of synchronizing time clocks."
      "code" : "109004",
      "display" : "X-Ray Fluoroscopy On Signal",
      "definition" : "A signal that indicates that X-Ray source has been activated for fluoroscopy use."
      "code" : "109005",
      "display" : "X-Ray On Trigger",
      "definition" : "A signal that indicated that the X-Ray source has been activated for image recording."
      "code" : "109006",
      "display" : "Differential signal",
      "definition" : "An electrical signal derived from two electrodes."
      "code" : "109007",
      "display" : "His bundle electrogram",
      "definition" : "An electrophysiological recording from the HIS nerve bundle."
      "code" : "109008",
      "display" : "Monopole signal",
      "definition" : "An electrical signal from one electrode relative to an indifferent potential."
      "code" : "109009",
      "display" : "Pacing (electrical) stimulus, voltage",
      "definition" : "The voltage stimulus during cardiac pacing."
      "code" : "109010",
      "display" : "Radio frequency ablation, power",
      "definition" : "The power injected during RF ablation procedure."
      "code" : "109011",
      "display" : "Voltage measurement by basket catheter",
      "definition" : "Electrophysiological signals acquired using a multi-splined catheter each equipped with multiple electrodes."
      "code" : "109012",
      "display" : "Voltage measurement by mapping catheter",
      "definition" : "Electrophysiological signals acquired using a steerable catheter."
      "code" : "109013",
      "display" : "Voltage measurement",
      "definition" : "A voltage measurement not otherwise specified."
      "code" : "109014",
      "display" : "35% of thermal CO",
      "definition" : "A signal point that is 35% of the peak thermal cardiac output signal."
      "code" : "109015",
      "display" : "70% of thermal CO",
      "definition" : "A signal point that is 70% of the peak thermal cardiac output signal."
      "code" : "109016",
      "display" : "A wave peak pressure",
      "definition" : "The peak pressure of each heart beat in the atrium caused by the atrial contraction."
      "code" : "109017",
      "display" : "A wave pressure, average",
      "definition" : "The average of several A wave pressure measurements."
      "code" : "109018",
      "display" : "Beat detected (accepted)",
      "definition" : "An identified cardiac beat used in the determination of a measurement."
      "code" : "109019",
      "display" : "Beat detected (rejected)",
      "definition" : "An identified cardiac beat not used in the determination of a measurement."
      "code" : "109020",
      "display" : "Diastolic pressure, average",
      "definition" : "The average of several diastolic pressure measurements"
      "code" : "109021",
      "display" : "Diastolic pressure nadir",
      "definition" : "The lowest pressure value excluding any undershoot artifact."
      "code" : "109022",
      "display" : "End diastole",
      "definition" : "The moment at the end of the diastolic phase of the cardiac cycle."
      "code" : "109023",
      "display" : "End of expiration",
      "definition" : "The moment at the end of respiratory expiration."
      "code" : "109024",
      "display" : "End of inspiration",
      "definition" : "The moment at the end of respiratory inspiration."
      "code" : "109025",
      "display" : "Max dp/dt",
      "definition" : "The maximum positive rate of change of pressure."
      "code" : "109026",
      "display" : "Max neg dp/dt",
      "definition" : "The maximum negative rate of change of pressure."
      "code" : "109027",
      "display" : "Mean blood pressure",
      "definition" : "The average blood pressure value, generally over 2 or more seconds"
      "code" : "109028",
      "display" : "Peak of thermal cardiac output bolus",
      "definition" : "The peak change in blood temperature during a thermal cardiac output measurement."
      "code" : "109029",
      "display" : "Start of expiration",
      "definition" : "The moment respiratory expiration begins."
      "code" : "109030",
      "display" : "Start of inspiration",
      "definition" : "The moment of respiratory inspiration begins."
      "code" : "109031",
      "display" : "Start of thermal cardiac output bolus",
      "definition" : "The first discernible blood temperature change following the injectate during a thermal cardiac output measurement."
      "code" : "109032",
      "display" : "Systolic pressure, average",
      "definition" : "The average of several systolic blood pressure measurements."
      "code" : "109033",
      "display" : "Systolic peak pressure",
      "definition" : "The highest systolic blood pressure value excluding any overshoot artifact"
      "code" : "109034",
      "display" : "V wave peak pressure",
      "definition" : "The peak pressure of each heart beat in the atrium caused by the filling of the atrium."
      "code" : "109035",
      "display" : "V wave pressure, average",
      "definition" : "The average of several V wave pressure measurements."
      "code" : "109036",
      "display" : "Valve close",
      "definition" : "The moment at which a heart valve closes."
      "code" : "109037",
      "display" : "Valve open",
      "definition" : "The moment at which a heart valve opens."
      "code" : "109038",
      "display" : "Ablation off",
      "definition" : "The moment when RF ablation current is turned off."
      "code" : "109039",
      "display" : "Ablation on",
      "definition" : "The moment when RF ablation current is turned on."
      "code" : "109040",
      "display" : "HIS bundle wave",
      "definition" : "The moment in the cardiac cycle when the HIS bundle nerves depolarize."
      "code" : "109041",
      "display" : "P wave",
      "definition" : "The surface electrocardiogram of the atrial contraction."
      "code" : "109042",
      "display" : "Q wave",
      "definition" : "The first negative deflection of the electrocardiogram cause by ventricular depolarization."
      "code" : "109043",
      "display" : "R wave",
      "definition" : "The first positive deflection the electrocardiogram cause by ventricular depolarization."
      "code" : "109044",
      "display" : "S wave",
      "definition" : "The first negative deflection after the R wave."
      "code" : "109045",
      "display" : "Start of atrial contraction",
      "definition" : "The beginning of the atrial contraction."
      "code" : "109046",
      "display" : "Start of atrial contraction (subsequent)",
      "definition" : "The beginning of the second atrial contraction of two consecutive beats."
      "code" : "109047",
      "display" : "Stimulation at rate 1 interval",
      "definition" : "The stimulation interval during cardiac stimulation first used in a pacing train."
      "code" : "109048",
      "display" : "Stimulation at rate 2 interval",
      "definition" : "The stimulation interval different from the first stimulation interval used in a pacing train."
      "code" : "109049",
      "display" : "Stimulation at rate 3 interval",
      "definition" : "A stimulation interval different from and subsequent to the second interval in a pacing train."
      "code" : "109050",
      "display" : "Stimulation at rate 4 interval",
      "definition" : "Describes a stimulation interval different from and subsequent to the third interval in a pacing train."
      "code" : "109051",
      "display" : "T wave",
      "definition" : "The electrocardiogram deflection caused by ventricular repolarization."
      "code" : "109052",
      "display" : "V wave",
      "definition" : "The peak pressure of each heart beat monitored in the atrium caused by the filling of the atrium."
      "code" : "109053",
      "display" : "V wave of next beat",
      "definition" : "The second V wave measurement of two consecutive beats."
      "code" : "109054",
      "display" : "Patient State",
      "definition" : "A description of the physiological condition of the patient."
      "code" : "109055",
      "display" : "Protocol Stage",
      "definition" : "The exercise level during a progressive cardiac stress test."
      "code" : "109056",
      "display" : "Stress Protocol",
      "definition" : "A series of physiological challenges designed to progressively increase the work of the heart."
      "code" : "109057",
      "display" : "Catheterization Procedure Phase",
      "definition" : "A subpart of a cardiac catheterization procedure"
      "code" : "109058",
      "display" : "Contrast Phase",
      "definition" : "The subpart of a cardiac catheterization procedure in which a radio-opaque contrast medium is injected into the patient."
      "code" : "109059",
      "display" : "Physiological challenges",
      "definition" : "Physical changes administered to a patient in order to elicit an physiological response."
      "code" : "109060",
      "display" : "Procedure Step Number",
      "definition" : "Enumeration of a subpart of a catheterization procedure."
      "code" : "109061",
      "display" : "EP Procedure Phase",
      "definition" : "A subpart of en electrophysiological procedure."
      "code" : "109063",
      "display" : "Pulse train definition",
      "definition" : "A means of defining a series of cardiac stimulation pulses."
      "code" : "109070",
      "display" : "End of systole"
      "code" : "109071",
      "display" : "Indicator mean transit time",
      "definition" : "Time for a median particle to travel from point of injection to point of detection."
      "code" : "109072",
      "display" : "Tau",
      "definition" : "The time constant of isovolumic pressure fall."
      "code" : "109073",
      "display" : "V max myocardial",
      "definition" : "Maximum velocity of myocardial contractility."
      "code" : "109080",
      "display" : "Real time acquisition",
      "definition" : "Total time for the acquisition is shorter than cardiac cycle, no gating is applied."
      "code" : "109081",
      "display" : "Prospective gating",
      "definition" : "Certain thresholds have been set for a gating window that defines the acceptance of measurement data during the acquisition."
      "code" : "109082",
      "display" : "Retrospective gating",
      "definition" : "Certain thresholds have been set for a gating window that defines the acceptance of measurement data after the acquisition."
      "code" : "109083",
      "display" : "Paced",
      "definition" : "There is a constant RR interval, which makes thresholding not required; see Cardiac Synchronization Technique (0018,9037)."
      "code" : "109091",
      "display" : "Cardiac Stress State",
      "definition" : "Imaging after injection of tracer during increased cardiac workload or increased myocardial blood flow, achieved by either exercise or pharmacologic means."
      "code" : "109092",
      "display" : "Reinjection State",
      "definition" : "Imaging after injection of additional tracer under resting conditions."
      "code" : "109093",
      "display" : "Redistribution State",
      "definition" : "Imaging after allowing a moderate amount of time for tracer to move from its initial sites of uptake.Example: For Thallium imaging this would correspond to imaging 2-6 hours after injection."
      "code" : "109094",
      "display" : "Delayed Redistribution State",
      "definition" : "Imaging after allowing an extended amount of time for tracer to move from its initial sites of uptake.Example: For Thallium imaging this would correspond to imaging more than 6 hours after injection."
      "code" : "109095",
      "display" : "Peak stress state",
      "definition" : "Peak Cardiac stress state"
      "code" : "109096",
      "display" : "Recovery state",
      "definition" : "Recovery from cardiac stress"
      "code" : "109100",
      "display" : "Synthesizing Equipment",
      "definition" : "Equipment that created artificial data."
      "code" : "109101",
      "display" : "Acquisition Equipment",
      "definition" : "Equipment that originally acquired the data stored within composite instances."
      "code" : "109102",
      "display" : "Processing Equipment",
      "definition" : "Equipment that has processed composite instances to create new composite instances."
      "code" : "109103",
      "display" : "Modifying Equipment",
      "definition" : "Equipment that has modified existing composite instances (without creating new composite instances)."
      "code" : "109104",
      "display" : "De-identifying Equipment",
      "definition" : "Equipment that has modified an existing composite instance to remove patient identifying information."
      "code" : "109105",
      "display" : "Frame Extracting Equipment",
      "definition" : "Equipment that has processed composite instances to create new composite instances by extracting selected frames from the original instance."
      "code" : "109106",
      "display" : "Enhanced Multi-frame Conversion Equipment",
      "definition" : "Equipment that has processed composite instances to create new composite instances by converting classic single frame images to enhanced multi-frame image, or vice versa and updating other instances to maintain referential integrity."
      "code" : "109110",
      "display" : "Voice",
      "definition" : "The sound of a human's speech, recorded during a procedure."
      "code" : "109111",
      "display" : "Operator's narrative",
      "definition" : "The voice of a device operator, recorded during a procedure."
      "code" : "109112",
      "display" : "Ambient room environment",
      "definition" : "The ambient sound recorded during a procedure, which may or may not include voice and other types of sound."
      "code" : "109113",
      "display" : "Doppler audio",
      "definition" : "The Doppler waveform recorded as an audible signal."
      "code" : "109114",
      "display" : "Phonocardiogram",
      "definition" : "The sound of the human heart beating."
      "code" : "109115",
      "display" : "Physiological audio signal",
      "definition" : "Any sound made by the human body."
      "code" : "109116",
      "display" : "Arterial Pulse Waveform",
      "definition" : "A digitized signal from the patient arterial system collected through pulse oximetry or other means."
      "code" : "109117",
      "display" : "Respiration Waveform",
      "definition" : "A digitized signal from the patient respiratory system representing respiration."
      "code" : "109120",
      "display" : "On admission to unit",
      "definition" : "The occasion on which a procedure was performed on admission to a specialist unit."
      "code" : "109121",
      "display" : "On discharge",
      "definition" : "The occasion on which a procedure was performed on discharge from hospital as an in-patient."
      "code" : "109122",
      "display" : "On discharge from unit",
      "definition" : "The occasion on which a procedure was performed on discharge from a specialist unit."
      "code" : "109123",
      "display" : "Pre-intervention",
      "definition" : "The occasion on which a procedure was performed immediately prior to non-surgical intervention. E.g, percutaneous angioplasty, biopsy."
      "code" : "109124",
      "display" : "Post-intervention",
      "definition" : "The occasion on which a procedure was performed immediately after to non-surgical intervention. E.g, percutaneous angioplasty, biopsy."
      "code" : "109125",
      "display" : "At last appointment",
      "definition" : "The occasion on which a procedure was performed at the most recent outpatient visit."
      "code" : "109132",
      "display" : "Joint position method",
      "definition" : "The active or passive joint positioning during acquisition."
      "code" : "109133",
      "display" : "Physical force",
      "definition" : "A physical force applied during acquisition."
      "code" : "109134",
      "display" : "Prior to voiding",
      "definition" : "Prior to voiding urine from the bladder."
      "code" : "109135",
      "display" : "Post voiding",
      "definition" : "Post voiding urine from the bladder."
      "code" : "109136",
      "display" : "Neutral musculoskeletal position",
      "definition" : "Neutral musculoskeletal position."
      "code" : "109137",
      "display" : "During voiding",
      "definition" : "During voiding urine from the bladder."
      "code" : "109200",
      "display" : "America Kennel Club",
      "definition" : "America Kennel Club."
      "code" : "109201",
      "display" : "America's Pet Registry Inc.",
      "definition" : "America's Pet Registry Inc."
      "code" : "109202",
      "display" : "American Canine Association",
      "definition" : "American Canine Association."
      "code" : "109203",
      "display" : "American Purebred Registry",
      "definition" : "American Purebred Registry."
      "code" : "109204",
      "display" : "American Rare Breed Association",
      "definition" : "American Rare Breed Association."
      "code" : "109205",
      "display" : "Animal Registry Unlimited",
      "definition" : "Animal Registry Unlimited."
      "code" : "109206",
      "display" : "Animal Research Foundation",
      "definition" : "Animal Research Foundation."
      "code" : "109207",
      "display" : "Canadian Border Collie Association",
      "definition" : "Canadian Border Collie Association."
      "code" : "109208",
      "display" : "Canadian Kennel Club",
      "definition" : "Canadian Kennel Club."
      "code" : "109209",
      "display" : "Canadian Livestock Records Association",
      "definition" : "Canadian Livestock Records Association."
      "code" : "109210",
      "display" : "Canine Federation of Canada",
      "definition" : "Canine Federation of Canada."
      "code" : "109211",
      "display" : "Continental Kennel Club",
      "definition" : "Continental Kennel Club."
      "code" : "109212",
      "display" : "Dog Registry of America",
      "definition" : "Dog Registry of America."
      "code" : "109213",
      "display" : "Federation of International Canines",
      "definition" : "Federation of International Canines."
      "code" : "109214",
      "display" : "International Progressive Dog Breeders' Alliance",
      "definition" : "International Progressive Dog Breeders' Alliance."
      "code" : "109215",
      "display" : "National Kennel Club",
      "definition" : "National Kennel Club."
      "code" : "109216",
      "display" : "North American Purebred Dog Registry",
      "definition" : "North American Purebred Dog Registry."
      "code" : "109217",
      "display" : "United All Breed Registry",
      "definition" : "United All Breed Registry."
      "code" : "109218",
      "display" : "United Kennel Club",
      "definition" : "United Kennel Club."
      "code" : "109219",
      "display" : "Universal Kennel Club International",
      "definition" : "Universal Kennel Club International."
      "code" : "109220",
      "display" : "Working Canine Association of Canada",
      "definition" : "Working Canine Association of Canada."
      "code" : "109221",
      "display" : "World Kennel Club",
      "definition" : "World Kennel Club."
      "code" : "109222",
      "display" : "World Wide Kennel Club",
      "definition" : "World Wide Kennel Club."
      "code" : "109701",
      "display" : "Overall image quality evaluation",
      "definition" : "Evaluation of overall image quality as described in section 7.3.2 of ."
      "code" : "109702",
      "display" : "Grayscale resolution evaluation",
      "definition" : "Visual verification of sufficient grayscale resolution based on 8 and 10-bit markers as described in section 7.3.3 of ."
      "code" : "109703",
      "display" : "Luminance response evaluation",
      "definition" : "Visual evaluation of luminance response using the TG18-CT test pattern as described in section 7.3.4 of ."
      "code" : "109704",
      "display" : "Luminance uniformity evaluation",
      "definition" : "Visual detection of luminance non-uniformities as described in section 7.3.5 of ."
      "code" : "109705",
      "display" : "Chromaticity evaluation",
      "definition" : "Visual verification of color uniformity as described in section 7.3.6 of ."
      "code" : "109706",
      "display" : "Pixel faults evaluation",
      "definition" : "Visual detection of defective pixels on dark (TG18-UN80) and bright (TG18-UN10) images as described in section 7.3.7 of ."
      "code" : "109707",
      "display" : "Veiling glare evaluation",
      "definition" : "Visual evaluation of veiling glare by looking at low contrast objects on 2 test patterns as described in section 7.3.8 of ."
      "code" : "109708",
      "display" : "Geometrical image evaluation",
      "definition" : "Visual evaluation of geometry, phase/clock correction and clipping as described in section 7.3.9 of ."
      "code" : "109709",
      "display" : "Angular viewing evaluation",
      "definition" : "Visual evaluation of viewing angle as described in section 7.3.10 of ."
      "code" : "109710",
      "display" : "Clinical evaluation",
      "definition" : "Visual evaluation of the appearance of clinical images as described in section 7.3.11 of ."
      "code" : "109801",
      "display" : "TG18-QC Pattern",
      "definition" : "AAPM TG18-QC Pattern used for evaluation of resolution, luminance, distortion, artifacts.See ."
      "code" : "109802",
      "display" : "TG18-BR Pattern",
      "definition" : "AAPM TG18-BR Pattern used for the evaluation of the display of low-contrast, fine-detail image structuresSee ."
      "code" : "109803",
      "display" : "TG18-PQC Pattern",
      "definition" : "AAPM TG18-PQC Pattern used for evaluation of resolution, luminance, contrast transfer for prints.See ."
      "code" : "109804",
      "display" : "TG18-CT Pattern",
      "definition" : "AAPM TG18-CT Pattern used for evaluation of luminance response.See ."
      "code" : "109805",
      "display" : "TG18-LN8-01 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 1st image in the AAPM TG18-LN8 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109806",
      "display" : "TG18-LN8-02 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 2nd image in the AAPM TG18-LN8 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109807",
      "display" : "TG18-LN8-03 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 3rd image in the AAPM TG18-LN8 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109808",
      "display" : "TG18-LN8-04 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 4th image in the AAPM TG18-LN8 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109809",
      "display" : "TG18-LN8-05 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 5th image in the AAPM TG18-LN8 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109810",
      "display" : "TG18-LN8-06 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 6th image in the AAPM TG18-LN8 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109811",
      "display" : "TG18-LN8-07 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 7th image in the AAPM TG18-LN8 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109812",
      "display" : "TG18-LN8-08 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 8th image in the AAPM TG18-LN8 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109813",
      "display" : "TG18-LN8-09 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 9th image in the AAPM TG18-LN8 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109814",
      "display" : "TG18-LN8-10 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 10th image in the AAPM TG18-LN8 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration series.See ."
      "code" : "109815",
      "display" : "TG18-LN8-11 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 11th image in the AAPM TG18-LN8 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109816",
      "display" : "TG18-LN8-12 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 12th image in the AAPM TG18-LN8 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109817",
      "display" : "TG18-LN8-13 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 13th image in the AAPM TG18-LN8 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109818",
      "display" : "TG18-LN8-14 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 14th image in the AAPM TG18-LN8 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109819",
      "display" : "TG18-LN8-15 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 15th image in the AAPM TG18-LN8 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109820",
      "display" : "TG18-LN8-16 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 16th image in the AAPM TG18-LN8 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109821",
      "display" : "TG18-LN8-17 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 17th image in the AAPM TG18-LN8 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109822",
      "display" : "TG18-LN8-18 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 18th image in the AAPM TG18-LN8- set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109823",
      "display" : "TG18-LN12-01 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 1st image in the AAPM TG18-LN12 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109824",
      "display" : "TG18-LN12-02 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 2 nd image in the AAPM TG18-LN12 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109825",
      "display" : "TG18-LN12-03 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 3rd image in the AAPM TG18-LN12 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109826",
      "display" : "TG18-LN12-04 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 4th image in the AAPM TG18-LN12 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109827",
      "display" : "TG18-LN12-05 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 5th image in the AAPM TG18-LN12 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109828",
      "display" : "TG18-LN12-06 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 6th image in the AAPM TG18-LN12 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109829",
      "display" : "TG18-LN12-07 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 7th image in the AAPM TG18-LN12 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109830",
      "display" : "TG18-LN12-08 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 8th image in the AAPM TG18-LN12 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109831",
      "display" : "TG18-LN12-09 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 9th image in the AAPM TG18-LN12 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109832",
      "display" : "TG18-LN12-10 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 10th image in the AAPM TG18-LN12 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109833",
      "display" : "TG18-LN12-11 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 11th image in the AAPM TG18-LN12 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109834",
      "display" : "TG18-LN12-12 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 12th image in the AAPM TG18-LN12 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109835",
      "display" : "TG18-LN12-13 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 13th image in the AAPM TG18-LN12 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109836",
      "display" : "TG18-LN12-14 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 14th image in the AAPM TG18-LN12 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109837",
      "display" : "TG18-LN12-15 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 15th image in the AAPM TG18-LN12 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109838",
      "display" : "TG18-LN12-16 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 16th image in the AAPM TG18-LN12 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109839",
      "display" : "TG18-LN12-17 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 17th image in the AAPM TG18-LN12 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109840",
      "display" : "TG18-LN12-18 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The 18th image in the AAPM TG18-LN12 set used for DICOM grayscale calibration.See ."
      "code" : "109841",
      "display" : "TG18-UN10 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-UN10 Pattern used for evaluation of luminance and color uniformity, and angular response.See ."
      "code" : "109842",
      "display" : "TG18-UN80 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-UN80 Pattern used for evaluation of luminance and color uniformity, and angular response.See ."
      "code" : "109843",
      "display" : "TG18-UNL10 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-UNL10 Pattern is the AAPM TG-18 UN10 Pattern with added defining lines.See ."
      "code" : "109844",
      "display" : "TG18-UNL80 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-UNL80 Pattern is the AAPM TG-18 UN80 Pattern with added defining lines.See ."
      "code" : "109845",
      "display" : "TG18-AD Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-AD Pattern used for visual evaluation of the reflection of ambient light from the display.See ."
      "code" : "109846",
      "display" : "TG18-MP Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-MP Pattern used for evaluation of Luminance response (bit-depth resolution).See ."
      "code" : "109847",
      "display" : "TG18-RH10 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-RH10 Pattern used for LSF-line spectra function-(1k and 2k) evaluation by 5 horizontal lines at 10% luminance level.See ."
      "code" : "109848",
      "display" : "TG18-RH50 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-RH50 Pattern used for LSF-line spectra function-(1k and 2k) evaluation by 5 horizontal lines at 50% luminance level.See ."
      "code" : "109849",
      "display" : "TG18-RH89 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-RH89 Pattern used for LSF-line spectra function-(1k and 2k) evaluation by 5 horizontal lines at 89% luminance level.See ."
      "code" : "109850",
      "display" : "TG18-RV10 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-RV10 Pattern used for LSF-line spectra function-(1k and 2k) evaluation by 5 vertical lines at 10% luminance level.See ."
      "code" : "109851",
      "display" : "TG18-RV50 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-RV50 Pattern used for LSF-line spectra function-(1k and 2k) evaluation by 5 vertical lines at 50% luminance level.See ."
      "code" : "109852",
      "display" : "TG18-RV89 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-RV89 Pattern used for LSF-line spectra function-(1k and 2k) evaluation by 5 vertical lines at 89% luminance level.See ."
      "code" : "109853",
      "display" : "TG18-PX Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-PX Pattern used for the assessment of display resolution.See ."
      "code" : "109854",
      "display" : "TG18-CX Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-CX Pattern used to assess display resolution and resolution uniformity.See ."
      "code" : "109855",
      "display" : "TG18-LPH10 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-LPH10 Pattern used to assess display resolution. This pattern has horizontal bars consisting of alternating single-pixel-wide lines across the faceplate of display. The lines have a 12% positive contrast against 10% background level of the maximum pixel value.See ."
      "code" : "109856",
      "display" : "TG18-LPH50 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-LPH50 Pattern used to assess display resolution. This pattern has horizontal bars consisting of alternating single-pixel-wide lines across the faceplate of display. The lines have a 50% positive contrast against 10% background level of the maximum pixel value.See ."
      "code" : "109857",
      "display" : "TG18-LPH89 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-LPH89 Pattern used to assess display resolution. This pattern has horizontal bars consisting of alternating single-pixel-wide lines across the faceplate of display. The lines have a 12% positive contrast against 89% background level of the maximum pixel value.See ."
      "code" : "109858",
      "display" : "TG18-LPV10 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-LPV10 Pattern used to assess display resolution. This pattern has vertical bars consisting of alternating single-pixel-wide lines across the faceplate of display. The lines have a 12% positive contrast against 10% background level of the maximum pixel value.See ."
      "code" : "109859",
      "display" : "TG18-LPV50 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-LPV50 Pattern used to assess display resolution. This pattern has vertical bars consisting of alternating single-pixel-wide lines across the faceplate of display. The lines have a 12% positive contrast against 50% background level of the maximum pixel value.See ."
      "code" : "109860",
      "display" : "TG18-LPV89 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-LPV89 Pattern used to assess display resolution. This pattern has vertical bars consisting of alternating single-pixel-wide lines across the faceplate of display. The lines have a 12% positive contrast against 89% background level of the maximum pixel value.See ."
      "code" : "109861",
      "display" : "TG18-AFC Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-AFC Pattern used to assess display noise.See"
      "code" : "109862",
      "display" : "TG18-NS10 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-NS10 Pattern is AAPM TG18-RV10/RH10 with only difference being the absence of the single line at the center of the measurement area.See ."
      "code" : "109863",
      "display" : "TG18-NS50 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-NS50 Pattern is AAPM TG18-RV50/RH50 with only difference being the absence of the single line at the center of the measurement area.See ."
      "code" : "109864",
      "display" : "TG18-NS89 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-NS89 Pattern is AAPM TG18-RV89/RH89 with only difference being the absence of the single line at the center of the measurement area.See ."
      "code" : "109865",
      "display" : "TG18-GV Pattern",
      "definition" : "The TG18-GV Pattern used to assess display veiling.See ."
      "code" : "109866",
      "display" : "TG18-GVN Pattern",
      "definition" : "The TG18-GVN Pattern used to assess display veiling. This pattern is identical to AAPM TG18-GV Pattern except that the large-diameter white circle is replaced with a black circle, creating a completely black pattern except for the presence of low-contrast targets.See ."
      "code" : "109867",
      "display" : "TG18-GQ Pattern",
      "definition" : "The TG18-GQ Pattern used for quantitative assessment of veiling glare. This pattern is identical to TG18-GV except that is lacks the central low-contrast objects.See ."
      "code" : "109868",
      "display" : "TG18-GQN Pattern",
      "definition" : "TG18-GQN Pattern used for the quantitative assessment of veiling glare. This pattern is identical to AAPM TG18-GQ Pattern except that the large-diameter white circle is replaced with a black circle, creating a completely black pattern except for the presence of low-contrast targets.See ."
      "code" : "109869",
      "display" : "TG18-GQB Pattern",
      "definition" : "The TG18-GQB Pattern used for the quantitative assessment of veiling glare. This pattern is identical to AAPM TG18-GQ Pattern except eliminating the central black circle.See ."
      "code" : "109870",
      "display" : "TG18-GA03 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The TG18-GA03 Pattern used for quantitative assessment of veiling glare. This pattern is identical to TG18-GQ except that the radius of the central black circle is varied as r = 3.See ."
      "code" : "109871",
      "display" : "TG18-GA05 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The TG18-GA05 Pattern This pattern is identical to TG18-GQ except that the radius of the central black circle is varied as r = 5.See ."
      "code" : "109872",
      "display" : "TG18-GA08 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The TG18-GA08 Pattern used for quantitative assessment of veiling glare. This pattern is identical to TG18-GQ except that the radius of the central black circle is varied as r = 8.See ."
      "code" : "109873",
      "display" : "TG18-GA10 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The TG18-GA10 Pattern used for quantitative assessment of veiling glare. This pattern is identical to TG18-GQ except that the radius of the central black circle is varied as r = 10.See ."
      "code" : "109874",
      "display" : "TG18-GA15 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The TG18-GA15 Pattern used for quantitative assessment of veiling glare. This pattern is identical to TG18-GQ except that the radius of the central black circle is varied as r = 15."
      "code" : "109875",
      "display" : "TG18-GA20 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The TG18-GA20 Pattern used for quantitative assessment of veiling glare. This pattern is identical to TG18-GQ except that the radius of the central black circle is varied as r = 20.See ."
      "code" : "109876",
      "display" : "TG18-GA25 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The TG18-GA25 Pattern used for quantitative assessment of veiling glare. This pattern is identical to TG18-GQ except that the radius of the central black circle is varied as r = 25.See ."
      "code" : "109877",
      "display" : "TG18-GA30 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The TG18-GA30 Pattern used for quantitative assessment of veiling glare. This pattern is identical to TG18-GQ except that the radius of the central black circle is varied as r = 30.See ."
      "code" : "109878",
      "display" : "TG18-CH Image",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-CH Image is a reference anatomical PA chest image.See ."
      "code" : "109879",
      "display" : "TG18-KN Image",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-KN Image is a reference anatomical knee image.See ."
      "code" : "109880",
      "display" : "TG18-MM1 Image",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-MM1 Image is a reference anatomical mammogram image.See ."
      "code" : "109881",
      "display" : "TG18-MM2 Image",
      "definition" : "The AAPM TG18-MM2 Image is a reference anatomical mammogram image.See ."
      "code" : "109901",
      "display" : "OIQ Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC OIQ Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-QC Pattern.See ."
      "code" : "109902",
      "display" : "ANG Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC ANG Pattern used for angular viewing evaluation.See ."
      "code" : "109903",
      "display" : "GD Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC GD Pattern used for geometrical image evaluation.See ."
      "code" : "109904",
      "display" : "BN01 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC BN01 Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-LN-01 Pattern, to avoid the use of a cone or baffle with LCDs.See ."
      "code" : "109905",
      "display" : "BN02 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC BN02 Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-LN-02 Pattern, to avoid the use of a cone or baffle with LCDs.See ."
      "code" : "109906",
      "display" : "BN03 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC BN03 Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-LN-03 Pattern, to avoid the use of a cone or baffle with LCDs.See ."
      "code" : "109907",
      "display" : "BN04 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC BN04 Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-LN-04 Pattern, to avoid the use of a cone or baffle with LCDs.See ."
      "code" : "109908",
      "display" : "BN05 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC BN05 Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-LN-05 Pattern, to avoid the use of a cone or baffle with LCDs.See ."
      "code" : "109909",
      "display" : "BN06 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC BN06 Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-LN-06 Pattern, to avoid the use of a cone or baffle with LCDs.See ."
      "code" : "109910",
      "display" : "BN07 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC BN07 Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-LN-07 Pattern, to avoid the use of a cone or baffle with LCDs.See ."
      "code" : "109911",
      "display" : "BN08 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC BN08 Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-LN-08 Pattern, to avoid the use of a cone or baffle with LCDs.See ."
      "code" : "109912",
      "display" : "BN09 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC BN09 Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-LN-09 Pattern, to avoid the use of a cone or baffle with LCDs.See ."
      "code" : "109913",
      "display" : "BN10 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC BN10 Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-LN-10 Pattern, to avoid the use of a cone or baffle with LCDs.See ."
      "code" : "109914",
      "display" : "BN11 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC BN11 Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-LN-11 Pattern, to avoid the use of a cone or baffle with LCDs.See ."
      "code" : "109915",
      "display" : "BN12 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC BN12 Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-LN-12 Pattern, to avoid the use of a cone or baffle with LCDs.See ."
      "code" : "109916",
      "display" : "BN13 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC BN13 Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-LN-13 Pattern, to avoid the use of a cone or baffle with LCDs.See ."
      "code" : "109917",
      "display" : "BN14 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC BN14 Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-LN-14 Pattern, to avoid the use of a cone or baffle with LCDs.See ."
      "code" : "109918",
      "display" : "BN15 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC BN15 Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-LN-15 Pattern, to avoid the use of a cone or baffle with LCDs.See ."
      "code" : "109919",
      "display" : "BN16 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC BN16 Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-LN-16 Pattern, to avoid the use of a cone or baffle with LCDs.See ."
      "code" : "109920",
      "display" : "BN17 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC BN17 Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-LN-17 Pattern, to avoid the use of a cone or baffle with LCDs.See ."
      "code" : "109921",
      "display" : "BN18 Pattern",
      "definition" : "The IEC BN18 Pattern is used as an alternative to the TG18-LN-18 Pattern, to avoid the use of a cone or baffle with LCDs.See ."
      "code" : "109931",
      "display" : "DIN Grayscale Pattern",
      "definition" : "Test image \"Bild 2\" for the gray-scale reproduction of imaging devices.See ."
      "code" : "109932",
      "display" : "DIN Geometry Pattern",
      "definition" : "Test image \"Bild 3\" for the geometrical imaging properties of imaging devices.See ."
      "code" : "109933",
      "display" : "DIN Resolution Pattern",
      "definition" : "Test image \"Bild 5\" for displaying the spatial and contrast resolution as well as the line structure of imaging devices.See ."
      "code" : "109941",
      "display" : "White Pattern",
      "definition" : "An alternative to AAPM TG18-UN80, specified at 100% of maximum pixel value."
      "code" : "109943",
      "display" : "SMPTE Pattern",
      "definition" : "A standard display test pattern.See .A pattern is available at ."
      "code" : "109991",
      "display" : "CRT Display",
      "definition" : "A Display Device that displays images on a Cathode Ray Tube."
      "code" : "109992",
      "display" : "Liquid Crystal Display",
      "definition" : "A Display Device that displays images on a Liquid Crystal Display."
      "code" : "109993",
      "display" : "Plasma Display",
      "definition" : "A Display Device that displays images on a Plasma Display."
      "code" : "109994",
      "display" : "OLED",
      "definition" : "A Display Device that displays images on an Organic Light Emitting Diode based display."
      "code" : "109995",
      "display" : "DLP Rear Projection System",
      "definition" : "A Display Device that projects images on a surface from behind using a Digital Light Processing Projector."
      "code" : "109996",
      "display" : "DLP Front Projection System",
      "definition" : "A Display Device that projects images on a surface from in front using a Digital Light Processing Projector."
      "code" : "109997",
      "display" : "CRT Rear Projection System",
      "definition" : "A Display Device that projects images on a surface from behind using a Cathode Ray Tube."
      "code" : "109998",
      "display" : "CRT Front Projection System",
      "definition" : "A Display Device that projects images on a surface from in front using a Cathode Ray Tube."
      "code" : "109999",
      "display" : "Other Projection System",
      "definition" : "A Display Device that projects images on a surface from an unspecified direction using an unspecified means."
      "code" : "110001",
      "display" : "Image Processing",
      "definition" : "Image processing work item."
      "code" : "110002",
      "display" : "Quality Control",
      "definition" : "Quality control work item."
      "code" : "110003",
      "display" : "Computer Aided Diagnosis",
      "definition" : "Computer aided diagnosis work item."
      "code" : "110004",
      "display" : "Computer Aided Detection",
      "definition" : "Computer aided detection work item."
      "code" : "110005",
      "display" : "Interpretation",
      "definition" : "The work item task is to prepare a report that contains the interpretation of an imaging study."
      "code" : "110006",
      "display" : "Transcription",
      "definition" : "Transcription work item."
      "code" : "110007",
      "display" : "Report Verification",
      "definition" : "Report verification work item."
      "code" : "110008",
      "display" : "Print",
      "definition" : "Print work item."
      "code" : "110009",
      "display" : "No subsequent Workitems",
      "definition" : "There will be no more work items scheduled."
      "code" : "110010",
      "display" : "Film",
      "definition" : "Film type of output."
      "code" : "110011",
      "display" : "Dictation",
      "definition" : "Dictation type of output."
      "code" : "110012",
      "display" : "Transcription",
      "definition" : "Transcription type of output."
      "code" : "110013",
      "display" : "Media Import",
      "definition" : "The procedure to read DICOM instances from DICOM interchange media, coerce identifying Attributes into the local namespace if necessary, and make the instances available."
      "code" : "110020",
      "display" : "Sheet Film Digitized",
      "definition" : "Digitization of Sheet Film."
      "code" : "110021",
      "display" : "Cine Film Digitized",
      "definition" : "Digitization of Cine Film."
      "code" : "110022",
      "display" : "Video Tape Digitized",
      "definition" : "Digitization of Video Tape."
      "code" : "110023",
      "display" : "Paper Digitized",
      "definition" : "Digitization of pages of a paper document (Units may be specified as Pages, Documents)."
      "code" : "110024",
      "display" : "CD Imported",
      "definition" : "Importation of CD."
      "code" : "110025",
      "display" : "DVD Imported",
      "definition" : "Importation of DVD."
      "code" : "110026",
      "display" : "MOD Imported",
      "definition" : "Importation of MOD."
      "code" : "110027",
      "display" : "Studies Imported",
      "definition" : "Importation of DICOM Studies."
      "code" : "110028",
      "display" : "Instances Imported",
      "definition" : "Importation of DICOM Composite Instances."
      "code" : "110030",
      "display" : "USB Disk Emulation",
      "definition" : "A device that connects using the USB hard drive interface. These may be USB-Sticks, portable hard drives, and other technologies."
      "code" : "110031",
      "display" : "Email",
      "definition" : "Email and email attachments used as a media for data transport."
      "code" : "110032",
      "display" : "CD",
      "definition" : "CD-R, CD-ROM, and CD-RW media used for data transport."
      "code" : "110033",
      "display" : "DVD",
      "definition" : "DVD, DVD-RAM, and other DVD formatted media used for data transport."
      "code" : "110034",
      "display" : "Compact Flash",
      "definition" : "Media that comply with the Compact Flash standard."
      "code" : "110035",
      "display" : "Multi-media Card",
      "definition" : "Media that comply with the Multi-media Card standard."
      "code" : "110036",
      "display" : "Secure Digital Card",
      "definition" : "Media that comply with the Secure Digital Card standard."
      "code" : "110037",
      "display" : "URI",
      "definition" : "URI Identifier for network or other resource, see RFC3968."
      "code" : "110038",
      "display" : "Paper Document",
      "definition" : "Any paper or similar document."
      "code" : "110100",
      "display" : "Application Activity",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Application Activity has taken place."
      "code" : "110101",
      "display" : "Audit Log Used",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Audit Log has been used."
      "code" : "110102",
      "display" : "Begin Transferring DICOM Instances",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Storage of DICOM Instances has begun."
      "code" : "110103",
      "display" : "DICOM Instances Accessed",
      "definition" : "Audit event: DICOM Instances have been created, read, updated, or deleted -audit event."
      "code" : "110104",
      "display" : "DICOM Instances Transferred",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Storage of DICOM Instances has been completed."
      "code" : "110105",
      "display" : "DICOM Study Deleted",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Entire Study has been deleted."
      "code" : "110106",
      "display" : "Export",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Data has been exported out of the system."
      "code" : "110107",
      "display" : "Import",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Data has been imported into the system."
      "code" : "110108",
      "display" : "Network Entry",
      "definition" : "Audit event: System has joined or left network."
      "code" : "110109",
      "display" : "Order Record",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Order has been created, read, updated or deleted."
      "code" : "110110",
      "display" : "Patient Record",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Patient Record has been created, read, updated, or deleted."
      "code" : "110111",
      "display" : "Procedure Record",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Procedure Record has been created, read, updated, or deleted."
      "code" : "110112",
      "display" : "Query",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Query has been made."
      "code" : "110113",
      "display" : "Security Alert",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Security Alert has been raised."
      "code" : "110114",
      "display" : "User Authentication",
      "definition" : "Audit event: User Authentication has been attempted."
      "code" : "110119",
      "display" : "Station AE Title",
      "definition" : "Application Entity Title of a device."
      "code" : "110120",
      "display" : "Application Start",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Application Entity has started."
      "code" : "110121",
      "display" : "Application Stop",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Application Entity has stopped."
      "code" : "110122",
      "display" : "Login",
      "definition" : "Audit event: User login has been attempted."
      "code" : "110123",
      "display" : "Logout",
      "definition" : "Audit event: User logout has been attempted."
      "code" : "110124",
      "display" : "Attach",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Node has been attached."
      "code" : "110125",
      "display" : "Detach",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Node has been detached."
      "code" : "110126",
      "display" : "Node Authentication",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Node Authentication has been attempted."
      "code" : "110127",
      "display" : "Emergency Override Started",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Emergency Override has started."
      "code" : "110128",
      "display" : "Network Configuration",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Network configuration has been changed."
      "code" : "110129",
      "display" : "Security Configuration",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Security configuration has been changed."
      "code" : "110130",
      "display" : "Hardware Configuration",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Hardware configuration has been changed."
      "code" : "110131",
      "display" : "Software Configuration",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Software configuration has been changed."
      "code" : "110132",
      "display" : "Use of Restricted Function",
      "definition" : "Audit event: A use of a restricted function has been attempted."
      "code" : "110133",
      "display" : "Audit Recording Stopped",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Audit recording has been stopped."
      "code" : "110134",
      "display" : "Audit Recording Started",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Audit recording has been started."
      "code" : "110135",
      "display" : "Object Security Attributes Changed",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Security attributes of an object have been changed."
      "code" : "110136",
      "display" : "Security Roles Changed",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Security roles have been changed."
      "code" : "110137",
      "display" : "User security Attributes Changed",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Security attributes of a user have been changed."
      "code" : "110138",
      "display" : "Emergency Override Stopped",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Emergency Override has Stopped."
      "code" : "110139",
      "display" : "Remote Service Operation Started",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Remote Service Operation has Begun."
      "code" : "110140",
      "display" : "Remote Service Operation Stopped",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Remote Service Operation has Stopped."
      "code" : "110141",
      "display" : "Local Service Operation Started",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Local Service Operation has Begun."
      "code" : "110142",
      "display" : "Local Service Operation Stopped",
      "definition" : "Audit event: Local Service Operation Stopped."
      "code" : "110143",
      "display" : "Authentication Decision",
      "definition" : "Audit event: An authentication decision has been made."
      "code" : "110144",
      "display" : "Authorization Decision",
      "definition" : "Audit event: An authorization decision has been made."
      "code" : "110145",
      "display" : "Session start",
      "definition" : "Audit event: A persistent session has started."
      "code" : "110146",
      "display" : "Session stop",
      "definition" : "Audit event: A persistent session has stopped."
      "code" : "110147",
      "display" : "Access Control Decision",
      "definition" : "Audit event: An access control decision has been made."
      "code" : "110150",
      "display" : "Application",
      "definition" : "Audit participant role ID of software application."
      "code" : "110151",
      "display" : "Application Launcher",
      "definition" : "Audit participant role ID of software application launcher, i.e., the entity that started or stopped an application."
      "code" : "110152",
      "display" : "Destination Role ID",
      "definition" : "Audit participant role ID of the receiver of data."
      "code" : "110153",
      "display" : "Source Role ID",
      "definition" : "Audit participant role ID of the sender of data."
      "code" : "110154",
      "display" : "Destination Media",
      "definition" : "Audit participant role ID of media receiving data during an export."
      "code" : "110155",
      "display" : "Source Media",
      "definition" : "Audit participant role ID of media providing data during an import."
      "code" : "110180",
      "display" : "Study Instance UID",
      "definition" : "ParticipantObjectID type: Study Instance UID."
      "code" : "110181",
      "display" : "SOP Class UID",
      "definition" : "ParticipantObjectID type: SOP Class UID."
      "code" : "110182",
      "display" : "Node ID",
      "definition" : "ID of a node that is a participant object of an audit message."
      "code" : "110190",
      "display" : "Issuer of Identifier",
      "definition" : "System, organization, agency, or department that has assigned an instance identifier (such as placer or filler number, patient or provider identifier, etc.)."
      "code" : "110500",
      "display" : "Doctor canceled procedure",
      "definition" : "Procedure order canceled by requesting physician or other authorized physician."
      "code" : "110501",
      "display" : "Equipment failure",
      "definition" : "Equipment failure prevented completion of procedure."
      "code" : "110502",
      "display" : "Incorrect procedure ordered",
      "definition" : "Procedure discontinued due to incorrect procedure being ordered."
      "code" : "110503",
      "display" : "Patient allergic to media/contrast",
      "definition" : "Procedure discontinued due to patient allergy to media/contrast (reported or reaction)."
      "code" : "110504",
      "display" : "Patient died",
      "definition" : "Procedure discontinued due to death of Patient."
      "code" : "110505",
      "display" : "Patient refused to continue procedure",
      "definition" : "Procedure discontinued due to patient refusal to continue procedure."
      "code" : "110506",
      "display" : "Patient taken for treatment or surgery",
      "definition" : "Procedure discontinued due to patient being taken for treatment or surgery."
      "code" : "110507",
      "display" : "Patient did not arrive",
      "definition" : "Patient did not arrive for procedure."
      "code" : "110508",
      "display" : "Patient pregnant",
      "definition" : "Procedure discontinued due to patient pregnancy (reported or determined)."
      "code" : "110509",
      "display" : "Change of procedure for correct charging",
      "definition" : "Procedure discontinued to restart with new procedure code for correct charging."
      "code" : "110510",
      "display" : "Duplicate order",
      "definition" : "Procedure discontinued due to duplicate orders received for same procedure."
      "code" : "110511",
      "display" : "Nursing unit cancel",
      "definition" : "Procedure order canceled by nursing unit."
      "code" : "110512",
      "display" : "Incorrect side ordered",
      "definition" : "Procedure discontinued due to incorrect side (laterality) being ordered."
      "code" : "110513",
      "display" : "Discontinued for unspecified reason",
      "definition" : "Procedure discontinued for unspecified reason."
      "code" : "110514",
      "display" : "Incorrect worklist entry selected",
      "definition" : "Procedure discontinued due to incorrect patient or procedure step selected from modality worklist."
      "code" : "110515",
      "display" : "Patient condition prevented continuing",
      "definition" : "Patient condition prevented continuation of procedure."
      "code" : "110516",
      "display" : "Equipment change",
      "definition" : "Procedure step is discontinued to change to other equipment or modality."
      "code" : "110518",
      "display" : "Patient Movement",
      "definition" : "A movement of the patient preventing continuation of procedure or affecting result quality."
      "code" : "110519",
      "display" : "Operator Error",
      "definition" : "An error of the operator preventing continuation of procedure or affecting result quality."
      "code" : "110520",
      "display" : "Channel Obstruction",
      "definition" : "The brachytherapy channel is obstructed and the treatment in this channel cannot proceed."
      "code" : "110521",
      "display" : "Objects incorrectly formatted",
      "definition" : "One or more of the objects is malformed."
      "code" : "110522",
      "display" : "Object Types not supported",
      "definition" : "Receiving System is unable to accept the object type."
      "code" : "110523",
      "display" : "Object Set incomplete",
      "definition" : "One or more objects associated with the object set is missing."
      "code" : "110524",
      "display" : "Media Failure",
      "definition" : "The contents of the Media could not be accessed properly."
      "code" : "110526",
      "display" : "Resource pre-empted",
      "definition" : "Procedure discontinued due to necessary equipment, staff or other resource becoming (temporarily) unavailable to the procedure."
      "code" : "110527",
      "display" : "Resource inadequate",
      "definition" : "Procedure discontinued due to necessary equipment, staff or other resource being inadequate to complete the procedure."
      "code" : "110528",
      "display" : "Discontinued Procedure Step rescheduled",
      "definition" : "A new Procedure Step has been scheduled to replace the Discontinued Procedure Step."
      "code" : "110529",
      "display" : "Discontinued Procedure Step rescheduling recommended",
      "definition" : "It is recommended that a new Procedure Step be scheduled to replace the Discontinued Procedure Step."
      "code" : "110530",
      "display" : "Workitem assignment rejected by assigned resource",
      "definition" : "The resource to which a workitem has been assigned has rejected the assignment."
      "code" : "110531",
      "display" : "Insufficient quality for interpretation",
      "definition" : "Reporting not possible due to lack of quality of the images provided."
      "code" : "110532",
      "display" : "Interpretation requires specialist expertise",
      "definition" : "The nature of the clinical problem means that reporting of the study requires a subject matter expert."
      "code" : "110533",
      "display" : "Workitem expired",
      "definition" : "The expiration date/time of the workitem has been exceeded."
      "code" : "110700",
      "display" : "Ventral Diencephalon",
      "definition" : "Ventral structures of the diencephalon that cannot readily be distinguished on MR imaging, including the hypothalamus, mammillary body, subthalamic nuclei, substantia nigra, red nucleus, lateral geniculate nucleus, medial geniculate nucleus, zona incerta, cerebral peduncle, lenticular fasciculus, medial lemniscus, and optic tract.See and ."
      "code" : "110701",
      "display" : "White Matter T1 Hypointensity",
      "definition" : "Area(s) of reduced intensity on T1 weighted images relative to the surrounding white matter.These may be indicative of age-related or neurodegenerative white matter lesions, and may be co-located with areas of white matter T2 hyperintensity, but the concept is specifically confined to the MR appearance on T1 weighted images."
      "code" : "110702",
      "display" : "White Matter T2 Hyperintensity",
      "definition" : "Area(s) of increased intensity on T2 weighted images relative to the surrounding white matter.These may be indicative of age-related or neurodegenerative white matter lesions, and may be co-located with areas of white matter T1 hypointensity, but the concept is specifically confined to the MR appearance on T2 weighted images."
      "code" : "110703",
      "display" : "superior longitudinal fasciculus I",
      "definition" : "The dorsal component of the SLF originating from the medial and dorsal parietal cortex and ending in the dorsal and medial part of the frontal lobe.See Makris N, et al. \"Segmentation of Subcomponents within the Superior Longitudinal Fascicle in Humans: A Quantitative, In Vivo, DT-MRI Study.\" Cerebral Cortex 15, no. 6 (June 1, 2005): 854-69. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhh186."
      "code" : "110704",
      "display" : "superior longitudinal fasciculus II",
      "definition" : "The major component of the SLF, derived from the caudal-inferior parietal region corresponding to the angular gyrus in the human and terminating within the dorsolateral frontal region.See Makris N, et al. \"Segmentation of Subcomponents within the Superior Longitudinal Fascicle in Humans: A Quantitative, In Vivo, DT-MRI Study.\" Cerebral Cortex 15, no. 6 (June 1, 2005): 854-69. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhh186."
      "code" : "110705",
      "display" : "superior longitudinal fasciculus III",
      "definition" : "The ventral component of the SLF, originating from the supramarginal gyrus and terminating predominantly in the ventral premotor and prefrontal areas.See Makris N, et al. \"Segmentation of Subcomponents within the Superior Longitudinal Fascicle in Humans: A Quantitative, In Vivo, DT-MRI Study.\" Cerebral Cortex 15, no. 6 (June 1, 2005): 854-69. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhh186."
      "code" : "110706",
      "display" : "Perilesional White Matter",
      "definition" : "White matter that surrounds a lesion of interest."
      "code" : "110800",
      "display" : "Spin Tagging Perfusion MR Signal Intensity",
      "definition" : "Signal intensity of a Spin tagging Perfusion MR image. Spin tagging is a technique for the measurement of blood perfusion, based on magnetically labeled arterial blood water as an endogenous tracer."
      "code" : "110801",
      "display" : "Contrast Agent Angio MR Signal Intensity",
      "definition" : "Signal intensity of a Contrast Agent Angio MR image."
      "code" : "110802",
      "display" : "Time Of Flight Angio MR Signal Intensity",
      "definition" : "Signal intensity of a Time-of-flight (TOF) MR image. Time-of-flight (TOF) is based on the phenomenon of flow-related enhancement of spins entering into an imaging slice. As a result of being unsaturated, these spins give more signal that surrounding stationary spins."
      "code" : "110803",
      "display" : "Proton Density Weighted MR Signal Intensity",
      "definition" : "Signal intensity of a Proton Density Weighted MR image. All MR images have intensity proportional to proton density. Images with very little T1 or T2 weighting are called 'PD-weighted'."
      "code" : "110804",
      "display" : "T1 Weighted MR Signal Intensity",
      "definition" : "Signal intensity of T1 Weighted MR image. A T1 Weighted MR image is created typically by using short TE and TR times."
      "code" : "110805",
      "display" : "T2 Weighted MR Signal Intensity",
      "definition" : "Signal intensity of a T2 Weighted MR image. T2 Weighted image contrast state is approached by imaging with a TR long compared to tissue T1 (to reduce T1 contribution to image contrast) and a TE between the longest and shortest tissue T2s of interest."
      "code" : "110806",
      "display" : "T2* Weighted MR Signal Intensity",
      "definition" : "Signal intensity of a T2* Weighted MR image. The T2* phenomenon results from molecular interactions (spin spin relaxation) and local magnetic field non-uniformities, which cause the protons to precess at slightly different frequencies."
      "code" : "110807",
      "display" : "Field Map MR Signal Intensity",
      "definition" : "Signal intensity of a Field Map MR image. A Field Map MR image provides a direct measure of the B0 inhomogeneity at each point in the image."
      "code" : "110808",
      "display" : "Fractional Anisotropy",
      "definition" : "Coefficient reflecting the fractional anisotropy of the tissues, derived from a diffusion weighted MR image. Fractional anisotropy is proportional to the square root of the variance of the Eigen values divided by the square root of the sum of the squares of the Eigen values."
      "code" : "110809",
      "display" : "Relative Anisotropy",
      "definition" : "Coefficient reflecting the relative anisotropy of the tissues, derived from a diffusion weighted MR image."
      "code" : "110810",
      "display" : "Volumetric Diffusion Dxx Component",
      "definition" : "Dxx Component of the diffusion tensor, quantifying the molecular mobility along the X axis."
      "code" : "110811",
      "display" : "Volumetric Diffusion Dxy Component",
      "definition" : "Dxy Component of the diffusion tensor, quantifying the correlation of molecular displacements in the X and Y directions."
      "code" : "110812",
      "display" : "Volumetric Diffusion Dxz Component",
      "definition" : "Dxz Component of the diffusion tensor, quantifying the correlation of molecular displacements in the X and Z directions."
      "code" : "110813",
      "display" : "Volumetric Diffusion Dyy Component",
      "definition" : "Dyy Component of the diffusion tensor, quantifying the molecular mobility along the Y axis."
      "code" : "110814",
      "display" : "Volumetric Diffusion Dyz Component",
      "definition" : "Dyz Component of the diffusion tensor, quantifying the correlation of molecular displacements in the Y and Z directions."
      "code" : "110815",
      "display" : "Volumetric Diffusion Dzz Component",
      "definition" : "Dzz Component of the diffusion tensor, quantifying the molecular mobility along the Z axis."
      "code" : "110816",
      "display" : "T1 Weighted Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR Signal Intensity",
      "definition" : "Signal intensity of a T1 Weighted Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR image. A T1 Weighted Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR image reflects the dynamics of diffusion of the exogenous contrast media from the blood pool into the extra vascular extracellular space (EES) of the brain at a rate determined by the blood flow to the tissue, the permeability of the Brain Blood Barrier (BBB), and the surface area of the perfusing vessels."
      "code" : "110817",
      "display" : "T2 Weighted Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR Signal Intensity",
      "definition" : "Signal intensity of a T2 Weighted Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR image. A T2 Weighted Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR image reflects the T2 of tissue decrease as the Gd contrast agent bolus passes through the brain."
      "code" : "110818",
      "display" : "T2* Weighted Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR Signal Intensity",
      "definition" : "Signal intensity of a T2* Weighted Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR image. A T2* Weighted Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR image reflects the T2* of tissue decrease as the Gd contrast agent bolus passes through the brain."
      "code" : "110819",
      "display" : "Blood Oxygenation Level",
      "definition" : "Signal intensity of a Blood Oxygenation Level image. Used in Photoacoustic Imaging and functional MR. In functional MR BOLD imaging it is used for detecting brain activation and is sensitive to blood oxygenation (but also to cerebral blood flow and volume)."
      "code" : "110820",
      "display" : "Nuclear Medicine Projection Activity",
      "definition" : "Accumulated decay event counts in a nuclear medicine projection image."
      "code" : "110821",
      "display" : "Nuclear Medicine Tomographic Activity",
      "definition" : "Accumulated decay event counts in a Nuclear Medicine Tomographic image (including PET)."
      "code" : "110822",
      "display" : "Spatial Displacement X Component",
      "definition" : "Spatial Displacement along axis X of a non linear deformable spatial registration image. The X axis is defined in reference to the patient's orientation, and is increasing to the left hand side of the patient."
      "code" : "110823",
      "display" : "Spatial Displacement Y Component",
      "definition" : "Spatial Displacement along axis Y of a non linear deformable spatial registration image. The Y axis is defined in reference to the patient's orientation, and is increasing to the posterior side of the patient."
      "code" : "110824",
      "display" : "Spatial Displacement Z Component",
      "definition" : "Spatial Displacement along axis Z of a Non linear deformable spatial registration image. The Z axis is defined in reference to the patient's orientation, and is increasing toward the head of the patient."
      "code" : "110825",
      "display" : "Hemodynamic Resistance",
      "definition" : "Measured resistance to the flow of blood."
      "code" : "110826",
      "display" : "Indexed Hemodynamic Resistance",
      "definition" : "Measured resistance to the flow of blood."
      "code" : "110827",
      "display" : "Tissue Velocity",
      "definition" : "Velocity of tissue based on Doppler measurements."
      "code" : "110828",
      "display" : "Flow Velocity",
      "definition" : "Velocity of blood flow based on Doppler measurements."
      "code" : "110829",
      "display" : "Flow Variance",
      "definition" : "Statistical variance of blood velocity relative to mean."
      "code" : "110830",
      "display" : "Elasticity",
      "definition" : "Scalar value related to the elastic properties of the tissue."
      "code" : "110831",
      "display" : "Perfusion",
      "definition" : "Scalar value related to the volume of blood perfusing into tissue."
      "code" : "110832",
      "display" : "Speed of sound",
      "definition" : "Speed of sound in tissue."
      "code" : "110833",
      "display" : "Ultrasound Attenuation",
      "definition" : "Reduction in strength of ultrasound signal as the wave."
      "code" : "110834",
      "display" : "RGB R Component",
      "definition" : "Red component of a true color image (RGB)."
      "code" : "110835",
      "display" : "RGB G Component",
      "definition" : "Green component of a true color image (RGB)."
      "code" : "110836",
      "display" : "RGB B Component",
      "definition" : "Blue component of a true color image (RGB)."
      "code" : "110837",
      "display" : "YBR FULL Y Component",
      "definition" : "Y (Luminance) component of a YBR FULL image, as defined in JPEG 2000."
      "code" : "110838",
      "display" : "YBR FULL CB Component",
      "definition" : "CB (Blue chrominance) component of a YBR FULL image, as defined in JPEG 2000."
      "code" : "110839",
      "display" : "YBR FULL CR Component",
      "definition" : "CR (Red chrominance) component of a YBR FULL image, as defined in JPEG 2000."
      "code" : "110840",
      "display" : "YBR PARTIAL Y Component",
      "definition" : "Y (Luminance) component of a YBR PARTIAL image, as defined in JPEG 2000."
      "code" : "110841",
      "display" : "YBR PARTIAL CB Component",
      "definition" : "CB (Blue chrominance) component of a YBR PARTIAL image, as defined in JPEG 2000."
      "code" : "110842",
      "display" : "YBR PARTIAL CR Component",
      "definition" : "CR (Red chrominance) component of a YBR PARTIAL image, as defined in JPEG 2000."
      "code" : "110843",
      "display" : "YBR ICT Y Component",
      "definition" : "Y (Luminance) component of a YBR ICT image (Irreversible Color Transform), as defined in JPEG 2000."
      "code" : "110844",
      "display" : "YBR ICT CB Component",
      "definition" : "CB (Blue chrominance) component of a YBR ICT image (Irreversible Color Transform), as defined in JPEG 2000."
      "code" : "110845",
      "display" : "YBR ICT CR Component",
      "definition" : "CR (Red chrominance) component of a YBR ICT image (Irreversible Color Transform), as defined in JPEG 2000."
      "code" : "110846",
      "display" : "YBR RCT Y Component",
      "definition" : "Y (Luminance) component of a YBR RCT image (Reversible Color Transform), as defined in JPEG 2000."
      "code" : "110847",
      "display" : "YBR RCT CB Component",
      "definition" : "CB (Blue chrominance) component of a YBR RCT image (Reversible Color Transform), as defined in JPEG 2000."
      "code" : "110848",
      "display" : "YBR RCT CR Component",
      "definition" : "CR (Red chrominance) component of a YBR RCT image (Reversible Color Transform), as defined in JPEG 2000."
      "code" : "110849",
      "display" : "Echogenicity",
      "definition" : "The ability of a material to create an ultrasound return echo."
      "code" : "110850",
      "display" : "X-Ray Attenuation",
      "definition" : "Decrease in the number of photons in an X-Ray beam due to interactions with the atoms of a material substance. Attenuation is due primarily to two processes, absorption and scattering."
      "code" : "110851",
      "display" : "X-Ray Attenuation Coefficient",
      "definition" : "Coefficient that describes the fraction of a beam of X-Rays or gamma rays that is absorbed or scattered per unit thickness of the absorber. This value basically accounts for the number of atoms in a cubic cm volume of material and the probability of a photon being scattered or absorbed from the nucleus or an electron of one of these atoms."
      "code" : "110852",
      "display" : "MR signal intensity",
      "definition" : "Signal intensity of an MR image, not otherwise specified."
      "code" : "110853",
      "display" : "Binary Segmentation",
      "definition" : "Binary value denoting that the segmented property is present."
      "code" : "110854",
      "display" : "Fractional Probabilistic Segmentation",
      "definition" : "Probability, defined as a percentage, that the segmented property occupies the spatial area defined by the voxel."
      "code" : "110855",
      "display" : "Fractional Occupancy Segmentation",
      "definition" : "Percentage of the voxel area occupied by the segmented property."
      "code" : "110856",
      "display" : "Linear Displacement",
      "definition" : "Spatial dimension, denoting a linear displacement."
      "code" : "110857",
      "display" : "Photon Energy",
      "definition" : "Dimension denoting the energy (frequency or wavelength) of photons."
      "code" : "110858",
      "display" : "Time",
      "definition" : "Dimension used to sequence events, to compare the duration of events and the intervals between events."
      "code" : "110859",
      "display" : "Angle",
      "definition" : "Spatial dimension, denoting an angle."
      "code" : "110860",
      "display" : "Left-Right Axis",
      "definition" : "A spatial dimension axis running along a line between the patient's left and right side."
      "code" : "110861",
      "display" : "Head-Foot Axis",
      "definition" : "A spatial dimension axis running along a line between the patient's head and foot."
      "code" : "110862",
      "display" : "Anterior-Posterior Axis",
      "definition" : "A spatial dimension axis running along a line between the patient's anterior and posterior sides."
      "code" : "110863",
      "display" : "Apex-Base Axis",
      "definition" : "A spatial dimension axis running along a line between the apex and base of an organ, object, or chamber."
      "code" : "110864",
      "display" : "Anterior-Inferior Axis",
      "definition" : "A spatial dimension axis running along a line between the anterior and inferior sides of an organ, object, or chamber."
      "code" : "110865",
      "display" : "Septum-Wall Axis",
      "definition" : "A spatial dimension axis running along a line between the septum and wall of a chamber."
      "code" : "110866",
      "display" : "Right To Left",
      "definition" : "Orientation of a spatial dimension where increasing values run from the right to the left side of the patient."
      "code" : "110867",
      "display" : "Left To Right",
      "definition" : "Orientation of a spatial dimension where increasing values run from the left to the right side of the patient."
      "code" : "110868",
      "display" : "Head To Foot",
      "definition" : "Orientation of a spatial dimension where increasing values run from the head to the foot of the patient."
      "code" : "110869",
      "display" : "Foot To Head",
      "definition" : "Orientation of a spatial dimension where increasing values run from the foot to the head of the patient."
      "code" : "110870",
      "display" : "Anterior To Posterior",
      "definition" : "Orientation of a spatial dimension where increasing values run from the anterior to the posterior side of the patient."
      "code" : "110871",
      "display" : "Posterior To Anterior",
      "definition" : "Orientation of a spatial dimension where increasing values run from the posterior to the anterior side of the patient."
      "code" : "110872",
      "display" : "Apex To Base",
      "definition" : "Orientation of a spatial dimension where increasing values run from the apex to the base."
      "code" : "110873",
      "display" : "Base To Apex",
      "definition" : "Orientation of a spatial dimension where increasing values run from the base to the apex."
      "code" : "110874",
      "display" : "Anterior To Inferior",
      "definition" : "Orientation of a spatial dimension where increasing values run from the anterior to the inferior."
      "code" : "110875",
      "display" : "Inferior To Anterior",
      "definition" : "Orientation of a spatial dimension where increasing values run from the inferior to the anterior."
      "code" : "110876",
      "display" : "Septum To Wall",
      "definition" : "Orientation of a spatial dimension where increasing values run from the septum of a chamber to the opposite wall."
      "code" : "110877",
      "display" : "Wall To Septum",
      "definition" : "Orientation of a spatial dimension where increasing values run from the opposite wall to the septum of a chamber."
      "code" : "110901",
      "display" : "Image Position (Patient) X",
      "definition" : "The x coordinate of the upper left hand corner (center of the first voxel transmitted) of the image, with respect to the patient-based coordinate system."
      "code" : "110902",
      "display" : "Image Position (Patient) Y",
      "definition" : "The y coordinate of the upper left hand corner (center of the first voxel transmitted) of the image, with respect to the patient-based coordinate system."
      "code" : "110903",
      "display" : "Image Position (Patient) Z",
      "definition" : "The z coordinate of the upper left hand corner (center of the first voxel transmitted) of the image, with respect to the patient-based coordinate system."
      "code" : "110904",
      "display" : "Image Orientation (Patient) Row X",
      "definition" : "The x value of the first row direction cosine with respect to the patient, with respect to the patient-based coordinate system."
      "code" : "110905",
      "display" : "Image Orientation (Patient) Row Y",
      "definition" : "The y value of the first row direction cosine with respect to the patient, with respect to the patient-based coordinate system."
      "code" : "110906",
      "display" : "Image Orientation (Patient) Row Z",
      "definition" : "The z value of the first row direction cosine with respect to the patient, with respect to the patient-based coordinate system."
      "code" : "110907",
      "display" : "Image Orientation (Patient) Column X",
      "definition" : "The x value of the first column direction cosine with respect to the patient, with respect to the patient-based coordinate system."
      "code" : "110908",
      "display" : "Image Orientation (Patient) Column Y",
      "definition" : "The y value of the first column direction cosine with respect to the patient, with respect to the patient-based coordinate system."
      "code" : "110909",
      "display" : "Image Orientation (Patient) Column Z",
      "definition" : "The z value of the first column direction cosine with respect to the patient, with respect to the patient-based coordinate system."
      "code" : "110910",
      "display" : "Pixel Data Rows",
      "definition" : "Number of rows in the pixel data of the image."
      "code" : "110911",
      "display" : "Pixel Data Columns",
      "definition" : "Number of columns in the pixel data of the image."
      "code" : "111000",
      "display" : "Algorithm Family",
      "definition" : "The family of algorithm(s) that best describes the software algorithm used."
      "code" : "111001",
      "display" : "Algorithm Name",
      "definition" : "The name assigned by a manufacturer to a specific software algorithm."
      "code" : "111002",
      "display" : "Algorithm Parameters",
      "definition" : "The input parameters used by a manufacturer to configure the behavior of a specific software algorithm."
      "code" : "111003",
      "display" : "Algorithm Version",
      "definition" : "The software version identifier assigned by a manufacturer to a specific software algorithm."
      "code" : "111004",
      "display" : "Analysis Performed",
      "definition" : "The type of correlation applied to detection results."
      "code" : "111005",
      "display" : "Assessment Category",
      "definition" : "Assignment of intermediate or overall interpretation results to a general category."
      "code" : "111006",
      "display" : "Breast composition",
      "definition" : "Assessment of annotating tissues in breast; generally including fatty, mixed or dense"
      "code" : "111007",
      "display" : "Breast Outline including Pectoral Muscle Tissue",
      "definition" : "Purpose of reference for an SCOORD Content Item that is an outline of the breast that includes the pectoral muscle tissue"
      "code" : "111008",
      "display" : "Calcification Distribution",
      "definition" : "The type of distribution associated with detected calcifications."
      "code" : "111009",
      "display" : "Calcification Type",
      "definition" : "Identification of the morphology of detected calcifications."
      "code" : "111010",
      "display" : "Center",
      "definition" : "The central point of a finding or feature."
      "code" : "111011",
      "display" : "Certainty of Feature",
      "definition" : "The likelihood that the feature analyzed is in fact the type of feature identified."
      "code" : "111012",
      "display" : "Certainty of Finding",
      "definition" : "The likelihood that the finding detected is in fact the type of finding identified."
      "code" : "111013",
      "display" : "Certainty of Impression",
      "definition" : "The certainty that a device places on an impression, where 0 equals no certainty and 100 equals certainty."
      "code" : "111014",
      "display" : "Clockface or region",
      "definition" : "A location identifier based on clockface numbering or anatomic subregion."
      "code" : "111015",
      "display" : "Composite Feature",
      "definition" : "An item that is an inferred correlation relating two or more individual findings or features."
      "code" : "111016",
      "display" : "Composite type",
      "definition" : "The inferred relationship between the findings or features making up a composite feature."
      "code" : "111017",
      "display" : "CAD Processing and Findings Summary",
      "definition" : "General assessment of whether or not CAD processing was successful, and whether any findings resulted."
      "code" : "111018",
      "display" : "Content Date",
      "definition" : "The date the data creation started."
      "code" : "111019",
      "display" : "Content Time",
      "definition" : "The time the data creation started."
      "code" : "111020",
      "display" : "Depth",
      "definition" : "A location identifier based on a feature's inferred distance from the surface of the associated anatomy."
      "code" : "111021",
      "display" : "Description of Change",
      "definition" : "A textual description of the change that occurred over time in a qualitative characteristic of a feature."
      "code" : "111022",
      "display" : "Detection Performed",
      "definition" : "The type of finding sought after by a specific algorithm applied to one image."
      "code" : "111023",
      "display" : "Differential Diagnosis/Impression",
      "definition" : "A general change that occurred within an imaged area between a prior imaging procedure and the current imaging procedure."
      "code" : "111024",
      "display" : "Failed Analyses",
      "definition" : "A group of analysis algorithms that were attempted, but failed."
      "code" : "111025",
      "display" : "Failed Detections",
      "definition" : "A group of detection algorithms that were attempted, but failed."
      "code" : "111026",
      "display" : "Horizontal Pixel Spacing",
      "definition" : "For projection radiography, the horizontal physical distance measured at the front plane of an Image Receptor housing between the center of each pixel (spacing between the centers of adjacent columns). For tomographic images, the horizontal physical distance in the patient between the center of each pixel."
      "code" : "111027",
      "display" : "Image Laterality",
      "definition" : "Laterality of (possibly paired) body part contained in an image."
      "code" : "111028",
      "display" : "Image Library",
      "definition" : "A container that references all image data used as evidence to produce a report."
      "code" : "111029",
      "display" : "Image Quality Rating",
      "definition" : "A numeric value in the range 0 to 100, inclusive, where 0 is worst quality and 100 is best quality."
      "code" : "111030",
      "display" : "Image Region",
      "definition" : "Purpose of reference for an SCOORD Content Item that identifies a specific region of interest within an image"
      "code" : "111031",
      "display" : "Image View",
      "definition" : "The projection of the anatomic region of interest on an image receptor."
      "code" : "111032",
      "display" : "Image View Modifier",
      "definition" : "Modifier for Image View."
      "code" : "111033",
      "display" : "Impression Description",
      "definition" : "Free-form text describing the overall or an individual impression."
      "code" : "111034",
      "display" : "Individual Impression/​Recommendation",
      "definition" : "A container for a group of related results from interpretation of one or more images and associated clinical information."
      "code" : "111035",
      "display" : "Lesion Density",
      "definition" : "The X-Ray attenuation of a lesion relative to the expected attenuation of an equal volume of fibroglandular breast tissue."
      "code" : "111036",
      "display" : "Mammography CAD Report",
      "definition" : "A structured report containing the results of computer-aided detection or diagnosis applied to breast imaging and associated clinical information."
      "code" : "111037",
      "display" : "Margins",
      "definition" : "The characteristic of the boundary, edges or border of a detected lesion."
      "code" : "111038",
      "display" : "Number of calcifications",
      "definition" : "The quantity of calcifications detected within an identified group or cluster."
      "code" : "111039",
      "display" : "Object type",
      "definition" : "A non-lesion object identified within one or more images."
      "code" : "111040",
      "display" : "Original Source",
      "definition" : "Purpose of reference for a COMPOSITE Content Item that identifies it as the original source of evidence for another Content Item in the report"
      "code" : "111041",
      "display" : "Outline",
      "definition" : "The outline of a finding or feature."
      "code" : "111042",
      "display" : "Pathology",
      "definition" : "The inferred type of disease associated with an identified feature."
      "code" : "111043",
      "display" : "Patient Orientation Column",
      "definition" : "The patient orientation relative to the image plane, specified by a value that designates the anatomical direction of the positive column axis (top to bottom)."
      "code" : "111044",
      "display" : "Patient Orientation Row",
      "definition" : "The patient orientation relative to the image plane, specified by a value that designates the anatomical direction of the positive row axis (left to right)."
      "code" : "111045",
      "display" : "Pectoral Muscle Outline",
      "definition" : "Purpose of reference for an SCOORD Content Item that is an outline of the pectoral muscle tissue only"
      "code" : "111046",
      "display" : "Percent Fibroglandular Tissue",
      "definition" : "Percent of breast area that is mammographically dense, excluding pectoralis muscle."
      "code" : "111047",
      "display" : "Probability of cancer",
      "definition" : "The likelihood that an identified finding or feature is cancerous."
      "code" : "111048",
      "display" : "Quadrant location",
      "definition" : "A location identifier based on the division of an area into four regions."
      "code" : "111049",
      "display" : "Qualitative Difference",
      "definition" : "A qualitative characteristic of a feature that has changed over time."
      "code" : "111050",
      "display" : "Quality Assessment",
      "definition" : "The effect of the quality of an image on its usability."
      "code" : "111051",
      "display" : "Quality Control Standard",
      "definition" : "The quality control standard used to make a quality assessment."
      "code" : "111052",
      "display" : "Quality Finding",
      "definition" : "A specific quality related deficiency detected within an image."
      "code" : "111053",
      "display" : "Recommended Follow-up",
      "definition" : "Recommended type of follow-up to an imaging procedure, based on interpreted results."
      "code" : "111054",
      "display" : "Recommended Follow-up Date",
      "definition" : "Recommended follow-up date to an imaging procedure, based on interpreted results."
      "code" : "111055",
      "display" : "Recommended Follow-up Interval",
      "definition" : "Recommended follow-up interval to an imaging procedure, based on interpreted results."
      "code" : "111056",
      "display" : "Rendering Intent",
      "definition" : "The recommendation of the producer of a Content Item regarding presentation of the Content Item by recipients of the report."
      "code" : "111057",
      "display" : "Scope of Feature",
      "definition" : "An indication of how widespread the detection of a feature is within the analyzed image data."
      "code" : "111058",
      "display" : "Selected Region Description",
      "definition" : "A textual description of the contents of a selected region identified within an image."
      "code" : "111059",
      "display" : "Single Image Finding",
      "definition" : "An item that was detected on one image."
      "code" : "111060",
      "display" : "Study Date",
      "definition" : "Date on which the acquisition of the study information was started."
      "code" : "111061",
      "display" : "Study Time",
      "definition" : "Time at which the acquisition of the study information was started."
      "code" : "111062",
      "display" : "Successful Analyses",
      "definition" : "A group of analysis algorithms that were attempted and completed successfully."
      "code" : "111063",
      "display" : "Successful Detections",
      "definition" : "A group of detection algorithms that were attempted and completed successfully."
      "code" : "111064",
      "display" : "Summary of Detections",
      "definition" : "An overall indication of whether the CAD detection algorithms applied were completed successfully."
      "code" : "111065",
      "display" : "Summary of Analyses",
      "definition" : "An overall indication of whether the CAD analysis algorithms applied were completed successfully."
      "code" : "111066",
      "display" : "Vertical Pixel Spacing",
      "definition" : "For projection radiography, the vertical physical distance measured at the front plane of an Image Receptor housing between the center of each pixel (spacing between the centers of adjacent rows). For tomographic images, the vertical physical distance in the patient between the center of each pixel."
      "code" : "111069",
      "display" : "Crosstable",
      "definition" : "A radiographic projection that has been with the patient lying on a table with the X-Ray source on one side of the table and the detector on the other."
      "code" : "111071",
      "display" : "CAD Operating Point",
      "definition" : "One of a number of discrete points on the Receiver-Operator Characteristics (ROC) curve that reflects the expected sensitivity and specificity of a CAD algorithm, where zero indicates the highest specificity, lowest sensitivity operating point. The value should not exceed the Maximum CAD Operating Point."
      "code" : "111072",
      "display" : "Maximum CAD Operating Point",
      "definition" : "The maximum value of CAD Operating Point for the specific CAD algorithm used."
      "code" : "111081",
      "display" : "CAD Operating Point Description",
      "definition" : "The intended interpretation of a CAD Operating Point."
      "code" : "111086",
      "display" : "False Markers per Image",
      "definition" : "The number of false CAD markers per image. Correlates to inverse of Image Specificity."
      "code" : "111087",
      "display" : "False Markers per Case",
      "definition" : "The number of false markers per collection of images that are CAD processed as a group. Correlates to inverse of Case Specificity."
      "code" : "111088",
      "display" : "Case Sensitivity",
      "definition" : "The percentage of cancers that should be detected by a CAD algorithm where CAD marks the cancers in at least one view."
      "code" : "111089",
      "display" : "Lesion Sensitivity",
      "definition" : "The percentage of cancers that should be detected by a CAD algorithm where CAD marks the cancers in each view."
      "code" : "111090",
      "display" : "Case Specificity",
      "definition" : "The percentage of cases (collections of images CAD processed as a group) without cancer that have no CAD findings whatsoever. Correlates to inverse of False Markers per Case."
      "code" : "111091",
      "display" : "Image Specificity",
      "definition" : "The percentage of images without cancer that have no CAD findings whatsoever. Correlates to inverse of False Markers per Image."
      "code" : "111092",
      "display" : "Recommended CAD Operating Point",
      "definition" : "The CAD operating point that is recommended for initial display by the creator of the structured report."
      "code" : "111093",
      "display" : "CAD Operating Point Table",
      "definition" : "A list of CAD operating points including their corresponding characteristics."
      "code" : "111099",
      "display" : "Selected region",
      "definition" : "A specific area of interest noted within an image."
      "code" : "111100",
      "display" : "Breast geometry",
      "definition" : "The surface shape of all or a portion of breast related anatomy."
      "code" : "111101",
      "display" : "Image Quality",
      "definition" : "Image quality incorporates the following clinical image evaluation parameters: assessment of positioning, compression, artifacts, exposure, contrast, sharpness, and labeling."
      "code" : "111102",
      "display" : "Non-lesion",
      "definition" : "A finding or feature that is identified as a non-anatomic foreign object."
      "code" : "111103",
      "display" : "Density",
      "definition" : "A space-occupying lesion identified in a single image or projection"
      "code" : "111104",
      "display" : "Individual Calcification",
      "definition" : "A single identified calcification"
      "code" : "111105",
      "display" : "Calcification Cluster",
      "definition" : "Multiple calcifications identified as occupying a small area of tissue (less than 2 cc)"
      "code" : "111111",
      "display" : "Cooper's ligament changes",
      "definition" : "Straightening or thickening of Cooper's ligaments."
      "code" : "111112",
      "display" : "Mass in the skin",
      "definition" : "An abnormality noted at imaging within the dermis of the breast."
      "code" : "111113",
      "display" : "Mass on the skin",
      "definition" : "An abnormality noted at imaging on the epidermis of the breast."
      "code" : "111120",
      "display" : "Post Procedure Mammograms for Marker Placement",
      "definition" : "An assessment category to indicate that images have been acquired to assess marker placement following a breast interventional procedure."
      "code" : "111121",
      "display" : "Follow-up post biopsy as directed by clinician",
      "definition" : "An indication that the patient should seek post procedural follow-up directives from a clinical health care provider."
      "code" : "111122",
      "display" : "Known biopsy proven malignancy - take appropriate action",
      "definition" : "A recommendation on a patient with known cancer to take steps appropriate to the diagnosis."
      "code" : "111123",
      "display" : "Marker placement",
      "definition" : "Positioning of a radiopaque marker."
      "code" : "111124",
      "display" : "Personal history of breast cancer with mastectomy",
      "definition" : "Patient has previous diagnosis of breast cancer resulting in mastectomy."
      "code" : "111125",
      "display" : "Known biopsy proven malignancy",
      "definition" : "Patient has had biopsy containing proven malignancy."
      "code" : "111126",
      "display" : "Image detected mass",
      "definition" : "Patient has a finding of mass reported on a prior imaging study."
      "code" : "111127",
      "display" : "Targeted",
      "definition" : "A breast imaging procedure performed on a specific area of the breast."
      "code" : "111128",
      "display" : "Survey",
      "definition" : "A breast imaging procedure performed on the entire breast."
      "code" : "111129",
      "display" : "Clustered microcysts",
      "definition" : "A cluster of tiny anechoic foci each smaller than 2-3 mm in diameter with thin (less than 0.5 mm) intervening septations and no discrete solid components."
      "code" : "111130",
      "display" : "Complicated cyst",
      "definition" : "A fluid filled mass most commonly characterized by homogeneous low-level internal echoes on ultrasound."
      "code" : "111135",
      "display" : "Additional projections",
      "definition" : "Views not inclusive of MLO and CC (BI-RADS®)."
      "code" : "111136",
      "display" : "Spot magnification view(s)",
      "definition" : "A spot or coned down compression of the breast providing a reduction in the thickness and a magnification of the localized area of interest and improved separation of breast tissue."
      "code" : "111137",
      "display" : "Ultrasound"
      "code" : "111138",
      "display" : "Old films for comparison",
      "definition" : "Obtain previous mammography studies to compare to present study."
      "code" : "111139",
      "display" : "Ductography",
      "definition" : "A medical procedure used for the sampling of mammary duct tissue"
      "code" : "111140",
      "display" : "Normal interval follow-up",
      "definition" : "Follow up study at 12 months for women ≥ 40 years of age having a prior negative study and no mitigating risk factors for breast cancer."
      "code" : "111141",
      "display" : "Any decision to biopsy should be based on clinical assessment",
      "definition" : "Any decision to perform tissue acquisition should be based on clinical assessment."
      "code" : "111142",
      "display" : "Follow-up at short interval (1-11 months)",
      "definition" : "Follow-up at short interval (1-11 months)."
      "code" : "111143",
      "display" : "Biopsy should be considered",
      "definition" : "Tissue acquisition should be considered."
      "code" : "111144",
      "display" : "Needle localization and biopsy",
      "definition" : "Breast tissue acquisition following the identification of an area of concern with the placement of a needle or needle-wire assembly."
      "code" : "111145",
      "display" : "Histology using core biopsy",
      "definition" : "Pathologic analysis of breast tissue and lesions using core tissue samples."
      "code" : "111146",
      "display" : "Suggestive of malignancy - take appropriate action",
      "definition" : "Lesions that do not have the characteristic morphologies of breast cancer but have a definite probability of being malignant. There is a sufficient concern to urge a biopsy."
      "code" : "111147",
      "display" : "Cytologic analysis",
      "definition" : "Cellular analysis of specimen."
      "code" : "111148",
      "display" : "Biopsy should be strongly considered",
      "definition" : "Tissue acquisition should be strongly considered."
      "code" : "111149",
      "display" : "Highly suggestive of malignancy - take appropriate action",
      "definition" : "Lesions have a high probability of being cancer, which require additional action."
      "code" : "111150",
      "display" : "Presentation Required: Rendering device is expected to present",
      "definition" : "The producer of a report intends for a recipient of the report to present or display the associated Content Item."
      "code" : "111151",
      "display" : "Presentation Optional: Rendering device may present",
      "definition" : "The producer of a report considers the presentation or display of the associated Content Item by a recipient to be optional."
      "code" : "111152",
      "display" : "Not for Presentation: Rendering device expected not to present",
      "definition" : "The producer of a report intends for a recipient of the report NOT to present or display the associated Content Item."
      "code" : "111153",
      "display" : "Target Content Items are related temporally",
      "definition" : "The associated Content Items are identified as being the same finding or feature at different points in time."
      "code" : "111154",
      "display" : "Target Content Items are related spatially",
      "definition" : "The associated Content Items are identified as being the same finding or feature on different projections taken at the same point in time."
      "code" : "111155",
      "display" : "Target Content Items are related contra-laterally",
      "definition" : "The associated Content Items are identified as being related side-to-side."
      "code" : "111156",
      "display" : "Feature detected on the only image",
      "definition" : "There is one image in the interpreted data."
      "code" : "111157",
      "display" : "Feature detected on only one of the images",
      "definition" : "There is more than one image of the same modality in the interpreted data."
      "code" : "111158",
      "display" : "Feature detected on multiple images",
      "definition" : "There is more than one image of the same modality in the interpreted data."
      "code" : "111159",
      "display" : "Feature detected on images from multiple modalities",
      "definition" : "The interpreted data contains images from multiple modalities."
      "code" : "111168",
      "display" : "Scar tissue",
      "definition" : "The fibrous tissue replacing normal tissues destroyed by disease or injury"
      "code" : "111170",
      "display" : "J Wire",
      "definition" : "A medical appliance used for localization of non palpable breast lesions to insure that the proper area is removed in a surgical biopsy"
      "code" : "111171",
      "display" : "Pacemaker",
      "definition" : "A medical appliance used for regulating cardiac rhythms"
      "code" : "111172",
      "display" : "Paddle",
      "definition" : "A compression device used for obtaining mammographic images"
      "code" : "111173",
      "display" : "Collimator",
      "definition" : "A device used for restricting an X-Ray beam"
      "code" : "111174",
      "display" : "ID Plate",
      "definition" : "An area designated on a radiographic film for facility and patient ID information"
      "code" : "111175",
      "display" : "Other Marker",
      "definition" : "Site specific markers."
      "code" : "111176",
      "display" : "Unspecified",
      "definition" : "The value of the concept is not specified"
      "code" : "111177",
      "display" : "View and Laterality Marker is missing",
      "definition" : "Image quality deficiency according to MQSA."
      "code" : "111178",
      "display" : "View and Laterality Marker does not have both view and laterality",
      "definition" : "Image quality deficiency according to MQCM."
      "code" : "111179",
      "display" : "View and Laterality Marker does not have approved codes",
      "definition" : "Image quality deficiency according to MQCM."
      "code" : "111180",
      "display" : "View and Laterality Marker is not near the axilla",
      "definition" : "Image quality deficiency according to MQCM."
      "code" : "111181",
      "display" : "View and Laterality Marker overlaps breast tissue",
      "definition" : "Image quality deficiency according to MQCM."
      "code" : "111182",
      "display" : "View and Laterality Marker is partially obscured",
      "definition" : "Image quality deficiency according to MQCM."
      "code" : "111183",
      "display" : "View and Laterality Marker is incorrect",
      "definition" : "Image quality deficiency."
      "code" : "111184",
      "display" : "View and Laterality Marker is off image",
      "definition" : "Image quality deficiency."    },
      "code" : "111459",
      "display" : "Mass with calcifications",
      "definition" : "A radiopaque density noted during diagnostic imaging that has associated calcific densities."
      "code" : "111460",
      "display" : "Complex cyst",
      "definition" : "A fluid-filled sac with greater than normal characteristics."
      "code" : "111461",
      "display" : "Intracystic lesion",
      "definition" : "A tumor within a cyst."
      "code" : "111462",
      "display" : "Solid mass",
      "definition" : "A tumor or lesion."
      "code" : "111463",
      "display" : "Supplementary Data for Intervention",
      "definition" : "Supporting evidence for interpretation results of an interventional procedure."
     &nb" : "Mode for determining the starting luminance for screening test points - the starting luminance is chosen based on the result of the foveal threshold value."
      "code" : "111842",
      "display" : "Related to non macular sensitivity",
      "definition" : "Mode for determining the starting luminance for screening test points - the starting luminance is chosen based on the result of four threshold values measured near the 15° meridian (one in each quadrant)."
      "code" : "111843",
      "display" : "Automated Optical",
      "definition" : "Real time evaluation of the camera image to recognize blinks and fixation losses with influence on the test procedure. Blinks that interfere with stimuli presentation cause the automated repetition of such stimulus presentations. Fixation losses can be used to delay the stimulus presentation until correct fixation is regained."
      "code" : "111844",
      "display" : "Blind Spot Monitoring",
      "definition" : "A method of monitoring the patient's fixation by periodically presenting stimulus in a location on the background surface that corresponds to the patient's blind spot."
      "code" : "111845",
      "display" : &q     "code" : "112248",
      "display" : "ACR Guideline, Performance of Adult CT Colonography",
      "definition" : "American College of Radiology Practice Guideline for the Performance of Computed Tomography (CT) Colonography in Adults. In: Practice Guidelines and Technical Standards.Reston, Va: American College of Radiology;2006:371-376."
      "code" : "112249",
      "display" : "ACR Standard, CT medical physics performance monitoring",
      "definition" : "American College of Radiology Technical Standard for Diagnostic Medical Physics Performance Monitoring of Computed Tomography (CT) Equipment. In: Practice Guidelines and Technical Standards.Reston, Va: American College of Radiology;2006:945-948."
      "code" : "112300",
      "display" : "AP+45",
      "definition" : "View Orientation Modifier indicates that the view orientation of the imaging plane is rotated +45° along the cranial-caudal axis."
      "code" : "112301",
      "display" : "AP-45",
      "definition" : "View Orientation Modifier indicates that the view orientation of the imaging plane is rotated -45° along the cranial-caudal axis."
  &n      "code" : "113846",
      "display" : "Target Exposure Index",
      "definition" : "The target value used to calculate the Deviation Index as defined in IEC 62494-1."
      "code" : "113847",
      "display" : "Deviation Index",
      "definition" : "A scaled representation of the accuracy of the Exposure Index compared to the Target Exposure Index as defined in IEC 62494-1."
      "code" : "113850",
      "display" : "Irradiation Authorizing",
      "definition" : "The clinician responsible for determining that the irradiating procedure was appropriate for the indications."
      "code" : "113851",
      "display" : "Irradiation Administering",
      "definition" : "The person responsible for the administration of radiation."
      "code" : "113852",
      "display" : "Irradiation Event",
      "definition" : "An irradiation event is the loading of X-Ray equipment caused by a single continuous actuation of the equipment's irradiation switch, from the start of the loading time of the first pulse until the loading time trailing edge of the final pulse. Any automatic on-off switching of the irradiation source during the event is not treated as separate events, rather the event includes the time between start and stop of irradiation as triggered by the user."
      "code" : "113853",
      "display" : "Irradiation Event UID",
      "definition" : "Unique Identifier of an Irradiation Event."
      "code" : "113854",
      "display" : "Source of Dose Information",
      "definition" : "Method by which dose-related details of an Irradiation Event were obtained."
      "code" : "113855",
      "display" : "Total Acquisition Time",
      "definition" : "Total accumulated acquisition clock time in the scope of the including report (i.e., the sum of the Irradiation Duration values for accumulated acquisition irradiation events)."
      "code" : "113856",
      "display" : "Automated Data Collection",
      "definition" : "Direct recording of data by a relevant system."
      "code" : "113857",
      "display" : "Manual Entry",
      "definition" : "Recording of data by a human operator, including manual transcription of electronic data."
      "code" : "113858",
      "display" : "MPPS Content",
      "definition" : "The data is taken from an MPPS SOP Instance."
      "code" : "113859",
      "display" : "Irradiating Device",
      "definition" : "A device exposing a patient to ionizing radiation."
      "code" : "113860",
      "display" : "15cm from Isocenter toward Source",
      "definition" : "15cm from the isocenter towards the X-Ray source; See IEC 60601-2-43."
      "code" : "113861",
      "display" : "30cm in Front of Image Input Surface",
      "definition" : "30cm in front (towards the tube) of the input surface of the image receptor; See FDA Federal Performance Standard for Diagnostic X-Ray Systems §1020.32(d) (3)."
      "code" : "113862",
      "display" : "1cm above Tabletop",
      "definition" : "1cm above the patient tabletop or cradle; See FDA Federal Performance Standard for Diagnostic X-Ray Systems §1020.32(d) (3)."
      "code" : "113863",
      "display" : "30cm above Tabletop",
      "definition" : "30cm above the patient tabletop of cradle; See FDA Federal Performance Standard for Diagnostic X-Ray Systems §1020.32(d) (3)."
      "code" : "113864",
      "display" : "15cm from Table Centerline",
      "definition" : "15cm from the centerline of the X-Ray table and in the direction of the X-Ray source; See FDA Federal Performance Standard for Diagnostic X-Ray Systems §1020.32(d) (3)."
      "code" : "113865",
      "display" : "4.2cm above Breast Support Surface",
      "definition" : "4.2cm from the breast support surface in the direction orthogonal to the support surface. This point represents the entrance point for radiation to a standard 4.2cm thick compressed breast.See Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration. Mammography quality standards; final rule. Federal Register. Oct. 28, 1997; 68(208):55852-55994."
      "code" : "113866",
      "display" : "Copied From Image Attributes",
      "definition" : "The data is copied from information present in the image Attributes."
      "code" : "113867",
      "display" : "Computed From Image Attributes",
      "definition" : "The data is computed from information present in the image Attributes."
      "code" : "113868",
      "display" : "Derived From Human-Readable Reports",
      "definition" : "The data is derived from human-readable reports."
      "code" : "113870",
      "display" : "Person Name",
      "definition" : "The name of a specific person."
      "code" : "113871",
      "display" : "Person ID",
      "definition" : "An identification number or code for a specific person."
      "code" : "113872",
      "display" : "Person ID Issuer",
      "definition" : "The organization that issued a Person ID."
      "code" : "113873",
      "display" : "Organization Name",
      "definition" : "The name of an organization."
      "code" : "113874",
      "display" : "Person Role in Organization",
      "definition" : "The role played by a person in an organization."
      "code" : "113875",
      "display" : "Person Role in Procedure",
      "definition" : "The role played by a person in a procedure."
      "code" : "113876",
      "display" : "Device Role in Procedure",
      "definition" : "The role played by a device in a procedure."
      "code" : "113877",
      "display" : "Device Name",
      "definition" : "The name used to refer to a device; usually locally unique."
      "code" : "113878",
      "display" : "Device Manufacturer",
      "definition" : "Manufacturer of a device."
      "code" : "113879",
      "display" : "Device Model Name",
      "definition" : "Model Name of a device."
      "code" : "113880",
      "display" : "Device Serial Number",
      "definition" : "Serial Number of a device."
      "code" : "113890",
      "display" : "All Planes",
      "definition" : "All planes of a multi-plane acquisition equipment."
      "code" : "113893",
      "display" : "Length of Reconstructable Volume",
      "definition" : "The length from which images may be reconstructed (i.e., excluding any overranging performed in a spiral acquisition that is required for data interpolation).Value is distinct from (1113825, DCM, \"Scanning Length\"), which is the actual length of the table travel during the entire tube loading, according to , and includes overranging. Also distinct from any actual Reconstructed Volume, which may depend on the slice thickness chosen for a particular reconstruction."
      "code" : "113895",
      "display" : "Top Z Location of Reconstructable Volume",
      "definition" : "The Z location that is the top (highest Z value) of the Reconstructable Volume. Specified as the Z component within the Patient Coordinate System defined by a specified Frame of Reference."
      "code" : "113896",
      "display" : "Bottom Z Location of Reconstructable Volume",
      "definition" : "The Z location that is the bottom (lowest Z value) of the Reconstructable Volume. Specified as the Z component within the Patient Coordinate System defined by a specified Frame of Reference."
      "code" : "113897",
      "display" : "Top Z Location of Scanning Length",
      "definition" : "The Z location that is the top (highest Z value) of the scanning length. Specified as the Z component within the Patient Coordinate System defined by a specified Frame of Reference."
      "code" : "113898",
      "display" : "Bottom Z Location of Scanning Length",
      "definition" : "The Z location that is the bottom (lowest Z value) of the scanning length. Specified as the Z component within the Patient Coordinate System defined by a specified Frame of Reference."
      "code" : "113899",
      "display" : "Exposed Range",
      "definition" : "The range along the z axis of the total volume irradiated, per , Ed. 3, 203.115(b).The start and stop of loading corresponding to the outer edge of the full width half maximum of the free-in-air dose profile for the beam collimation used."
      "code" : "113900",
      "display" : "Dose Check Alert Details",
      "definition" : "Report section about cumulative dose alerts during an examination."
      "code" : "113901",
      "display" : "DLP Alert Value Configured",
      "definition" : "Flag denoting whether a DLP Alert Value was configured."
      "code" : "113902",
      "display" : "CTDIvol Alert Value Configured",
      "definition" : "Flag denoting whether a CTDIvol Alert Value was configured."
      "code" : "113903",
      "display" : "DLP Alert Value",
      "definition" : "Cumulative Dose Length Product value configured to trigger an alert."
      "code" : "113904",
      "display" : "CTDIvol Alert Value",
      "definition" : "Cumulative CTDIvol value configured to trigger an alert."
      "code" : "113905",
      "display" : "Accumulated DLP Forward Estimate",
      "definition" : "A forward estimate of the accumulated DLP plus the estimated DLP for the next Protocol Element Group."
      "code" : "113906",
      "display" : "Accumulated CTDIvol Forward Estimate",
      "definition" : "A forward estimate at a given location of the accumulated CTDIvol plus the estimated CTDIvol for the next Protocol Element Group."
      "code" : "113907",
      "display" : "Reason for Proceeding",
      "definition" : "Reason provided for proceeding with a procedure that is projected to exceed a configured dose value."
      "code" : "113908",
      "display" : "Dose Check Notification Details",
      "definition" : "Report section about dose notifications during a protocol element."
      "code" : "113909",
      "display" : "DLP Notification Value Configured",
      "definition" : "Flag denoting whether a DLP Notification Value was configured."
      "code" : "113910",
      "display" : "CTDIvol Notification Value Configured",
      "definition" : "Flag denoting whether a CTDIvol Notification Value was configured."
      "code" : "113911",
      "display" : "DLP Notification Value",
      "definition" : "Dose Length Product value configured to trigger a notification for a given protocol element."
      "code" : "113912",
      "display" : "CTDIvol Notification Value",
      "definition" : "CTDIvol value configured to trigger a notification for a given protocol element."
      "code" : "113913",
      "display" : "DLP Forward Estimate",
      "definition" : "A forward estimate of the DLP for the next Protocol Element Group."
      "code" : "113914",
      "display" : "CTDIvol Forward Estimate",
      "definition" : "A forward estimate of the CTDIvol for the next Protocol Element Group."
      "code" : "113915",
      "display" : "Alternative dose alert behavior active",
      "definition" : "Flag denoting whether alternative dose alert behavior has been active for CT guided interventional procedure according to the NEMA Dose Check Standard ."
      "code" : "113921",
      "display" : "Radiation Exposure",
      "definition" : "The amount of ionizing radiation to which the patient was exposed."
      "code" : "113922",
      "display" : "Radioactive Substance Administered",
      "definition" : "Type, amount and route of radioactive substance administered."
      "code" : "113923",
      "display" : "Radiation Exposure and Protection Information",
      "definition" : "Exposure to ionizing radiation and associatedpreventive measures used to reduce the exposure of parts of the body like lead apron or eye, thyroid gland or gonad protection."
      "code" : "113930",
      "display" : "Size Specific Dose Estimate",
      "definition" : "The Size-Specific Dose Estimate is a patient dose estimate that takes into account the size of the patient, such as described in or ."
      "code" : "113931",
      "display" : "Measured Lateral Dimension",
      "definition" : "The side-to-side (left to right) dimension of the body part being scanned (per )."
      "code" : "113932",
      "display" : "Measured AP Dimension",
      "definition" : "The thickness of the body part being scanned, in the antero-posterior dimension (per )."
      "code" : "113933",
      "display" : "Derived Effective Diameter",
      "definition" : "The diameter of the patient at a given location along the Z-axis of the patient, assuming that the patient has a circular cross-section (per )."
      "code" : "113934",
      "display" : "AAPM 204 Lateral Dimension",
      "definition" : "The Size Specific Dose Estimate is computed using Table 1B (32cm phantom) or Table 2B (16cm phantom) of ."
      "code" : "113935",
      "display" : "AAPM 204 AP Dimension",
      "definition" : "The Size Specific Dose Estimate is computed using Table 1C (32cm phantom) or Table 2C (16cm phantom) of ."
      "code" : "113936",
      "display" : "AAPM 204 Sum of Lateral and AP Dimension",
      "definition" : "The Size Specific Dose Estimate is computed using Table 1A (32cm phantom) or Table 2A (16cm phantom) of ."
      "code" : "113937",
      "display" : "AAPM 204 Effective Diameter Estimated From Patient Age",
      "definition" : "The Size Specific Dose Estimate is computed using Table 1D (32cm phantom) or Table 2D (16cm phantom) using an effective diameter estimated from the patient's age using Table 3 of ."
      "code" : "113940",
      "display" : "System Calculated",
      "definition" : "Values calculated from other existing parameters."
      "code" : "113941",
      "display" : "In Detector Plane",
      "definition" : "A segmented region of the detector surface within the irradiated area (but might not be near the center of the detector)."
      "code" : "113942",
      "display" : "X-Ray Reading Device",
      "definition" : "A device that creates digital images from X-Ray detectors (Direct, Indirect or Storage)."
      "code" : "113943",
      "display" : "X-Ray Source Data Available",
      "definition" : "Parameters related to the X-Ray source (generator, tube, etc) are available to the recording application."
      "code" : "113944",
      "display" : "X-Ray Mechanical Data Available",
      "definition" : "Parameters related to the X-Ray Mechanical System (Stand, Table) are available to the recording application."
      "code" : "113945",
      "display" : "X-Ray Detector Data Available",
      "definition" : "Parameters related to the X-Ray Detector are available to the recording application."
      "code" : "113946",
      "display" : "Projection Eponymous Name",
      "definition" : "Describes the radiographic method of patient, tube and detector positioning to achieve a well described projection or view."
      "code" : "113947",
      "display" : "Detector Type",
      "definition" : "Type of Detector used to acquire data."
      "code" : "113948",
      "display" : "Direct Detector",
      "definition" : "Detector that directly transforms the input signal to pixel values."
      "code" : "113949",
      "display" : "Indirect Detector",
      "definition" : "Detector that transforms an intermediate signal into pixel values."
      "code" : "113950",
      "display" : "Storage Detector",
      "definition" : "Storage detector that stores a signal that is later transformed by a reader into pixel values."
      "code" : "113951",
      "display" : "Film",
      "definition" : "Film that is scanned to create pixel values."
      "code" : "113952",
      "display" : "Table Mount",
      "definition" : "The cassette/detector is mounted in the patient table."
      "code" : "113953",
      "display" : "Unmounted Detector",
      "definition" : "The cassette/detector is not mounted.."
      "code" : "113954",
      "display" : "Upright Stand Mount",
      "definition" : "The cassette/detector is mounted in an upright stand."
      "code" : "113955",
      "display" : "C-Arm Mount",
      "definition" : "The cassette/detector is mounted on a c-arm."
      "code" : "113956",
      "display" : "CR/DR Mechanical Configuration",
      "definition" : "Method of mounting or positioning a CR/DR cassette or detector."
      "code" : "113957",
      "display" : "Fluoroscopy-Guided Projection Radiography System",
      "definition" : "An integrated projection radiography system capable of fluoroscopy."
      "code" : "113958",
      "display" : "Integrated Projection Radiography System",
      "definition" : "A projection radiography system where the X-Ray detector, X-Ray Source and gantry components are integrated and the managing system is able to access details of each component."
      "code" : "113959",
      "display" : "Cassette-based Projection Radiography System",
      "definition" : "A projection radiography system where the X-Ray detector, X-Ray Source and gantry components are not integrated."
      "code" : "113961",
      "display" : "Reconstruction Algorithm",
      "definition" : "Description of the algorithm used when reconstructing the image from the data acquired during the acquisition process."
      "code" : "113962",
      "display" : "Filtered Back Projection",
      "definition" : "An algorithm for reconstructing an image from multiple projections by back-projecting the measured values along the line of the projection and filtering the result to reduce blurring."
      "code" : "113963",
      "display" : "Iterative Reconstruction",
      "definition" : "An algorithm for reconstructing an image from multiple projections by starting with an assumed reconstructed image, computing projections from the image, comparing the original projection data and updating the reconstructed image based upon the difference between the calculated and the actual projections."
      "code" : "113964",
      "display" : "At Surface of Patient",
      "definition" : "A point at the surface of the patient within the irradiated area where the X-Ray beam enters the patient (i.e. towards the tube)."
      "code" : "113965",
      "display" : "100cm from X-Ray Source",
      "definition" : "100cm from the X-Ray source along the central ray of the X-Ray beam."
      "code" : "113970",
      "display" : "Procedure Step To This Point",
      "definition" : "The period of time from the start of a Procedure Step until the time point established by the context of the reference."
      "code" : "113980",
      "display" : "Water Equivalent Diameter",
      "definition" : "The diameter of a cylinder of water having the same X-Ray attenuation as the patient for a specified reconstructed slice (e.g., as described in )."
      "code" : "113981",
      "display" : "Water Equivalent Diameter Representative Value",
      "definition" : "The Water Equivalent Diameter is a value at a single location sufficiently representative of the body region."
      "code" : "113982",
      "display" : "Water Equivalent Diameter Integrated Across Scan Range",
      "definition" : "The Water Equivalent Diameter integrates values for a sample of reconstructed slices across the entire scan range."
      "code" : "113983",
      "display" : "Water Equivalent Diameter From Raw Data",
      "definition" : "The Water Equivalent Diameter value is derived from Raw Data rather than reconstructed slices.See ."
      "code" : "113984",
      "display" : "Water Equivalent Diameter From Localizer",
      "definition" : "The Water Equivalent Diameter value is derived from a Localizer image.See ."
      "code" : "113985",
      "display" : "Series or Instance used for Water Equivalent Diameter estimation",
      "definition" : "Unique identifier of the Series or Instance(s) used for Water Equivalent Diameter estimation, whether it be a Series of reconstructed single slice images or one or more Enhanced Multi-frame images or a Raw Data Series or Instance."
      "code" : "113986",
      "display" : "Z value of location of Water Equivalent Diameter estimation",
      "definition" : "The Z location used for Water Equivalent Diameter estimation at a single location whether it be computed using a reconstructed slice or Localizer or Raw Data. Specified as the Z component within the Patient Coordinate System defined by a specified Frame of Reference."
      "code" : "113987",
      "display" : "AAPM 220",
      "definition" : "A report describing methods of calculation of diameters of cylinders of water having the same X-Ray attenuation as reconstructed CT slices of patients described in ."
      "code" : "113988",
      "display" : "Estimated from Water Equivalent Diameter",
      "definition" : "The Size Specific Dose Estimate is calculated from a single Water Equivalent Diameter value using a conversion factor as described in ."
      "code" : "113989",
      "display" : "Arithmetic Average of SSDE(z)",
      "definition" : "The Size Specific Dose Estimate is an arithmetic average of SSDE(z), calculated from Dw(z) at several z-positions over the reconstruction length. The z-positions may or may not correspond to reconstructed slices. See ."
      "code" : "113990",
      "display" : "Arithmetic Average of Dw(z)",
      "definition" : "The Water Equivalent Diameter is an arithmetic average of Dw(z) at several z-positions over the reconstruction length. The z-positions may or may not correspond to reconstructed slices. See ."
      "code" : "113991",
      "display" : "Dw Conversion Factor Coefficients",
      "definition" : "The a and b coefficients of an exponential function as described in . The function generates a conversion factor based on a Water Equivalent Diameter value (Dw). Multiplying the Dw value by the conversion factor produces a Size Specific Dose Estimate."
      "code" : "113992",
      "display" : "Water Equivalent Diameter From Limited FOV Images",
      "definition" : "The Water Equivalent Diameter is derived from reconstructed images that do not cover the full FOV."
      "code" : "113993",
      "display" : "Size Specific Dose Estimate At Longitudinal Position Z",
      "definition" : "Estimate of the average absorbed dose to the material contained in an axial plane at longitudinal position z of the object scanned. See ."
      "code" : "113994",
      "display" : "Longitudinal Position Z",
      "definition" : "The patient relative longitudinal position at which other value(s) have been estimated."
      "code" : "113995",
      "display" : "Water Equivalent Diameter At Longitudinal Position Z",
      "definition" : "Diameter of a cylinder of water having the same averaged absorbed dose as the material contained in an axial plane at longitudinal position z of the object scanned, calculable for a material of any composition, and quantifying the attenuation of any material in terms of the attenuation of water. See ."
      "code" : "114000",
      "display" : "Not a number",
      "definition" : "Measurement not available: Not a number (per IEEE 754)."
      "code" : "114001",
      "display" : "Negative Infinity",
      "definition" : "Measurement not available: Negative Infinity (per IEEE 754)."
      "code" : "114002",
      "display" : "Positive Infinity",
      "definition" : "Measurement not available: Positive Infinity (per IEEE 754)."
      "code" : "114003",
      "display" : "Divide by zero",
      "definition" : "Measurement not available: Divide by zero (per IEEE 754)."
      "code" : "114004",
      "display" : "Underflow",
      "definition" : "Measurement not available: Underflow (per IEEE 754)."
      "code" : "114005",
      "display" : "Overflow",
      "definition" : "Measurement not available: Overflow (per IEEE 754)."
      "code" : "114006",
      "display" : "Measurement failure",
      "definition" : "Measurement not available: Measurement failure."
      "code" : "114007",
      "display" : "Measurement not attempted",
      "definition" : "Measurement not available: Measurement not attempted."
      "code" : "114008",
      "display" : "Calculation failure",
      "definition" : "Measurement not available: Calculation failure."
      "code" : "114009",
      "display" : "Value out of range",
      "definition" : "Measurement not available: Value out of range."
      "code" : "114010",
      "display" : "Value unknown",
      "definition" : "Measurement not available: Value unknown."
      "code" : "114011",
      "display" : "Value indeterminate",
      "definition" : "Measurement not available: Value indeterminate."
      "code" : "114201",
      "display" : "Time of flight",
      "definition" : "Measures the time-of-flight of a light signal between the camera and the subject for each point of the image."
      "code" : "114202",
      "display" : "Interferometry",
      "definition" : "Interferometry is a family of techniques in which waves are superimposed in order to extract depth information about the scanned object."
      "code" : "114203",
      "display" : "Laser scanning",
      "definition" : "Laser scanning describes the general method to sample or scan a surface using laser technology."
      "code" : "114204",
      "display" : "Pattern projection",
      "definition" : "Projecting a narrow band of light onto a three-dimensionally shaped surface produces a line of illumination that appears distorted from other perspectives than that of the projector. It can be used for an exact geometric reconstruction of the surface shape."
      "code" : "114205",
      "display" : "Shape from shading",
      "definition" : "A technique for estimating the surface normal of an object by observing that object under different lighting conditions."
      "code" : "114206",
      "display" : "Shape from motion",
      "definition" : "A technique for estimating the surface normal of an object by observing that object under different motions."
      "code" : "114207",
      "display" : "Confocal imaging",
      "definition" : "An optical imaging technique used to increase optical resolution and contrast of a micrograph by using point illumination and a spatial pinhole to eliminate out-of-focus light in specimens that are thicker than the focal plane. It enables the reconstruction of 3D structures from the obtained images."
      "code" : "114208",
      "display" : "Point Cloud Algorithmic",
      "definition" : "Point cloud that was calculated by an algorithm."
      "code" : "114209",
      "display" : "Turntable Scan Method",
      "definition" : "Scanning the object from different views by placing it on a rotating table."
      "code" : "114210",
      "display" : "High resolution",
      "definition" : "Higher resolution with a longer acquisition time."
      "code" : "114211",
      "display" : "Fast mode",
      "definition" : "Lower resolution with a shorter acquisition time."
      "code" : "114213",
      "display" : "Iterative Closest Point",
      "definition" : "An algorithm employed to minimize the difference between two clouds of points. It iteratively revises the transformation (translation, rotation) needed to minimize the distance between the points of two point clouds."
      "code" : "114215",
      "display" : "Freehand",
      "definition" : "Human controlled minimization of the distance between the points of two point clouds."
      "code" : "114216",
      "display" : "Checkerboard",
      "definition" : "Scanning the object from different views by placing it in front of a checkerboard pattern."
      "code" : "120999",
      "display" : "Device Description",
      "definition" : "Description in free form text describing the device."
      "code" : "121000",
      "display" : "Unique Device Identifiers",
      "definition" : "Unique Device Identifiers (UDIs) of the entire equipment."
      "code" : "121001",
      "display" : "Quotation Mode",
      "definition" : "Type of source for observations quoted from an external source."
      "code" : "121002",
      "display" : "Quoted Source",
      "definition" : "Reference to external source of quoted observations."
      "code" : "121003",
      "display" : "Document",
      "definition" : "Documentary source of quoted observations."
      "code" : "121004",
      "display" : "Verbal",
      "definition" : "Verbal source of quoted observations."
      "code" : "121005",
      "display" : "Observer Type",
      "definition" : "Type of observer that created the observations."
      "code" : "121006",
      "display" : "Person",
      "definition" : "Human observer created the observations."
      "code" : "121007",
      "display" : "Device",
      "definition" : "Automated device created the observations."
      "code" : "121008",
      "display" : "Person Observer Name",
      "definition" : "Name of human observer that created the observations."
      "code" : "121009",
      "display" : "Person Observer's Organization Name",
      "definition" : "Organization or institution with which the human observer is affiliated for the context of the current observation."
      "code" : "121010",
      "display" : "Person Observer's Role in the Organization",
      "definition" : "Organizational role of human observer for the context of the current observation."
      "code" : "121011",
      "display" : "Person Observer's Role in this Procedure",
      "definition" : "Procedural role of human observer for the context of the current observation."
      "code" : "121012",
      "display" : "Device Observer UID",
      "definition" : "Unique identifier of automated device that created the observations."
      "code" : "121013",
      "display" : "Device Observer Name",
      "definition" : "Institution-provided identifier of automated device that created the observations."
      "code" : "121014",
      "display" : "Device Observer Manufacturer",
      "definition" : "Manufacturer of automated device that created the observations."
      "code" : "121015",
      "display" : "Device Observer Model Name",
      "definition" : "Manufacturer-provided model name of automated device that created the observations."
      "code" : "121016",
      "display" : "Device Observer Serial Number",
      "definition" : "Manufacturer-provided serial number of automated device that created the observations."
      "code" : "121017",
      "display" : "Device Observer Physical Location During Observation",
      "definition" : "Location of automated device that created the observations whilst the observations were being made."
      "code" : "121018",
      "display" : "Procedure Study Instance UID",
      "definition" : "Unique identifier for the Study or Requested Procedure."
      "code" : "121019",
      "display" : "Procedure Study Component UID",
      "definition" : "Unique identifier for the Performed Procedure Step."
      "code" : "121020",
      "display" : "Placer Number",
      "definition" : "Identifier for the Order (or Service Request) assigned by the order placer system."
      "code" : "121021",
      "display" : "Filler Number",
      "definition" : "Identifier for the Order (or Service Request) assigned by the order filler system."
      "code" : "121022",
      "display" : "Accession Number",
      "definition" : "A departmental Information System generated number that identifies the Imaging Service Request."
      "code" : "121023",
      "display" : "Procedure Code",
      "definition" : "Type of procedure scheduled or performed."
      "code" : "121024",
      "display" : "Subject Class",
      "definition" : "Type of observation subject."
      "code" : "121025",
      "display" : "Patient",
      "definition" : "A patient is the subject of observations."
      "code" : "121026",
      "display" : "Fetus",
      "definition" : "Fetus of patient is the subject of observations."
      "code" : "121027",
      "display" : "Specimen",
      "definition" : "Specimen is the subject of observations."
      "code" : "121028",
      "display" : "Subject UID",
      "definition" : "Unique Identifier of patient or fetus who is the subject of observations."
      "code" : "121029",
      "display" : "Subject Name",
      "definition" : "Name of patient who is the subject of observations."
      "code" : "121030",
      "display" : "Subject ID",
      "definition" : "Identifier of patient or fetus who is the subject of observations."
      "code" : "121031",
      "display" : "Subject Birth Date",
      "definition" : "Birth Date of patient who is the subject of observations."
      "code" : "121032",
      "display" : "Subject Sex",
      "definition" : "Sex of patient who is the subject of observations."
      "code" : "121033",
      "display" : "Subject Age",
      "definition" : "Age of patient who is the subject of observations."
      "code" : "121034",
      "display" : "Subject Species",
      "definition" : "Species of patient who is the subject of observations."
      "code" : "121035",
      "display" : "Subject Breed",
      "definition" : "The breed of the subject."
      "code" : "121036",
      "display" : "Mother of fetus",
      "definition" : "Name of mother of fetus that is the subject of observations."
      "code" : "121037",
      "display" : "Fetus number"
      "code" : "121038",
      "display" : "Number of Fetuses"
      "code" : "121039",
      "display" : "Specimen UID",
      "definition" : "Unique Identifier of specimen that is the subject of observations."
      "code" : "121040",
      "display" : "Specimen Accession Number",
      "definition" : "Accession Number of specimen that is the subject of observations"
      "code" : "121041",
      "display" : "Specimen Identifier",
      "definition" : "Identifier of specimen that is the subject of observations."
      "code" : "121042",
      "display" : "Specimen Type",
      "definition" : "Coded category of specimen that is the subject of observations"
      "code" : "121043",
      "display" : "Slide Identifier",
      "definition" : "Identifier of specimen microscope slide that is the subject of observations"
      "code" : "121044",
      "display" : "Slide UID",
      "definition" : "Unique Identifier of specimen microscope slide that is the subject of observations"
      "code" : "121045",
      "display" : "Language",
      "definition" : "The language of the content, being a language that is primarily used for human communication."
      "code" : "121046",
      "display" : "Country of Language",
      "definition" : "The country-specific variant of language."
      "code" : "121047",
      "display" : "Language of Value",
      "definition" : "The language of the value component of a name-value pair."
      "code" : "121048",
      "display" : "Language of Name and Value",
      "definition" : "The language of both the name component and the value component of a name-value pair."
      "code" : "121049",
      "display" : "Language of Content Item and Descendants",
      "definition" : "The language of the current Content Item (node in a tree of content) and all its descendants."
      "code" : "121050",
      "display" : "Equivalent Meaning of Concept Name",
      "definition" : "A precoordinated coded concept or text meaning for the name component of a name-value pair that is equivalent to the post-coordinated meaning conveyed by the coded name and its concept modifier children."
      "code" : "121051",
      "display" : "Equivalent Meaning of Value",
      "definition" : "A precoordinated coded concept or text meaning for the value component of a name-value pair that is equivalent to the post-coordinated meaning conveyed by the coded value and its concept modifier children."
      "code" : "121052",
      "display" : "Presence of property",
      "definition" : "Whether or not the property concept being modified is present or absent."
      "code" : "121053",
      "display" : "Present"
      "code" : "121054",
      "display" : "Absent"
      "code" : "121055",
      "display" : "Path",
      "definition" : "A set of points on an image, that when connected by line segments, provide a polyline from which a linear measurement was inferred."
      "code" : "121056",
      "display" : "Area outline",
      "definition" : "A set of points on an image, that when connected by line segments, provide a closed polyline that is the border of a defined region from which an area, or two-dimensional measurement, was inferred."
      "code" : "121057",
      "display" : "Perimeter outline",
      "definition" : "A set of points on an image, that when connected by line segments, provide a closed polyline that is a two-dimensional border of a three-dimensional region's intersection with, or projection into the image."
      "code" : "121058",
      "display" : "Procedure reported",
      "definition" : "The imaging procedure whose results are reported."
      "code" : "121059",
      "display" : "Presence Undetermined",
      "definition" : "Presence or absence of a property is undetermined"
      "code" : "121060",
      "display" : "History"
      "code" : "121061",
      "display" : "Device Observer Manufacturer Class UID",
      "definition" : "Manufacturer-provided Class UID(s) of device that created the observations."
      "code" : "121062",
      "display" : "Request"
      "code" : "121064",
      "display" : "Current Procedure Descriptions"
      "code" : "121065",
      "display" : "Procedure Description",
      "definition" : "A description of the imaging procedure."
      "code" : "121066",
      "display" : "Prior Procedure Descriptions"
      "code" : "121068",
      "display" : "Previous Findings"
      "code" : "121069",
      "display" : "Previous Finding",
      "definition" : "An observation found on a prior imaging study."
      "code" : "121070",
      "display" : "Findings"
      "code" : "121071",
      "display" : "Finding",
      "definition" : "An observation found on an imaging study."
      "code" : "121072",
      "display" : "Impressions"
      "code" : "121073",
      "display" : "Impression",
      "definition" : "An interpretation in the clinical context of the finding(s) on an imaging study."
      "code" : "121074",
      "display" : "Recommendations"
      "code" : "121075",
      "display" : "Recommendation",
      "definition" : "A recommendation for management or investigation based on the findings and impressions of an imaging study."
      "code" : "121076",
      "display" : "Conclusions"
      "code" : "121077",
      "display" : "Conclusion",
      "definition" : "An interpretation in the clinical context of the finding(s) on an imaging study."
      "code" : "121078",
      "display" : "Addendum"
      "code" : "121079",
      "display" : "Baseline",
      "definition" : "Initial images used to establish a beginning condition that is used for comparison over time to look for changes. [Paraphrases NCI-PT (C1442488, UMLS, \"Baseline\"), which is defined as \"An initial measurement that is taken at an early time point to represent a beginning condition, and is used for comparison over time to look for changes. For example, the size of a tumor will be measured before treatment (baseline) and then afterwards to see if the treatment had an effect. A starting point to which things may be compared.\"]"
      "code" : "121080",
      "display" : "Best illustration of finding",
      "definition" : "A selection of composite instances that best illustrates a particular finding."
      "code" : "121081",
      "display" : "Physician"
      "code" : "121082",
      "display" : "Nurse"
      "code" : "121083",
      "display" : "Technologist"
      "code" : "121084",
      "display" : "Radiographer"
      "code" : "121085",
      "display" : "Intern"
      "code" : "121086",
      "display" : "Resident"
      "code" : "121087",
      "display" : "Registrar"
      "code" : "121088",
      "display" : "Fellow",
      "definition" : "A medical practitioner undergoing sub-specialty training."
      "code" : "121089",
      "display" : "Attending [Consultant]"
      "code" : "121090",
      "display" : "Scrub nurse"
      "code" : "121091",
      "display" : "Surgeon"
      "code" : "121092",
      "display" : "Sonologist",
      "definition" : "A medical practitioner with sub-specialty training in Ultrasound."
      "code" : "121093",
      "display" : "Sonographer"
      "code" : "121094",
      "display" : "Performing",
      "definition" : "The person responsible for performing the procedure."
      "code" : "121095",
      "display" : "Referring",
      "definition" : "The person responsible for referring the patient for the procedure."
      "code" : "121096",
      "display" : "Requesting",
      "definition" : "The person responsible for requesting the procedure."
      "code" : "121097",
      "display" : "Recording",
      "definition" : "The person responsible for recording the procedure or observation."
      "code" : "121098",
      "display" : "Verifying",
      "definition" : "The person responsible for verifying the recorded procedure or observation."
      "code" : "121099",
      "display" : "Assisting",
      "definition" : "The person responsible for assisting with the procedure."
      "code" : "121100",
      "display" : "Circulating",
      "definition" : "The person responsible for making preparations for and monitoring the procedure."
      "code" : "121101",
      "display" : "Standby",
      "definition" : "The person responsible for standing by to assist with the precedure if required."
      "code" : "121102",
      "display" : "Other sex",
      "definition" : "Other sex."
      "code" : "121103",
      "display" : "Undetermined sex",
      "definition" : "Sex of subject undetermined at time of encoding."
      "code" : "121104",
      "display" : "Ambiguous sex",
      "definition" : "Ambiguous sex."
      "code" : "121105",
      "display" : "Radiation Physicist",
      "definition" : "Radiation Physicist."
      "code" : "121106",
      "display" : "Comment",
      "definition" : "Comment."
      "code" : "121109",
      "display" : "Indications for Procedure",
      "definition" : "Indications for Procedure"
      "code" : "121110",
      "display" : "Patient Presentation",
      "definition" : "Patient condition at the beginning of a healthcare encounter"
      "code" : "121111",
      "display" : "Summary",
      "definition" : "Summary of a procedure, including most significant findings"
      "code" : "121112",
      "display" : "Source of Measurement",
      "definition" : "Image or waveform used as source for measurement."
      "code" : "121113",
      "display" : "Complications",
      "definition" : "Complications from a procedure"
      "code" : "121114",
      "display" : "Performing Physician",
      "definition" : "Physician who performed a procedure."
      "code" : "121115",
      "display" : "Discharge Summary",
      "definition" : "Summary of patient condition upon Discharge from a healthcare facility."
      "code" : "121116",
      "display" : "Proximal Finding Site",
      "definition" : "Proximal Anatomic Location for a differential measurement; may be considered subtype of term (363698007, SCT, \"Finding Site\")."
      "code" : "121117",
      "display" : "Distal Finding Site",
      "definition" : "Distal Anatomic Location for a differential measurement; may be considered subtype of term (363698007, SCT, \"Finding Site\")."
      "code" : "121118",
      "display" : "Patient Characteristics",
      "definition" : "Patient Characteristics (findings)."
      "code" : "121120",
      "display" : "Cath Lab Procedure Log",
      "definition" : "Time-stamped record of events that occur during a catheterization procedure."
      "code" : "121121",
      "display" : "Room identification",
      "definition" : "Room identification."
      "code" : "121122",
      "display" : "Equipment Identification",
      "definition" : "Equipment identification."
      "code" : "121123",
      "display" : "Patient Status or Event",
      "definition" : "A recorded Patient Status or an event involving a patient."
      "code" : "121124",
      "display" : "Procedure Action Item ID",
      "definition" : "Identification of a step, action, or phase of a procedure."
      "code" : "121125",
      "display" : "DateTime of Recording of Log Entry",
      "definition" : "DateTime of Recording of an Entry in an Event Log."
      "code" : "121126",
      "display" : "Performed Procedure Step SOP Instance UID",
      "definition" : "SOP Instance UID of a Performed Procedure Step."
      "code" : "121127",
      "display" : "Performed Procedure Step SOP Class UID",
      "definition" : "SOP Class UID of a Performed Procedure Step."
      "code" : "121128",
      "display" : "Procedure Action Duration",
      "definition" : "Duration of a step, action, or phase of a procedure."
      "code" : "121130",
      "display" : "Start Procedure Action Item",
      "definition" : "Beginning of a step, action, or phase of a procedure."
      "code" : "121131",
      "display" : "End Procedure Action Item",
      "definition" : "End of a step, action, or phase of a procedure."
      "code" : "121132",
      "display" : "Suspend Procedure Action Item",
      "definition" : "Suspension of a step, action, or phase of a procedure."
      "code" : "121133",
      "display" : "Resume Procedure Action Item",
      "definition" : "Resumption of a step, action, or phase of a procedure."
      "code" : "121135",
      "display" : "Observation DateTime Qualifier",
      "definition" : "Concept modifier for the DateTime of Recording of an Entry in an Event Log."
      "code" : "121136",
      "display" : "DateTime Unsynchronized",
      "definition" : "Recorded DateTime had its source in a system clock not synchronized to other recorded DateTimes."
      "code" : "121137",
      "display" : "DateTime Estimated",
      "definition" : "Recorded DateTime is estimated."
      "code" : "121138",
      "display" : "Image Acquired",
      "definition" : "Event of the acquisition of an image."
      "code" : "121139",
      "display" : "Modality",
      "definition" : "Type of device, process or method used to acquire or derive data."
      "code" : "121140",
      "display" : "Number of Frames",
      "definition" : "Number of Frames in a multi-frame image."
      "code" : "121141",
      "display" : "Image Type",
      "definition" : "Descriptor of an Image."
      "code" : "121142",
      "display" : "Acquisition Duration",
      "definition" : "Duration of the acquisition of an image or a waveform."
      "code" : "121143",
      "display" : "Waveform Acquired",
      "definition" : "Event of the acquisition of an image."
      "code" : "121144",
      "display" : "Document Title",
      "definition" : "Document Title."
      "code" : "121145",
      "display" : "Description of Material",
      "definition" : "Description of Material used in a procedure."
      "code" : "121146",
      "display" : "Quantity of Material",
      "definition" : "Quantity of Material used in a procedure."
      "code" : "121147",
      "display" : "Billing Code",
      "definition" : "Billing Code for materials used in a procedure."
      "code" : "121148",
      "display" : "Unit Serial Identifier",
      "definition" : "Unit or Device Serial Identifier."
      "code" : "121149",
      "display" : "Lot Identifier",
      "definition" : "Lot Identifier."
      "code" : "121150",
      "display" : "Device Code",
      "definition" : "Vendor or local coded value identifying a device."
      "code" : "121151",
      "display" : "Lesion Identifier",
      "definition" : "Identification of a Lesion observed during an imaging procedure."
      "code" : "121152",
      "display" : "Person administering drug/contrast",
      "definition" : "Person administering drug/contrast."
      "code" : "121153",
      "display" : "Lesion Risk",
      "definition" : "Assessment of the risk a coronary lesion presents to the health of a patient."
      "code" : "121154",
      "display" : "Intervention attempt identifier",
      "definition" : "Identifier for an attempted Intervention."
      "code" : "121155",
      "display" : "Deployment",
      "definition" : "Use of a device to deploy another device."
      "code" : "121156",
      "display" : "Percutaneous Entry Action",
      "definition" : "Action of a clinical professional at the site of percutaneous access to a patient's cardiovascular system."
      "code" : "121157",
      "display" : "Begin Circulatory Support",
      "definition" : "The action or event of beginning circulatory support for a patient."
      "code" : "121158",
      "display" : "End Circulatory Support",
      "definition" : "The action or event of ending circulatory support for a patient."
      "code" : "121160",
      "display" : "Oxygen Administration Rate",
      "definition" : "Rate of Oxygen Administration."
      "code" : "121161",
      "display" : "Begin Oxygen Administration",
      "definition" : "The action or event of beginning administration of oxygen to a patient."
      "code" : "121162",
      "display" : "End oxygen administration",
      "definition" : "The action or event of ending administration of oxygen to a patient."
      "code" : "121163",
      "display" : "By ventilator",
      "definition" : "Method of administration of oxygen to a patient by ventilator."
      "code" : "121165",
      "display" : "Patient Assessment Performed",
      "definition" : "The action or event of assessing the clinical status of a patient."
      "code" : "121166",
      "display" : "Begin Pacing",
      "definition" : "The action or event of beginning pacing support for a patient."
      "code" : "121167",
      "display" : "End Pacing",
      "definition" : "The action or event of ending pacing support for a patient."
      "code" : "121168",
      "display" : "Begin Ventilation",
      "definition" : "The action or event of beginning ventilation support for a patient."
      "code" : "121169",
      "display" : "End Ventilation",
      "definition" : "The action or event of ending ventilation support for a patient."
      "code" : "121171",
      "display" : "Tech Note",
      "definition" : "Procedural note originated by a technologist."
      "code" : "121172",
      "display" : "Nursing Note",
      "definition" : "Procedural note originated by a nurse."
      "code" : "121173",
      "display" : "Physician Note",
      "definition" : "Procedural note originated by a Physician."
      "code" : "121174",
      "display" : "Procedure Note",
      "definition" : "General procedural note."
      "code" : "121180",
      "display" : "Key Images",
      "definition" : "List of references to images considered significant"
      "code" : "121181",
      "display" : "DICOM Object Catalog",
      "definition" : "List of references to DICOM SOP Instances."
      "code" : "121190",
      "display" : "Referenced Frames",
      "definition" : "Individual frames selected as a subset of a multi-frame image."
      "code" : "121191",
      "display" : "Referenced Segment",
      "definition" : "Segment selected as a subset of a segmentation image, specifically the pixels/voxels identified as belonging to the classification of the identified segment."
      "code" : "121192",
      "display" : "Device Subject",
      "definition" : "A device is the subject of observations."
      "code" : "121193",
      "display" : "Device Subject Name",
      "definition" : "Name or other identifier of a device that is the subject of observations."
      "code" : "121194",
      "display" : "Device Subject Manufacturer",
      "definition" : "Manufacturer of a device that is the subject of observations."
      "code" : "121195",
      "display" : "Device Subject Model Name",
      "definition" : "Model Name of a device that is the subject of observations."
      "code" : "121196",
      "display" : "Device Subject Serial Number",
      "definition" : "Serial Number of a device that is the subject of observations."
      "code" : "121197",
      "display" : "Device Subject Physical Location during observation",
      "definition" : "Physical Location of a device that is the subject of observations during those observations."
      "code" : "121198",
      "display" : "Device Subject UID",
      "definition" : "Unique Identifier of a device that is the subject of observations."
      "code" : "121200",
      "display" : "Illustration of ROI",
      "definition" : "Illustration of a region of interest."
      "code" : "121201",
      "display" : "Area Outline"
      "code" : "121202",
      "display" : "Area of Defined Region"
      "code" : "121206",
      "display" : "Distance",
      "definition" : "A one dimensional, or linear, numeric measurement."
      "code" : "121207",
      "display" : "Height",
      "definition" : "Vertical measurement value."
      "code" : "121208",
      "display" : "Inter-Marker Distance",
      "definition" : "Distance between marks on a device of calibrated size."
      "code" : "121210",
      "display" : "Path"
      "code" : "121211",
      "display" : "Path length",
      "definition" : "A one dimensional, or linear, numeric measurement along a polyline."
      "code" : "121213",
      "display" : "Perimeter Outline"
      "code" : "121214",
      "display" : "Referenced Segmentation Frame",
      "definition" : "Frame selected from a segmentation image, specifically the pixels/voxels identified as belonging to the classification of the segment encompassing the identified frame."
      "code" : "121216",
      "display" : "Volume estimated from single 2D region",
      "definition" : "A three-dimensional numeric measurement that is approximate, based on a two-dimensional region in a single image."
      "code" : "121217",
      "display" : "Volume estimated from three or more non-coplanar 2D regions",
      "definition" : "A three-dimensional numeric measurement that is approximate, based on three or more non-coplanar two-dimensional image regions."
      "code" : "121218",
      "display" : "Volume estimated from two non-coplanar 2D regions",
      "definition" : "A three-dimensional numeric measurement that is approximate, based on two non-coplanar two-dimensional image regions."
      "code" : "121219",
      "display" : "Volume of bounding three dimensional region",
      "definition" : "A three-dimensional numeric measurement of the bounding region of a three-dimensional region of interest in an image set."
      "code" : "121220",
      "display" : "Volume of circumscribed sphere",
      "definition" : "A three-dimensional numeric measurement of the bounding sphere of a three-dimensional region of interest in an image set."
      "code" : "121221",
      "display" : "Volume of ellipsoid",
      "definition" : "A three-dimensional numeric measurement of an ellipsoid shaped three-dimensional region of interest in an image set."
      "code" : "121222",
      "display" : "Volume of sphere",
      "definition" : "A three-dimensional numeric measurement of a sphere shaped three-dimensional region of interest in an image set."
      "code" : "121223",
      "display" : "Arm of angle",
      "definition" : "A line segment that is an arm of a pair of arms that defines an angle, whether or not those line segments share a common vertex."
      "code" : "121224",
      "display" : "Acetabular angle",
      "definition" : "The angle on an AP radiograph of the pelvis between a line drawn parallel to the acetabular roof and a line drawn horizontally through the inferior aspect of both triradiate cartilages (Hilgenreiner's line)."
      "code" : "121225",
      "display" : "Vector",
      "definition" : "An entity that has both a magnitude and a direction."
      "code" : "121226",
      "display" : "Approximate spatial location",
      "definition" : "The approximate geometric location on an image or in space where an entity is located."
      "code" : "121227",
      "display" : "Line segment length",
      "definition" : "The length of that part of a line (a straight object having no curvature) that is bounded by two distinct end points and contains every point on the line between those two end points, including both of the two end points."
      "code" : "121230",
      "display" : "Path Vertex",
      "definition" : "Coordinates of a point on a defined path."
      "code" : "121231",
      "display" : "Volume Surface",
      "definition" : "Surface of an identified or measured volume."
      "code" : "121232",
      "display" : "Source series for segmentation",
      "definition" : "Series of image instances used as source data for a segmentation."
      "code" : "121233",
      "display" : "Source image for segmentation",
      "definition" : "Image instances used as source data for a segmentation."
      "code" : "121242",
      "display" : "Distance from nipple",
      "definition" : "Indicates the location of the area of interest as measured from the nipple of the breast."
      "code" : "121243",
      "display" : "Distance from skin",
      "definition" : "Indicates the location of the area of interest as measured from the most direct skin point of the breast."
      "code" : "121244",
      "display" : "Distance from chest wall",
      "definition" : "Indicates the location of the area of interest as measured from the chest wall."
      "code" : "121290",
      "display" : "Patient exposure to ionizing radiation",
      "definition" : "Patient exposure to ionizing radiation (procedure)."
      "code" : "121291",
      "display" : "Results communicated",
      "definition" : "The act of communicating actionable findings to a responsible receiver."
      "code" : "121301",
      "display" : "Simultaneous Doppler",
      "definition" : "Reference is to a Doppler waveform acquired simultaneously with an image."
      "code" : "121302",
      "display" : "Simultaneous Hemodynamic",
      "definition" : "Reference is to a Hemodynamic waveform acquired simultaneously with an image."
      "code" : "121303",
      "display" : "Simultaneous ECG",
      "definition" : "Reference is to a ECG waveform acquired simultaneously with an image."
      "code" : "121304",
      "display" : "Simultaneous Voice Narrative",
      "definition" : "Reference is to a voice narrative recording acquired simultaneously with an image."
      "code" : "121305",
      "display" : "Simultaneous Respiratory Waveform",
      "definition" : "A waveform representing chest expansion and contraction due to respiratory activity, measured simultaneously with the acquisition of this Image."
      "code" : "121306",
      "display" : "Simultaneous Arterial Pulse Waveform",
      "definition" : "Arterial pulse waveform obtained simultaneously with acquisition of a referencing image."
      "code" : "121307",
      "display" : "Simultaneous Phonocardiographic Waveform",
      "definition" : "Phonocardiographic waveform obtained simultaneously with acquisition of a referencing image."
      "code" : "121310",
      "display" : "RT treatment plan for the position being verified",
      "definition" : "The referenced instance is an RT treatment plan of some type, which contains treatment positioning information, which has been verified using the information in the referencing instance."
      "code" : "121311",
      "display" : "Localizer",
      "definition" : "Image providing an anatomical reference on the patient under examination, for the purpose of defining the location of the ensuing imaging."
      "code" : "121312",
      "display" : "Biopsy localizer",
      "definition" : "Image providing an anatomical reference on the patient under examination, for the purpose of planning or documenting a biopsy."
      "code" : "121313",
      "display" : "Other partial views",
      "definition" : "Image providing a partial view of the target anatomy, when the target anatomy is too large for a single image."
      "code" : "121314",
      "display" : "Other image of biplane pair",
      "definition" : "Image providing a view of the target anatomy in a different imaging plane, typically from a near perpendicular angle."
      "code" : "121315",
      "display" : "Other image of stereoscopic pair",
      "definition" : "Image providing a view of the target anatomy in a different imaging plane, typically with a small angular difference."
      "code" : "121316",
      "display" : "Images related to standalone object",
      "definition" : "Image related to a non-image information object."
      "code" : "121317",
      "display" : "Spectroscopy",
      "definition" : "Image where signals are identified and separated according to their frequencies."
      "code" : "121318",
      "display" : "Spectroscopy Data for Water Phase Correction",
      "definition" : "MR spectroscopy data acquired to correct the phase of the diagnostic data for the phase signal of the Water."
      "code" : "121320",
      "display" : "Uncompressed predecessor",
      "definition" : "An image that has not already been lossy compressed that is used as the source for creation of a lossy compressed image."
      "code" : "121321",
      "display" : "Mask image for image processing operation",
      "definition" : "Image used as the mask for an image processing operation, such as subtraction."
      "code" : "121322",
      "display" : "Source image for image processing operation",
      "definition" : "Image used as the source for an image processing operation."
      "code" : "121323",
      "display" : "Source series for image processing operation",
      "definition" : "Series used as the source for an image processing operation."
      "code" : "121324",
      "display" : "Source Image",
      "definition" : "Image used as the source for a derived or compressed image."
      "code" : "121325",
      "display" : "Lossy compressed image",
      "definition" : "Image encoded with a lossy compression transfer syntax."
      "code" : "121326",
      "display" : "Alternate SOP Class instance",
      "definition" : "SOP Instance encoded with a different SOP Class but otherwise equivalent data."
      "code" : "121327",
      "display" : "Full fidelity image",
      "definition" : "Full fidelity image, uncompressed or lossless compressed."
      "code" : "121328",
      "display" : "Alternate Photometric Interpretation image",
      "definition" : "Image encoded with a different photometric interpretation."
      "code" : "121329",
      "display" : "Source image for montage",
      "definition" : "Image used as a source for a montage (stitched) image."
      "code" : "121330",
      "display" : "Lossy compressed predecessor",
      "definition" : "An image that has previously been lossy compressed that is used as the source for creation of another lossy compressed image."
      "code" : "121331",
      "display" : "Equivalent CDA Document",
      "definition" : "HL7 Document Architecture (CDA) Document that contains clinical content equivalent to the referencing Instance."
      "code" : "121332",
      "display" : "Complete Rendering for Presentation",
      "definition" : "Instance that contains a displayable complete rendering of the referencing Instance."
      "code" : "121333",
      "display" : "Partial Rendering for Presentation",
      "definition" : "Instance that contains a displayable partial rendering of the referencing Instance."
      "code" : "121334",
      "display" : "Extended Rendering for Presentation",
      "definition" : "Instance that contains a displayable complete rendering of the referencing Instance, plus additional content such as inline rendering of referenced images."
      "code" : "121335",
      "display" : "Source Document",
      "definition" : "Document whose content has been wholly or partially transformed to create the referencing document."
      "code" : "121338",
      "display" : "Anatomic image",
      "definition" : "Image showing structural anatomic features."
      "code" : "121339",
      "display" : "Functional image",
      "definition" : "Image showing physical or chemical activity."
      "code" : "121340",
      "display" : "Spectral filtered image",
      "definition" : "Image providing the same view of the target anatomy acquired using only a specific imaging wavelength, frequency or energy."
      "code" : "121341",
      "display" : "Device localizer",
      "definition" : "Image providing an anatomical reference on the patient under examination, for the purpose of documenting the location of device such as a diagnostic or therapeutic catheter."
      "code" : "121342",
      "display" : "Dose Image",
      "definition" : "Image providing a graphic view of the distribution of radiation dose."
      "code" : "121346",
      "display" : "Acquisition frames corresponding to volume",
      "definition" : "The referenced image is the source of spatially-related frames from which the referencing 3D volume data was derived."
      "code" : "121347",
      "display" : "Volume corresponding to spatially-related acquisition frames",
      "definition" : "3D Volume containing the spatially-related frames in the referencing instance."
      "code" : "121348",
      "display" : "Temporal Predecessor",
      "definition" : "Instance acquired prior to the referencing instance in a set of consecutively acquired instances."
      "code" : "121349",
      "display" : "Temporal Successor",
      "definition" : "Instance acquired subsequent to the referencing instance in a set of consecutively acquired instances."
      "code" : "121350",
      "display" : "Same acquisition at lower resolution",
      "definition" : "Image of the same target area at lower resolution acquired in the same acquisition process."
      "code" : "121351",
      "display" : "Same acquisition at higher resolution",
      "definition" : "Image of the same target area at higher resolution acquired in the same acquisition process."
      "code" : "121352",
      "display" : "Same acquisition at different focal depth",
      "definition" : "Image of the same target area at different focal depth (Z-plane) acquired in the same acquisition process."
      "code" : "121353",
      "display" : "Same acquisition at different spectral band",
      "definition" : "Image of the same target area at different spectral band acquired in the same acquisition process."
      "code" : "121354",
      "display" : "Imaged container label",
      "definition" : "Image specifically targeting the container label."
      "code" : "121358",
      "display" : "For Processing predecessor",
      "definition" : "Source image from which FOR PRESENTATION images were created."
      "code" : "121360",
      "display" : "Replaced report",
      "definition" : "The reference is to a predecessor report that has been replaced by the current report."
      "code" : "121361",
      "display" : "Addended report",
      "definition" : "The reference is to a predecessor report to which the current report provides an addendum."
      "code" : "121362",
      "display" : "Preliminary report",
      "definition" : "A report that precedes the final report and may contain only limited information; it may be time sensitive, and it is not expected to contain all the reportable findings."
      "code" : "121363",
      "display" : "Partial report",
      "definition" : "A report that is not complete."
      "code" : "121370",
      "display" : "Composed from prior doses",
      "definition" : "The dose object created was calculated by summation of existing, previously calculated, RT Dose instances."
      "code" : "121371",
      "display" : "Composed from prior doses and current plan",
      "definition" : "The dose object created was calculated by summation of existing, previously calculated, RT Dose instances and dose newly calculated by the application. The newly calculated dose may or may not exist as an independent object."
      "code" : "121372",
      "display" : "Source dose for composing current dose",
      "definition" : "RT Dose Instances used as source for calculated dose."
      "code" : "121373",
      "display" : "RT Pre-Treatment Dose Check",
      "definition" : "An assessment of the dose delivery parameters performed before treatment."
      "code" : "121374",
      "display" : "RT Pre-Treatment Consistency Check",
      "definition" : "An assessment of consistency with a previously quality-assured treatment plan performed before treatment."
      "code" : "121375",
      "display" : "Assessment By Comparison",
      "definition" : "The basis of the assessment was a comparison object."
      "code" : "121376",
      "display" : "Assessment By Rules",
      "definition" : "The basis of the assessment was a set of rules on expected values, ranges and relationships."
      "code" : "121380",
      "display" : "Active Ingredient Undiluted Concentration",
      "definition" : "Concentration of the chemically or physically interesting (active) ingredient of a drug or contrast agent as delivered in product form from the manufacturer, typically in mg/ml."
      "code" : "121381",
      "display" : "Contrast/Bolus Ingredient Opaque",
      "definition" : "X-Ray absorption of the active ingredient of a contrast agent ingredient is greater than the absorption of water (tissue)."
      "code" : "121382",
      "display" : "Quantity administered",
      "definition" : "Number of units of substance administered to a patient."
      "code" : "121383",
      "display" : "Mass administered",
      "definition" : "Mass of substance administered to a patient."
      "code" : "121384",
      "display" : "RT Plan Label",
      "definition" : "Human readable label of the radiotherapy plan."
      "code" : "121385",
      "display" : "Current Fraction Number",
      "definition" : "The index of the fraction of the radiotherapy plan to be delivered."
      "code" : "121386",
      "display" : "Number of Fractions Planned",
      "definition" : "The total number of prescribed radiotherapy fractions."
      "code" : "121387",
      "display" : "Number of Fractions Completed",
      "definition" : "The number of fully completed radiotherapy fractions of the radiotherapy plan to be delivered. Partially completed fractions are not included."
      "code" : "121388",
      "display" : "Checked-In Status",
      "definition" : "Whether or not the patient has been checked-in, i.e., are physically present and are waiting to be called in to the treatment room."
      "code" : "121389",
      "display" : "Referenced Beam Number",
      "definition" : "The referenced beam number within the radiotherapy plan to be delivered."
      "code" : "121401",
      "display" : "Derivation",
      "definition" : "Method of deriving or calculating a measured value."
      "code" : "121402",
      "display" : "Normality",
      "definition" : "Assessment of a measurement relative to a normal range of values; may be considered subtype of term (363713009, SCT, \"has interpretation\")."
      "code" : "121403",
      "display" : "Level of Significance",
      "definition" : "Significance of a measurement."
      "code" : "121404",
      "display" : "Selection Status",
      "definition" : "Status of selection of a measurement for further processing or use."
      "code" : "121405",
      "display" : "Population description",
      "definition" : "Description of a population of measurements."
      "code" : "121406",
      "display" : "Reference Authority",
      "definition" : "Bibliographic or clinical reference for a Description of a population of measurements."
      "code" : "121407",
      "display" : "Normal Range description",
      "definition" : "Description of a normal range of values for a measurement concept."
      "code" : "121408",
      "display" : "Normal Range Authority",
      "definition" : "Bibliographic or clinical reference for a Description of a normal range of values."
      "code" : "121410",
      "display" : "User chosen value",
      "definition" : "Observation value selected by user for further processing or use, or as most representative."
      "code" : "121411",
      "display" : "Most recent value chosen",
      "definition" : "Observation value is the recently obtained, and has been selected for further processing or use."
      "code" : "121412",
      "display" : "Mean value chosen",
      "definition" : "Observation value is the mean of several measurements, and has been selected for further processing or use."
      "code" : "121414",
      "display" : "Standard deviation of population",
      "definition" : "Standard deviation of a measurement in a reference population."
      "code" : "121415",
      "display" : "Percentile Ranking of measurement",
      "definition" : "Percentile Ranking of an observation value with respect a reference population."
      "code" : "121416",
      "display" : "Z-Score of measurement",
      "definition" : "Z-score of an observation value with respect a reference population, expressed as the dimensionless quantity (x-m) /s, where (x-m) is the deviation of the observation value (x) from the population mean (m), and s is the standard deviation of the population."
      "code" : "121417",
      "display" : "2 Sigma deviation of population",
      "definition" : "2 Sigma deviation of a measurement in a reference population."
      "code" : "121420",
      "display" : "Equation",
      "definition" : "Formula used to compute a derived measurement."
      "code" : "121421",
      "display" : "Equation Citation",
      "definition" : "Bibliographic reference to a formula used to compute a derived measurement; reference may be to a specific equation in a journal article."
      "code" : "121422",
      "display" : "Table of Values Citation",
      "definition" : "Bibliographic reference to a Table of Values used to look up a derived measurement."
      "code" : "121423",
      "display" : "Method Citation",
      "definition" : "Bibliographic reference to a method used to compute a derived measurement."
      "code" : "121424",
      "display" : "Table of Values",
      "definition" : "A Table of Values used to look up a derived measurement."
      "code" : "121425",
      "display" : "Index",
      "definition" : "Factor (divisor or multiplicand) for normalizing a measurement."
      "code" : "121427",
      "display" : "Estimated",
      "definition" : "Measurement obtained by observer estimation, rather than with a measurement tool or by calculation"
      "code" : "121428",
      "display" : "Calculated",
      "definition" : "Measurement obtained by calculation"
      "code" : "121430",
      "display" : "Concern",
      "definition" : "Identified issue about a state or process that has the potential to require intervention or management."
      "code" : "121431",
      "display" : "DateTime Concern Noted",
      "definition" : "DateTime concern noted (noted by whom is determined by context of use)."
      "code" : "121432",
      "display" : "DateTime Concern Resolved",
      "definition" : "DateTime the concern was resolved."
      "code" : "121433",
      "display" : "DateTime Problem Resolved",
      "definition" : "DateTime the problem was resolved."
      "code" : "121434",
      "display" : "Service Delivery Location",
      "definition" : "Place at which healthcare services may be provided."
      "code" : "121435",
      "display" : "Service Performer",
      "definition" : "Identification of a healthcare provider who performed a healthcare service; may be either a person or an organization."
      "code" : "121436",
      "display" : "Medical Device Used",
      "definition" : "Type or identifier of a medical device used on, in, or by a patient."
      "code" : "121437",
      "display" : "Pharmacologic and exercise stress test",
      "definition" : "Cardiac stress test using pharmacologic and exercise stressors"
      "code" : "121438",
      "display" : "Paced stress test",
      "definition" : "Cardiac stress test using an implanted or external cardiac pacing device"
      "code" : "121439",
      "display" : "Correction of congenital cardiovascular deformity",
      "definition" : "Procedure for correction of congenital cardiovascular deformity"
      "code" : "121701",
      "display" : "RT Patient Setup",
      "definition" : "Process of placing patient in the anticipated treatment position, including specification and location of positioning aids, and other treatment delivery accessories."
      "code" : "121702",
      "display" : "RT Patient Position Acquisition, single plane MV",
      "definition" : "Acquisition of patient positioning information, using single-plane megavoltage imaging."
      "code" : "121703",
      "display" : "RT Patient Position Acquisition, dual plane MV",
      "definition" : "Acquisition of patient positioning information, using dual-plane megavoltage imaging."
      "code" : "121704",
      "display" : "RT Patient Position Acquisition, single plane kV",
      "definition" : "Acquisition of patient positioning information, using single-plane kilovoltage imaging."
      "code" : "121705",
      "display" : "RT Patient Position Acquisition, dual plane kV",
      "definition" : "Acquisition of patient positioning information, using dual-plane kilovoltage imaging."
      "code" : "121706",
      "display" : "RT Patient Position Acquisition, dual plane kV/MV",
      "definition" : "Acquisition of patient positioning information, using dual-plane combination kilovoltage and megavoltage imaging."
      "code" : "121707",
      "display" : "RT Patient Position Acquisition, CT kV",
      "definition" : "Acquisition of patient positioning information, using kilovoltage CT imaging.This code encompasses both Cone-Beam CT and conventional CT."
      "code" : "121708",
      "display" : "RT Patient Position Acquisition, CT MV",
      "definition" : "Acquisition of patient positioning information, using megavoltage CT imaging.This code encompasses both Cone-Beam CT and conventional CT."
      "code" : "121709",
      "display" : "RT Patient Position Acquisition, Optical",
      "definition" : "Acquisition of patient positioning information, using optical imaging."
      "code" : "121710",
      "display" : "RT Patient Position Acquisition, Ultrasound",
      "definition" : "Acquisition of patient positioning information, using ultrasound imaging."
      "code" : "121711",
      "display" : "RT Patient Position Acquisition, Spatial Fiducials",
      "definition" : "Acquisition of patient positioning information, using spatial fiducials."
      "code" : "121712",
      "display" : "RT Patient Position Registration, single plane",
      "definition" : "Registration of intended and actual patient position prior to treatment delivery, using single-plane images."
      "code" : "121713",
      "display" : "RT Patient Position Registration, dual plane",
      "definition" : "Registration of intended and actual patient position prior to treatment delivery, using dual-plane images."
      "code" : "121714",
      "display" : "RT Patient Position Registration, 3D CT general",
      "definition" : "Registration of intended and actual patient position prior to treatment delivery, using 3D CT images and an unspecified registration approach."
      "code" : "121715",
      "display" : "RT Patient Position Registration, 3D CT marker-based",
      "definition" : "Registration of intended and actual patient position prior to treatment delivery, using 3D CT images and a marker-based registration approach."
      "code" : "121716",
      "display" : "RT Patient Position Registration, 3D CT volume-based",
      "definition" : "Registration of intended and actual patient position prior to treatment delivery, using 3D CT images and a volume-based registration approach."
      "code" : "121717",
      "display" : "RT Patient Position Registration, 3D on 2D reference",
      "definition" : "Registration of intended and actual patient position prior to treatment delivery, using 3D verification images and 2D reference images."
      "code" : "121718",
      "display" : "RT Patient Position Registration, 2D on 3D reference",
      "definition" : "Registration of intended and actual patient position prior to treatment delivery, using 2D verification images and 3D reference images."
      "code" : "121719",
      "display" : "RT Patient Position Registration, Optical",
      "definition" : "Registration of intended and actual patient position prior to treatment delivery, using optical images."
      "code" : "121720",
      "display" : "RT Patient Position Registration, Ultrasound",
      "definition" : "Registration of intended and actual patient position prior to treatment delivery, using ultrasound images."
      "code" : "121721",
      "display" : "RT Patient Position Registration, Spatial Fiducials",
      "definition" : "Registration of intended and actual patient position prior to treatment delivery, using spatial fiducials."
      "code" : "121722",
      "display" : "RT Patient Position Adjustment",
      "definition" : "Adjustment of patient position such that the patient is correctly positioned for treatment."
      "code" : "121723",
      "display" : "RT Patient Position In-treatment-session Review",
      "definition" : "Review of patient positioning information in the process of delivering a treatment session."
      "code" : "121724",
      "display" : "RT Treatment Simulation with Internal Verification",
      "definition" : "Simulated radiotherapy treatment delivery using verification integral to the Treatment Delivery System."
      "code" : "121725",
      "display" : "RT Treatment Simulation with External Verification",
      "definition" : "Simulated radiotherapy treatment delivery using verification by a external Machine Parameter Verifier."
      "code" : "121726",
      "display" : "RT Treatment with Internal Verification",
      "definition" : "Radiotherapy treatment delivery using verification integral to the Treatment Delivery System."
      "code" : "121727",
      "display" : "RT Treatment with External Verification",
      "definition" : "Radiotherapy treatment delivery using verification by a external Machine Parameter Verifier."
      "code" : "121728",
      "display" : "RT Treatment QA with Internal Verification",
      "definition" : "Quality assurance of a radiotherapy treatment delivery using verification integral to the Treatment Delivery System."
      "code" : "121729",
      "display" : "RT Treatment QA with External Verification",
      "definition" : "Quality assurance of a radiotherapy treatment delivery using verification by a external Machine Parameter Verifier."
      "code" : "121730",
      "display" : "RT Machine QA",
      "definition" : "Quality assurance of a Treatment Delivery Device."
      "code" : "121731",
      "display" : "RT Treatment QA by RT Plan Dose Check",
      "definition" : "Perform Quality Assurance on an RT Plan by evaluating dosimetric content of the current RT Plan."
      "code" : "121732",
      "display" : "RT Treatment QA by RT Plan Difference Check",
      "definition" : "Perform Quality Assurance on an RT Plan by comparing the content of previously quality-assessed RT Plans with the current RT Plan."
      "code" : "121733",
      "display" : "RT Treatment QA by RT Ion Plan Dose Check",
      "definition" : "Perform Quality Assurance on an RT Ion Plan by evaluating dosimetric content of the current RT Ion Plan."
      "code" : "121734",
      "display" : "RT Treatment QA with RT Ion Plan Difference Check",
      "definition" : "Perform Quality Assurance on an RT Ion Plan by comparing the content of previously quality-assessed RT Ion Plans by the current RT Ion Plan."
      "code" : "121735",
      "display" : "RT Brachy Treatment",
      "definition" : "Brachytherapy Treatment Delivery."
      "code" : "121740",
      "display" : "Treatment Delivery Type",
      "definition" : "Indicates whether the treatment to be delivered is a complete fraction or a continuation of previous incompletely treated fraction."
      "code" : "122001",
      "display" : "Patient called to procedure room",
      "definition" : "Patient called to procedure room."
      "code" : "122002",
      "display" : "Patient admitted to procedure room",
      "definition" : "Patient admitted to procedure room."
      "code" : "122003",
      "display" : "Patient given pre-procedure instruction",
      "definition" : "Patient given pre-procedure instruction."
      "code" : "122004",
      "display" : "Patient informed consent given",
      "definition" : "Patient informed consent given."
      "code" : "122005",
      "display" : "Patient advance directive given",
      "definition" : "Patient advance directive given."
      "code" : "122006",
      "display" : "Nil Per Os (NPO) status confirmed",
      "definition" : "Nil Per Os (NPO) status confirmed."
      "code" : "122007",
      "display" : "Patient assisted to table",
      "definition" : "Patient assisted to table."
      "code" : "122008",
      "display" : "Patient prepped and draped",
      "definition" : "Patient prepped and draped."
      "code" : "122009",
      "display" : "Patient connected to continuous monitoring",
      "definition" : "Patient connected to continuous monitoring."
      "code" : "122010",
      "display" : "Patient transferred to holding area",
      "definition" : "Patient transferred to holding area."
      "code" : "122011",
      "display" : "Patient transferred to surgery",
      "definition" : "Patient transferred to surgery."
      "code" : "122012",
      "display" : "Patient transferred to CCU",
      "definition" : "Patient transferred to CCU."
      "code" : "122020",
      "display" : "Patient disoriented",
      "definition" : "Patient disoriented."
      "code" : "122021",
      "display" : "Patient reports nausea",
      "definition" : "Patient reports nausea."
      "code" : "122022",
      "display" : "Patient reports discomfort",
      "definition" : "Patient reports discomfort."
      "code" : "122023",
      "display" : "Patient reports chest pain",
      "definition" : "Patient reports chest pain."
      "code" : "122024",
      "display" : "Patient reports no pain",
      "definition" : "Patient reports no pain."
      "code" : "122025",
      "display" : "Patient alert",
      "definition" : "Patient alert."
      "code" : "122026",
      "display" : "Patient restless",
      "definition" : "Patient restless."
      "code" : "122027",
      "display" : "Patient sedated",
      "definition" : "Patient sedated."
      "code" : "122028",
      "display" : "Patient asleep",
      "definition" : "Patient asleep."
      "code" : "122029",
      "display" : "Patient unresponsive",
      "definition" : "Patient unresponsive."
      "code" : "122030",
      "display" : "Patient has respiratory difficulty",
      "definition" : "Patient has respiratory difficulty."
      "code" : "122031",
      "display" : "Patient coughed",
      "definition" : "Patient coughed."
      "code" : "122032",
      "display" : "Patient disconnected from continuous monitoring",
      "definition" : "Patient disconnected from continuous monitoring."
      "code" : "122033",
      "display" : "Hemostasis achieved",
      "definition" : "Hemostasis achieved."
      "code" : "122034",
      "display" : "Hemostasis not achieved - oozing",
      "definition" : "Hemostasis not achieved - oozing."
      "code" : "122035",
      "display" : "Hemostasis not achieved - actively bleeding",
      "definition" : "Hemostasis not achieved - actively bleeding."
      "code" : "122036",
      "display" : "Patient given post-procedure instruction",
      "definition" : "Patient given post-procedure instruction."
      "code" : "122037",
      "display" : "Patient discharged from department",
      "definition" : "Patient discharged from department or laboratory."
      "code" : "122038",
      "display" : "Patient pronounced dead",
      "definition" : "Patient pronounced dead."
      "code" : "122039",
      "display" : "Patient transferred to morgue",
      "definition" : "Patient transferred to morgue."
      "code" : "122041",
      "display" : "Personnel Arrived",
      "definition" : "Identified personnel or staff arrived in procedure room."
      "code" : "122042",
      "display" : "Personnel Departed",
      "definition" : "Identified personnel or staff departed procedure room."
      "code" : "122043",
      "display" : "Page Sent To",
      "definition" : "Page sent to identified personnel or staff."
      "code" : "122044",
      "display" : "Consultation With",
      "definition" : "Consultation with identified personnel or staff."
      "code" : "122045",
      "display" : "Office called",
      "definition" : "Office of identified personnel or staff was called."
      "code" : "122046",
      "display" : "Equipment failure",
      "definition" : "Equipment failure"
      "code" : "122047",
      "display" : "Equipment brought to procedure room",
      "definition" : "Equipment brought to procedure room."
      "code" : "122048",
      "display" : "Equipment ready",
      "definition" : "Equipment ready for procedure."
      "code" : "122049",
      "display" : "Equipment removed",
      "definition" : "Equipment removed from procedure room."
      "code" : "122052",
      "display" : "Bioptome",
      "definition" : "Device for obtaining biopsy sample."
      "code" : "122053",
      "display" : "Valvular Intervention",
      "definition" : "Valvular Intervention."
      "code" : "122054",
      "display" : "Aortic Intervention",
      "definition" : "Aortic Intervention."
      "code" : "122055",
      "display" : "Septal Defect Intervention",
      "definition" : "Septal Defect Intervention."
      "code" : "122056",
      "display" : "Vascular Intervention",
      "definition" : "Vascular Intervention."
      "code" : "122057",
      "display" : "Myocardial biopsy",
      "definition" : "Myocardial biopsy."
      "code" : "122058",
      "display" : "Arterial conduit angiography",
      "definition" : "Arterial conduit angiography."
      "code" : "122059",
      "display" : "Single plane Angiography",
      "definition" : "Single plane Angiography."
      "code" : "122060",
      "display" : "Bi-plane Angiography",
      "definition" : "Bi-plane Angiography."
      "code" : "122061",
      "display" : "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention",
      "definition" : "Percutaneous Coronary Intervention."
      "code" : "122062",
      "display" : "15-Lead ECG",
      "definition" : "15-Lead electrocardiography"
      "code" : "122072",
      "display" : "Pre-procedure log",
      "definition" : "Log of events occurring prior to the current procedure."
      "code" : "122073",
      "display" : "Current procedure evidence",
      "definition" : "Analysis or measurements for current procedure (purpose of reference to evidence document)."
      "code" : "122075",
      "display" : "Prior report for current patient",
      "definition" : "Prior report for current patient."
      "code" : "122076",
      "display" : "Consumable taken from inventory",
      "definition" : "Identifier of Consumable taken from inventory."
      "code" : "122077",
      "display" : "Consumable returned to inventory",
      "definition" : "Identifier of Consumable returned to inventory."
      "code" : "122078",
      "display" : "Remaining consumable disposed",
      "definition" : "Identifier of consumable whose remaining content has been disposed."
      "code" : "122079",
      "display" : "Consumable unusable",
      "definition" : "Identifier of Consumable determined to be unusable."
      "code" : "122081",
      "display" : "Drug start",
      "definition" : "Identifier of Drug whose administration has started."
      "code" : "122082",
      "display" : "Drug end",
      "definition" : "Identifier of Drug whose administration has ended."
      "code" : "122083",
      "display" : "Drug administered",
      "definition" : "Identifier of Drug administered as part of procedure."
      "code" : "122084",
      "display" : "Contrast start",
      "definition" : "Identifier of Contrast agent whose administration has started."
      "code" : "122085",
      "display" : "Contrast end",
      "definition" : "Identifier of Contrast agent whose administration has ended."
      "code" : "122086",
      "display" : "Contrast administered",
      "definition" : "Identifier of Contrast agent administered."
      "code" : "122087",
      "display" : "Infusate start",
      "definition" : "Identifier of Infusate whose administration has started."
      "code" : "122088",
      "display" : "Infusate end",
      "definition" : "Identifier of Infusate whose administration has ended."
      "code" : "122089",
      "display" : "Device crossed lesion",
      "definition" : "Action of a device traversing a vascular lesion."
      "code" : "122090",
      "display" : "Intervention Action",
      "definition" : "Action of a clinical professional performed on a patient for therapeutic purpose."
      "code" : "122091",
      "display" : "Volume administered",
      "definition" : "Volume of Drug, Contrast agent, or Infusate administered."
      "code" : "122092",
      "display" : "Undiluted dose administered",
      "definition" : "Undiluted dose of Drug, Contrast agent, or Infusate administered."
      "code" : "122093",
      "display" : "Concentration",
      "definition" : "Concentration of Drug, Contrast agent, or Infusate administered."
      "code" : "122094",
      "display" : "Rate of administration",
      "definition" : "Rate of Drug, Contrast agent, or Infusate administration."
      "code" : "122095",
      "display" : "Duration of administration",
      "definition" : "Duration of Drug, Contrast agent, or Infusate administration."
      "code" : "122096",
      "display" : "Volume unadministered or discarded",
      "definition" : "Volume of Drug, Contrast agent, or Infusate unadministered or discarded."
      "code" : "122097",
      "display" : "Catheter Curve",
      "definition" : "Numeric parameter of Curvature of Catheter."
      "code" : "122098",
      "display" : "Transmit Frequency",
      "definition" : "Transmit Frequency."
      "code" : "122099",
      "display" : "ST change from baseline",
      "definition" : "Measured change of patient electrocardiographic ST level relative to baseline measurement."
      "code" : "122101",
      "display" : "Aneurysm on cited vessel",
      "definition" : "Anatomic term modifier indicating aneurysm on cited vessel is the subject of the finding."
      "code" : "122102",
      "display" : "Graft to cited segment, proximal section",
      "definition" : "Anatomic term modifier indicating proximal section of graft to cited vessel is the subject of the finding."
      "code" : "122103",
      "display" : "Graft to cited segment, mid section",
      "definition" : "Anatomic term modifier indicating mid section of graft to cited vessel is the subject of the finding."
      "code" : "122104",
      "display" : "Graft to cited segment, distal section",
      "definition" : "Anatomic term modifier indicating distal section of graft to cited vessel is the subject of the finding."
      "code" : "122105",
      "display" : "DateTime of Intervention",
      "definition" : "DateTime of Intervention."
      "code" : "122106",
      "display" : "Duration of Intervention",
      "definition" : "Duration of Intervention."
      "code" : "122107",
      "display" : "Baseline Stenosis Measurement",
      "definition" : "Lesion stenosis measured prior to any interventional procedure"
      "code" : "122108",
      "display" : "Post-Intervention Stenosis Measurement",
      "definition" : "Lesion stenosis measured after an interventional procedure"
      "code" : "122109",
      "display" : "Baseline TIMI Flow",
      "definition" : "Assessment of perfusion across a coronary lesion measured prior to any interventional procedure."
      "code" : "122110",
      "display" : "Post-Intervention TIMI Flow",
      "definition" : "Assessment of perfusion across a coronary lesion measured after an interventional procedure."
      "code" : "122111",
      "display" : "Primary Intervention Device",
      "definition" : "Indication that device is the primary (first and/or most significant) device used for interventional therapy of a particular pathology."
      "code" : "122112",
      "display" : "Normal Myocardium",
      "definition" : "Normal Myocardium."
      "code" : "122113",
      "display" : "Scarred Myocardium",
      "definition" : "Scarred Myocardium."
      "code" : "122114",
      "display" : "Thinning Myocardium",
      "definition" : "Thinning Myocardium."
      "code" : "122120",
      "display" : "Hemodynamics Report",
      "definition" : "Hemodynamics Report."
      "code" : "122121",
      "display" : "Atrial pressure measurements",
      "definition" : "Atrial pressure measurements, report section."
      "code" : "122122",
      "display" : "Ventricular pressure measurements",
      "definition" : "Ventricular pressure measurements, report section."
      "code" : "122123",
      "display" : "Gradient assessment",
      "definition" : "Gradient assessment, report section."
      "code" : "122124",
      "display" : "Blood velocity measurements",
      "definition" : "Blood velocity measurements, report section."
      "code" : "122125",
      "display" : "Blood lab measurements",
      "definition" : "Blood lab measurements, report section."
      "code" : "122126",
      "display" : "Derived Hemodynamic Measurements",
      "definition" : "Derived Hemodynamic Measurements, report section."
      "code" : "122127",
      "display" : "Clinical Context",
      "definition" : "Clinical Context, report section."
      "code" : "122128",
      "display" : "Patient Transferred From",
      "definition" : "Location from which the patient was transferred."
      "code" : "122129",
      "display" : "PCI during this procedure",
      "definition" : "Indication that the procedure includes a percutaneous coronary intervention."
      "code" : "122130",
      "display" : "Dose Area Product",
      "definition" : "Radiation dose times area of exposure."
      "code" : "122131",
      "display" : "Degree of Thrombus",
      "definition" : "Finding of probability and/or severity of thrombus."
      "code" : "122132",
      "display" : "Severity of Calcification",
      "definition" : "Severity of Calcification, property of lesion."
      "code" : "122133",
      "display" : "Lesion Morphology",
      "definition" : "Lesion Morphology; form and/or structural properties of lesion."
      "code" : "122134",
      "display" : "Vessel Morphology",
      "definition" : "Vessel Morphology; form and/or structural properties of vessel."
      "code" : "122138",
      "display" : "Circulatory Support",
      "definition" : "Technique (device or procedure) of support for patient circulatory system; hemodynamic support."
      "code" : "122139",
      "display" : "Reason for Study",
      "definition" : "Reason for Study."
      "code" : "122140",
      "display" : "Comparison with Prior Study Done",
      "definition" : "Indication that the current study data has been compared with prior study data."
      "code" : "122141",
      "display" : "Electrode Placement",
      "definition" : "Electrocardiographic electrode placement technique."
      "code" : "122142",
      "display" : "Acquisition Device Type",
      "definition" : "Acquisition Device Type."
      "code" : "122143",
      "display" : "Acquisition Device ID",
      "definition" : "Acquisition Device ID."
      "code" : "122144",
      "display" : "Quantitative Analysis",
      "definition" : "Quantitative Analysis, report section."
      "code" : "122145",
      "display" : "Qualitative Analysis",
      "definition" : "Qualitative Analysis, report section."
      "code" : "122146",
      "display" : "Procedure DateTime",
      "definition" : "The date and time on which a procedure was performed on a patient."
      "code" : "122147",
      "display" : "Clinical Interpretation",
      "definition" : "Clinical Interpretation, report section."
      "code" : "122148",
      "display" : "Lead ID",
      "definition" : "ECG Lead Identifier."
      "code" : "122149",
      "display" : "Beat Number",
      "definition" : "Beat Number; ordinal of cardiac cycle within an acquisition."
      "code" : "122150",
      "display" : "Compound Statement",
      "definition" : "Complex coded semantic unit, consisting of several coded components."
      "code" : "122151",
      "display" : "Trend",
      "definition" : "Trend (temporal progression) of a clinical condition, finding, or disease."
      "code" : "122152",
      "display" : "Statement",
      "definition" : "Coded semantic unit."
      "code" : "122153",
      "display" : "Statement Modifier",
      "definition" : "Coded modifier for a semantic unit."
      "code" : "122154",
      "display" : "Conjunctive Term",
      "definition" : "Conjunctive term between semantic units."
      "code" : "122157",
      "display" : "Probability",
      "definition" : "Probability."
      "code" : "122158",
      "display" : "ECG Global Measurements",
      "definition" : "ECG Global Measurements, report section."
      "code" : "122159",
      "display" : "ECG Lead Measurements",
      "definition" : "ECG Lead Measurements, report section."
      "code" : "122160",
      "display" : "Derived Area, Non-Valve",
      "definition" : "Derived cross-sectional area of a vessel or anatomic feature, other than a cardiac valve."
      "code" : "122161",
      "display" : "Pulmonary Flow",
      "definition" : "Rate of blood flow through Pulmonary artery."
      "code" : "122162",
      "display" : "Systemic Flow",
      "definition" : "Rate of blood flow through the aorta."
      "code" : "122163",
      "display" : "Discharge DateTime",
      "definition" : "DateTime of patient discharge from hospital admission."
      "code" : "122164",
      "display" : "Coronary Artery Bypass During This Admission",
      "definition" : "Indication that a Coronary Artery Bypass operation was performed during the current hospital admission."
      "code" : "122165",
      "display" : "DateTime of Death",
      "definition" : "DateTime of Death."
      "code" : "122166",
      "display" : "Death During This Admission",
      "definition" : "Indication that the patient died during the current hospital admission."
      "code" : "122167",
      "display" : "Death During Catheterization",
      "definition" : "Indication that the patient died during the current Catheterization procedure."
      "code" : "122170",
      "display" : "Type of Myocardial Infarction",
      "definition" : "Finding of type of Myocardial Infarction."
      "code" : "122171",
      "display" : "Coronary lesion > = 50% stenosis",
      "definition" : "Finding of Coronary lesion with greater than 50% stenosis."
      "code" : "122172",
      "display" : "Acute MI Present",
      "definition" : "Finding of Acute Myocardial Infarction Presence as indication for interventional procedure."
      "code" : "122173",
      "display" : "ST Elevation Onset DateTime",
      "definition" : "DateTime of first determination of elevated ECG ST segment, as indication of Myocardial Infarction."
      "code" : "122175",
      "display" : "Number of lesion interventions attempted",
      "definition" : "Number of lesion interventions attempted during current procedure."
      "code" : "122176",
      "display" : "Number of lesion interventions successful",
      "definition" : "Number of lesion interventions successful during current procedure, where the residual post intervention stenosis is less than or equal to 50% of the arterial luminal diameter, TIMI Flow is 3 and the minimal decrease in stenosis was 20%."
      "code" : "122177",
      "display" : "Procedure Result",
      "definition" : "Overall success of interventional procedure."
      "code" : "122178",
      "display" : "Lesion Intervention Information",
      "definition" : "Lesion Intervention Information, report section."
      "code" : "122179",
      "display" : "Peri-procedural MI occurred",
      "definition" : "Indication that Myocardial Infarction occurred during current procedure."
      "code" : "122180",
      "display" : "CK-MB baseline",
      "definition" : "Creatine Kinase-MB value at baseline (start of procedure)."
      "code" : "122181",
      "display" : "CK-MB peak",
      "definition" : "Creatine Kinase-MB highest value measured during procedure."
      "code" : "122182",
      "display" : "R-R interval",
      "definition" : "Time interval between ECG R-wave peaks in subsequent cardiac cycles."
      "code" : "122183",
      "display" : "Blood temperature",
      "definition" : "Blood temperature."
      "code" : "122185",
      "display" : "Blood Oxygen content",
      "definition" : "Blood Oxygen content."
      "code" : "122187",
      "display" : "Blood Carbon dioxide saturation",
      "definition" : "Blood Carbon dioxide saturation."
      "code" : "122188",
      "display" : "Pulmonary Arterial Content (FCpa)",
      "definition" : "Pulmonary Arterial Content (FCpa)."
      "code" : "122189",
      "display" : "Pulmonary Venous Content (FCpv)",
      "definition" : "Pulmonary Venous Content (FCpv)."
      "code" : "122190",
      "display" : "Max dp/dt/P",
      "definition" : "Max dp/dt/P."
      "code" : "122191",
      "display" : "Ventricular End Diastolic pressure",
      "definition" : "Ventricular End Diastolic pressure."
      "code" : "122192",
      "display" : "Indicator appearance time",
      "definition" : "Elapsed time from injection of an indicator bolus until it is observed at another location."
      "code" : "122193",
      "display" : "Maximum pressure acceleration",
      "definition" : "Maximum pressure acceleration."
      "code" : "122194",
      "display" : "Ventricular Systolic blood pressure",
      "definition" : "Ventricular Systolic blood pressure."
      "code" : "122195",
      "display" : "Pulse Strength",
      "definition" : "Pulse Strength; palpable strength of systolic flow."
      "code" : "122196",
      "display" : "C wave pressure",
      "definition" : "The secondary peak pressure in the atrium during atrial contraction."
      "code" : "122197",
      "display" : "Gradient pressure, average",
      "definition" : "Gradient pressure, average."
      "code" : "122198",
      "display" : "Gradient pressure, peak",
      "definition" : "Gradient pressure, peak."
      "code" : "122199",
      "display" : "Pressure at dp/dt max",
      "definition" : "Pressure at dp/dt max."
      "code" : "122201",
      "display" : "Diastolic blood velocity, mean",
      "definition" : "Diastolic blood velocity, mean."
      "code" : "122202",
      "display" : "Diastolic blood velocity, peak",
      "definition" : "Diastolic blood velocity, peak."
      "code" : "122203",
      "display" : "Systolic blood velocity, mean",
      "definition" : "Systolic blood velocity, mean."
      "code" : "122204",
      "display" : "Systolic blood velocity, peak",
      "definition" : "Systolic blood velocity, peak."
      "code" : "122205",
      "display" : "Blood velocity, mean",
      "definition" : "Blood velocity, mean."
      "code" : "122206",
      "display" : "Blood velocity, minimum",
      "definition" : "Blood velocity, minimum."
      "code" : "122207",
      "display" : "Blood velocity, peak",
      "definition" : "Blood velocity, peak."
      "code" : "122208",
      "display" : "x-descent pressure",
      "definition" : "Venous or atrial pressure minimum during ventricular systole, after A-wave."
      "code" : "122209",
      "display" : "y-descent pressure",
      "definition" : "Venous or atrial pressure minimum when tricuspid valve opens during diastole, after V-wave."
      "code" : "122210",
      "display" : "z-point pressure",
      "definition" : "Atrial pressure upon closure of tricuspid and mitral valves."
      "code" : "122211",
      "display" : "Left Ventricular ejection time",
      "definition" : "Left Ventricular ejection time."
      "code" : "122212",
      "display" : "Left Ventricular filling time",
      "definition" : "Left Ventricular filling time."
      "code" : "122213",
      "display" : "Right Ventricular ejection time",
      "definition" : "Right Ventricular ejection time."
      "code" : "122214",
      "display" : "Right Ventricular filling time",
      "definition" : "Right Ventricular filling time."
      "code" : "122215",
      "display" : "Total Pulmonary Resistance",
      "definition" : "Total Pulmonary Resistance."
      "code" : "122216",
      "display" : "Total Vascular Resistance",
      "definition" : "Total Vascular Resistance."
      "code" : "122217",
      "display" : "Coronary Flow reserve",
      "definition" : "Coronary Flow reserve."
      "code" : "122218",
      "display" : "Diastolic/Systolic velocity ratio",
      "definition" : "Diastolic/Systolic velocity ratio."
      "code" : "122219",
      "display" : "Hyperemic ratio",
      "definition" : "Hyperemic ratio."
      "code" : "122220",
      "display" : "Hemodynamic Resistance Index",
      "definition" : "Hemodynamic Resistance Index."
      "code" : "122221",
      "display" : "Thorax diameter, sagittal",
      "definition" : "Thorax diameter, sagittal."
      "code" : "122222",
      "display" : "Procedure Environmental Characteristics",
      "definition" : "Environmental characteristics in the procedure room."
      "code" : "122223",
      "display" : "Room oxygen concentration",
      "definition" : "Oxygen concentration in the procedure room."
      "code" : "122224",
      "display" : "Room temperature",
      "definition" : "Temperature in the procedure room."
      "code" : "122225",
      "display" : "Room Barometric pressure",
      "definition" : "Barometric pressure in the procedure room."
      "code" : "122227",
      "display" : "Left to Right Flow",
      "definition" : "Left to Right Flow."
      "code" : "122228",
      "display" : "Right to Left Flow",
      "definition" : "Right to Left Flow."
      "code" : "122229",
      "display" : "Arteriovenous difference",
      "definition" : "Arteriovenous oxygen content difference."
      "code" : "122230",
      "display" : "10 Year CHD Risk",
      "definition" : "Framingham Study 10 Year CHD Risk."
      "code" : "122231",
      "display" : "Comparative Average10 Year CHD Risk",
      "definition" : "Framingham Study Comparative Average10 Year CHD Risk."
      "code" : "122232",
      "display" : "Comparative Low10 Year CHD Risk",
      "definition" : "Framingham Study Comparative Low10 Year CHD Risk."
      "code" : "122233",
      "display" : "LDL Cholesterol Score Sheet for Men",
      "definition" : "Framingham Study LDL Cholesterol Score Sheet for Men."
      "code" : "122234",
      "display" : "LDL Cholesterol Score Sheet for Women",
      "definition" : "Framingham Study LDL Cholesterol Score Sheet for Women."
      "code" : "122235",
      "display" : "Total Cholesterol Score Sheet for Men",
      "definition" : "Framingham Study Total Cholesterol Score Sheet for Men."
      "code" : "122236",
      "display" : "Total Cholesterol Score Sheet for Women",
      "definition" : "Framingham Study Total Cholesterol Score Sheet for Women."
      "code" : "122237",
      "display" : "Corrected Sinus Node Recovery Time",
      "definition" : "Corrected Sinus Node Recovery Time."
      "code" : "122238",
      "display" : "Max volume normalized to 50mmHg pulse pressure",
      "definition" : "Max volume normalized to 50mmHg pulse pressure."
      "code" : "122239",
      "display" : "Oxygen Consumption",
      "definition" : "Oxygen Consumption."
      "code" : "122240",
      "display" : "BSA = 0.003207*WT^(0.7285-0.0188​*log(WT))*HT^0.3",
      "definition" : "Body Surface Area computed from patient height and weight: BSA = 0.003207*WT[g]^(0.7285-0.0188​​*log(WT[g]))*HT[cm]^0.3 [Boyd E, The growth of the surface area of the human body. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1935, eq. (36) ]."
      "code" : "122241",
      "display" : "BSA = 0.007184*WT^0.425​*HT^0.725",
      "definition" : "Body Surface Area computed from patient height and weight: BSA = 0.007184*WT[kg]^0.425​*HT[cm]^0.725 [Dubois and Dubois, Arch Int Med 1916 17:863-71]."
      "code" : "122242",
      "display" : "BSA = 0.0235*WT^0.51456​*HT^0.42246",
      "definition" : "Body Surface Area computed from patient height and weight: BSA = 0.0235*WT[kg]^0.51456​​*HT[cm]^0.42246[Gehan EA, George SL, 'Estimation of human body surface area from height and weight', Cancer Chemother Rep 1970 54:225-35]."
      "code" : "122243",
      "display" : "BSA = 0.024265*WT^0.5378​*HT^0.3964",
      "definition" : "Body Surface Area computed from patient height and weight: BSA = 0.024265*WT[kg]^0.5378​*HT[cm]^0.3964[Haycock G.B., Schwartz G.J., Wisotsky D.H. 'Geometric method for measuring body surface area: A height weight formula validated in infants, children and adults.' The Journal of Pediatrics 1978 93:1:62-66]."
      "code" : "122244",
      "display" : "BSA = (HT*WT/36)^0.5",
      "definition" : "Body Surface Area computed from patient height and weight: BSA = (HT[m]*WT[kg]/36)^0.5[Mosteller, R.D. 'Simplified Calculation of Body Surface Area.' N Engl J Med 1987 Oct 22;317(17):1098]."
      "code" : "122245",
      "display" : "BSA = 1321+0.3433*WT",
      "definition" : "Body Surface Area computed from patient weight:BSA = 1321 + 0.3433 * WT[kg] (for pediatrics 3-30 kg) [Current, J.D. 'A Linear Equation For Estimating The Body Surface Area In Infants And Children', The Internet Journal of Anesthesiology. 1998. 2:2]."
      "code" : "122246",
      "display" : "BSA = 0.0004688*WT^(0.8168-0.0154​*log(WT))",
      "definition" : "BSA = 0.0004688*(1000*WT)^(0.8168-0.0154​*log(1000*WT))Where (WT is weight in kilogram)Units = m2Boyd, Edith. The Growth of the Surface Area of the Human Body(originally published in 1935 by the University of Minnesota Press), Greenwood Press, Westport, Connecticut, 1975, p. 102.Equation (35)."
      "code" : "122247",
      "display" : "VO2male = BSA (138.1 - 11.49 * loge(age) + 0.378 * HRf)",
      "definition" : "Equation for estimated oxygen consumption: VO2male = BSA (138.1 - 11.49 * loge(age) + 0.378 * HRf)."
      "code" : "122248",
      "display" : "VO2female = BSA (138.1 - 17.04 * loge(age) + 0.378 * HRf)",
      "definition" : "Equation for estimated oxygen consumption: VO2female = BSA (138.1 - 17.04 * loge(age) + 0.378 * HRf)."
      "code" : "122249",
      "display" : "VO2 = VeSTPD * 10 * (FIO2 - FE02)",
      "definition" : "Equation for estimated oxygen consumption: VO2 = VeSTPD * 10 * (FIO2 - FE02)."
      "code" : "122250",
      "display" : "VO2 = 152 * BSA",
      "definition" : "Equation for estimated oxygen consumption: VO2 = 152 * BSA."
      "code" : "122251",
      "display" : "VO2 = 175 * BSA",
      "definition" : "Equation for estimated oxygen consumption: VO2 = 175 * BSA."
      "code" : "122252",
      "display" : "VO2 = 176 * BSA",
      "definition" : "Equation for estimated oxygen consumption: VO2 = 176 * BSA."
      "code" : "122253",
      "display" : "Robertson & Reid table",
      "definition" : "Robertson & Reid Table for estimated oxygen consumption."
      "code" : "122254",
      "display" : "Fleisch table",
      "definition" : "Fleisch table for estimated oxygen consumption."
      "code" : "122255",
      "display" : "Boothby table",
      "definition" : "Boothby table for estimated oxygen consumption."
      "code" : "122256",
      "display" : "if (prem age< 3days) P50 = 19.9",
      "definition" : "Estimate of Oxygen partial pressure at 50% saturation for premature infants less than 3 days old: P50 = 19.9."
      "code" : "122257",
      "display" : "if (age < 1day) P50 = 21.6",
      "definition" : "Estimate of Oxygen partial pressure at 50% saturation for infants less than 1 day old: P50 = 21.6."
      "code" : "122258",
      "display" : "if (age < 30day) P50 = 24.6",
      "definition" : "Estimate of Oxygen partial pressure at 50% saturation for infants less than 30 days old: P50 = 24.6."
      "code" : "122259",
      "display" : "if (age < 18y) P50 = 27.2",
      "definition" : "Estimate of Oxygen partial pressure at 50% saturation for patients less than 18 years old: P50 = 27.2."
      "code" : "122260",
      "display" : "if (age < 40y) P50 = 27.4",
      "definition" : "Estimate of Oxygen partial pressure at 50% saturation for patients less than 40 years old: P50 = 27.4."
      "code" : "122261",
      "display" : "if (age > 60y) P50 = 29.3",
      "definition" : "Estimate of Oxygen partial pressure at 50% saturation for patients more than 60 years old: P50 = 29.3."
      "code" : "122262",
      "display" : "Area = Flow / 44.5 * sqrt(Gradient[mmHg])",
      "definition" : "Cardiac valve area computed from flow and pressure gradient: Area = Flow / 44.5 * sqrt(Gradient[mmHg]) [Gorlin and Gorlin, Am Heart J, 1951]."
      "code" : "122263",
      "display" : "MVA = Flow / 38.0 * sqrt(Gradient[mmHg])",
      "definition" : "Mitral valve area computed from flow and pressure gradient: Mitral valve Area = Flow / 38.0 * sqrt(Gradient[mmHg]) [Gorlin and Gorlin, Am Heart J, 1951]."
      "code" : "122265",
      "display" : "BMI = Wt / Ht ^ 2",
      "definition" : "Body Mass Index computed from weight and height: BMI = Wt/Ht^2."
      "code" : "122266",
      "display" : "BSA = 0.007358*WT^0.425​*HT^0.725",
      "definition" : "Body Surface Area computed from patient height and weight: BSA = 0.007358*WT[kg]^0.425​*HT[cm]^0.725(for East Asian adult, aged 15+ years) [Kanai Izumi, Masamitsu Kanai, 'Clinical examination method summary']."
      "code" : "122267",
      "display" : "BSA = 0.010265*WT^0.423​*HT^0.651",
      "definition" : "Body Surface Area computed from patient height and weight: BSA = 0.010265*WT[kg]^0.423​*HT[cm]^0.651 (For East Asian child aged 12-14 years)."
      "code" : "122268",
      "display" : "BSA = 0.008883*WT^0.444​*HT^0.663",
      "definition" : "Body Surface Area computed from patient height and weight: BSA = 0.008883*WT[kg]^0.444​*HT[cm]^0.663 (For East Asian child aged 6-11 years)."
      "code" : "122269",
      "display" : "BSA = 0.038189*WT^0.423​*HT^0.362",
      "definition" : "Body Surface Area computed from patient height and weight: BSA = 0.038189*WT[kg]^0.423​*HT[cm]^0.362 (For East Asian child aged 1-5 years)."
      "code" : "122270",
      "display" : "BSA = 0.009568*WT^0.473​*HT^0.655",
      "definition" : "Body Surface Area computed from patient height and weight: BSA = 0.009568*WT[kg]^0.473​*HT[cm]^0.655 (For East Asian child aged 0-12 months)."
      "code" : "122271",
      "display" : "Skin Condition Warm",
      "definition" : "Skin Condition Warm."
      "code" : "122272",
      "display" : "Skin Condition Cool",
      "definition" : "Skin Condition Cool."
      "code" : "122273",
      "display" : "Skin Condition Cold",
      "definition" : "Skin Condition Cold."
      "code" : "122274",
      "display" : "Skin Condition Dry",
      "definition" : "Skin Condition Dry."
      "code" : "122275",
      "display" : "Skin Condition Clammy",
      "definition" : "Skin Condition Clammy."
      "code" : "122276",
      "display" : "Skin Condition Diaphoretic",
      "definition" : "Skin Condition Diaphoretic."
      "code" : "122277",
      "display" : "Skin Condition Flush",
      "definition" : "Skin Condition Flush."
      "code" : "122278",
      "display" : "Skin Condition Mottled",
      "definition" : "Skin Condition Mottled."
      "code" : "122279",
      "display" : "Skin Condition Pale",
      "definition" : "Skin Condition Pale."
      "code" : "122281",
      "display" : "Airway unobstructed",
      "definition" : "Airway unobstructed."
      "code" : "122282",
      "display" : "Airway partially obstructed",
      "definition" : "Airway partially obstructed."
      "code" : "122283",
      "display" : "Airway severely obstructed",
      "definition" : "Airway severely obstructed."
      "code" : "122288",
      "display" : "Not Visualized",
      "definition" : "Anatomy could not be visualized for the purpose of evaluation."
      "code" : "122291",
      "display" : "Quantitative Arteriography Report",
      "definition" : "Quantitative Arteriography Report."
      "code" : "122292",
      "display" : "Quantitative Ventriculography Report",
      "definition" : "Quantitative Ventriculography Report."
      "code" : "122301",
      "display" : "Guidewire crossing lesion unsuccessful",
      "definition" : "Guidewire crossing lesion unsuccessful."
      "code" : "122302",
      "display" : "Guidewire crossing lesion successful",
      "definition" : "Guidewire crossing lesion successful."
      "code" : "122303",
      "display" : "Angioplasty balloon inflated",
      "definition" : "Angioplasty balloon inflated."
      "code" : "122304",
      "display" : "Angioplasty balloon deflated",
      "definition" : "Angioplasty balloon deflated."
      "code" : "122305",
      "display" : "Device deployed",
      "definition" : "Device deployed."
      "code" : "122306",
      "display" : "Stent re-expanded",
      "definition" : "Stent re-expanded."
      "code" : "122307",
      "display" : "Object removed",
      "definition" : "Object removed."
      "code" : "122308",
      "display" : "Radiation applied",
      "definition" : "Radiation applied."
      "code" : "122309",
      "display" : "Radiation removed",
      "definition" : "Radiation removed."
      "code" : "122310",
      "display" : "Interventional device placement unsuccessful",
      "definition" : "Interventional device placement unsuccessful."
      "code" : "122311",
      "display" : "Interventional device placed",
      "definition" : "Interventional device placed."
      "code" : "122312",
      "display" : "Intervention performed",
      "definition" : "Intervention performed."
      "code" : "122313",
      "display" : "Interventional device withdrawn",
      "definition" : "Interventional device withdrawn."
      "code" : "122319",
      "display" : "Catheter Size",
      "definition" : "Catheter Size."
      "code" : "122320",
      "display" : "Injectate Temperature",
      "definition" : "Injectate Temperature."
      "code" : "122321",
      "display" : "Injectate Volume",
      "definition" : "Injectate Volume."
      "code" : "122322",
      "display" : "Calibration Factor",
      "definition" : "Factor by which a measured or calculated value is multiplied to obtain the estimated real-world value."
      "code" : "122325",
      "display" : "IVUS Report",
      "definition" : "Intravascular Ultrasound Report."
      "code" : "122330",
      "display" : "EEM Diameter",
      "definition" : "External Elastic Membrane (EEM) diameter measured through the center point of the vessel. Center point of the vessel is defined as the center of gravity of the EEM area. The EEM is a discrete interface at the border between the media and the adventitia."
      "code" : "122331",
      "display" : "Plaque Plus Media Thickness",
      "definition" : "The distance from intimal leading edge to the external elastic membrane along any line passing through the luminal center, which is defined as the center of gravity of the lumen area."
      "code" : "122332",
      "display" : "Lumen Perimeter",
      "definition" : "Planimetered perimeter of the lumen."
      "code" : "122333",
      "display" : "EEM Cross-Sectional Area",
      "definition" : "Vessel area measured at the External Elastic Membrane (EEM), a discrete interface at the border between the media and the adventitia."
      "code" : "122334",
      "display" : "Plaque plus Media Cross-Sectional Area",
      "definition" : "Area within the EEM occupied by atheroma, regardless of lumen compromise. Plaque plus Media Area = EEM cross-sectional area - vessel lumen cross-sectional area."
      "code" : "122335",
      "display" : "In-Stent Neointimal Cross-Sectional Area",
      "definition" : "Measurement of in-stent restenosis. In-Stent Intimal Area = Stent cross-sectional area - vessel lumen cross-sectional area."
      "code" : "122336",
      "display" : "Vascular Volume measurement length",
      "definition" : "Longitudinal extent of the Vascular Volume Measurement. This is the distance from the distal edge to the proximal edge of the Volume measurement."
      "code" : "122337",
      "display" : "Relative position",
      "definition" : "Longitudinal distance from the closest edge of a fiducial feature or reference location to the start of the vascular measurement. This value will be a positive if the measurement is distal to the fiducial feature or reference location, or negative if the measurement is proximal to the fiducial feature or reference location."
      "code" : "122339",
      "display" : "Stent Volume Obstruction",
      "definition" : "In-Stent Neointimal Volume / Stent Volume."
      "code" : "122340",
      "display" : "Fiducial feature",
      "definition" : "Reference, normally anatomical, which is used for locating the position of a measurement."
      "code" : "122341",
      "display" : "Calcium Length",
      "definition" : "Longitudinal calcium length measurement."
      "code" : "122343",
      "display" : "Lumen Eccentricity Index",
      "definition" : "Measurement of vessel lumen eccentricity. Lumen Eccentricity Index = (maximum vessel lumen diameter - minimum vessel lumen diameter) / maximum vessel lumen diameter. Lumen diameters are measured through the center point of the lumen, which is defined as the center of gravity of the lumen area."
      "code" : "122344",
      "display" : "Plaque plus Media Eccentricity Index",
      "definition" : "Plaque plus Media Eccentricity Index = (maximum Plaque plus media thickness - minimum Plaque plus media thickness) / maximum Plaque plus media thickness."
      "code" : "122345",
      "display" : "Remodeling Index",
      "definition" : "Measurement of increase or decrease in EEM area that occurs during the development of atherosclerosis. Remodeling Index = Lesion EEM area / reference EEM area."
      "code" : "122346",
      "display" : "Stent Symmetry Index",
      "definition" : "Measurement of stent circularity. Stent Symmetry Index = (maximum stent diameter - minimum stent diameter) / maximum stent diameter."
      "code" : "122347",
      "display" : "Stent Expansion Index",
      "definition" : "Measurement of stent area relative to the reference lumen area. Stent Expansion Index = Minimum stent area / reference vessel lumen cross-sectional area."
      "code" : "122348",
      "display" : "Lumen Shape Index",
      "definition" : "Measurement of vessel lumen eccentricity. Lumen Shape Index = (2p * sqrt(Vessel lumen cross-sectional area / p) / Lumen Perimeter) 2Reference: Tobis & Yock, \"Intravascular Ultrasound Imaging\", Chapter 7."
      "code" : "122350",
      "display" : "Lumen Diameter Ratio",
      "definition" : "Lumen diameter ratio = minimum vessel lumen diameter / maximum vessel lumen diameter, measured at the same cross section in the vessel. Lumen diameters are measured through the center point of the lumen, which is defined as the center of gravity of the lumen area."
      "code" : "122351",
      "display" : "Stent Diameter Ratio",
      "definition" : "Stent diameter ratio = Minimum stent diameter / Maximum stent diameter, measured at the same cross section in the vessel. Stent diameters are measured through the center point of the stent, which is defined as the center of gravity of the stent area."
      "code" : "122352",
      "display" : "EEM Diameter Ratio",
      "definition" : "EEM diameter ratio = minimum EEM diameter / maximum EEM diameter. Measured at the same cross section in the vessel."
      "code" : "122354",
      "display" : "Plaque Burden",
      "definition" : "Fractional area within the External Elastic Membrane (EEM) occupied by atheroma. Plaque Burden = (EEM area - vessel lumen cross-sectional area) / EEM area."
      "code" : "122355",
      "display" : "Arc of Calcium",
      "definition" : "Angular measurement of a Calcium deposit with the apex located at the center of the lumen, which is defined as the center of gravity of the lumen area."
      "code" : "122356",
      "display" : "Soft plaque",
      "definition" : "Plaque characterized by low density or echogenicity."
      "code" : "122357",
      "display" : "In-Stent Neointima",
      "definition" : "Abnormal thickening of the intima within the stented segment."
      "code" : "122360",
      "display" : "True Lumen",
      "definition" : "Lumen surrounded by all three layers of the vessel-intima, media, and adventitia."
      "code" : "122361",
      "display" : "False Lumen",
      "definition" : "A channel, usually parallel to the true lumen, which does not communicate with the true lumen over a portion of its length."
      "code" : "122363",
      "display" : "Plaque Rupture",
      "definition" : "Plaque ulceration with a tear detected in a fibrous cap."
      "code" : "122364",
      "display" : "Stent Gap",
      "definition" : "Length of gap between two consecutive stents."
      "code" : "122367",
      "display" : "T-1 Worst",
      "definition" : "Worst stenosis - the stenosis with the smallest lumen size within a vessel segment."
      "code" : "122368",
      "display" : "T-2 Secondary",
      "definition" : "2nd most severe stenosis within a vessel segment."
      "code" : "122369",
      "display" : "T-3 Secondary",
      "definition" : "3rd most severe stenosis within a vessel segment."
      "code" : "122370",
      "display" : "T-4 Secondary",
      "definition" : "4th most severe stenosis within a vessel segment."
      "code" : "122371",
      "display" : "EEM Volume",
      "definition" : "External Elastic Membrane (EEM) volume measured within a specified region. The EEM is a discrete interface at the border between the media and the Adventitia."
      "code" : "122372",
      "display" : "Lumen Volume",
      "definition" : "Lumen volume measured within a specified region."
      "code" : "122374",
      "display" : "In-Stent Neointimal Volume",
      "definition" : "The amount of plaque between the lumen and stent, within the stent region; In-stent restenosis. In-Stent Neointimal Volume = Stent Volume - Lumen Volume."
      "code" : "122375",
      "display" : "Native Plaque Volume",
      "definition" : "The amount of plaque between the stent and the EEM, within the stent region. Native Plaque Volume = EEM Volume - Stent Volume."
      "code" : "122376",
      "display" : "Total Plaque Volume",
      "definition" : "Total amount of plaque between the EEM and the Lumen, over the entire region that is measured. Total Plaque Volume = EEM Volume - Lumen Volume."
      "code" : "122380",
      "display" : "Proximal Reference",
      "definition" : "Proximal reference segment measurement site. Typically the site with the largest lumen proximal to a stenosis but within the same segment (usually within 10 mm of the stenosis with no major intervening branches)."
      "code" : "122381",
      "display" : "Distal Reference",
      "definition" : "Distal reference segment measurement site. Typically the site with the largest lumen distal to a stenosis but within the same segment (usually within 10 mm of the stenosis with no major intervening branches)."
      "code" : "122382",
      "display" : "Site of Lumen Minimum",
      "definition" : "Site of the smallest lumen in a vessel."
      "code" : "122383",
      "display" : "Entire Pullback",
      "definition" : "Measurement region that encompasses the entire vessel imaged in a single pullback acquisition."
      "code" : "122384",
      "display" : "Stented Region",
      "definition" : "Measurement region occupied by the stent."
      "code" : "122385",
      "display" : "Proximal Stent Margin",
      "definition" : "Region starting at the proximal edge of the Stent and extending several millimeters (usually 5 mm) proximal to the Stent edge."
      "code" : "122386",
      "display" : "Distal Stent Margin",
      "definition" : "Region starting at the distal edge of the Stent and extending several millimeters (usually 5 mm) distal to the Stent edge."
      "code" : "122387",
      "display" : "Dissection Classification",
      "definition" : "Classification of dissections in a vessel."
      "code" : "122388",
      "display" : "Intra-stent Dissection",
      "definition" : "Separation of neointimal hyperplasia from stent struts, usually seen only after treatment of in-stent restenosis."
      "code" : "122389",
      "display" : "Vulnerable Plaque",
      "definition" : "Plaque with a thin cap fibrous atheroma that is at increased risk of rupture and thrombosis (or re-thrombosis) and rapid stenosis progression."
      "code" : "122390",
      "display" : "Eroded Plaque",
      "definition" : "Plaque erosions with no structural defect (beyond endothelial injury) or gap in the plaque."
      "code" : "122391",
      "display" : "Relative Stenosis Severity",
      "definition" : "Stenosis severity classifications of multiple lesions in a vessel."
      "code" : "122393",
      "display" : "Restenotic Lesion",
      "definition" : "A finding of a previously treated lesion in which stenosis has reoccurred."
      "code" : "122394",
      "display" : "Fibro-Lipidic Plaque",
      "definition" : "Loosely packed bundles of collagen fibers with regions of lipid deposition present. Region is cellular and no cholesterol clefts or necrosis are present. Somemacrophage infiltration. Increase in extra cellular matrix."
      "code" : "122395",
      "display" : "Necrotic-Lipidic Plaque",
      "definition" : "Area within the plaque with very low echogenicity separated from the lumen and surrounded by more echogenic structures (fibrous cap). Highly lipidic necrotic region with remnants of foam cells and dead lymphocytes present. No collagen fibers are visible and mechanical integrity is poor. Cholesterol clefts and micro calcifications are visible."
      "code" : "122397",
      "display" : "Adventitial Dissection",
      "definition" : "Separation of the layers of an artery involving the adventitia"
      "code" : "122398",
      "display" : "Intimal Dissection",
      "definition" : "Separation of the layers of an artery involving the intima. Dissection limited to the intima or atheroma, and not extending to the media."
      "code" : "122399",
      "display" : "Medial Dissection",
      "definition" : "Separation of the layers of an artery involving the media. Dissection in the arterial Media, extending into the media."
      "code" : "122400",
      "display" : "Simultaneously Acquired",
      "definition" : "The referenced information was acquired simultaneously with the information in the object in which the reference occurs."
      "code" : "122401",
      "display" : "Same Anatomy",
      "definition" : "Information acquired for the same anatomic region."
      "code" : "122402",
      "display" : "Same Indication",
      "definition" : "Information acquired for the same indication."
      "code" : "122403",
      "display" : "For Attenuation Correction",
      "definition" : "The referenced information was used to correct the data for differential attenuation through different anatomic tissue."
      "code" : "122404",
      "display" : "Reconstructed",
      "definition" : "Value estimated for a vessel in the absence of a stenosis."
      "code" : "122405",
      "display" : "Algorithm Manufacturer",
      "definition" : "Manufacturer of application used."
      "code" : "122406",
      "display" : "Left Atrial Ejection Fraction by Angiography",
      "definition" : "Left Atrial Ejection Fraction by Angiography."
      "code" : "122407",
      "display" : "Left Atrial ED Volume",
      "definition" : "Left Atrial End Diastolic Volume."
      "code" : "122408",
      "display" : "Left Atrial ES Volume",
      "definition" : "Left Atrial End Systolic Volume."
      "code" : "122410",
      "display" : "Contour Realignment",
      "definition" : "Contour repositioning of End Diastolic relative to End Systolic contour."
      "code" : "122411",
      "display" : "Threshold Value",
      "definition" : "The minimum standard deviation to define the hypokinesis and hyperkinesis."
      "code" : "122417",
      "display" : "Regional Abnormal Wall Motion",
      "definition" : "Report of differentiation of wall motion compared to normal."
      "code" : "122421",
      "display" : "Calibration Object",
      "definition" : "Object used for Calibration."
      "code" : "122422",
      "display" : "Calibration Method",
      "definition" : "Method used for Calibration."
      "code" : "122423",
      "display" : "Calibration Object Size",
      "definition" : "Size of calibration object."
      "code" : "122428",
      "display" : "Area Length Method",
      "definition" : "Method how long axis is positioned."
      "code" : "122429",
      "display" : "Volume Method",
      "definition" : "Model for cardiac chamber volume calculation."
      "code" : "122430",
      "display" : "Reference Method",
      "definition" : "Method to define original diameter of the artery."
      "code" : "122431",
      "display" : "Regression Slope ED",
      "definition" : "Relation between calculated End Diastolic volume and ventricular End Diastolic volume. The specific meaning is dependent on volume method used."
      "code" : "122432",
      "display" : "Regression Offset ED",
      "definition" : "Correction factor for the calculated End Diastolic volume and ventricular End Diastolic volume. The specific meaning is dependent on volume method used."
      "code" : "122433",
      "display" : "Regression Slope ES",
      "definition" : "Relation between calculated End Systolic volume and ventricular End Systolic volume. The specific meaning is dependent on volume method used."
      "code" : "122434",
      "display" : "Regression Offset ES",
      "definition" : "Correction factor for the calculated End Systolic volume and ventricular End Systolic volume. The specific meaning is dependent on volume method used."
      "code" : "122435",
      "display" : "Regression Volume Exponent",
      "definition" : "Exponent of volume in regression formula."
      "code" : "122438",
      "display" : "Reference Points",
      "definition" : "Container for spatial locations or coordinates used for calculation."
      "code" : "122445",
      "display" : "Wall Thickness",
      "definition" : "Average thickness of the chamber wall in the current view."
      "code" : "122446",
      "display" : "Wall Volume",
      "definition" : "Volume of the chamber wall estimated from the current view."
      "code" : "122447",
      "display" : "Wall Mass",
      "definition" : "Mass of the chamber wall (myocardium)."
      "code" : "122448",
      "display" : "Wall Stress",
      "definition" : "Peak systolic stress of chamber wall."
      "code" : "122449",
      "display" : "Centerline Wall Motion Analysis",
      "definition" : "Method to calculate wall motion [example: Sheehan, 1986]."
      "code" : "122450",
      "display" : "Normalized Chord Length",
      "definition" : "The length between End Diastolic and End Systolic contour perpendicular on the centerline normalized by a method dependent ventricular perimeter length. The centerline is the line equidistant between the End Diastolic and End Systolic contour [example: Sheehan, 1986]."
      "code" : "122451",
      "display" : "Abnormal Region",
      "definition" : "The report of the boundaries of the abnormal (hyperkinetic, hypokinetic, a-kinetic) regions associated with the territory of the artery [example: Sheehan, 1986]."
      "code" : "122452",
      "display" : "First Chord of Abnormal Region",
      "definition" : "The chord number specifying the begin of abnormal region [example: Sheehan, 1986]."
      "code" : "122453",
      "display" : "Last Chord of Abnormal Region",
      "definition" : "The chord number specifying the end of abnormal region [example: Sheehan, 1986]."
      "code" : "122459",
      "display" : "Territory Region Severity",
      "definition" : "Severity at the regional abnormality extent [example: Sheehan, 1986]."
      "code" : "122461",
      "display" : "Opposite Region Severity",
      "definition" : "Severity at the opposite regional abnormality extent [example: Sheehan, 1986]."
      "code" : "122464",
      "display" : "LAD Region in RAO Projection",
      "definition" : "Based on a total number of chords of 100 and RAO project the range of chords belonging to this circumferential extent lies between 5 - 85. [Sheehan, 1986]."
      "code" : "122465",
      "display" : "RCA Region in ROA Projection",
      "definition" : "Based on a total number of chords of 100 and RAO project the range of chords belonging to this circumferential extent lies between 25 - 85. [Sheehan, 1986]."
      "code" : "122466",
      "display" : "Single LAD Region in RAO Projection",
      "definition" : "Based on a total number of chords of 100 and RAO projection the range of chords belonging to this regional extent lies between 10 - 66 (hypokinetic) and 67 - 80 (hyperkinetic). [Sheehan, 1986]."
      "code" : "122467",
      "display" : "Single RCA Region in RAO Projection",
      "definition" : "Based on a total number of chords of 100 and RAO projection the range of chords belonging to this regional extent lies between 51 - 80 (hypokinetic) and 10 - 50 (hyperkinetic). [Sheehan, 1986]."
      "code" : "122468",
      "display" : "Multiple LAD Region in RAO Projection",
      "definition" : "Based on a total number of chords of 100 and RAO projection the range of chords belonging to this regional extent lies between 10 - 58 (hypokinetic) and 59 -80 (hyperkinetic). [Sheehan, 1986]."
      "code" : "122469",
      "display" : "Multiple RCA Region in RAO Projection",
      "definition" : "Based on a total number of chords of 100 and RAO projection the range of chords belonging to this regional extent lies between 59 - 80 (hypokinetic) and 10 - 58 (hyperkinetic). [Sheehan, 1986]."
      "code" : "122470",
      "display" : "LAD Region in LAO Projection",
      "definition" : "Based on a total number of chords of 100 and LAO projection the range of chords belonging to this regional extent lies between 50 -100 (hypokinetic) and 20 - 49 (hyperkinetic). [Sheehan, 1986]."
      "code" : "122471",
      "display" : "RCA Region in LAO Projection",
      "definition" : "Based on a total number of chords of 100 and LAO projection the range of chords belonging to this regional extent lies between 19 - 67 (hypokinetic) and 68 - 100 (hyperkinetic). [Sheehan, 1986]."
      "code" : "122472",
      "display" : "CFX Region in LAO Projection",
      "definition" : "Based on a total number of chords of 100 and LAO projection the range of chords belonging to this regional extent lies between 38 -74 (hypokinetic) and 75 - 100 (hyperkinetic). [Sheehan, 1986]."
      "code" : "122473",
      "display" : "Circular Method",
      "definition" : "Method based on assumption that the image object is circular."
      "code" : "122474",
      "display" : "Densitometric Method",
      "definition" : "Method based on the gray value distribution of the image."
      "code" : "122475",
      "display" : "Center of Gravity",
      "definition" : "End Systolic contour realigned to End Diastolic contour based on the center of gravity."
      "code" : "122476",
      "display" : "Long Axis Based",
      "definition" : "End Systolic contour realigned to End Diastolic contour based on the mid point of the long axis. The long axis end points are defined as the posterior and apex."
      "code" : "122477",
      "display" : "No Realignment",
      "definition" : "No Contour Realignment applied."
      "code" : "122480",
      "display" : "Vessel Lumen Cross-Sectional Area",
      "definition" : "Calculated Vessel Lumen Cross-Sectional Area based on the referenced method."
      "code" : "122481",
      "display" : "Contour Start",
      "definition" : "Location of the beginning of a contour."
      "code" : "122482",
      "display" : "Contour End",
      "definition" : "Location of the end of a contour."
      "code" : "122485",
      "display" : "Sphere",
      "definition" : "Sphere visible in an image, which is used as a calibration or marker object."
      "code" : "122486",
      "display" : "Geometric Isocenter",
      "definition" : "Object of interest in isocenter of image and pixel separation is calculated from geometric data."
      "code" : "122487",
      "display" : "Geometric Non-Isocenter",
      "definition" : "Object of interest not in isocenter of image and pixel separation is calculated from geometric data and out of isocenter distances."
      "code" : "122488",
      "display" : "Calibration Object Used",
      "definition" : "Object used for calibration."
      "code" : "122489",
      "display" : "Curve Fitted Reference",
      "definition" : "Application dependent method to calculate the reference diameter based on the multiple diameter values."
      "code" : "122490",
      "display" : "Interpolated Local Reference",
      "definition" : "Application dependent method to calculate reference by interpolation, based on the diameter of two or more user defined reference positions."
      "code" : "122491",
      "display" : "Mean Local Reference",
      "definition" : "Application dependent method to calculate by averaging the reference, based on the diameter of one or more user defined reference positions."
      "code" : "122493",
      "display" : "Radial Based Wall Motion Analysis",
      "definition" : "Method to calculate wall motion based on the lengths of the radials in the predefined regions [Ingels]."
      "code" : "122495",
      "display" : "Regional Contribution to Ejection Fraction",
      "definition" : "Contribution of Region to global Ejection factor based on radial or landmark based wall motion method."
      "code" : "122496",
      "display" : "Radial Shortening",
      "definition" : "The reduction of area between End Systolic and End Diastolic based on radial wall motion analysis."
      "code" : "122497",
      "display" : "Landmark Based Wall Motion Analysis",
      "definition" : "Method to calculate wall motion based on the move of landmarks on the wall [Slager]."
      "code" : "122498",
      "display" : "Slice Contribution to Ejection Fraction",
      "definition" : "Contribution to the ejection fraction of a specific slice region [Slager]."
      "code" : "122499",
      "display" : "Frame to Frame Analysis",
      "definition" : "Method to calculate volumes of heart chambers for every image in a range."
      "code" : "122501",
      "display" : "Area of closed irregular polygon",
      "definition" : "The area is derived by considering a set of coordinates as a closed irregular polygon, accounting for inner angles.The exact method, such as by decomposition into triangles or quadrilaterals, is not specified, since it does not affect the numeric result, apart from the effect of numeric precision during computation of intermediate results."
      "code" : "122502",
      "display" : "Area of a closed NURBS",
      "definition" : "The area is derived by using a set of coordinates as control points for a Non Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS)."
      "code" : "122503",
      "display" : "Integration of sum of closed areas on contiguous slices method for volume",
      "definition" : "Method of integrating the sum of the areas on adjacent slices across the slice interval to derive a total volume; each area is defined by a regular planar shape or by considering a set of coordinates as a closed irregular polygon, accounting for inner angles."
      "code" : "122505",
      "display" : "Calibration",
      "definition" : "Procedure used to calibrate measurements or measurement devices."
      "code" : "122507",
      "display" : "Left Contour",
      "definition" : "Left contour of lumen (direction proximal to distal)."
      "code" : "122508",
      "display" : "Right Contour",
      "definition" : "Right contour of lumen (direction proximal to distal)."
      "code" : "122509",
      "display" : "Diameter Graph",
      "definition" : "Ordered set of diameters values derived from contours (direction proximal to distal)."
      "code" : "122510",
      "display" : "Length Luminal Segment",
      "definition" : "Length Luminal Segment."
      "code" : "122511",
      "display" : "Graph Increment",
      "definition" : "Increment value along X-axis in Diameter Graph."
      "code" : "122516",
      "display" : "Site of Maximum Luminal",
      "definition" : "Location of the maximum lumen area in a lesion or vessel."
      "code" : "122517",
      "display" : "Densitometric Luminal Cross-sectional Area Graph",
      "definition" : "Ordered set of cross-sectional Vessel Lumen Cross-Sectional Area values derived from contours (direction proximal to distal) based on densitometric method."
      "code" : "122528",
      "display" : "Position of Proximal Border",
      "definition" : "Position of proximal border of segment relative to the contour start (proximal end of analysis area)."
      "code" : "122529",
      "display" : "Position of Distal Border",
      "definition" : "Position of distal border of segment relative to the contour start (proximal end of analysis area)."
      "code" : "122542",
      "display" : "Plaque Area",
      "definition" : "Longitudinal cross sectional area of plaque."
      "code" : "122544",
      "display" : "Diameter Symmetry",
      "definition" : "Symmetry of stenosis (0 = complete asymmetry, 1 = complete symmetry)."
      "code" : "122545",
      "display" : "Area Symmetry",
      "definition" : "Symmetry of plaque (0 = complete asymmetry, 1 = complete symmetry)."
      "code" : "122546",
      "display" : "Inflow Angle",
      "definition" : "The average slope of the diameter function between the position of the minimum luminal diameter and the position of the proximal border of the segment."
      "code" : "122547",
      "display" : "Outflow Angle",
      "definition" : "The average slope of the diameter function between the position of the minimum luminal diameter and the position of the distal border of the segment."
      "code" : "122548",
      "display" : "Stenotic Flow Reserve",
      "definition" : "The relation between coronary pressure and coronary flow."
      "code" : "122549",
      "display" : "Poiseuille Resistance",
      "definition" : "Poiseuille Resistance at the location of the stenosis."
      "code" : "122550",
      "display" : "Turbulence Resistance",
      "definition" : "Turbulence Resistance at the location of the stenosis."
      "code" : "122551",
      "display" : "Pressure Drop at SFR",
      "definition" : "Pressure drop over the stenosis at maximum heart output."
      "code" : "122554",
      "display" : "Segmentation Method",
      "definition" : "Method for selection of vessel sub-segments."
      "code" : "122555",
      "display" : "Estimated Normal Flow",
      "definition" : "Estimate of the volume of blood flow in the absence of stenosis."
      "code" : "122558",
      "display" : "Area Length Kennedy",
      "definition" : "Area Length method defined by Kennedy [Kennedy, 1970]."
      "code" : "122559",
      "display" : "Area Length Dodge",
      "definition" : "Area Length method defined by Dodge [Dodge, 1960]."
      "code" : "122560",
      "display" : "Area Length Wynne",
      "definition" : "Area Length method defined by Wynne [Wynne]."
      "code" : "122562",
      "display" : "Multiple Slices",
      "definition" : "Volume method based on multiple slice."
      "code" : "122563",
      "display" : "Boak",
      "definition" : "Volume method defined by Boak [Boak]."
      "code" : "122564",
      "display" : "TS Pyramid",
      "definition" : "Volume method defined by Ferlinz [Ferlinz]."
      "code" : "122565",
      "display" : "Two Chamber",
      "definition" : "Volume method defined by Graham [Graham]."
      "code" : "122566",
      "display" : "Parallelepiped",
      "definition" : "Volume method defined by Arcilla [Arcilla]."
      "code" : "122572",
      "display" : "BSA^1.219",
      "definition" : "Corrected Body Surface area for indexing the hemodynamic measurements for a pediatric patient."
      "code" : "122574",
      "display" : "Equidistant method",
      "definition" : "Method for selecting sub-segments that are all of the same length."
      "code" : "122575",
      "display" : "User selected method",
      "definition" : "Manually selected start and end of sub-segment."
      "code" : "122582",
      "display" : "Left ventricular posterobasal segment",
      "definition" : "Left ventricular posterobasal segment."
      "code" : "122600",
      "display" : "Cardiovascular Analysis Report",
      "definition" : "Report of a Cardiovascular Analysis, typically from a CT or MR study."
      "code" : "122601",
      "display" : "Ventricular Analysis",
      "definition" : "Ventricular Analysis."
      "code" : "122602",
      "display" : "Myocardial Perfusion Analysis",
      "definition" : "Myocardial Perfusion Analysis."
      "code" : "122603",
      "display" : "Calcium Scoring Analysis",
      "definition" : "Calcium Scoring Analysis."
      "code" : "122604",
      "display" : "Flow Quantification",
      "definition" : "Flow Quantification Analysis."
      "code" : "122605",
      "display" : "Vascular Morphological Analysis",
      "definition" : "Vascular Morphological Analysis."
      "code" : "122606",
      "display" : "Vascular Functional Analysis",
      "definition" : "Vascular Functional Analysis."
      "code" : "122607",
      "display" : "Thickening Analysis",
      "definition" : "Analysis of myocardial wall thickening."
      "code" : "122608",
      "display" : "Absolute Values Of Ventricular Measurements",
      "definition" : "Section Heading for absolute values of ventricular measurements."
      "code" : "122609",
      "display" : "Normalized Values Of Ventricular Measurements",
      "definition" : "Results of normalizing ventricular measurements."
      "code" : "122611",
      "display" : "Reference Point",
      "definition" : "Reference Point of a measurement."
      "code" : "122612",
      "display" : "Central breathing position",
      "definition" : "Central breathing position between inspiration and expiration."
      "code" : "122616",
      "display" : "Peak Ejection Rate",
      "definition" : "Peak of the ventricular ejection rate."
      "code" : "122617",
      "display" : "Peak Ejection Time",
      "definition" : "Time of the peak of ventricular ejection."
      "code" : "122618",
      "display" : "Peak Filling Rate",
      "definition" : "Peak of the fluid filling rate."
      "code" : "122619",
      "display" : "Peak Filling Time",
      "definition" : "Time interval until time of peak filling from a given reference point."
      "code" : "122620",
      "display" : "Papillary Muscle Excluded",
      "definition" : "Papillary muscle was excluded from the measurement."
      "code" : "122621",
      "display" : "Papillary Muscle Included",
      "definition" : "Papillary muscle was included in the measurement."
      "code" : "122624",
      "display" : "Wall Thickness Ratio end-systolic to end-diastolic",
      "definition" : "The ratio of the end-systolic wall thickness compared to the end-diastolic wall thickness."
      "code" : "122627",
      "display" : "Curve Fit Method",
      "definition" : "The method to smooth a ventricular volume as a function of time."
      "code" : "122628",
      "display" : "Baseline Result Correction",
      "definition" : "Baseline correction used in the calculation of the results."
      "code" : "122631",
      "display" : "Signal Earliest Peak Time",
      "definition" : "The time in a dynamic set of images at which the first peak of the signal is observed for the analyzed myocardial wall segments."
      "code" : "122633",
      "display" : "Signal Increase Start Time",
      "definition" : "This is the time at which the signal begins to increase."
      "code" : "122634",
      "display" : "Signal Time to Peak",
      "definition" : "Time interval between the beginning of the signal increase to the time at which the signal intensity reaches its first maximum in a dynamic set of images."
      "code" : "122635",
      "display" : "MR Perfusion Peak",
      "definition" : "Peak of the MR perfusion signal."
      "code" : "122636",
      "display" : "MR Perfusion Slope",
      "definition" : "Signal intensity as a function of time. It is the change in the signal intensity divided by the change in the time."
      "code" : "122637",
      "display" : "MR Perfusion Time Integral",
      "definition" : "MR perfusion time integral from baseline (foot time) to earliest peak."
      "code" : "122638",
      "display" : "Signal Baseline Start",
      "definition" : "First time point in a dynamic set of images used in the calculation of the baseline signal intensity for each myocardial wall segment."
      "code" : "122639",
      "display" : "Signal Baseline End",
      "definition" : "Last time point in a dynamic set of images used in the calculation of the baseline signal intensity for each myocardial wall segment."
      "code" : "122640",
      "display" : "Image Interval",
      "definition" : "The time delta between images in a dynamic set of images."
      "code" : "122642",
      "display" : "Velocity Encoding Minimum Value",
      "definition" : "The minimum velocity encoded by the phase encoding gradient."
      "code" : "122643",
      "display" : "Velocity Encoding Maximum Value",
      "definition" : "The maximum velocity encoded by the phase encoding gradient."
      "code" : "122645",
      "display" : "Net Forward Volume",
      "definition" : "Forward volume-reverse volume."
      "code" : "122650",
      "display" : "Area Based Method",
      "definition" : "Area Based Method for estimating volume or area."
      "code" : "122651",
      "display" : "Diameter Based Method",
      "definition" : "Diameter Based Method for estimating volume, area or diameter."
      "code" : "122652",
      "display" : "Volume Based Method",
      "definition" : "Volume Based Method for estimating volume."
      "code" : "122655",
      "display" : "NASCET",
      "definition" : "A method of diameter measurements according to NASCET (North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial)."
      "code" : "122656",
      "display" : "ECST",
      "definition" : "A method of diameter measurements according to ECST (European Carotid Surgery Trial)."
      "code" : "122657",
      "display" : "Agatston Score Threshold",
      "definition" : "Agatston Score Threshold."
      "code" : "122658",
      "display" : "Calcium Mass Threshold",
      "definition" : "Calcium Mass Threshold."
      "code" : "122659",
      "display" : "Calcium Scoring Calibration",
      "definition" : "Calcium Scoring Calibration."
      "code" : "122660",
      "display" : "Calcium Volume",
      "definition" : "Calcium Volume."
      "code" : "122661",
      "display" : "Calcium Mass",
      "definition" : "Calcium Mass."
      "code" : "122664",
      "display" : "Late Contrast Enhancement",
      "definition" : "Delayed hyperenhancement of a tissue observed in an image acquired after injection of contrast media."
      "code" : "122665",
      "display" : "Time interval since injection of contrast media",
      "definition" : "Time interval since injection of contrast media."
      "code" : "122666",
      "display" : "Time relative to R-wave peak",
      "definition" : "Time relative to R-wave peak."
      "code" : "122667",
      "display" : "Blood velocity vs. time of cardiac cycle",
      "definition" : "Relationship between blood velocity and time relative to R-wave peak."
      "code" : "122668",
      "display" : "Time interval since detection of contrast bolus",
      "definition" : "Time interval since detection of contrast bolus."
      "code" : "122670",
      "display" : "Papillary Muscle Included/Excluded",
      "definition" : "Indicates if the papillary muscle was included or excluded in the measurement."
      "code" : "122675",
      "display" : "Anterior-Posterior",
      "definition" : "Anterior to Posterior direction."
      "code" : "122680",
      "display" : "endoleak",
      "definition" : "Persistent flow of blood into the stent-grafting."
      "code" : "122683",
      "display" : "Stent Fracture",
      "definition" : "Fracture of a stent."
      "code" : "122684",
      "display" : "Stent Disintegration",
      "definition" : "Disintegration of a stent."
      "code" : "122685",
      "display" : "Stent Composition",
      "definition" : "Material that a stent consists of."
      "code" : "122686",
      "display" : "Parent Vessel Finding",
      "definition" : "Finding about the characteristics of the parent vessel of a vessel."
      "code" : "122687",
      "display" : "Site of Lumen Maximum",
      "definition" : "Site of Maximal lumen diameter of a vessel."
      "code" : "122698",
      "display" : "X-Concept",
      "definition" : "The physical domain (time, space, etc.) to the horizontal axis of the graphical presentation."
      "code" : "122699",
      "display" : "Y-Concept",
      "definition" : "The physical domain (time, space, etc.) to the vertical axis of the graphical presentation."
      "code" : "122700",
      "display" : "Indications for Pharmacological Stress",
      "definition" : "Indications for Pharmacological Stress."
      "code" : "122701",
      "display" : "Procedure time base",
      "definition" : "Reference time for measurement of elapsed time in a procedure."
      "code" : "122702",
      "display" : "Treadmill speed",
      "definition" : "Treadmill speed."
      "code" : "122703",
      "display" : "Treadmill gradient",
      "definition" : "Treadmill gradient."
      "code" : "122704",
      "display" : "Ergometer power",
      "definition" : "Ergometer power."
      "code" : "122705",
      "display" : "Pharmacological Stress Agent Dose Rate",
      "definition" : "Pharmacological Stress Agent Dose Rate."
      "code" : "122706",
      "display" : "Rating of Perceived Exertion",
      "definition" : "Rating of Perceived Exertion."
      "code" : "122707",
      "display" : "Number of Ectopic Beats",
      "definition" : "Number of ectopic beats during a period of collection."
      "code" : "122708",
      "display" : "Double Product",
      "definition" : "Heart rate times systolic blood pressure."
      "code" : "122709",
      "display" : "Activity workload",
      "definition" : "Physical activity workload (intensity) measurement."
      "code" : "122710",
      "display" : "Time since start of stage",
      "definition" : "Elapsed time at stage."
      "code" : "122711",
      "display" : "Exercise duration after stress agent injection",
      "definition" : "Exercise duration after stress agent injection."
      "code" : "122712",
      "display" : "Imaging Start DateTime",
      "definition" : "Imaging Start DateTime."
      "code" : "122713",
      "display" : "Attenuation correction method",
      "definition" : "Attenuation correction method."
      "code" : "122715",
      "display" : "Pharmacological Stress Agent Dose",
      "definition" : "Pharmacological Stress Agent Dose."
      "code" : "122716",
      "display" : "Maximum Power Output Achieved",
      "definition" : "Maximum power output achieved during course of procedure."
      "code" : "122717",
      "display" : "Peak activity workload",
      "definition" : "Peak physical activity intensity measurement during course of procedure."
      "code" : "122718",
      "display" : "Peak Double Product",
      "definition" : "Peak Double Product measurement during course of procedure."
      "code" : "122720",
      "display" : "OSEM algorithm",
      "definition" : "Ordered subsets expectation maximization reconstruction algorithm."
      "code" : "122721",
      "display" : "Chang method",
      "definition" : "Chang attenuation correction method."
      "code" : "122726",
      "display" : "Algorithmic attenuation correction",
      "definition" : "Attenuation correction not based on image-based attenuation maps."
      "code" : "122727",
      "display" : "NM transmission attenuation correction",
      "definition" : "NM transmission attenuation correction."
      "code" : "122728",
      "display" : "CT-based attenuation correction",
      "definition" : "CT-based attenuation correction."
      "code" : "122729",
      "display" : "No Attenuation Correction",
      "definition" : "No attenuation correction."
      "code" : "122730",
      "display" : "Bazett QTc Algorithm",
      "definition" : "Bazett QT Correction Algorithm; QT/(RR ^ 0.5); Bazett HC. \"An analysis of the time-relations of electrocardiograms\" Heart7:353-370 (1920)."
      "code" : "122731",
      "display" : "Hodges QTc Algorithm",
      "definition" : "Hodges QT Correction Algorithm; QT + 1.75 (heart rate-60); Hodges M, Salerno Q, Erlien D. \"Bazett's QT correction reviewed. Evidence that a linear QT correction for heart rate is better.\" J Am Coll Cardiol1:694 (1983)."
      "code" : "122732",
      "display" : "Fridericia QTc Algorithm",
      "definition" : "Fridericia QT Correction Algorithm; QT/(RR ^ 0.333); Fridericia LS. \"The duration of systole in the electrocardiogram of normal subjects and of patients with heart disease\" Acta Med Scand53:469-486 (1920)."
      "code" : "122733",
      "display" : "Framingham QTc Algorithm",
      "definition" : "Framingham QT Correction Algorithm; QT + 0.154 (1- RR); Sagie A, Larson MG, Goldberg RJ, et al. \"An improved method for adjusting the QT interval for heart rate (the Framingham Heart Study).\" Am J Cardiol70:797-801(1992)."
      "code" : "122734",
      "display" : "Borg RPE Scale",
      "definition" : "Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion Scale, range 6:20."
      "code" : "122735",
      "display" : "Borg CR10 Scale",
      "definition" : "Borg category ratio scale, open ended range with nominal range 0:10."
      "code" : "122739",
      "display" : "Overall study quality",
      "definition" : "Quality of a study for the purpose for which it was created."
      "code" : "122740",
      "display" : "Excellent image quality",
      "definition" : "Quality of an image is excellent for the purpose for which it was created."
      "code" : "122741",
      "display" : "Good image quality",
      "definition" : "Quality of an image is good for the purpose for which it was created."
      "code" : "122742",
      "display" : "Poor image quality",
      "definition" : "Quality of an image is poor for the purpose for which it was created."
      "code" : "122743",
      "display" : "Body habitus attenuation",
      "definition" : "Image attenuation due to body physique (overweight)."
      "code" : "122744",
      "display" : "Breast attenuation",
      "definition" : "Image attenuation due to breast tissue."
      "code" : "122745",
      "display" : "Diaphragmatic attenuation",
      "definition" : "Image attenuation due to diaphragm."
      "code" : "122748",
      "display" : "False positive defect finding",
      "definition" : "Finding of a defect is incorrect."
      "code" : "122750",
      "display" : "Non-diagnostic - low heart rate",
      "definition" : "ECG is non-diagnostic due to low heart rate."
      "code" : "122751",
      "display" : "Non-diagnostic - resting ST abnormalities",
      "definition" : "ECG is non-diagnostic due to resting ST abnormalities."
      "code" : "122752",
      "display" : "Non-diagnostic - ventricular pacing or LBBB",
      "definition" : "ECG is non-diagnostic due to ventricular pacing or Left Bundle Branch Block."
      "code" : "122753",
      "display" : "Non-diagnostic ECG",
      "definition" : "ECG is non-diagnostic for presence of acute coronary syndrome."
      "code" : "122755",
      "display" : "Strongly positive",
      "definition" : "Strongly positive finding."
      "code" : "122756",
      "display" : "Strongly positive - ST elevation",
      "definition" : "Strongly positive finding - ST elevation."
      "code" : "122757",
      "display" : "ST Depression - Horizontal",
      "definition" : "Finding of ST segment depression with no slope."
      "code" : "122758",
      "display" : "ST Depression - Upsloping",
      "definition" : "Finding of ST segment depression with upslope."
      "code" : "122759",
      "display" : "ST Depression - Downsloping",
      "definition" : "Finding of ST segment depression with downslope."
      "code" : "122760",
      "display" : "Stress test score",
      "definition" : "Stress test score."
      "code" : "122762",
      "display" : "Number of diseased vessel territories",
      "definition" : "Number of diseased vessel territories."
      "code" : "122764",
      "display" : "Weight exceeds equipment limit",
      "definition" : "Patient weight exceeds equipment limit."
      "code" : "122768",
      "display" : "Difference in Ejection Fraction",
      "definition" : "Difference in Ejection Fraction."
      "code" : "122769",
      "display" : "Difference in ED LV Volume",
      "definition" : "Difference in End Diastolic Left Ventricular Volume."
      "code" : "122770",
      "display" : "Ratio of achieved to predicted maximal oxygen consumption",
      "definition" : "Ratio of achieved to predicted maximal oxygen consumption."
      "code" : "122771",
      "display" : "Ratio of achieved to predicted functional capacity",
      "definition" : "Ratio of achieved to predicted functional capacity."
      "code" : "122772",
      "display" : "Aerobic index",
      "definition" : "Workload (Watts) at target heart rate divided by body weight."
      "code" : "122773",
      "display" : "ST/HR Index",
      "definition" : "ST depression at peak exercise divided by the exercise-induced increase in heart rate [Kligfield P, Ameisen O, Okin PM. \"Heart rate adjustment of ST segment depression for improved detection of coronary artery disease.\" Circulation 1989;79:245-55.]."
      "code" : "122775",
      "display" : "Agreement with prior findings",
      "definition" : "Agreement with prior findings."
      "code" : "122776",
      "display" : "Disagreement with prior findings",
      "definition" : "Disagreement with prior findings."
      "code" : "122781",
      "display" : "Rest thallium/stress technetium procedure",
      "definition" : "Nuclear Medicine Rest thallium/stress technetium procedure."
      "code" : "122782",
      "display" : "Rest technetium/stress technetium 1 day procedure",
      "definition" : "Nuclear Medicine Rest technetium/stress technetium 1 day procedure."
      "code" : "122783",
      "display" : "Rest technetium/stress technetium 2 day procedure",
      "definition" : "Nuclear Medicine Rest technetium/stress technetium 2 day procedure."
      "code" : "122784",
      "display" : "Stress technetium/rest technetium 1 day procedure",
      "definition" : "Nuclear Medicine Stress technetium/rest technetium 1 day procedure."
      "code" : "122785",
      "display" : "NM Myocardial Viability procedure",
      "definition" : "Nuclear Medicine Myocardial Viability procedure."
      "code" : "122791",
      "display" : "PET Myocardial Perfusion, Rest only",
      "definition" : "Positron Emission Tomography Perfusion Imaging procedure, rest only."
      "code" : "122792",
      "display" : "PET Myocardial Perfusion, Stress only",
      "definition" : "Positron Emission Tomography Perfusion Imaging procedure, stress only."
      "code" : "122793",
      "display" : "PET Myocardial Perfusion, Rest and Stress",
      "definition" : "Positron Emission Tomography Perfusion Imaging procedure, rest and stress."
      "code" : "122795",
      "display" : "PET Myocardial Viability, Rest only",
      "definition" : "Positron Emission Tomography Myocardial Viability procedure, rest only."
      "code" : "122796",
      "display" : "PET Myocardial Viability, Stress only",
      "definition" : "Positron Emission Tomography Myocardial Viability procedure, stress only."
      "code" : "122797",
      "display" : "PET Myocardial Viability, Rest and Stress",
      "definition" : "Positron Emission Tomography Myocardial Viability procedure, rest and stress."
      "code" : "122799",
      "display" : "Anginal Equivalent",
      "definition" : "Group of symptoms heralding angina pectoris that does not include chest pain (dyspnea, diaphoresis, profuse vomiting in a diabetic patient, or arm or jaw pain)."
      "code" : "123001",
      "display" : "Radiopharmaceutical",
      "definition" : "Active ingredient (molecular) used for radioactive tracing."
      "code" : "123003",
      "display" : "Radiopharmaceutical Start DateTime",
      "definition" : "DateTime of radiopharmaceutical administration to the patient for imaging purposes."
      "code" : "123004",
      "display" : "Radiopharmaceutical Stop DateTime",
      "definition" : "Ending DateTime of radiopharmaceutical administration to the patient for imaging purposes."
      "code" : "123005",
      "display" : "Radiopharmaceutical Volume",
      "definition" : "Volume of radiopharmaceutical administered to the patient."
      "code" : "123006",
      "display" : "Radionuclide Total Dose",
      "definition" : "Total amount of radionuclide administered to the patient at Radiopharmaceutical Start Time."
      "code" : "123007",
      "display" : "Radiopharmaceutical Specific Activity",
      "definition" : "Activity per unit mass of the radiopharmaceutical at Radiopharmaceutical Start Time."
      "code" : "123009",
      "display" : "Radionuclide Syringe Counts",
      "definition" : "Pre-injection syringe acquisition count rate."
      "code" : "123010",
      "display" : "Radionuclide Residual Syringe Counts",
      "definition" : "Syringe acquisition count rate following patient injection."
      "code" : "123011",
      "display" : "Contrast/Bolus Agent",
      "definition" : "Contrast or bolus agent."
      "code" : "123012",
      "display" : "Pre-Medication",
      "definition" : "Medication to be administered at the beginning of the Scheduled Procedure Step."
      "code" : "123014",
      "display" : "Target Region",
      "definition" : "Anatomic Region to be imaged."
      "code" : "123015",
      "display" : "Imaging Direction",
      "definition" : "Direction of imaging (includes view, transducer orientation, patient orientation, and/or projection)."
      "code" : "123016",
      "display" : "Imaging Conditions",
      "definition" : "Imaging condition for refinement of protocol (includes secondary posture, instruction, X-Ray / electron beam energy or nuclide, and ultrasound modes), as used in JJ1017 v3.0."
      "code" : "123019",
      "display" : "Caudal 10 degree distal-cranioproximal oblique",
      "definition" : "Caudal 10 degree distal-cranioproximal oblique radiographic projection, defined per Smallwood et al."
      "code" : "123101",
      "display" : "Neighborhood Analysis",
      "definition" : "Surface processing utilizing predefined weighting factors (i.e., kernels) applied to different data values depending on their location relative to other data values within the data domain. Includes Low Pass, High Pass, Gaussian, Laplacian, etc."
      "code" : "123102",
      "display" : "Adaptive Filtering",
      "definition" : "Surface processing applied non-uniformly utilizing a priori knowledge of the system and/or relative locations of the data values within the data domain. Example: Neighborhood analysis where weighting factors are modified continuously based on predefined criteria."
      "code" : "123103",
      "display" : "Edge Detection",
      "definition" : "Surface processing through the exploitation of discontinuities in the data values within their domain. Includes Gradient filters."
      "code" : "123104",
      "display" : "Morphological Operations",
      "definition" : "Surface processing based on the connectivity of values based on the shape or structure of the data values within their domain. Includes erode, dilate, etc."
      "code" : "123105",
      "display" : "Histogram Analysis",
      "definition" : "Surface processing applied to the distribution of the data values. Includes thresholding, Bayesian Classification, etc."
      "code" : "123106",
      "display" : "Multi-Scale/Resolution Filtering",
      "definition" : "Surface processing accomplished through varying the data domain size. Include deformable models."
      "code" : "123107",
      "display" : "Cluster Analysis",
      "definition" : "Surface processing accomplished by combining data values based on their relative location within their domain or value distribution. Includes K- and C-means, Fuzzy Analysis, Watershed, Seed Growing, etc."
      "code" : "123108",
      "display" : "Multispectral Processing",
      "definition" : "Surface processing accomplished through the weighted combination of multiple sets of data. Includes Principle Component Analysis, linear and non-linear weighed combinations, etc."
      "code" : "123109",
      "display" : "Manual Processing",
      "definition" : "Surface processing accomplished through human interaction. Region drawing."
      "code" : "123110",
      "display" : "Artificial Intelligence",
      "definition" : "Surface processing using Artificial Intelligence techniques, such as Machine Learning, Neural Networks, etc."
      "code" : "123111",
      "display" : "Deformable Models",
      "definition" : "Surface processing using Deformable Model techniques, such as Point Distribution Models, Level Sets, Simplex Meshes, etc."
      "code" : "125000",
      "display" : "OB-GYN Ultrasound Procedure Report",
      "definition" : "Document Title of OB-GYN procedure report."
      "code" : "125001",
      "display" : "Fetal Biometry Ratios",
      "definition" : "Report section for assessment of fetal growth using ratios and indexes."
      "code" : "125002",
      "display" : "Fetal Biometry",
      "definition" : "Report section for assessment of fetal growth."
      "code" : "125003",
      "display" : "Fetal Long Bones",
      "definition" : "Report section for assessment of fetal growth by long bone measurements."
      "code" : "125004",
      "display" : "Fetal Cranium",
      "definition" : "Report section for assessment of fetal cranium growth."
      "code" : "125005",
      "display" : "Biometry Group",
      "definition" : "Biometric assessment of."
      "code" : "125006",
      "display" : "Biophysical Profile",
      "definition" : "Report section for assessment of biophysical observations that evaluate fetal well-being according to Manning, Antepartum Fetal Evaluation: Development of a Fetal Biophysical Profile Score, Am. J Obstet Gynecol, 1980;136:787."
      "code" : "125007",
      "display" : "Measurement Group",
      "definition" : "A grouping of related measurements and calculations that share a common context."
      "code" : "125008",
      "display" : "Fetus Summary",
      "definition" : "Report section for fetus specific procedure summary observations."
      "code" : "125009",
      "display" : "Early Gestation",
      "definition" : "Report section for assessment of early gestation fetus."
      "code" : "125010",
      "display" : "Identifier",
      "definition" : "A name to differentiate between multiple instances of some item."
      "code" : "125011",
      "display" : "Pelvis and Uterus",
      "definition" : "Report section for assessment of pelvis and uterus."
      "code" : "125012",
      "display" : "Growth Percentile rank",
      "definition" : "The rank of a measured growth indicator relative to a normal distribution expressed as a percentage."
      "code" : "125013",
      "display" : "Growth Z-score",
      "definition" : "The rank of a measured growth indicator relative to a normal distribution expressed as the dimensionless quantity z = (x-m) /s where (x-m) is the deviation of the value x, from the distribution mean, m, and s is the standard deviation of the distribution."
      "code" : "125015",
      "display" : "Fetus Characteristics",
      "definition" : "Fetus characteristics (findings section title)."
      "code" : "125016",
      "display" : "Fetal Measurements",
      "definition" : "Fetal Measurements (findings section title)."
      "code" : "125021",
      "display" : "Frame of Reference Identity",
      "definition" : "There is a defined equivalence between the Frame of Reference of the Registration SOP instance and the Frame of Reference of the referenced images."
      "code" : "125022",
      "display" : "Fiducial Alignment",
      "definition" : "The registration is based on fiducials that represent patient or specimen features identified in each set of data."
      "code" : "125023",
      "display" : "Acquisition Equipment Alignment",
      "definition" : "Registration based on a-priori knowledge of the acquisition geometry. This is not an object registration as in fiducial registration. Rather, it specifies a known spatial relationship."
      "code" : "125024",
      "display" : "Image Content-based Alignment",
      "definition" : "Computed registration based on global image information."
      "code" : "125025",
      "display" : "Visual Alignment",
      "definition" : "Registration by visually guided manipulation."
      "code" : "125026",
      "display" : "Image Content and Fiducial Based Alignment",
      "definition" : "The registration is based on fiducials that represent patient or specimen features identified in each data set in combination with global image information."
      "code" : "125027",
      "display" : "Deformed for Registration",
      "definition" : "Values are derived by sampling data from a Source Image into a Registered Reference Coordinate System based on a Deformable Spatial Registration Instance."
      "code" : "125028",
      "display" : "Source Deformable Spatial Registration",
      "definition" : "Deformable Spatial Registration Instance used for image deformation."
      "code" : "125030",
      "display" : "Inter-Hemispheric Plane",
      "definition" : "A plane fiducial that specifies the location of the plane separating the two hemispheres of the brain."
      "code" : "125031",
      "display" : "Right Hemisphere Most Anterior",
      "definition" : "A point fiducial that specifies the location in the plane perpendicular to the Anterior- Posterior-Commissure axis and tangential to the anterior limit of the right brain hemisphere."
      "code" : "125032",
      "display" : "Right Hemisphere Most Posterior",
      "definition" : "A point fiducial that specifies the location in the plane perpendicular to the Anterior- Posterior-Commissure axis and tangential to the posterior limit of the right brain hemisphere."
      "code" : "125033",
      "display" : "Right Hemisphere Most Superior",
      "definition" : "A point fiducial that specifies the location in the plane perpendicular to the Anterior- Posterior-Commissure axis and tangential to the superior limit of the right brain hemisphere."
      "code" : "125034",
      "display" : "Right Hemisphere Most Inferior",
      "definition" : "A point fiducial that specifies the location in the plane perpendicular to the Anterior- Posterior-Commissure axis and tangential to the inferior limit of the Right brain hemisphere."
      "code" : "125035",
      "display" : "Left Hemisphere Most Anterior",
      "definition" : "A point fiducial that specifies the location in the plane perpendicular to the Anterior- Posterior-Commissure axis and tangential to the anterior limit of the left brain hemisphere."
      "code" : "125036",
      "display" : "Left Hemisphere Most Posterior",
      "definition" : "A point fiducial that specifies the location in the plane perpendicular to the Anterior- Posterior-Commissure axis and tangential to the posterior limit of the left brain hemisphere."
      "code" : "125037",
      "display" : "Left Hemisphere Most Superior",
      "definition" : "A point fiducial that specifies the location in the plane perpendicular to the Anterior- Posterior-Commissure axis and tangential to the superior limit of the left brain hemisphere."
      "code" : "125038",
      "display" : "Left Hemisphere Most Inferior",
      "definition" : "A point fiducial that specifies the location in the plane perpendicular to the Anterior- Posterior-Commissure axis and tangential to the inferior limit of the left brain hemisphere."
      "code" : "125040",
      "display" : "Background",
      "definition" : "That which is not part of an object."
      "code" : "125041",
      "display" : "Registration Input",
      "definition" : "A segment for use as an input to an image registration process."
      "code" : "125100",
      "display" : "Vascular Ultrasound Procedure Report",
      "definition" : "Root Document Title for ultrasound vascular evidence reports (worksheets)."
      "code" : "125101",
      "display" : "Vessel Branch",
      "definition" : "The particular vessel branch, such as the inferior, medial or lateral."
      "code" : "125102",
      "display" : "Graft Type",
      "definition" : "A descriptor or elaboration of the type of graft."
      "code" : "125105",
      "display" : "Measurement Orientation",
      "definition" : "A modifier to a 2D distance measurement to describe its orientation."
      "code" : "125106",
      "display" : "Doppler Angle",
      "definition" : "The angle formed between the Doppler beam line and the direction of blood flow within a region of interest in the body defined by the sample volume."
      "code" : "125107",
      "display" : "Sample Volume Depth",
      "definition" : "The depth of the center of the Doppler sample volume measured from skin line along the Doppler line."
      "code" : "125195",
      "display" : "Pediatric Cardiac Ultrasound Report",
      "definition" : "Pediatric Cardiac Ultrasound Report (document title)."
      "code" : "125196",
      "display" : "Fetal Cardiac Ultrasound Report",
      "definition" : "Fetal Cardiac Ultrasound Report (document title)."
      "code" : "125197",
      "display" : "Adult Congenital Cardiac Ultrasound Report",
      "definition" : "Adult Congenital Cardiac Ultrasound Report (document title)."
      "code" : "125200",
      "display" : "Adult Echocardiography Procedure Report",
      "definition" : "Document title of adult echocardiography procedure (evidence) report."
      "code" : "125201",
      "display" : "Illustration of Finding",
      "definition" : "An image that is a pictorial representation of findings. The concept is typically used as a purpose of reference to an image, such as a depiction of myocardium segments depicting wall motion function."
      "code" : "125202",
      "display" : "LV Wall Motion Score Index",
      "definition" : "The average of all scored (non-zero) Left Ventricle segment wall motion scores."
      "code" : "125203",
      "display" : "Acquisition Protocol",
      "definition" : "A type of clinical acquisition protocol for creating images or image-derived measurements. Acquisition protocols may be specific to a manufacturer's product."
      "code" : "125204",
      "display" : "Area-length biplane",
      "definition" : "Method for calculating left ventricular volume from two orthogonal views containing the true long axis (usually the apical 4 and 2 chamber views). Volume = [pL1 / 6] * [(4A1) ¸ (pL1) ] * [(4A2) ¸ (pL2) ]."
      "code" : "125205",
      "display" : "Area-Length Single Plane",
      "definition" : "Method for calculating left ventricular volume from a view containing the true long axis (usually the apical 4-chamber view). Volume = [8(A)2]¸[3pL]."
      "code" : "125206",
      "display" : "Cube",
      "definition" : "Method (formula) for calculating left ventricle volumes and function derivatives (EF, SV, SI, etc.) that estimates the volume as the cube of diameter."
      "code" : "125207",
      "display" : "Method of Disks, Biplane",
      "definition" : "Method of calculating volume based on the summation of disk volumes. The disk axis is parallel to the left ventricular long axis and using a disk diameter averaged from the two chamber and four chamber views."
      "code" : "125208",
      "display" : "Method of Disks, Single Plane",
      "definition" : "Method of calculating volume based on the summation of disk volumes. The disk axis is parallel to the left ventricular long axis with disk diameter taken from the four-chamber view."
      "code" : "125209",
      "display" : "Teichholz",
      "definition" : "Method (formula) for calculating left ventricle volumes and function derivatives (EF, SV, SI, etc.) Volume = [7.0/(2.4+D) ]*D3."
      "code" : "125210",
      "display" : "Area by Pressure Half-Time",
      "definition" : "Mitral valve area (cm2) by Pressure Half-time = 220 (cm2.ms) / PHT (ms)."
      "code" : "125211",
      "display" : "Biplane Ellipse",
      "definition" : "Area = P/4 X d1 X d2d1 = anterior/posterior axisd2 = medial/lateral axisHagen-Ansert, Sandra L., Textbook of Diagnostic Ultrasound, ed. 3, The C.V.Mosby Co., 1989, p. 73. ."
      "code" : "125212",
      "display" : "Continuity Equation",
      "definition" : "For conduits in series (\"in continuity\"), volume flow is equal: A1*V1 = A2*V2. where V is the velocity."
      "code" : "125213",
      "display" : "Continuity Equation by Mean Velocity",
      "definition" : "For conduits in series (\"in continuity\"), volume flow is equal: A1*V1 = A2*V2. where V is the mean velocity."
      "code" : "125214",
      "display" : "Continuity Equation by Peak Velocity",
      "definition" : "For conduits in series (\"in continuity\"), volume flow is equal: A1*V1 = A2*V2. where V is the peak velocity."
      "code" : "125215",
      "display" : "Continuity Equation by Velocity Time Integral",
      "definition" : "For conduits in series (\"in continuity\"), volume flow is equal: A1*V1 = A2*V2. where V is the velocity time integral."
      "code" : "125216",
      "display" : "Proximal Isovelocity Surface Area",
      "definition" : "Utilizes aliasing velocity (by color Doppler) of flow into an orifice (often regurgitant or stenotic) to measure instantaneous flow rate, orifice area, and flow volume.The instantaneous flow rate = (2Ï€r2vav) * (απ) where vav is the constant velocity known as aliasing velocity at radius r, vpis the peak velocity at the orifice, and α is the angle in radians of the constant velocity surface.Estimated Orifice area = Flow rate / vp, where vp is the peak velocity at the orifice and the flow rate is the PISA peak flow rate.The volume flow is then the product of the orifice area and Velocity Time Integral."
      "code" : "125217",
      "display" : "Full Bernoulli",
      "definition" : "ΔP = 4*(V12 - V22)."
      "code" : "125218",
      "display" : "Simplified Bernoulli",
      "definition" : "ΔP = 4*V2."
      "code" : "125219",
      "display" : "Doppler Volume Flow",
      "definition" : "Volume flow = Conduit CSA * (Velocity Time Integral)."
      "code" : "125220",
      "display" : "Planimetry",
      "definition" : "Direct measurement of an area by tracing an irregular perimeter."
      "code" : "125221",
      "display" : "Left Ventricle Mass by M-mode",
      "definition" : "Mass = 1.04 * [(ST+LVID+PWT)3 - LVID3] * 0.8+ 0.6. Mass unit is grams and length in cm."
      "code" : "125222",
      "display" : "Left Ventricle Mass by Truncated Ellipse",
      "definition" : "Mass = 1.05P ((b + t)2 X (2/3 (a + t) + d - d3 /3(a + t)2) - b2 (2/3a + d - d3 /3a2))a = Semi-major axis from widest minor axis radius to apex.b = Short axis radius calculated from short axis cavity areat = Myocardial thickness calculated from short axis epicardial and cavity areasd = Truncated semi-major axis from widest short axis diameter to plane of mitral annulus.Mass unit is grams and length in cm.Schiller NB et al: Recommendations for quantification of the left ventricle by two-dimensional echocardiography, American Society of Echocardiography 2:364, 1989. ."
      "code" : "125223",
      "display" : "4 Point Segment Finding Scale",
      "definition" : "A four point, echocardiographic numeric scoring scheme of myocardium segments based on evaluation of wall motion and ventricle morphology. Recommendations for Quantitation of the Left Ventricle by Two-Dimensional Echocardiography, Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, 2:358-367, 1989."
      "code" : "125224",
      "display" : "5 Point Segment Finding Scale",
      "definition" : "A five point, echocardiographic numeric scoring scheme of myocardium segments based on evaluation of wall motion and ventricle morphology. Recommendations for Quantitation of the Left Ventricle by Two-Dimensional Echocardiography, Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, 2:358-367, 1989."
      "code" : "125225",
      "display" : "5 Point Segment Finding Scale With Graded Hypokinesis",
      "definition" : "A five point, echocardiographic numeric scoring scheme of myocardium segments based on evaluation of wall motion and ventricle morphology, with severity of hypokinesis graded. Recommendations for Quantitation of the Left Ventricle by Two-Dimensional Echocardiography, Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, 2:358-367, 1989."
      "code" : "125226",
      "display" : "Single Plane Ellipse",
      "definition" : "Method of estimating volume from a planar ellipse. Equivalent to Biplane Ellipse with an assumption that the ellipse in the orthogonal plane has identical major and minor diameters."
      "code" : "125227",
      "display" : "Modified Simpson",
      "definition" : "Modified Simpson's Method of estimating ventricular volume, based on the method of disks with paired apical views.Schiller NB, et al. \"Recommendations for quantitation of the left ventricle by two-dimensional echocardiography. American Society of Echocardiography Committee on Standards, Subcommittee on Quantitation of Two-Dimensional Echocardiograms\". J Am Soc Echocardiogr.1989 2(5):358-367. Sep-Oct."
      "code" : "125228",
      "display" : "Bullet Method",
      "definition" : "Bullet method of estimating ventricular volume.Volume = 5/6 * L * SL: Left ventricle long axis lengthS: Left ventricle area, SAX view at level of Mitral Valve."
      "code" : "125230",
      "display" : "Power Doppler",
      "definition" : "Color coded ultrasound images of blood flow, which depict the amplitude, or power, of Doppler signals."
      "code" : "125231",
      "display" : "3D mode",
      "definition" : "Volumetric ultrasound imaging"
      "code" : "125233",
      "display" : "Start of drug dose administration",
      "definition" : "Onset of administration of dose of a drug."
      "code" : "125234",
      "display" : "Start of contrast agent administration",
      "definition" : "Onset of contrast agent administration."
      "code" : "125235",
      "display" : "Destruction of microbubbles",
      "definition" : "Destruction of ultrasonic contrast microbubbles by a high-energy ultrasound pulse."
      "code" : "125236",
      "display" : "Onset of exercise",
      "definition" : "Instant at which exercise begins."
      "code" : "125237",
      "display" : "Cessation of exercise",
      "definition" : "Instant at which exercise ends."
      "code" : "125238",
      "display" : "Onset of stimulation",
      "definition" : "Instant at which stimulation begins."
      "code" : "125239",
      "display" : "Cessation of stimulation",
      "definition" : "Instant at which stimulation ends."
      "code" : "125240",
      "display" : "Line scan pattern",
      "definition" : "Ultrasound transducer scan pattern in which information is gathered along a line."
      "code" : "125241",
      "display" : "Plane scan pattern",
      "definition" : "Ultrasound transducer scan pattern in which information is gathered within a plane."
      "code" : "125242",
      "display" : "Volume scan pattern",
      "definition" : "Ultrasound transducer scan pattern in which information is gathered within a volume."
      "code" : "125251",
      "display" : "Non-imaging Doppler ultrasound transducer geometry",
      "definition" : "Ultrasound transducer geometry characterized by a single scan line used for PW or CW Doppler scanning."
      "code" : "125252",
      "display" : "Linear ultrasound transducer geometry",
      "definition" : "Ultrasonic transducer geometry characterized by parallel lines."
      "code" : "125253",
      "display" : "Curved linear ultrasound transducer geometry",
      "definition" : "Ultrasonic transducer geometry characterized by radial lines normal to the outside of a curved surface."
      "code" : "125254",
      "display" : "Sector ultrasound transducer geometry",
      "definition" : "Ultrasonic transducer geometry characterized by lines originating from a common apex."
      "code" : "125255",
      "display" : "Radial ultrasound transducer geometry",
      "definition" : "Ultrasonic transducer geometry characterized by lines emanating radially from a single point."
      "code" : "125256",
      "display" : "Ring ultrasound transducer geometry",
      "definition" : "Ultrasonic transducer geometry characterized by a circular ring of transducer elements."
      "code" : "125257",
      "display" : "Fixed beam direction",
      "definition" : "Ultrasonic steering technique consisting of a single beam normal to the transducer face steered by the orientation of the probe."
      "code" : "125258",
      "display" : "Mechanical beam steering",
      "definition" : "Ultrasonic steering technique consisting of mechanically directing the beam."
      "code" : "125259",
      "display" : "Phased beam steering",
      "definition" : "Ultrasonic steering technique consisting of electronically-steered beams."
      "code" : "125261",
      "display" : "External Transducer",
      "definition" : "Transducer is designed to be placed onto the surface of the subject."
      "code" : "125262",
      "display" : "Transesophageal Transducer",
      "definition" : "Transducer is designed for insertion into the esophagus."
      "code" : "125263",
      "display" : "Endovaginal Transducer",
      "definition" : "Transducer is designed for insertion into the vagina."
      "code" : "125264",
      "display" : "Endorectal Transducer",
      "definition" : "Transducer is designed for insertion into the rectum."
      "code" : "125265",
      "display" : "Intravascular Transducer",
      "definition" : "Transducer is designed for insertion into the subject via a catheter."
      "code" : "125266",
      "display" : "Endocavitary Transducer",
      "definition" : "Transducer is designed for insertion into either the vaginal cavity or the rectal cavity."
      "code" : "125267",
      "display" : "Intraoperative Transducer",
      "definition" : "Transducer is designed for insertion into the subject via an incision."
      "code" : "125270",
      "display" : "Left Ventricle Mass by Area Length",
      "definition" : "method to measure the mass of the Left Ventricle via the ASE area-length method at end diastole.LV Mass = 1.05*(5/6*(A1*(L+t)) - 5/6*(A2*L))A1 = Left Ventricle epicardial SAX area at the level of the papillary muscle tips at end diastole.A2 = Left Ventricle endocardial SAX area cavity area at the level of the papillary muscle tips at end diastole.L = Left Ventricle apical view long axis length at end diastole.t = Myocardial thickness can be computed as:t = sqrt (A1/3.14) - sqrt (A2/3.14)Reference:1) Schiller, N.B., et al. \"Recommendations for Quantification of the LV by Two-dimensional Echocardiography.\" J Am Soc Echo, Vol. 2, No. 5: 358-367, Sep-Oct 1989.2) Reichek, N., et al. \"Anatomic Validation of Left Ventricular Mass Estimates from Clinical Two-dimensional Echocardiography: Initial Results.\" Circulation, Vol. 67, No. 2: 348-52, February 1983."
      "code" : "125271",
      "display" : "Left Ventricle Mass by M-mode - adjusted by Height",
      "definition" : "Equation = Left Ventricle Mass by M-mode (in gram) / (Height (in meter)) ^2.7Reference:Giovanni De Simone, et al. \"Effect of Growth on Variability of Left Ventricular Mass: Assessment of Allometric Signals in Adults and Children and Their Capacity to Predict Cardiovascular Risk\". New York, New York and Cincinnati, Ohio."
      "code" : "125272",
      "display" : "Left Ventricle Mass by Truncated Ellipse - adjusted by Height",
      "definition" : "Equation = Left Ventricle Mass by Truncated Ellipse / Height^2.7Reference:Giovanni De Simone, et al. \"Effect of Growth on Variability of Left Ventricular Mass: Assessment of Allometric Signals in Adults and Children and Their Capacity to Predict Cardiovascular Risk\". New York, New York and Cincinnati, Ohio."
      "code" : "125273",
      "display" : "Left Ventricle Mass by Area Length - adjusted by Height",
      "definition" : "Equation = Left Ventricle Mass by Area Length / Height^2.7Reference:Giovanni De Simone, et al. \"Effect of Growth on Variability of Left Ventricular Mass: Assessment of Allometric Signals in Adults and Children and Their Capacity to Predict Cardiovascular Risk\". New York, New York and Cincinnati, Ohio."
      "code" : "125301",
      "display" : "Pre-coordinated Measurements",
      "definition" : "Measurements that are described by a single pre-coordinated code."
      "code" : "125302",
      "display" : "Post-coordinated Measurements",
      "definition" : "Measurements that are described by a collection of (generally atomic) post-coordinated codes."
      "code" : "125303",
      "display" : "Adhoc Measurements",
      "definition" : "Measurements taken in an ad hoc fashion without any coordinated semantics."
      "code" : "125304",
      "display" : "Untrackable Measurement",
      "definition" : "The source system of the measurement does not maintain a persistent pre-coordinated code by which different instances of the measurement can be associated and tracked over multiple procedures."
      "code" : "125305",
      "display" : "Finding Observation Type",
      "definition" : "The type of observation made at the finding site, e.g., whether it is an observation of the structure of the finding site, an observation of the behavior of the finding site, or an observation of the blood flow at the finding site."
      "code" : "125306",
      "display" : "Measurement Type",
      "definition" : "The type of derivation used to obtain the measurement value. E.g. whether it is taken directly, formed as a ratio, normalized against an index, or calculated using a more elaborate equation."
      "code" : "125307",
      "display" : "Measured Property",
      "definition" : "The property that is being measured.Examples include mass, diameter, peak blood velocity."
      "code" : "125308",
      "display" : "Measurement Divisor",
      "definition" : "The measurement which is the denominator of a measurement that is divided. This applies to measurements such as ratios or indexed values."
      "code" : "125309",
      "display" : "Short Label",
      "definition" : "A brief label, suitable for display on a screen or report. (Not suitable for matching)."
      "code" : "125310",
      "display" : "Staged Measurements",
      "definition" : "Measurements that need to be associated with a specific stage in a procedure or acquisition protocol."
      "code" : "125311",
      "display" : "Structure of the Finding Site",
      "definition" : "The subject of a measurement is the physical structure of the Finding Site, such as the mass or diameter."
      "code" : "125312",
      "display" : "Behavior of the Finding Site",
      "definition" : "The subject of a measurement is the behavior of the Finding Site, such as the velocity or duration of motion."
      "code" : "125313",
      "display" : "Indexed",
      "definition" : "The measurement has been normalized by dividing it by an index value (such as Body Surface Area)."
      "code" : "125314",
      "display" : "Fractional Change",
      "definition" : "The measurement is a change value expressed as a fraction of its baseline value. E.g. cardiac ejection fraction or fractional shortening."
      "code" : "125315",
      "display" : "Calculated",
      "definition" : "The measurement is calculated by incorporating one or more measured values into an equation other than a ratio, fractional change or indexed calculation."
      "code" : "125316",
      "display" : "Directly measured",
      "definition" : "The measurement is a direct output of the measurement tool."
      "code" : "125317",
      "display" : "Right Ventricle Outflow Tract, Distal",
      "definition" : "The distal portion (at the Pulmonic Valve) of the Right Ventricle Outflow Tract."
      "code" : "125318",
      "display" : "Right Ventricle Outflow Tract, Proximal",
      "definition" : "The proximal portion (subvalvular) of the Right Ventricle Outflow Tract."
      "code" : "125319",
      "display" : "Right Ventricle Anterior Wall",
      "definition" : "The anterior wall of the right ventricle of the heart."
      "code" : "125320",
      "display" : "Electromechanical Delay",
      "definition" : "The period of time between the onset of muscle activation and the onset of force or motion."
      "code" : "125321",
      "display" : "Pre-ejection Period",
      "definition" : "The period between onset of ventricular contraction and the beginning of antegrade blood flow out of the ventricle."
      "code" : "125322",
      "display" : "Atrial Diastolic Filling (D-wave)",
      "definition" : "The period of atrial diastolic filling."
      "code" : "125323",
      "display" : "AR-wave",
      "definition" : "The period of retrograde flow into the pulmonary vein during atrial contraction."
      "code" : "125324",
      "display" : "Full Cardiac Cycle",
      "definition" : "The period of the entire cardiac cycle. E.g. from End Systole of one heartbeat to End Systole of the next heartbeat."
      "code" : "125325",
      "display" : "Dyssynchrony Index",
      "definition" : "The standard deviation over 12 left ventricle myocardial segments of the time to peak myocardial sustained systolic velocity of each segment.See Yu, et al., Circulation, 2002; 105: 438-445"
      "code" : "125326",
      "display" : "Effective Orifice Area",
      "definition" : "The effective area of an orifice (such as the mitral valve orifice) during bloodflow through the orifice."
      "code" : "125327",
      "display" : "Excursion Distance",
      "definition" : "The distance traversed by some tissue over a defined period."
      "code" : "125328",
      "display" : "Maximum Orifice Area",
      "definition" : "The maximum area of an orifice opening over a defined period."
      "code" : "125329",
      "display" : "Peak Blood Pressure",
      "definition" : "The peak pressure of blood over a defined period at a defined location."
      "code" : "125330",
      "display" : "Peak Tissue Velocity",
      "definition" : "The peak velocity of some tissue over a defined period"
      "code" : "125331",
      "display" : "PISA Radius",
      "definition" : "The radius of the proximal isovelocity surface area (PISA) of fluid flow approaching an orifice. It is commonly used to evaluate cardiac valve regurgitation."
      "code" : "125332",
      "display" : "Regurgitation Jet Area",
      "definition" : "A cross-sectional area of a regurgitation jet, taken perpendicular to the primary flow."
      "code" : "125333",
      "display" : "Regurgitation Jet Width",
      "definition" : "A width of a regurgitation jet taken perpendicular to the primary flow."
      "code" : "125334",
      "display" : "Vena Contracta Width",
      "definition" : "The width of the vena contracta of a fluid flow."
      "code" : "125901",
      "display" : "CARDIOsphere",
      "definition" : "CARDIOsphereâ„¢ ultrasonic contrast agent produced by POINT Biomedical."
      "code" : "125902",
      "display" : "Echovist",
      "definition" : "Echovist® ultrasonic contrast agent produced by Schering AG."
      "code" : "125903",
      "display" : "Imagify",
      "definition" : "Imagifyâ„¢ ultrasonic contrast agent produced by Accusphere Inc."
      "code" : "125904",
      "display" : "Levovist",
      "definition" : "Levovist® ultrasonic contrast agent produced by Schering AG."
      "code" : "125905",
      "display" : "Sonazoid",
      "definition" : "Sonazoidâ„¢ ultrasonic contrast agent produced by Daiichi Pharmaceutical / General Electric."
      "code" : "125906",
      "display" : "SonoVue",
      "definition" : "SonoVueâ„¢ ultrasonic contrast agent produced by Bracco Diagnostics."
      "code" : "125907",
      "display" : "Targestar-B",
      "definition" : "Targestarâ„¢-B ultrasonic contrast agent produced by Targeson LLC."
      "code" : "125908",
      "display" : "Targestar-P",
      "definition" : "Targestarâ„¢-P ultrasonic contrast agent produced by Targeson LLC."
      "code" : "126000",
      "display" : "Imaging Measurement Report",
      "definition" : "A structured report containing the quantitative results of human or machine analysis of images."
      "code" : "126001",
      "display" : "Oncology Measurement Report",
      "definition" : "A structured report containing the quantitative results of human or machine analysis of images for oncology evaluation."
      "code" : "126002",
      "display" : "Dynamic Contrast MR Measurement Report",
      "definition" : "A structured report containing the quantitative results of human or machine analysis of DCE-MR."
      "code" : "126003",
      "display" : "PET Measurement Report",
      "definition" : "A structured report containing the quantitative results of human or machine analysis of PET images."
      "code" : "126010",
      "display" : "Imaging Measurements",
      "definition" : "Measurements made on images"
      "code" : "126011",
      "display" : "Derived Imaging Measurements",
      "definition" : "Measurements derived from measurements made on images."
      "code" : "126020",
      "display" : "Multiparametric MRI",
      "definition" : "An MRI procedure in which multiple parameters including diffusion, dynamic contrast and T2 are measured."
      "code" : "126021",
      "display" : "Multiparametric MRI of prostate",
      "definition" : "An MRI procedure of the prostate in which multiple parameters including diffusion, dynamic contrast and T2 are measured."
      "code" : "126022",
      "display" : "Multiparametric MRI of whole body",
      "definition" : "An MRI procedure of the whole body in which multiple parameters including diffusion, dynamic contrast and T2 are measured."
      "code" : "126029",
      "display" : "LWH method for volume of ellipsoid",
      "definition" : "Method of calculation of the volume of an ellipsoid as length * width * height * Ï€ / 6."
      "code" : "126030",
      "display" : "Sum of segmented voxel method for volume",
      "definition" : "Method of summing the volumes of all the voxels (and partial voxels if the segment contains partially occupied voxels) included in the segment to derive a total volume."
      "code" : "126031",
      "display" : "Peak Value Within ROI",
      "definition" : "Maximum average gray value that is calculated from a 1 cubic centimeter sphere placed within the region of interest.See Wahl RL, Jacene H, Kasamon Y, Lodge MA. From RECIST to PERCIST: Evolving Considerations for PET Response Criteria in Solid Tumors. Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 2009;50(Suppl 1):122S - 150S."
      "code" : "126032",
      "display" : "Metabolic Volume",
      "definition" : "The volume of a lesion (e.g., a tumor) ascertained through information about its metabolic activity (e.g., SUV on PET).Abbreviated \"MV\". Synonymous with Metabolic Tumor Volume (MTV)."
      "code" : "126033",
      "display" : "Total Lesion Glycolysis",
      "definition" : "The total activity of a lesion obtained as the product of its volume and its glycolytic activity (on FDG-PET).The volume may be defined on the same modality (e.g., the MV on FDG-PET by some thresholding or other technique) or on another spatially registered modality (e.g., the lesion outline segmented on CT or MR).Does not apply to other radiopharmaceuticals than those involved in glucose metabolism.Abbreviated TLG. Synonymnous with \"Tumor Lesion Glycolysis\"."
      "code" : "126034",
      "display" : "Glycolysis",
      "definition" : "The amount glycolytic activity summed across all voxels in a defined region or within a defined range of SUV (on FDG-PET)."
      "code" : "126035",
      "display" : "Total Lesion Proliferation",
      "definition" : "The total activity of a lesion obtained as the product of its volume and its proliferative activity (on FLT-PET).The volume may be defined on the same modality (e.g., the MV on FDG-PET by some thresholding or other technique) or on another spatially registered modality (e.g., the lesion outline segmented on CT or MR).Does not apply to other radiopharmaceuticals than those involved in cellular proliferation.Abbreviated TLP. Synonymnous with \"Tumor Lesion Proliferation\"."
      "code" : "126036",
      "display" : "Proliferative Activity",
      "definition" : "The amount proliferative activity summed across all voxels in a defined region or within a defined range of SUV (on FLT-PET)."
      "code" : "126037",
      "display" : "Standardized Added Metabolic Activity (SAM)",
      "definition" : "A background-corrected, partial volume independent version of TLG.SAM is calculated by drawing a volume of interest (VOI1) around the tumour and a larger VOI (VOI2) around VOI1. Subtracting the background activity in VOI2-VOI1 from VOI1 yields SAM.See Mertens et al. \"Standardized added metabolic activity (SAM): a partial volume independent marker of total lesion glycolysis in liver metastases\". Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging (2012) 39:1441-1448."
      "code" : "126038",
      "display" : "Standardized Added Metabolic Activity (SAM) Background",
      "definition" : "The background value (VOI2-VOI1) used to calculate Standardized Added Metabolic Activity (SAM).SAM is calculated by drawing a volume of interest (VOI1) around the tumour and a larger VOI (VOI2) around VOI1. Subtracting the background activity in VOI2-VOI1 from VOI1 yields SAM.See Mertens et al. \"Standardized added metabolic activity (SAM): a partial volume independent marker of total lesion glycolysis in liver metastases\". Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging (2012) 39:1441-1448."
      "code" : "126039",
      "display" : "Lesion to Background SUV Ratio",
      "definition" : "The ratio of the SUV within a tumor to the SUV of a pre-defined background region.A more general concept than Tumor to Background Ratio (TBR)."
      "code" : "126040",
      "display" : "Background for Lesion to Background SUV Ratio",
      "definition" : "The SUV of a pre-defined background region used to compute Lesion to Background SUV Ratio."
      "code" : "126050",
      "display" : "Fractal Dimension",
      "definition" : "A statistical index of complexity comparing how detail in a fractal pattern changes with the scale at which it is measured; a ratio of the change in detail to the change in scale."
      "code" : "126051",
      "display" : "Skewness",
      "definition" : "Measure of the asymmetry of the probability distribution of a real-valued random variable about its mean."
      "code" : "126052",
      "display" : "Kurtosis",
      "definition" : "Measure of the peakedness of the probability distribution of a real-valued random variable."
      "code" : "126060",
      "display" : "Joint Entropy of GLCM",
      "definition" : "The zero order entropy of a Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM). A measure of disorder. Abbreviated ENT.See Fcm.joint.entr in ."
      "code" : "126061",
      "display" : "Root Angular Second Moment of GLCM",
      "definition" : "The square root of the Angular Second Moment (ASM) of a Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM). A measure of orderliness.See ."
      "code" : "126062",
      "display" : "Inverse Difference Moment of GLCM",
      "definition" : "The Inverse Difference Moment (homogeneity) of a Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM). Abbreviated IDM.See Fcm.inv.diff.mom in ."
      "code" : "126063",
      "display" : "Contrast of GLCM",
      "definition" : "The sum of squares of a Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM). A measure of gray level variations. Abbreviated CON.See Fcm.contrast in ."
      "code" : "126064",
      "display" : "Dissimilarity of GLCM",
      "definition" : "The dissimilarity of a Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM). Abbreviated DIS.See Fcm.dissimilarity in ."
      "code" : "126065",
      "display" : "Angular Second Moment of GLCM",
      "definition" : "The Angular Second Moment of a Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM). Abbreviated ASM.See Fcm.energy in ."
      "code" : "126066",
      "display" : "Correlation of GLCM",
      "definition" : "A measure of the linear dependency of gray levels on those of neighbouring pixels of a Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM). Abbreviated COR.See Fcm.corr in ."
      "code" : "126067",
      "display" : "Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix",
      "definition" : "A tabulation of how often different combinations of pixel values (gray levels) occur in an image. Abbreviated GLCM.See ."
      "code" : "126070",
      "display" : "Subject Time Point Identifier",
      "definition" : "An identifier of a specific time point in a continuum, which is unique within an appropriate local context (such as an entire organization, system or treatment protocol), which identifies the time point for a specific patient."
      "code" : "126071",
      "display" : "Protocol Time Point Identifier",
      "definition" : "An identifier of a specific time point in a continuum, which is unique within an appropriate local context (such as an entire organization, system or treatment protocol), which identifies the time point \"slot\" within a treatment protocol using the same value for all patients in the protocol."
      "code" : "126072",
      "display" : "Time Point Type",
      "definition" : "A pre-defined type of a specific time point in a continuum."
      "code" : "126073",
      "display" : "Time Point Order",
      "definition" : "A number indicating the order of a time point relative to other time points in the same continuum."
      "code" : "126074",
      "display" : "Posttreatment",
      "definition" : "The time after the treatment of interest."
      "code" : "126075",
      "display" : "Eligibility",
      "definition" : "For the purpose of determining eligibility for a protocol."
      "code" : "126080",
      "display" : "RECIST 1.0",
      "definition" : "Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors version 1.0. See [RECIST] in Normative References."
      "code" : "126081",
      "display" : "RECIST 1.1",
      "definition" : "Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors Version 1.1. See Eisenhauer et al. \"New Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumours: Revised RECIST Guideline (version 1.1).\" European Journal of Cancer 45, no. 2 (n.d.): 228-47. doi:10.1016/j.ejca.2008.10.026."
      "code" : "126100",
      "display" : "Real World Value Map used for measurement",
      "definition" : "A reference to the Real World Value Map applied to the stored image pixel values before their use for a measurement"
      "code" : "126200",
      "display" : "Image Library Group",
      "definition" : "A container that groups common information about a set of images used as evidence to produce a report."
      "code" : "126201",
      "display" : "Acquisition Date",
      "definition" : "The date the acquisition of data started"
      "code" : "126202",
      "display" : "Acquisition Time",
      "definition" : "The time the acquisition of data started"
      "code" : "126203",
      "display" : "PET Radionuclide Incubation Time",
      "definition" : "The time between the start of injection of the PET radionuclide and the start of acquisition of the PET data."
      "code" : "126220",
      "display" : "R2-Coefficient",
      "definition" : "Coefficient of determination, R2. An indication of goodness of fit."
      "code" : "126221",
      "display" : "Chi-square",
      "definition" : "Pearson's Χ2 test."
      "code" : "126222",
      "display" : "D-W",
      "definition" : "Durbin-Watson statistic for detecting serial correlation in residuals.See ."
      "code" : "126223",
      "display" : "AIC",
      "definition" : "Akaike information criterion. A measure of the balance between goodness of fit and number of free parameters.See Akaike H. A new look at the statistical model identification. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 1974 Dec;19(6):716-23. ."
      "code" : "126224",
      "display" : "BIC",
      "definition" : "Bayesian information criterion. A measure of the balance between goodness of fit and model complexity.See ."
      "code" : "126300",
      "display" : "Perfusion analysis by Stable Xenon CT technique",
      "definition" : "Perfusion analysis by Stable Xenon CT technique"
      "code" : "126301",
      "display" : "Perfusion analysis by IV Iodinated Contrast CT technique",
      "definition" : "Perfusion analysis by IV Iodinated Contrast CT technique"
      "code" : "126302",
      "display" : "Perfusion analysis by Arterial Spin Labeling MR technique",
      "definition" : "Perfusion analysis by Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) MR technique"
      "code" : "126303",
      "display" : "Perfusion analysis by Susceptibility MR technique",
      "definition" : "Perfusion analysis by Susceptibility (T2*) MR technique"
      "code" : "126310",
      "display" : "Least Mean Square (LMS) deconvolution",
      "definition" : "Least Mean Square (LMS) deconvolution"
      "code" : "126311",
      "display" : "Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) deconvolution",
      "definition" : "Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) deconvolution"
      "code" : "126312",
      "display" : "Ktrans",
      "definition" : "Ktrans, the volume transfer constant of a tracer diffusion kinetic model, specifically the volume transfer constant between blood plasma and extravascular extracellular space (EES)See Tofts et al, \"Estimating Kinetic Parameters From Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced T1-Weighted MRI of a Diffusable Tracer: Standardized Quantities and Symbols\", Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, vol. 10, pp. 223-232, 1999."
      "code" : "126313",
      "display" : "kep",
      "definition" : "kep, the rate constant between extravascular extracellular space (EES) and blood plasmaSee Tofts et al, \"Estimating Kinetic Parameters From Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced T1-Weighted MRI of a Diffusable Tracer: Standardized Quantities and Symbols\", Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, vol. 10, pp. 223-232, 1999."
      "code" : "126314",
      "display" : "ve",
      "definition" : "ve, the fractional (not absolute) volume of extravascular extracellular space (EES) per unit volume of tissueSee Tofts et al, \"Estimating Kinetic Parameters From Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced T1-Weighted MRI of a Diffusable Tracer: Standardized Quantities and Symbols\", Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, vol. 10, pp. 223-232, 1999."
      "code" : "126320",
      "display" : "IAUC",
      "definition" : "The initial area under the contrast agent concentration-time curve"
      "code" : "126321",
      "display" : "IAUC60",
      "definition" : "The initial area under the contrast agent concentration-time curve at 60 seconds after the onset time"
      "code" : "126322",
      "display" : "IAUC90",
      "definition" : "The initial area under the contrast agent concentration-time curve at 90 seconds after the onset time"
      "code" : "126323",
      "display" : "IAUC180",
      "definition" : "The initial area under the contrast agent concentration-time curve at 180 seconds after the onset time"
      "code" : "126324",
      "display" : "IAUCBN",
      "definition" : "The initial area under the contrast agent concentration-time curve, normalized with the corresponding arterial input function, such that IAUCBN = IAUC / IAUCAIF."
      "code" : "126325",
      "display" : "IAUCBN60",
      "definition" : "The initial area under the contrast agent concentration-time curve at 60 seconds after the onset time, normalized with the corresponding arterial input function, such that IAUC60BN = IAUC60 / IAUC60AIF."
      "code" : "126326",
      "display" : "IAUCBN90",
      "definition" : "The initial area under the contrast agent concentration-time curve at 90 seconds after the onset time, normalized with the corresponding arterial input function, such that IAUC90BN = IAUC90 / IAUC90AIF."
      "code" : "126327",
      "display" : "AUCBN180",
      "definition" : "The initial area under the contrast agent concentration-time curve at 180 seconds after the onset time, normalized with the corresponding arterial input function, such that IAUC180BN = IAUC180 / IAUC180AIF."
      "code" : "126330",
      "display" : "tau_m",
      "definition" : "Ï„m. The mean intracellular water lifetime (Ï„i). Used in the Shutter-Speed Model (SSM) of tracer kinetics."
      "code" : "126331",
      "display" : "vp",
      "definition" : "vp. The fractional (not absolute) blood plasma volume per unit volume of tissue.See Tofts et al, \"Estimating Kinetic Parameters From Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced T1-Weighted MRI of a Diffusable Tracer: Standardized Quantities and Symbols\", Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, vol. 10, pp. 223-232, 1999."
      "code" : "126340",
      "display" : "Standard Tofts Model",
      "definition" : "A tracer diffusion kinetic model in which the permeability is assumed to be isodirectional.See P. Tofts, \"Modeling tracer kinetics in dynamic Gd-DTPA MR imaging\", Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, vol. 7, pp. 91-101, 1997.Mathematically equivalent to the model proposed by Kety in a non-MRI context, hence sometimes refered to as the Tofts-Kety (TK) model. See Kety SS. The Theory and Applications of the Exchange of Inert Gas at the Lungs and Tissues. Pharmacological Reviews. 1951 Mar 1;3(1):1-41."
      "code" : "126341",
      "display" : "Extended Tofts Model",
      "definition" : "A tracer diffusion kinetic model in which the permeability is not assumed to be isodirectional, and which includes the contribution of tracer in the blood plasma to the total tissue concentration.See P. Tofts, \"Modeling tracer kinetics in dynamic Gd-DTPA MR imaging\", Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, vol. 7, pp. 91-101, 1997."
      "code" : "126342",
      "display" : "Model-free concentration-time quantitification",
      "definition" : "A semiquantitative analysis of the contrast-enhancement concentration versus time curve that avoids the use of a pharmacokinetic model."
      "code" : "126343",
      "display" : "First Pass Leakage Profile (FPLP) Model",
      "definition" : "A tracer diffusion kinetic model that accounts for the tumor leakage profile during the first pass of contrast.See Li, Ka-Loh, Xiao Ping Zhu, John Waterton, and Alan Jackson. \"Improved 3D Quantitative Mapping of Blood Volume and Endothelial Permeability in Brain Tumors.\" Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 12, no. 2 (2000): 347-357. doi:​10.1002/​1522-2586(200008)12:​2<347::AID-JMRI19>​3.0.CO;2-7."
      "code" : "126344",
      "display" : "Shutter-Speed Model (SSM)",
      "definition" : "A tracer diffusion kinetic model that does not assume that intercompartmental water molecule exchange is infinitely fast.See Li, Xin, Wei Huang, Thomas E. Yankeelov, Alina Tudorica, William D. Rooney, and Charles S. Springer. \"Shutter-Speed Analysis of Contrast Reagent Bolus-Tracking Data: Preliminary Observations in Benign and Malignant Breast Disease.\" Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 53, no. 3 (2005): 724-29. doi:10.1002/mrm.20405."
      "code" : "126345",
      "display" : "Gamma Capillary Transit Time (GCCT) Model",
      "definition" : "A tracer diffusion kinetic model that mathematically unifies the Tofts, Extended Tofts, Adiabatic Tissue Homogeneity, and Two Compartment Exchange modelsSee Schabel MC. A unified impulse response model for DCE-MRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2012;68(5):1632-46. doi:10.1002/mrm.24162."
      "code" : "126346",
      "display" : "Adiabatic Tissue Homogeneity (ATH) Model",
      "definition" : "An adiabatic approximation to the tissue homogeneity tracer diffusion kinetic model, which assumes that the tracer concentration in parenchymal tissue changes slowly relative to that in capillaries.See St. Lawrence KS, Lee T-Y. An Adiabatic Approximation to the Tissue Homogeneity Model for Water Exchange in the Brain: I. Theoretical Derivation. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 1998 Dec;18(12):1365-77. doi:10.1097/00004647-199812000-00011."
      "code" : "126347",
      "display" : "Two Compartment Exchange (2CX) Model",
      "definition" : "A tracer diffusion kinetic that incorporates the extracellular space of the lesion as a peripheral compartment, connected to the central (plasma) compartment by linear exchange processes in both directions.See Brix G, Semmler W, Port R, Schad LR, Layer G, Lorenz WJ. Pharmacokinetic Parameters in CNS Gd-DTPA Enhanced MR Imaging. Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography. 1991;15(4):621-8."
      "code" : "126350",
      "display" : "T1 by Multiple Flip Angles",
      "definition" : "T1 measurement by Multiple Flip Angles (MFA) (variable saturation) method"
      "code" : "126351",
      "display" : "T1 by Inversion Recovery",
      "definition" : "T1 measurement by Inversion Recovery (IR) method"
      "code" : "126352",
      "display" : "T1 by Fixed Value",
      "definition" : "Calculation was performed using a fixed value of T1 rather than a measured value. The value could be encoded as the value of (126353, DCM, \"T1 Used For Calculation\")."
      "code" : "126353",
      "display" : "T1 Used For Calculation",
      "definition" : "The fixed value of T1 used for a calculation."
      "code" : "126360",
      "display" : "AIF Ignored",
      "definition" : "No Arterial Input Function was used."
      "code" : "126361",
      "display" : "Population Averaged AIF",
      "definition" : "A population-averaged Arterial Input Function."
      "code" : "126362",
      "display" : "User-defined AIF ROI",
      "definition" : "An Arterial Input Function computed from a user-defined Region of Interest."
      "code" : "126363",
      "display" : "Automatically Detected AIF ROI",
      "definition" : "An Arterial Input Function computed from an automatically detected Region of Interest."
      "code" : "126364",
      "display" : "Blind Estimation of AIF",
      "definition" : "A data-driven blind source separation (BSS) algorithm that estimates AIF from individuals without any presumed AIF model and initialization. See Lin, Yu-Chun, Tsung-Han Chan, Chong-Yung Chi, Shu-Hang Ng, Hao-Li Liu, Kuo-Chen Wei, Yau-Yau Wai, Chun-Chieh Wang, and Jiun-Jie Wang. \"Blind Estimation of the Arterial Input Function in Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI Using Purity Maximization.\" Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 68, no. 5 (November 1, 2012): 1439-49. doi:10.1002/mrm.24144."
      "code" : "126370",
      "display" : "Time of Peak Concentration",
      "definition" : "The time at which the concentration-time curve achieves its peak for the first time. Used as a concept name for a value or as a method."
      "code" : "126371",
      "display" : "Bolus Arrival Time",
      "definition" : "The nominal time at which arrival of a contrast bolus is detected, which is used as a reference point for subsequent calculations. Used as a concept name for a value or as a method. No specific computational method is implied by this general definition. Abbreviated BAT."
      "code" : "126372",
      "display" : "Time of Leading Half-Peak Concentration",
      "definition" : "The time at which the concentration-time curve achieves half of its peak density for the first time. Used as a concept name for a value or as a method."
      "code" : "126373",
      "display" : "Temporal Derivative Exceeds Threshold",
      "definition" : "A method of determining BAT that involves computing the temporal derivative of the concentration-time curve and selecting the time when the temporal derivative exceeds a specified threshold. See Shpilfoygel Med Phys 2008. doi:10.1118/1.1288669."
      "code" : "126374",
      "display" : "Temporal Derivative Threshold",
      "definition" : "A threshold applied to the temporal derivative of the concentration-time curve."
      "code" : "126375",
      "display" : "Maximum Slope",
      "definition" : "The maximum rate of signal intensity change within a measured region of a time-activity curve. See Boonsirikamchai, Piyaporn, Harmeet Kaur, Deborah A. Kuban, Edward Jackson, Ping Hou, and Haesun Choi. \"Use of Maximum Slope Images Generated From Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI to Detect Locally Recurrent Prostate Carcinoma After Prostatectomy: A Practical Approach.\" American Journal of Roentgenology 198, no. 3 (March 1, 2012): W228-W236. doi:10.2214/AJR.10.6387."
      "code" : "126376",
      "display" : "Maximum Difference",
      "definition" : "The maximum degree of signal intensity change within a measured region of a time-activity curve. See Boonsirikamchai, Piyaporn, Harmeet Kaur, Deborah A. Kuban, Edward Jackson, Ping Hou, and Haesun Choi. \"Use of Maximum Slope Images Generated From Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI to Detect Locally Recurrent Prostate Carcinoma After Prostatectomy: A Practical Approach.\" American Journal of Roentgenology 198, no. 3 (March 1, 2012): W228-W236. doi:10.2214/AJR.10.6387."
      "code" : "126377",
      "display" : "Tracer Concentration",
      "definition" : "Tracer concentration in tissue."
      "code" : "126380",
      "display" : "Contrast Longitudinal Relaxivity",
      "definition" : "The degree to which a paramagnetic contrast agent can enhance the proton longitudinal relaxation rate constant (R1, 1/T1), normalized to the concentration of the contrast agent. Also referred to as r1. Typically expressed in units of l/mmol/s."
      "code" : "126390",
      "display" : "Absolute Regional Blood Flow",
      "definition" : "The absolute flow rate of blood perfusing a region as volume per mass per unit of time. The mass divisor may be approximated by a measurement of volume assuming a tissue density of 1."
      "code" : "126391",
      "display" : "Absolute Regional Blood Volume",
      "definition" : "The absolute volume of blood perfusing a region as volume per mass. The mass divisor may be approximated by a measurement of volume assuming a tissue density of 1."
      "code" : "126392",
      "display" : "Oxygen Extraction Fraction",
      "definition" : "The percent of the oxygen removed from the blood by tissue during its passage through the capillary network. For example, as measured by blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) MR. See He, Xiang, and Dmitriy A. Yablonskiy. \"Quantitative BOLD: Mapping of Human Cerebral Deoxygenated Blood Volume and Oxygen Extraction Fraction: Default State.\" Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 57, no. 1 (2007): 115-26."
      "code" : "126393",
      "display" : "R1",
      "definition" : "The longitiudinal relaxation rate constant for the decay of longitiudinal magnetization caused by spin-lattice relaxation. The inverse of longitudinal relaxation time, i.e., R1 = 1/T1."
      "code" : "126394",
      "display" : "R2",
      "definition" : "The transverse relaxation rate constant for the decay of transverse magnetization caused by spin-spin relaxation. The inverse of transverse relaxation time, i.e., R2 = 1/T2."
      "code" : "126395",
      "display" : "R2*",
      "definition" : "The transverse relaxation rate constant for the decay of transverse magnetization caused by a combination of spin-spin relaxation and magnetic field inhomogeneity. The inverse of transverse relaxation time, i.e., R2* = 1/T2*."
      "code" : "126396",
      "display" : "Magnetic Susceptibility",
      "definition" : "Magnetic Susceptibility is a measure of the amount of magnetization induced in a material when placed in an external magnetic field. It is the quantity encoded as the voxel intensity in Quantitative Susceptibility Map (QSM) images.It is a dimensionless quantity, usually recorded with units of parts per millions (ppm).See Liu T, Wisnieff C, Lou M, Chen W, Spincemaille P, Wang Y. Nonlinear formulation of the magnetic field to source relationship for robust quantitative susceptibility mapping. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2013;69(2):467-76. .See Wang Y, Liu T. Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM): Decoding MRI data for a tissue magnetic biomarker. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2015;73(1):82-101. ."
      "code" : "126397",
      "display" : "Relative Regional Blood Flow",
      "definition" : "The relative flow rate of blood perfusing a region. Obtained by dividing the absolute flow rate of blood perfusing a region by the absolute flow rate of blood perfusing a reference region."
      "code" : "126398",
      "display" : "Relative Regional Blood Volume",
      "definition" : "The relative volume of blood perfusing a region. Obtained by dividing the absolute volume of blood perfusing a region by the absolute volume of blood perfusing a reference region."
      "code" : "126400",
      "display" : "Standardized Uptake Value",
      "definition" : "A ratio of locally measured radioactivity concentration versus the injected radioactivity distributed evenly throughout the whole body.This general concept encompasses all specific methods of calculating the whole body volume of distribution, such as using body weight, lean body mass, body surface area, etc."
      "code" : "126401",
      "display" : "SUVbw",
      "definition" : "Standardized Uptake Value calculated using body weight. The patient size correction factor for males and females is body weight.Defined in Sugawara et al. Reevaluation of the Standardized Uptake Value for FDG: Variations with Body Weight and Methods for Correction.Radiology, 1999 at"
      "code" : "126402",
      "display" : "SUVlbm",
      "definition" : "Standardized Uptake Value calculated using lean body mass by James method. The patient size correction factor for males is 1.10 * weight - (120 or 128) * (weight/height) ^2, and for females is 1.07 * weight - 148 * (weight/height) ^2.Defined in Sugawara et al. Reevaluation of the Standardized Uptake Value for FDG: Variations with Body Weight and Methods for Correction.Radiology, 1999 at , except that either 120 or 128 may be used as the multiplier parameter for males).Unfortunately, Sugawara used a parameter of 120 rather than 128, propagating an error in Morgan DJ, Bray KM. Lean Body Mass as a Predictor of Drug Dosage: Implications for Drug Therapy. Clinical Pharmacokinetics. 1994;26(4):292-307, which misquoted the original LBM definition that used 128 in James WPT, Waterlow JC. Research on Obesity: A Report of the DHSS/MRC Group. London: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office; 1976. Implementations differ in whether they have used 120 or 128 when using this code. See Kelly M. SUV: Advancing Comparability and Accuracy. Siemens; 2009. Available from: ."
      "code" : "126403",
      "display" : "SUVbsa",
      "definition" : "Standardized Uptake Value calculated using body surface area. The patient size correction factor for males and females is weight^ 0.425 * height^0.725 * 0.007184.Defined in Sugawara et al. Reevaluation of the Standardized Uptake Value for FDG: Variations with Body Weight and Methods for Correction.Radiology, 1999 at"
      "code" : "126404",
      "display" : "SUVibw",
      "definition" : "Standardized Uptake Value calculated using ideal body weight. The patient size correction factor for males is 48.0 + 1.06 * (height - 152) and for females is 45.5 + 0.91 * (height - 152).Defined in Sugawara et al. Reevaluation of the Standardized Uptake Value for FDG: Variations with Body Weight and Methods for Correction.Radiology, 1999 at"
      "code" : "126405",
      "display" : "SUVlbm(Janma)",
      "definition" : "Standardized Uptake Value calculated using lean body mass by Janmahasatian method. The patient size correction factor for males is 9.27E3 * weight / (6.68E3 + 216 * weight / (height^2)) and for females is 9.27E3 * weight / (8.78E3 + 244 * weight / (height^2)).Defined in Janmahasatian et al. Quantification of Lean Bodyweight. Clin Pharmacokinet. 2005 Oct 1;44(10):1051-65. at and its role in SUVlbm(Janma) calculation is discussed in Tahari et al. Optimum Lean Body Formulation for Correction of Standardized Uptake Value in PET Imaging. Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 2014 Sep 1;55(9):1481-4. at ."
      "code" : "126406",
      "display" : "SUVlbm(James128)",
      "definition" : "Standardized Uptake Value calculated using lean body mass by James method, using the originally published 128 multiplier for males. The patient size correction factor for males is 1.10 * weight - 128) * (weight/height) ^2, and for females is 1.07 * weight - 148 * (weight/height) ^2."
      "code" : "126410",
      "display" : "SUV body weight calculation method",
      "definition" : "Method of calculating Standardized Uptake Value using body weight. The patient size correction factor for males and females is body weight.Defined in Sugawara et al. Reevaluation of the Standardized Uptake Value for FDG: Variations with Body Weight and Methods for Correction.Radiology, 1999 at"
      "code" : "126411",
      "display" : "SUV lean body mass calculation method",
      "definition" : "Method of calculating Standardized Uptake Value using lean body mass. The patient size correction factor for males is 1.10 * weight - (120 or 128) * (weight/height) ^2, and for females is 1.07 * weight - 148 * (weight/height) ^2.Defined in Sugawara et al. Reevaluation of the Standardized Uptake Value for FDG: Variations with Body Weight and Methods for Correction.Radiology, 1999 at Unfortunately, Sugawara used a parameter of 120 rather than 128, propagating an error in Morgan DJ, Bray KM. Lean Body Mass as a Predictor of Drug Dosage: Implications for Drug Therapy. Clinical Pharmacokinetics. 1994;26(4):292-307, which misquoted the original LBM definition that used 128 in James WPT, Waterlow JC. Research on Obesity: A Report of the DHSS/MRC Group. London: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office; 1976. Implementations differ in whether they have used 120 or 128 when using this code. See Kelly M. SUV: Advancing Comparability and Accuracy. Siemens; 2009. Available from: ."
      "code" : "126412",
      "display" : "SUV body surface area calculation method",
      "definition" : "Method of calculating Standardized Uptake Value using body surface area. The patient size correction factor for males and females is weight^ 0.425 * height^0.725 * 0.007184.Defined in Sugawara et al. Reevaluation of the Standardized Uptake Value for FDG: Variations with Body Weight and Methods for Correction.Radiology, 1999 at"
      "code" : "126413",
      "display" : "SUV ideal body weight calculation method",
      "definition" : "Method of calculating Standardized Uptake Value using ideal body weight. The patient size correction factor for males is 48.0 + 1.06 * (height - 152) and for females is 45.5 + 0.91 * (height - 152).Defined in Sugawara et al. Reevaluation of the Standardized Uptake Value for FDG: Variations with Body Weight and Methods for Correction.Radiology, 1999 at"
      "code" : "126414",
      "display" : "SUV lean body mass calculation Janmahasatian method",
      "definition" : "Janmahasatian method of calculating Standardized Uptake Value using lean body mass. The patient size correction factor for males is 9.27E3 * weight / (6.68E3 + 216 * weight / (height^2)) and for females is 9.27E3 * weight / (8.78E3 + 244 * weight / (height^2)).Defined in Janmahasatian et al. Quantification of Lean Bodyweight. Clin Pharmacokinet. 2005 Oct 1;44(10):1051-65. at and its role in SUVlbm(Janma) calculation is discussed in Tahari et al. Optimum Lean Body Formulation for Correction of Standardized Uptake Value in PET Imaging. Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 2014 Sep 1;55(9):1481-4. at ."
      "code" : "126415",
      "display" : "SUV lean body mass calculation method using 128 multiplier",
      "definition" : "James method of calculating Standardized Uptake Value using lean body mass with the originally published 128 multiplier for males. The patient size correction factor for males is 1.10 * weight - 128) * (weight/height) ^2, and for females is 1.07 * weight - 148 * (weight/height) ^2."
      "code" : "126500",
      "display" : "Pittsburgh compound B C^11^",
      "definition" : "A beta-amyloid PET radiotracer that is an analog of thioflavin T."
      "code" : "126501",
      "display" : "Florbetaben F^18^",
      "definition" : "A beta-amyloid PET radiotracer."
      "code" : "126502",
      "display" : "T807 F^18^",
      "definition" : "A PHF-tau PET radiotracer."
      "code" : "126503",
      "display" : "Flubatine F^18^",
      "definition" : "A nicotinic α4β2 receptor (nAChR) PET radiotracer."
      "code" : "126509",
      "display" : "Lutetium^177^ n-acetylaspartylglutamate",
      "definition" : "A radioconjugate consisting of n-acetylaspartylglutamate labeled with lutetium Lu 177 used as a radiotracer."
      "code" : "126510",
      "display" : "Monoclonal Antibody (mAb) ^64^Cu",
      "definition" : "A Cu 64 Monoclonal Antibody (mAb) PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126511",
      "display" : "Monoclonal Antibody (mAb) ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 Monoclonal Antibody (mAb) PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126512",
      "display" : "Trastuzumab ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 Trastuzumab PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126513",
      "display" : "Cetuximab ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 Cetuximab PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126514",
      "display" : "J591 ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 J591 PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126515",
      "display" : "cU36 ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 cU36 PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126516",
      "display" : "Bevacizumab ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 Bevacizumab PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126517",
      "display" : "cG250-F(ab')(2) ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 cG250-F(ab')(2) PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126518",
      "display" : "R1507 ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 R1507 PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126519",
      "display" : "E4G10 ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 E4G10 PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126520",
      "display" : "Df-CD45 ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 Df-CD45 PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126600",
      "display" : "^44^Scandium",
      "definition" : "^44^Scandium"
      "code" : "126601",
      "display" : "^51^Manganese",
      "definition" : "^51^Manganese"
      "code" : "126602",
      "display" : "^70^Arsenic",
      "definition" : "^70^Arsenic"
      "code" : "126603",
      "display" : "^90^Niobium",
      "definition" : "^90^Niobium"
      "code" : "126604",
      "display" : "^191m^Iridium",
      "definition" : "^191m^Iridium"
      "code" : "126605",
      "display" : "^43^Scandium",
      "definition" : "^43^Scandium"
      "code" : "126606",
      "display" : "^152^Terbium",
      "definition" : "^152^Terbium"
      "code" : "126607",
      "display" : "^52m^Manganese",
      "definition" : "^52m^Manganese"
      "code" : "126700",
      "display" : "ATSM Cu^60^",
      "definition" : "A Cu 60 ATSM PET radiotracer."
      "code" : "126701",
      "display" : "ATSM Cu^61^",
      "definition" : "A Cu 61 ATSM PET radiotracer."
      "code" : "126702",
      "display" : "ATSM Cu^62^",
      "definition" : "A Cu 62 ATSM PET radiotracer."
      "code" : "126703",
      "display" : "Choline C^11^",
      "definition" : "A C 11 Choline PET radiotracer."
      "code" : "126704",
      "display" : "Fallypride C^11^",
      "definition" : "A C 11 Fallypride PET radiotracer."
      "code" : "126705",
      "display" : "Fallypride F^18^",
      "definition" : "An F 18 Fallypride PET radiotracer."
      "code" : "126706",
      "display" : "FLB 457 C^11^",
      "definition" : "A C 11 FLB 457 PET radiotracer."
      "code" : "126707",
      "display" : "Fluorotriopride F^18^",
      "definition" : "An F 18 Fluorotriopride PET radiotracer."
      "code" : "126708",
      "display" : "Fluoromisonidazole (FMISO) F^18^",
      "definition" : "An F 18 Fluoromisonidazole PET radiotracer."
      "code" : "126709",
      "display" : "Glutamine C^11^",
      "definition" : "A C 11 Glutamine PET radiotracer."
      "code" : "126710",
      "display" : "Glutamine C^14^",
      "definition" : "A C 14 Glutamine PET radiotracer."
      "code" : "126711",
      "display" : "Glutamine F^18^",
      "definition" : "An F 18 Glutamine PET radiotracer."
      "code" : "126712",
      "display" : "Flubatine F^18^",
      "definition" : "An F 18 Flubatine PET radiotracer."
      "code" : "126713",
      "display" : "2FA F^18^",
      "definition" : "An F 18 2FA PET radiotracer."
      "code" : "126714",
      "display" : "Nifene F^18^",
      "definition" : "An F 18 Nifene PET radiotracer."
      "code" : "126715",
      "display" : "CLR1404 I^124^",
      "definition" : "An I 124 cancer targeted phospholipid ether PET radiotracer."
      "code" : "126716",
      "display" : "CLR1404 I^131^",
      "definition" : "An I 131 cancer targeted phospholipid ether PET radiotracer."
      "code" : "126717",
      "display" : "THK5351 F^18^",
      "definition" : "A PET radiotracer used for tau brain imaging.See Harada R, Okamura N, Furumoto S, Furukawa K, Ishiki A, Tomita N, et al. 18F-THK5351: A Novel PET Radiotracer for Imaging Neurofibrillary Pathology in Alzheimer Disease. Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 2016 Feb 1;57(2):208-14. doi:10.2967/jnumed.115.164848"
      "code" : "126718",
      "display" : "Flurpiridaz F^18^",
      "definition" : "A PET radiotracer used for myocardial perfusion imaging.See Yu M, Nekolla SG, Schwaiger M, Robinson SP. The Next Generation of Cardiac Positron Emission Tomography Imaging Agents: Discovery of Flurpiridaz F-18 for Detection of Coronary Disease. Seminars in Nuclear Medicine. 2011 Jul;41(4):305-13. doi:10.1053/j.semnuclmed.2011.02.004See SNMMI. Flurpiridaz."
      "code" : "126719",
      "display" : "RO6924963 ^11^C",
      "definition" : "A PET radiotracer used for tau brain imaging.See Wong DF, Comley R, Kuwabara H, Rosenberg PB, Resnick SM, Ostrowitzki S, et al. First in-human PET study of 3 novel tau radiopharmaceuticals: [11C]RO6924963, [11C]RO6931643, and [18F]RO6958948. J Nucl Med. 2018 May 4; doi:10.2967/jnumed.118.209916."
      "code" : "126720",
      "display" : "RO6931643 ^11^C",
      "definition" : "A PET radiotracer used for tau brain imaging.See Wong DF, Comley R, Kuwabara H, Rosenberg PB, Resnick SM, Ostrowitzki S, et al. First in-human PET study of 3 novel tau radiopharmaceuticals: [11C]RO6924963, [11C]RO6931643, and [18F]RO6958948. J Nucl Med. 2018 May 4; doi:10.2967/jnumed.118.209916."
      "code" : "126721",
      "display" : "Obinituzimab ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 Obinituzimab PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126722",
      "display" : "Benralizumab ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 Benralizumab PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126723",
      "display" : "Ocaratuzumab ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 Ocaratuzumab PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126724",
      "display" : "Glembatumumab vedotin ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 Glembatumumab vedotin PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126725",
      "display" : "Pinatuzumab vedotin ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 Pinatuzumab vedotin PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126726",
      "display" : "Polatuzumab vedotin ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 Polatuzumab vedotin PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126727",
      "display" : "Blinatumomab ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 Blinatumomab PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126728",
      "display" : "Pegdinetanib ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 Pegdinetanib PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126729",
      "display" : "AGN-150998 ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 AGN-150998 PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126730",
      "display" : "MEDI-551 ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 MEDI-551 PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126731",
      "display" : "GA201 ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 GA201 PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126732",
      "display" : "Ecromeximab ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 Ecromeximab PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126733",
      "display" : "Roledumab ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 Roledumab PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126734",
      "display" : "XmAb5574 ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 XmAb5574 PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126735",
      "display" : "Brentuximab ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 Brentuximab PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126736",
      "display" : "Panitumumab ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 Panitumumab PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126737",
      "display" : "Rituximab ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 Rituximab PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126738",
      "display" : "Mogamulizumab ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 Mogamulizumab PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126739",
      "display" : "Ublituximab ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 Ublituximab PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126740",
      "display" : "Margetuximab ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 Margetuximab PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126741",
      "display" : "SAR3419 ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 SAR3419 PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126742",
      "display" : "Ranibizumab ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 Ranibizumab PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126746",
      "display" : "cMAb U36 ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 cMAb U36 PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126747",
      "display" : "DN30 ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 DN30 PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126748",
      "display" : "Fresolimumab ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 Fresolimumab PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126749",
      "display" : "TRC105 ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 TRC105 PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126750",
      "display" : "7E11 ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 7E11 PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126751",
      "display" : "7D12 ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 7D12 PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126752",
      "display" : "28H1 ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 28H1 PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126753",
      "display" : "Nanocolloidal albumin ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 nanocolloidal albumin PET Radiotracer.See Heuveling et al. Pilot Study on the Feasibility of PET/CT Lymphoscintigraphy with 89Zr-Nanocolloidal Albumin for Sentinel Node Identification in Oral Cancer Patients. J Nucl Med. 2013 Apr;54(4):585-9. doi:10.2967/jnumed.112.115188. http://jnm.snmjournals.org/content/54/4/585.long"
      "code" : "126754",
      "display" : "Anti-B220 ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 Anti-B220 PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126755",
      "display" : "RO5323441 ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 RO5323441 PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126756",
      "display" : "RO542908 ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 RO542908 PET Radiotracer."
      "code" : "126757",
      "display" : "RO6958948 ^18^F",
      "definition" : "A PET radiotracer used for tau brain imaging.See Wong DF, Comley R, Kuwabara H, Rosenberg PB, Resnick SM, Ostrowitzki S, et al. First in-human PET study of 3 novel tau radiopharmaceuticals: [11C]RO6924963, [11C]RO6931643, and [18F]RO6958948. J Nucl Med. 2018 May 4; doi:10.2967/jnumed.118.209916."
      "code" : "126758",
      "display" : "PSMA-1007 F^18^",
      "definition" : "A PET radiotracer targeting PMSA used for prostate cancer imaging.See Giesel FL, Hadaschik B, Cardinale J, Radtke J, Vinsensia M, Lehnert W, et al. F-18 labelled PSMA-1007: biodistribution, radiation dosimetry and histopathological validation of tumor lesions in prostate cancer patients. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2017 Apr 1;44(4):678–88. doi:10.1007/s00259-016-3573-4."
      "code" : "126759",
      "display" : "PSMA-617 Ga^68^",
      "definition" : "A PET radiotracer targeting PMSA used for prostate cancer imaging.See Afshar-Oromieh A, Hetzheim H, Kratochwil C, Benesova M, Eder M, Neels OC, et al. The Theranostic PSMA Ligand PSMA-617 in the Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer by PET/CT: Biodistribution in Humans, Radiation Dosimetry, and First Evaluation of Tumor Lesions. J Nucl Med. 2015 Nov 1;56(11):1697–705. doi: 10.2967/jnumed.115.161299."
      "code" : "126760",
      "display" : "Df-FK ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 Df-FK peptide PET Radiotracer.See Jacobsen O et al. MicroPET Imaging of Integrin αvβ3 Expressing Tumors Using 89Zr-RGD Peptides. Mol Imaging Biol. 2011 Dec; 13(6): 1224-1233. doi:10.1007/s11307-010-0458-y. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3137711/"
      "code" : "126761",
      "display" : "Df-FK-PEG(3) ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 Df-FK-PEG(3) peptide PET Radiotracer.See Jacobsen O et al. MicroPET Imaging of Integrin αvβ3 Expressing Tumors Using 89Zr-RGD Peptides. Mol Imaging Biol. 2011 Dec; 13(6): 1224-1233. doi:10.1007/s11307-010-0458-y. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3137711/"
      "code" : "126762",
      "display" : "Df-[FK](2) ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 Df-[FK](2) peptide PET Radiotracer.See Jacobsen O et al. MicroPET Imaging of Integrin αvβ3 Expressing Tumors Using 89Zr-RGD Peptides. Mol Imaging Biol. 2011 Dec; 13(6): 1224-1233. doi:10.1007/s11307-010-0458-y. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3137711/"
      "code" : "126763",
      "display" : "Df-[FK](2)-3PEG(4) ^89^Zr",
      "definition" : "A Zr 89 Df-[FK](2)-3PEG(4) peptide PET Radiotracer.See Jacobsen O et al. MicroPET Imaging of Integrin αvβ3 Expressing Tumors Using 89Zr-RGD Peptides. Mol Imaging Biol. 2011 Dec; 13(6): 1224-1233. doi:10.1007/s11307-010-0458-y. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3137711/"
      "code" : "126764",
      "display" : "Iodinated I^125^ DPA-713",
      "definition" : "An I125 translocator protein (TSPO) SPECT tracer.See Wang H, Pullambhatla M, Guilarte TR, Mease RC, Pomper MG. Synthesis of [125I]IodoDPA-713, a New Probe for Imaging Inflammation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2009 Nov 6;389(1):80–3. doi:10.1007/​10.1016/​j.bbrc.2009.08.102http://​www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/​pmc/​articles/​PMC2764231/"
      "code" : "126765",
      "display" : "DPA-713 ^11^C",
      "definition" : "A C11 translocator protein (TSPO) PET tracer.See Endres CJ, Pomper MG, James M, Uzuner O, Hammoud DA, Watkins CC, et al. Initial Evaluation of 11C-DPA-713, a Novel TSPO PET Ligand, in Humans. J Nucl Med. 2009 Aug;50(8):1276–82. doi:10.2967/​jnumed.109.062265http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/​pmc/​articles/​PMC2883612/"
      "code" : "126766",
      "display" : "DPA-714 ^18^F",
      "definition" : "An F18 translocator protein (TSPO) PET tracer.See Vicidomini C, Panico M, Greco A, Gargiulo S, Coda ARD, Zannetti A, et al. In vivo imaging and characterization of [18F]DPA-714, a potential new TSPO ligand, in mouse brain and peripheral tissues using small-animal PET. Nuclear Medicine and Biology. 2015 Mar 1;42(3):309–16. doi:10.1016/​j.nucmedbio.2014.11.009"
      "code" : "126801",
      "display" : "IEC61217 Patient Support Continuous Yaw Angle",
      "definition" : "Patient Support isocentric rotation (in the IEC FIXED REFERENCE Coordinate System) as defined by . DICOM represents this value as a Continuous Rotation Angle in degrees."
      "code" : "126802",
      "display" : "IEC61217 Table Top Continuous Pitch Angle",
      "definition" : "Pitch of the Table Top (in the IEC TABLE TOP Coordinate System) as defined by . DICOM represents this value as a Continous Rotation Angle in degrees."
      "code" : "126803",
      "display" : "IEC61217 Table Top Continuous Roll Angle",
      "definition" : "Roll of the Table Top (in the IEC TABLE TOP Coordinate System) as defined by . DICOM represents this value as a Continous Rotation Angle in degrees."
      "code" : "126804",
      "display" : "IEC61217 Table Top Eccentric Axis Distance",
      "definition" : "Eccentric axis offset, in mm (in the IEC PATIENT SUPPORT Coordinate System) as defined by ."
      "code" : "126805",
      "display" : "IEC61217 Table Top Continuous Eccentric Angle",
      "definition" : "Table Top eccentric rotation (in the IEC TABLE TOP ECCENTRIC Coordinate System) as defined by . DICOM represents this value as a Continuous Rotation Angle in degrees."
      "code" : "126806",
      "display" : "IEC61217 Table Top Lateral Position",
      "definition" : "Lateral displacement of the table top, in mm (in the IEC TABLE TOP Coordinate System) as defined by ."
      "code" : "126807",
      "display" : "IEC61217 Table Top Longitudinal Position",
      "definition" : "Longitudinal displacement of the table top, in mm (in the IEC TABLE TOP Coordinate system) as defined by ."
      "code" : "126808",
      "display" : "IEC61217 Table Top Vertical Position",
      "definition" : "Vertical displacement of the table top, in mm (in the IEC TABLE TOP Coordinate System) as defined by ."
      "code" : "126809",
      "display" : "IEC61217 Gantry Continuous Roll Angle",
      "definition" : "Rotation of the gantry (around the Y-axis of the IEC FIXED REFERENCE Coordinate System) as defined by . DICOM represents this value as a Continuous Rotation Angle in degrees."
      "code" : "126810",
      "display" : "IEC61217 Gantry Continuous Pitch Angle",
      "definition" : "Pitch angle of rotation of the gantry around the X-axis of the IEC GANTRY Coordinate System. This parameter is not specifically defined by , but is consistent with . DICOM represents this value as a Continuous Rotation Angle in degrees."
      "code" : "126811",
      "display" : "IEC61217 Gantry Continuous Yaw Angle",
      "definition" : "Yaw angle of rotation of the gantry around the Z-axis of the IEC GANTRY Coordinate System This parameter is not specifically defined by , but is consistent with . DICOM represents this value as a Continuous Rotation Angle in degrees."
      "code" : "126830",
      "display" : "left first",
      "definition" : "The body position of the imaging subject relative to the imaging equipment is with the subject's left side positioned towards the front of the equipment viewed from the front"
      "code" : "126831",
      "display" : "right first",
      "definition" : "The body position of the imaging subject relative to the imaging equipment is with the subject's right side positioned towards the front of the equipment viewed from the front"
      "code" : "126832",
      "display" : "posterior first",
      "definition" : "The body position of the imaging subject relative to the imaging equipment is with the subject's posterior (dorsal) side positioned towards the front of the equipment viewed from the front"
      "code" : "126833",
      "display" : "anterior first",
      "definition" : "The body position of the imaging subject relative to the imaging equipment is with the subject's anterior (ventral) side positioned towards the front of the equipment viewed from the front"
      "code" : "126850",
      "display" : "ILCR",
      "definition" : "The International Laboratory Code Registry (ILCR) of the Institute of Laboratory Animal Research (ILAR). See ."
      "code" : "127001",
      "display" : "Preclinical Small Animal Imaging Acquisition Context",
      "definition" : "A description of the conditions present during acquisition of images of small animals during preclinical research."
      "code" : "127005",
      "display" : "Animal handling during specified phase",
      "definition" : "The conditions present related to the handling of an animal during a specified phase."
      "code" : "127006",
      "display" : "Phase of animal handling",
      "definition" : "A specified phase of handling of an animal (e.g., transport, preparation)."
      "code" : "127010",
      "display" : "Biosafety conditions",
      "definition" : "A description of biosafety conditions (e.g., present during small animal handling for research)."
      "code" : "127011",
      "display" : "Reason for biosafety controls",
      "definition" : "The reason that biosafety controls are in place."
      "code" : "127040",
      "display" : "Heating conditions",
      "definition" : "A description of heating conditions (e.g., present during small animal handling for research)."
      "code" : "127050",
      "display" : "Circadian effects",
      "definition" : "A description of Circadian effects (e.g., present during small animal handling for research)."
      "code" : "127060",
      "display" : "Nose cone",
      "definition" : "A form of face mask that fits over the nose used for delivery of inhalational anesthesia (usually for small animals)"
      "code" : "127061",
      "display" : "Nasal cannula",
      "definition" : "Cannula inserted in the nose used for delivery of inhalational anesthesia or other inhaled gases."
      "code" : "127070",
      "display" : "Retro-orbital route",
      "definition" : "A route of administration of a substance via the retro-orbital venous sinus.Yardeni T et al. (2011). Retro-orbital injections in mice. Lab Animal, 40(5), 155-160. doi:10.1038/laban0511-155."
      "code" : "127101",
      "display" : "In home cage",
      "definition" : "The phase of handling of an animal that provides their normal environment between procedures."
      "code" : "127102",
      "display" : "During transport",
      "definition" : "The phase of handling of an animal that is transport between environments."
      "code" : "127103",
      "display" : "Staging prior to imaging",
      "definition" : "The phase of handling of an animal that is staging prior to an imaging procedure (e.g., after removal from their home environment and transport cage, and awaiting preparation, induction or imaging). During this phase the animals are not subject to intervention (e.g., injection, catheterization) (cf. 127104, DCM, \"Preparation for imaging\"))."
      "code" : "127104",
      "display" : "Preparation for imaging",
      "definition" : "The phase of handling of an animal that is preparation prior to an imaging procedure that involves handling and intervention (e.g., such as injection, catheterization) (cf. 127103, DCM, \"Staging prior to imaging\"))."
      "code" : "127110",
      "display" : "Housing role",
      "definition" : "The phase of handling of an animal during which the housing conditions are applicable."
      "code" : "127120",
      "display" : "Animal housing",
      "definition" : "The manner in which animals are housed."
      "code" : "127121",
      "display" : "Animal room type",
      "definition" : "The room type in which racks of animal cages are housed."
      "code" : "127122",
      "display" : "Animal room identifier",
      "definition" : "The identifier of the room in which racks of animal cages are housed."
      "code" : "127125",
      "display" : "Housing manufacturer",
      "definition" : "The manufacturer of the animal housing."
      "code" : "127126",
      "display" : "Housing rack product name",
      "definition" : "The manufacturer's product name of the animal housing rack."
      "code" : "127127",
      "display" : "Housing rack product code",
      "definition" : "The manufacturer's product code of the animal housing rack."
      "code" : "127128",
      "display" : "Housing unit product name",
      "definition" : "The manufacturer's product name of the animal housing unit (or bottom of unit if separate lid)."
      "code" : "127129",
      "display" : "Housing unit product code",
      "definition" : "The manufacturer's product code of the animal housing unit (or bottom of unit if separate lid)."
      "code" : "127130",
      "display" : "Housing unit lid product name",
      "definition" : "The manufacturer's product name of the animal housing unit lid."
      "code" : "127131",
      "display" : "Housing unit lid product code",
      "definition" : "The manufacturer's product code of the animal housing unit lid."
      "code" : "127140",
      "display" : "Number of racks per room",
      "definition" : "The number of animal housing racks per room."
      "code" : "127141",
      "display" : "Number of housing units per rack",
      "definition" : "The number of animal housing units per rack."
      "code" : "127142",
      "display" : "Housing unit location in rack",
      "definition" : "The location of the housing unit in the rack."
      "code" : "127143",
      "display" : "Number of animals within same housing unit",
      "definition" : "The number of animals in a single housing (e.g., in a single cage, or in an animal carrier for imaging)."
      "code" : "127144",
      "display" : "Sex of animals within same housing unit",
      "definition" : "The sex of multiple animals contained in a single housing (cage)."
      "code" : "127145",
      "display" : "Sex of handler",
      "definition" : "The sex of the animal handler(s)."
      "code" : "127146",
      "display" : "Mixed sex",
      "definition" : "A group consisting of individuals of both sexes (both males and females)."
      "code" : "127150",
      "display" : "Total duration in housing",
      "definition" : "The total period of time that a subject spends in specified housing conditions."
      "code" : "127151",
      "display" : "Housing change interval",
      "definition" : "The period of time between changes of housing conditions."
      "code" : "127152",
      "display" : "Manual handling interval",
      "definition" : "The period of time between episodes of manual handling of the subject."
      "code" : "127153",
      "display" : "Housing unit movement",
      "definition" : "A description of the manner in which the housing unit is moved (e.g., how a cage is transported)."
      "code" : "127160",
      "display" : "Housing unit width",
      "definition" : "The width of the housing unit (e.g., cage)."
      "code" : "127161",
      "display" : "Housing unit height",
      "definition" : "The height of the housing unit (e.g., cage)."
      "code" : "127162",
      "display" : "Housing unit length",
      "definition" : "The length of the housing unit (e.g., cage)."
      "code" : "127170",
      "display" : "Housing individually ventilated",
      "definition" : "Whether or not the housing unit (e.g., cage) is individually ventilated."
      "code" : "127172",
      "display" : "Air changes",
      "definition" : "How frequently the entire volume of air within a defined space is replaced (e.g., within an animal cage)."
      "code" : "127175",
      "display" : "Housing unit reuse",
      "definition" : "Whether or not the housing unit has been previously used for different animals."
      "code" : "127177",
      "display" : "Unused",
      "definition" : "The device (e.g., animal housing unit aka. cage) has not previously been used for different animals."
      "code" : "127178",
      "display" : "Reused",
      "definition" : "The device (e.g., animal housing unit aka. cage) has previously been used for different animals."
      "code" : "127180",
      "display" : "Bedding manufacturer",
      "definition" : "The manufacturer of the bedding material."
      "code" : "127181",
      "display" : "Bedding product name",
      "definition" : "The manufacturer's product name of the bedding material."
      "code" : "127182",
      "display" : "Bedding product code",
      "definition" : "The manufacturer's product code of the bedding material."
      "code" : "127183",
      "display" : "Bedding volume",
      "definition" : "The volume of bedding material."
      "code" : "127184",
      "display" : "Bedding mass",
      "definition" : "The mass of bedding material."
      "code" : "127185",
      "display" : "Bedding depth",
      "definition" : "The depth of bedding material."
      "code" : "127190",
      "display" : "Enrichment material",
      "definition" : "Material provided to enrich the environment of a small animal for the purpose of reducing stress, improving health and/or improving reproducibility of results."
      "code" : "127191",
      "display" : "Enrichment manufacturer",
      "definition" : "The manufacturer of the material provided to enrich the environment of a small animal."
      "code" : "127192",
      "display" : "Enrichment material present",
      "definition" : "Whether or not material is provided to enrich the environment of a small animal for the purpose of reducing stress, improving health and/or improving reproducibility of results."
      "code" : "127193",
      "display" : "Exerciser device present",
      "definition" : "Whether or not an exerciser device is present."
      "code" : "127195",
      "display" : "Shelter type",
      "definition" : "The type of shelter provided for small animals within their housing."
      "code" : "127196",
      "display" : "Shelter manufacturer",
      "definition" : "The manufacturer of the small animal shelter."
      "code" : "127197",
      "display" : "Shelter product name",
      "definition" : "The manufacturer's product name of the small animal shelter."
      "code" : "127198",
      "display" : "Shelter product code",
      "definition" : "The manufacturer's product code of the small animal shelter."
      "code" : "127200",
      "display" : "Feed manufacturer",
      "definition" : "The manufacturer of the feed."
      "code" : "127201",
      "display" : "Feed product name",
      "definition" : "The manufacturer's product name of the feed."
      "code" : "127202",
      "display" : "Feed product code",
      "definition" : "The manufacturer's product code of the feed."
      "code" : "127205",
      "display" : "Feed source",
      "definition" : "The source of animal feed."
      "code" : "127210",
      "display" : "Feedback temperature regulation",
      "definition" : "Temperature is regulated by feedback from a temperature sensor used to control an active heating or cooling device."
      "code" : "127214",
      "display" : "Total duration of light-dark cycle",
      "definition" : "The total duration of single light-dark cycle (e.g., usually 24 hours)."
      "code" : "127215",
      "display" : "Lights on time of day",
      "definition" : "The time of day when the lights are turned on."
      "code" : "127220",
      "display" : "Igloo",
      "definition" : "Igloo shaped small animal shelter"
      "code" : "127221",
      "display" : "Red translucent igloo",
      "definition" : "Red translucent igloo-shaped small animal shelter"
      "code" : "127230",
      "display" : "Aspen chip bedding",
      "definition" : "Animal bedding material made from aspen chips."
      "code" : "127231",
      "display" : "Aspen shaving bedding",
      "definition" : "Animal bedding material made from aspen shavings."
      "code" : "127232",
      "display" : "Corn cob bedding",
      "definition" : "Animal bedding material made from (milled) corn cobs."
      "code" : "127233",
      "display" : "Paper-based bedding",
      "definition" : "Animal bedding material made from paper."
      "code" : "127234",
      "display" : "Pine chip bedding",
      "definition" : "Animal bedding material made from pine chips."
      "code" : "127235",
      "display" : "Pine shaving bedding",
      "definition" : "Animal bedding material made from pine shavings."
      "code" : "127240",
      "display" : "Carrier temperature sensor",
      "definition" : "A device for measuring the temperature of the carrier (holder) used for small animal imaging as a means of monitoring or regulating the animal's temperature (e.g., a non-magnetic thermocouple embedded in or attached to the carrier for MRI)."
      "code" : "127250",
      "display" : "Forced air heater",
      "definition" : "A method or device that uses forced hot air to maintain the body temperature of a subject."
      "code" : "127251",
      "display" : "Heated imaging device",
      "definition" : "An imaging device that contains an integrated method of temperature regulation for maintaining the body temperature of the imaging subject."
      "code" : "127252",
      "display" : "Heated patient support",
      "definition" : "A device that physically supports the patient and contains an integrated method of temperature regulation for maintaining the body temperature of the imaging subject (e.g., the carrier used for imaging a small animal such as a mouse)."
      "code" : "127253",
      "display" : "Heated water blanket",
      "definition" : "A blanket that uses circulating hot water to maintain the body temperature of a subject."
      "code" : "127254",
      "display" : "Pre-heated pad",
      "definition" : "A pad that is pre-heated before use that is used to maintain the body temperature of a subject (e.g., pre-heated in a microwave or autoclave)."
      "code" : "127255",
      "display" : "Unheated",
      "definition" : "No mechanism is used to maintain the body temperature of a subject."
      "code" : "127270",
      "display" : "NIH31",
      "definition" : "NIH Open Formula Rat and Mouse Ration - 18% Crude Protein Autoclavable.Specification at ."
      "code" : "127271",
      "display" : "NIH07",
      "definition" : "NIH07 open-formula, natural-ingredient rodent diet."
      "code" : "127272",
      "display" : "AIN76",
      "definition" : "AIN76 purified diet."
      "code" : "127273",
      "display" : "AIN93G",
      "definition" : "AIN93 growth diet."
      "code" : "127274",
      "display" : "AIN93M",
      "definition" : "AIN93 maintenance diet."
      "code" : "127290",
      "display" : "Reverse osmosis purified water",
      "definition" : "Water that has been purified by reverse osmosis."
      "code" : "127291",
      "display" : "Reverse osmosis purified, HCl acidified water",
      "definition" : "Water that has been purified by reverse osmosis and HCl acidified."
      "code" : "127300",
      "display" : "Anesthesia Method Set",
      "definition" : "Information about different anesthesia methods used during a procedure (from AQI Schema AnesthesiaMethodSetType."
      "code" : "127301",
      "display" : "Anesthesia Method",
      "definition" : "Information about a single anesthesia method used during a procedure (from AQI Schema AnesthesiaMethodType."
      "code" : "127302",
      "display" : "Anesthesia Category",
      "definition" : "Category of anesthesia technique used during a procedure (from AQI Schema AnesthesiaCategoryCodeType."
      "code" : "127303",
      "display" : "Anesthesia SubCategory",
      "definition" : "Details of anesthesia technique used during a procedure (from AQI Schema AnesthesiaMethodType."
      "code" : "127310",
      "display" : "Airway Management Set",
      "definition" : "Information about airway management used during a procedure (from AQI Schema AirwayManagementSetType."
      "code" : "127312",
      "display" : "Airway Management Method",
      "definition" : "Type of airway management used during a procedure (from AQI Schema AirwayManagementMethodCodeType."
      "code" : "127313",
      "display" : "Airway Sub-Management Method",
      "definition" : "Subtype of airway management of airway management used during a procedure (from AQI Schema AirwayManagementSubMethodCodeType."
      "code" : "127320",
      "display" : "Medications Set",
      "definition" : "Set of medications applied during the anesthesia (from AQI Schema MedicationsSetType."
      "code" : "127330",
      "display" : "Carrier gas",
      "definition" : "A gas that delivers an inhalational anesthetic to a subject (e.g., air, oxygen)."
      "code" : "127370",
      "display" : "Animal housing room",
      "definition" : "A room for keeping and raising animals for observation or research (vivarium)."
      "code" : "127371",
      "display" : "Preparation room",
      "definition" : "A room for preparing a subject (such as a research small animal) prior to a procedure (such as an imaging procedure)."
      "code" : "127372",
      "display" : "Imaging procedure room",
      "definition" : "A room in which an imaging procedure is performed."
      "code" : "127390",
      "display" : "Locally manufactured product",
      "definition" : "A product that is locally manufactured (i.e., within the facility or institution)."
      "code" : "127391",
      "display" : "Food treat",
      "definition" : "A food item that is out of the ordinary and provides pleasure."
      "code" : "127400",
      "display" : "Exogenous substance",
      "definition" : "A substance from a source external to a subject."
      "code" : "127401",
      "display" : "Tissue of origin",
      "definition" : "The tissue from which a substance originated."
      "code" : "127402",
      "display" : "Taxonomic rank of origin",
      "definition" : "The taxonomic rank value (e.g., genus, subgenus, species or subspecies) from which a substance originated."
      "code" : "127411",
      "display" : "Strain",
      "definition" : "An identifier of a group of animals that is genetically uniform."
      "code" : "127412",
      "display" : "Strain description",
      "definition" : "A description of a group of animals that is genetically uniform."
      "code" : "127413",
      "display" : "Nomenclature",
      "definition" : "A system of names or descriptions used in a particular field."
      "code" : "127414",
      "display" : "Genetic modifications",
      "definition" : "An identifier of a specific variation of a targeted gene or introduced transgene."
      "code" : "127415",
      "display" : "Genetic modifications description",
      "definition" : "A description of a specific variation of a targeted gene or introduced transgene."
      "code" : "127450",
      "display" : "Stereotactic coordinates",
      "definition" : "The three dimensional coordinates that identify a (usually small) target within the body."
      "code" : "127451",
      "display" : "Position reference indicator",
      "definition" : "The part of the imaging target that was used as a reference point associated with a specific Frame of Reference.The Position Reference Indicator may or may not coincide with the origin of the fixed frame of reference related to the Frame of Reference.For a Patient-related Frame of Reference, this is an anatomical reference point, often a well-known surface anatomical point."
      "code" : "127460",
      "display" : "Tumor graft",
      "definition" : "Tumor cells or tissue or other material obtained from a donor intended to be implanted in a research subject."
      "code" : "127801",
      "display" : "Embryonic Kidney",
      "definition" : "The kidney of an embryo."
      "code" : "127851",
      "display" : "Human alpha synuclein preformed fibrils",
      "definition" : "Preformed fibrils of human alpha synuclein."
      "code" : "127852",
      "display" : "Mouse alpha synuclein preformed fibrils",
      "definition" : "Preformed fibrils of mouse alpha synuclein."
      "code" : "127853",
      "display" : "Human Tau preformed fibrils",
      "definition" : "Preformed fibrils of human Tau."
      "code" : "127854",
      "display" : "Mouse Tau preformed fibrils",
      "definition" : "Preformed fibrils of mouse Tau."
      "code" : "127855",
      "display" : "Non-ionic iodinated contrast agent",
      "definition" : "An iodine containing X-Ray contrast agent that does not dissociate in water, therefore, is lower in osmolality, and has a significantly lower incidence of adverse reactions than ionic iodinated contrast agents."
      "code" : "127856",
      "display" : "Heart valve flail",
      "definition" : "Unrestricted motion of a heart valve."
      "code" : "127857",
      "display" : "Glucose Measurement Date",
      "definition" : "The date that a glucose measurement was performed."
      "code" : "127858",
      "display" : "Glucose Measurement Time",
      "definition" : "The time that a glucose measurement was performed."
      "code" : "127901",
      "display" : "SPECT of whole body",
      "definition" : "A nuclear medicine imaging procedure using a single photon emissive radionuclide with tomographic reconstruction, over an anatomical extent of the entire body."
      "code" : "127902",
      "display" : "SPECT CT of whole body",
      "definition" : "A nuclear medicine imaging procedure using a single photon emissive radionuclide with tomographic reconstruction combined with transmissive X-Ray computed tomography for attenuation compensation, over an anatomical extent of the entire body."
      "code" : "128001",
      "display" : "Add Addendum to Report",
      "definition" : "The task is to add an addendum to an existing report."
      "code" : "128002",
      "display" : "Modality to Read",
      "definition" : "The imaging study to be read involves the specified modality"
      "code" : "128003",
      "display" : "Reader Specialty",
      "definition" : "The specialty of the reader of the imaging study"
      "code" : "128004",
      "display" : "Report Requested",
      "definition" : "The type of report that is being requested."
      "code" : "128005",
      "display" : "Final Report",
      "definition" : "A final report is a report that is expected to contain all information and all the reportable findings."
      "code" : "128006",
      "display" : "Abdominal Imaging Specialty",
      "definition" : "A medical specialty concerned with abdominal imaging."
      "code" : "128007",
      "display" : "Cardiac Imaging Specialty",
      "definition" : "A medical specialty concerned with cardiac imaging."
      "code" : "128008",
      "display" : "Head and Neck Imaging Specialty",
      "definition" : "A medical specialty concerned with head and neck imaging."
      "code" : "128009",
      "display" : "Musculoskeletal Imaging Specialty",
      "definition" : "A medical specialty concerned with musculoskeletal imaging."
      "code" : "128010",
      "display" : "Neurology Specialty",
      "definition" : "A medical specialty concerned with neurology."
      "code" : "128011",
      "display" : "Neuroradiologic Imaging Specialty",
      "definition" : "A medical specialty concerned with neuroradiologic imaging."
      "code" : "128012",
      "display" : "OB/Gyn Imaging Specialty",
      "definition" : "A medical specialty concerned with obstetric and gynecologic imaging."
      "code" : "128013",
      "display" : "Oncologic Imaging Specialty",
      "definition" : "A medical specialty concerned with oncologic imaging."
      "code" : "128014",
      "display" : "Oncology Specialty",
      "definition" : "A medical specialty concerned with oncology."
      "code" : "128015",
      "display" : "Thoracic Imaging Specialty",
      "definition" : "A medical specialty concerned with thoracic imaging."
      "code" : "128016",
      "display" : "Pediatric Imaging Specialty",
      "definition" : "A medical specialty concerned with pediatric imaging."
      "code" : "128017",
      "display" : "Vascular Imaging Specialty",
      "definition" : "A medical specialty concerned with vascular imaging."
      "code" : "128040",
      "display" : "FWP by GA, Campbell, 1991",
      "definition" : "Fetal body weight growth percentile estimated from gestational age by method of Campbell 1991.See Campbell WA, Nardi D, Vintzileos AM, Rodis JF, Turner GW, Egan JF. Transverse Cerebellar Diameter/Abdominal Circumference Ratio Throughout Pregnancy: A Gestational Age-Independent Method to Assess Fetal Growth. Obstetrics & Gynecology. 1991;77(6):893-6. Available at: ."
      "code" : "128041",
      "display" : "FWP by GA, Hadlock, 1991",
      "definition" : "Fetal body weight growth percentile estimated from gestational age by method of Hadlock 1991.See Hadlock FP, Harrist RB, Martinez-Poyer J. In utero analysis of fetal growth: a sonographic weight standard. Radiology. 1991 Oct 1;181(1):129-33. DOI:10.1148/radiology.181.1.1887021. Available at: ."
      "code" : "128120",
      "display" : "Plane through Superior Extent",
      "definition" : "A plane passing through the superior extent (i.e., towards the head) of the referenced feature"
      "code" : "128121",
      "display" : "Plane through Inferior Extent",
      "definition" : "A plane passing through the inferior extent (i.e., towards the feet) of the referenced feature"
      "code" : "128122",
      "display" : "Plane through Proximal Extent",
      "definition" : "A plane passing through the proximal extent (i.e., towards the torso) of the referenced feature"
      "code" : "128123",
      "display" : "Plane through Distal Extent",
      "definition" : "A plane passing through the distal extent (i.e., towards the end of the extremity) of the referenced feature"
      "code" : "128124",
      "display" : "Plane through Medial Extent",
      "definition" : "A plane passing through the medial extent (i.e., towards the midline of the body) of the referenced feature"
      "code" : "128125",
      "display" : "Plane through Lateral Extent",
      "definition" : "A plane passing through the lateral extent (i.e., away from the midline of the body) of the referenced feature"
      "code" : "128126",
      "display" : "Plane through Leftmost Extent",
      "definition" : "A plane passing through the leftmost extent of the referenced feature"
      "code" : "128127",
      "display" : "Plane through Rightmost Extent",
      "definition" : "A plane passing through the rightmost extent of the referenced feature"
      "code" : "128128",
      "display" : "Plane through Anterior Extent",
      "definition" : "A plane passing through the anterior extent of the referenced feature"
      "code" : "128129",
      "display" : "Plane through Posterior Extent",
      "definition" : "A plane passing through the posterior extent of the referenced feature"
      "code" : "128130",
      "display" : "Plane through Center",
      "definition" : "A plane passing approximately through the center of the referenced feature"
      "code" : "128137",
      "display" : "Geometric Centerpoint",
      "definition" : "The geometric center point of a feature, such as an organ, implanted device or morphologic anomaly."
      "code" : "128138",
      "display" : "Center of Mass",
      "definition" : "The center of mass of a feature, such as an organ, implanted device or morphologic anomaly"
      "code" : "128139",
      "display" : "Seed point",
      "definition" : "Point in an image or space from which segmentation is initiated, e.g., by region growing."
      "code" : "128144",
      "display" : "Impaired Renal Function",
      "definition" : "The procedure is contraindicated for patients with impaired renal function."
      "code" : "128151",
      "display" : "Laser Cross-hairs",
      "definition" : "Positioning the patient based on alignment of laser cross-hairs."
      "code" : "128160",
      "display" : "Acquired Volume",
      "definition" : "The anatomical region represented in the acquired data."
      "code" : "128170",
      "display" : "Abdominal Radiology",
      "definition" : "Organizational department or section responsible for Abdominal Radiology"
      "code" : "128171",
      "display" : "Biomedical Engineering",
      "definition" : "Organizational department or section responsible for Biomedical Engineering"
      "code" : "128172",
      "display" : "Cardiovascular Radiology",
      "definition" : "Organizational department or section responsible for Cardiovascular Radiology"
      "code" : "128173",
      "display" : "Information Technology",
      "definition" : "Organizational department or section responsible for Information Technology"
      "code" : "128174",
      "display" : "Medical Physics",
      "definition" : "Organizational department or section responsible for Medical Physics"
      "code" : "128175",
      "display" : "Musculoskeletal Radiology",
      "definition" : "Organizational department or section responsible for Musculoskeletal Radiology"
      "code" : "128177",
      "display" : "Pediatric Radiology",
      "definition" : "Organizational department or section responsible for Pediatric Radiology"
      "code" : "128179",
      "display" : "Thoracic Radiology",
      "definition" : "Organizational department or section responsible for Thoracic Radiology"
      "code" : "128180",
      "display" : "For RT Workflow",
      "definition" : "Instances available as input for a general radiotherapeutic workflow."
      "code" : "128181",
      "display" : "Diagnostic Source Images",
      "definition" : "Instances used to make a diagnosis."
      "code" : "128182",
      "display" : "Segmentation Result",
      "definition" : "Instances created during a segmentation session."
      "code" : "128183",
      "display" : "Registration Result",
      "definition" : "Instances created during a spatial registration."
      "code" : "128184",
      "display" : "Pre-Planning Result",
      "definition" : "Instances created during preparation prior to planning."
      "code" : "128185",
      "display" : "RT Prescription Result",
      "definition" : "Instances created for prescription of a radiotherapeutic treatment."
      "code" : "128186",
      "display" : "Dose Calculation Image Series",
      "definition" : "Image instances that represent an image series that is intended to be the primary input for the dose calculation. Any parameters required for dose calculation (such as electron density) is derived from this series."
      "code" : "128187",
      "display" : "Coordinate Alignment Image Series",
      "definition" : "Image instances that represent an image series from which the display coordinate system for a radiotherapeutic treatment planning is derived. Typically this series does not provide the parameters required for the dose calculation."
      "code" : "128188",
      "display" : "RT Treatment Simulation Result",
      "definition" : "Instances created during the simulation of a radiotherapeutic treatment delivery session. May also include input objects actually used."
      "code" : "128189",
      "display" : "RT Planning Result",
      "definition" : "Instances created during the planning of a radiotherapeutic treatment. May also include input objects actually used."
      "code" : "128190",
      "display" : "Dosimetric Result",
      "definition" : "Instances created during the creation of the dosimetric result of a radiotherapeutic treatment plan. May also include input objects actually used."
      "code" : "128191",
      "display" : "Patient Setup Verification Result",
      "definition" : "Instances created during the verification of the patient’s treatment position. May also include input objects actually used."
      "code" : "128192",
      "display" : "RT Treatment Session Result",
      "definition" : "Instances created during the treatment session. May also include input objects actually used."
      "code" : "128193",
      "display" : "RT Treatment Course Summary",
      "definition" : "Instances created during a treatment course. May also include input objects actually used."
      "code" : "128194",
      "display" : "RT Treatment QA Result",
      "definition" : "Instances created during evaluation of the treatment delivery quality. May also include input objects actually used."
      "code" : "128195",
      "display" : "For Diagnosis",
      "definition" : "Instances available to make a diagnosis."
      "code" : "128196",
      "display" : "For Segmentation",
      "definition" : "Instances available for segmentation."
      "code" : "128197",
      "display" : "For RT Prescription",
      "definition" : "Instances available for prescribing a radiotherapeutic treatment delivery."
      "code" : "128198",
      "display" : "For RT Treatment Planning",
      "definition" : "Instances available for creating a radiotherapeutic treatment plan."
      "code" : "128199",
      "display" : "For Plan Comparison",
      "definition" : "Instances available for comparing plans."
      "code" : "128200",
      "display" : "For RT Plan Summation",
      "definition" : "Instances available to combine radiotherapeutic plans or doses."
      "code" : "128201",
      "display" : "For Physician Review",
      "definition" : "Instances available for review by a physician."
      "code" : "128202",
      "display" : "For Physicist Review",
      "definition" : "Instances available for review by a physicist."
      "code" : "128203",
      "display" : "For Tumor Board",
      "definition" : "Instances available for review of a tumor board."
      "code" : "128204",
      "display" : "For Plan Quality Assurance",
      "definition" : "Instances available to perform quality assurance of a radiotherapeutic treatment delivery plan."
      "code" : "128205",
      "display" : "For Machine Quality Assurance",
      "definition" : "Instances available to perform quality assurance of one of the hardware or software components involved in a radiotherapeutic treatment delivery."
      "code" : "128206",
      "display" : "For Patient Setup Verification",
      "definition" : "Instances available for verification of the patient treatment position."
      "code" : "128207",
      "display" : "For Clinical Trial Submission",
      "definition" : "Instances available for submission for a clinical trial study."
      "code" : "128208",
      "display" : "For Tumor Registry",
      "definition" : "Instances available for submission to a tumor registry."
      "code" : "128209",
      "display" : "RT Workflow Input Used",
      "definition" : "Instances used as an input of a general radiotherapeutic workflow."
      "code" : "128210",
      "display" : "RT Prescription Input Used",
      "definition" : "Instances used for prescribing a radiotherapeutic treatment delivery."
      "code" : "128211",
      "display" : "RT Treatment Planning Input Used",
      "definition" : "Instances used to create a radiotherapeutic treatment plan."
      "code" : "128212",
      "display" : "RT Plan Summation Input Used",
      "definition" : "Instances used to combine radiotherapeutic plans or doses."
      "code" : "128213",
      "display" : "Physician Review Input Used",
      "definition" : "Instances used for review by a physician."
      "code" : "128214",
      "display" : "Physicist Review Input Used",
      "definition" : "Instances used for review by a physicist."
      "code" : "128215",
      "display" : "Plan Quality Assurance Input Used",
      "definition" : "Instances used to perform quality assurance of a radiotherapeutic treatment delivery plan."
      "code" : "128216",
      "display" : "Machine Quality Assurance Input Used",
      "definition" : "Instances used to perform quality assurance of one of the hardware or software components involved in a radiotherapeutic treatment delivery."
      "code" : "128217",
      "display" : "Patient Setup Verification Input Used",
      "definition" : "Instances used during verification of the patient treatment position."
      "code" : "128218",
      "display" : "Diagnosis Input Used",
      "definition" : "Instances used to make a diagnosis."
      "code" : "128219",
      "display" : "Contouring Input Used",
      "definition" : "Instances used for segmentation."
      "code" : "128220",
      "display" : "Plan Comparison Input Used",
      "definition" : "Instances used for comparing plans."
      "code" : "128221",
      "display" : "Tumor Board Input Used",
      "definition" : "Instances used for review of a tumor board."
      "code" : "128222",
      "display" : "Tumor Registry Input Used",
      "definition" : "Instances submitted to a tumor registry."
      "code" : "128223",
      "display" : "Clinical Trial Submission Input Used",
      "definition" : "Instances submitted to a clinical trial study."
      "code" : "128224",
      "display" : "Source measurement",
      "definition" : "Measurement used as the source for derivation."
      "code" : "128225",
      "display" : "Source report",
      "definition" : "Report used as the source for derivation."
      "code" : "128226",
      "display" : "Source raw data",
      "definition" : "Raw Data used as the source for derivation."
      "code" : "128227",
      "display" : "Source real world value map",
      "definition" : "Real world value map used as the source for derivation."
      "code" : "128230",
      "display" : "Pulse Sequence Name",
      "definition" : "Name of an MR pulse sequence for annotation purposes. Potentially vendor-specific name."
      "code" : "128250",
      "display" : "Structural image for image processing",
      "definition" : "A structural image used for image processing."
      "code" : "128251",
      "display" : "Flow image for image processing",
      "definition" : "A flow image used for image processing."
      "code" : "128252",
      "display" : "OCT-A amplitude decorrelation",
      "definition" : "OCT angiography method that de-correlates the amplitudes between two consecutive B-scans from the narrowed spectral bands was computed, and all the decorrelation values within certain repeated B-scans were averaged to visualize blood vessels. Methods and algorithms for optical coherence tomography-based angiography: a review and comparison. Anqi Zhang ; Qinqin Zhang ; Chieh-Li Chen ; Ruikang K. Wang (2015). See http://biomedicaloptics.spiedigitallibrary.org/​article.aspx?​articleid=​2464650#​QuantitativeComparisons."
      "code" : "128253",
      "display" : "OCT-A complex variance",
      "definition" : "OCT angiography method based on variations in the complex (amplitude and phase) OCT signal from repeated B-scans at the same location. There are a number of factors that may cause a change in the OCT signal frequency relative to the signal due to static tissue background. These factors include, for example, the Doppler effect that induces optical frequency shift and the change in backscattering due to the particles that are moving in and out of the OCT-probe volume during imaging. The changes in signal frequency cause the changes in both the amplitude and the phase of the OCT signal. Comparison of the complex (amplitude and phase) signal from repeated B-scans at the same location provides an image that has higher contrast in areas of erythrocyte motion. This method is referred to as OCT-based micro-angiography - complex (OMAGC)."
      "code" : "128254",
      "display" : "OCT-A speckle variance",
      "definition" : "OCT angiography method that analyzes the temporal or spatial statistics of the intensity of speckle from OCT images and identifies blood vessels."
      "code" : "128255",
      "display" : "OCT-A correlation mapping",
      "definition" : "OCT angiography method that differentiates flow regions. Static regions usually have high correlation values while flow regions have lower correlation values."
      "code" : "128256",
      "display" : "Doppler OCT-A",
      "definition" : "OCT angiography method that utilizes the Doppler phase resolved information to provide the velocity of flow. Sometimes referred to as the phase variance method."
      "code" : "128257",
      "display" : "Retina depth encoded vasculature flow",
      "definition" : "Image using pseudo colors to illustrate multiple OPTENF images obtained at various depth levels within the retina from the OPT flow volume."
      "code" : "128258",
      "display" : "Retina depth encoded structural reflectance map",
      "definition" : "Image using pseudo colors to illustrate multiple OPTENF images obtained at various depth levels within the retina from the OPT structural volume."
      "code" : "128259",
      "display" : "Retina vasculature flow",
      "definition" : "Image that illustrates the vasculature flow within the entire retina. Generated from the OPT flow volume with pixels approximately from inner limiting membrane (ILM) to photoreceptor inner segment/ellipsoid region (ISe)."
      "code" : "128260",
      "display" : "Retina structural reflectance map",
      "definition" : "Image that illustrates the OCT structural reflectance within the entire retina. Generated from the OPT structural volume with pixels approximately from inner limiting membrane (ILM) to photoreceptor inner segment/ellipsoid region (ISe)."
      "code" : "128261",
      "display" : "Vitreous vasculature flow",
      "definition" : "Image that illustrates the vasculature flow within the vitreous. Generated from the OPT flow volume with pixels approximately from a selected location anterior to ILM, to ILM. This space/potential space is referred clinically as the Vitreo-retinal Interface (VRI)."
      "code" : "128262",
      "display" : "Vitreous structural reflectance map",
      "definition" : "Image that illustrates the OCT structural reflectance within the vitreous. Generated from the OPT structural volume with pixels approximately from a selected location that is anterior to ILM, to ILM. This space/potential space is referred clinically as the Vitreo-retinal Interface (VRI)."
      "code" : "128263",
      "display" : "Radial peripapillary vasculature flow",
      "definition" : "Image that illustrates the OCT vasculature flow within the RNFL around the optic disk. Generated from the OPT flow volume with pixels approximately from ILM to the outer boundary of the RNFL."
      "code" : "128264",
      "display" : "Radial peripapillary structural reflectance map",
      "definition" : "Image that illustrates the OCT structural reflectance within the RNFL around the optic disk. Generated from the OPT structural volume with pixels approximately from ILM to the outer boundary of the RNFL."
      "code" : "128265",
      "display" : "Superficial retina vasculature flow",
      "definition" : "Image that illustrates the vasculature flow within the anterior layers of retina. Generated from the OPT flow volume with pixels approximately from ILM to ganglion cell layer/inner plexiform layer (GCL/IPL)."
      "code" : "128266",
      "display" : "Superficial retina structural reflectance map",
      "definition" : "Image that illustrates the OCT structural reflectance within the anterior layers of retina. Generated from the OPT structural volume with pixels approximately from ILM to ganglion cell layer/inner plexiform layer (GCL/IPL)."
      "code" : "128267",
      "display" : "Middle inner retina vasculature flow",
      "definition" : "Image that illustrates the vasculature flow in the capillaries that connect the superficial and deeper capillary beds. Generated from the OPT flow volume with pixels approximately at the level of the IPL. Sometimes referred to as the intermediate retina flow."
      "code" : "128268",
      "display" : "Middle inner structural reflectance map",
      "definition" : "Image that illustrates the OCT structural reflectance in the capillaries that connect the superficial and deeper capillary beds. Generated from the OPT structural volume with pixels approximately at the level of the IPL. Sometimes referred to as the intermediate retina flow."
      "code" : "128269",
      "display" : "Deep retina vasculature flow",
      "definition" : "Image that illustrates the vasculature flow at the level of the plexiform layers within the retina. Generated from the OPT flow volume with pixels approximately from inner plexiform layer (IPL) to outer plexiform layer (OPL)."
      "code" : "128270",
      "display" : "Deep retina structural reflectance map",
      "definition" : "Image that illustrates the structural reflectance at the level of the plexiform layers within the retina. Generated from the OPT structural volume with pixels approximately from inner plexiform layer (IPL) to outer plexiform layer (OPL)."
      "code" : "128271",
      "display" : "Outer retina vasculature flow",
      "definition" : "Image that illustrates the vasculature flow at the level of the posterior layers of the retina (outer retina). Generated from the OPT flow volume with pixels approximately in the translucent layers, from OPL to ISe. Sometimes referred to as flow in the deep avascular structure. Note For normal eyes, this image would not show detectable vascular flow."
      "code" : "128272",
      "display" : "Outer retina structural reflectance map",
      "definition" : "Image that illustrates the structural reflectance at the level of the posterior layers of the retina (outer retina). Generated from the OPT structural volume with pixels approximately in the translucent layers, from OPL to ISe."
      "code" : "128273",
      "display" : "Choriocapillaris vasculature flow",
      "definition" : "Image that illustrates the vasculature flow at the level of the chroriocapillaris. Generated from the OPT flow volume with pixels approximately below the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) encompassing the thickness of choriocapillaris."
      "code" : "128274",
      "display" : "Choriocapillaris structural reflectance map",
      "definition" : "Image that illustrates the structural reflectance at the level of the chroriocapillaris. Generated from the OPT structural volume with pixels approximately below the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) encompassing the thickness of choriocapillaris."
      "code" : "128275",
      "display" : "Choroid vasculature flow",
      "definition" : "Image that illustrates the vasculature flow at the level of the choroid. Generated from the OPT flow volume with pixels approximately below RPE, encompassing the thickness of choroid."
      "code" : "128276",
      "display" : "Choroid structural reflectance map",
      "definition" : "Image that illustrates the structural reflectance at the level of the choroid. Generated from the OPT structural volume with pixels approximately below RPE, encompassing the thickness of choroid."
      "code" : "128277",
      "display" : "Whole eye vasculature flow",
      "definition" : "Image that illustrates the vasculature flow at the entire posterior segment, including retina and choroid. Generated from the OPT flow volume with pixels encompassing the entire OCT scan."
      "code" : "128278",
      "display" : "Whole eye structural reflectance map",
      "definition" : "Image that illustrates the structural reflectance from the entire posterior segment, including retina and choroid. Generated from the OPT structural volume with pixels encompassing the entire OCT scan."
      "code" : "128279",
      "display" : "Cube B-scan pattern",
      "definition" : "A series of densely spaced, parallel B-scans of the same length covering an area."
      "code" : "128280",
      "display" : "Raster B-scan pattern",
      "definition" : "A series of sparsely spaced, parallel B-scans of the same length covering an area."
      "code" : "128281",
      "display" : "Line B-scan pattern",
      "definition" : "A single line B-scan."
      "code" : "128282",
      "display" : "Radial B-scan pattern",
      "definition" : "A series of B-scans arranged in a radial pattern of the same length covering an area."
      "code" : "128283",
      "display" : "Cross B-scan pattern",
      "definition" : "A pair of horizontal and vertical B-scans in a cross pattern."
      "code" : "128284",
      "display" : "Circle B-scan pattern",
      "definition" : "A single circular pattern B-scan."
      "code" : "128285",
      "display" : "Concentric circle B-scan pattern",
      "definition" : "A series of concentric circular pattern B-scans with various diameters."
      "code" : "128286",
      "display" : "Circle-raster B-scan pattern",
      "definition" : "A series of concentric circular pattern B-scans with various diameters combined with a series of raster B-scan patterns."
      "code" : "128287",
      "display" : "Circle-radial B-scan pattern",
      "definition" : "A series of concentric circular pattern B-scans with various diameters combined with a series of radial B-scan patterns."
      "code" : "128288",
      "display" : "Grid B-scan pattern",
      "definition" : "A series of vertical and horizontal B-scans."
      "code" : "128289",
      "display" : "Outer surface of RNFL",
      "definition" : "Retinal surface located approximately at the outer boundary of the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL)."
      "code" : "128290",
      "display" : "Outer surface of GCL",
      "definition" : "Retinal surface approximately at the outer boundary of the Ganglion Cell Layer (GCL)."
      "code" : "128291",
      "display" : "Outer surface of IPL",
      "definition" : "Retinal surface located approximately at the outer boundary of the Inner Plexiform Layer (IPL)."
      "code" : "128292",
      "display" : "Outer surface of INL",
      "definition" : "Retinal surface located approximately at the outer boundary of the Inner Nuclear Layer (INL)."
      "code" : "128293",
      "display" : "Outer surface of OPL",
      "definition" : "Retinal surface located approximately at the outer boundary of the Outer Plexiform Layer (OPL)."
      "code" : "128294",
      "display" : "Outer surface of HFL",
      "definition" : "Retinal surface located approximately at the outer boundary of the Henle Fiber Layer (HFL) when present."
      "code" : "128295",
      "display" : "Surface between Inner and Outer Segments of the photoreceptors",
      "definition" : "Retinal surface approximately located at the boundary between the Inner Segments and Outer Segments of the photoreceptors."
      "code" : "128296",
      "display" : "Surface of the interdigitating zone between retina and RPE",
      "definition" : "Retinal surface located approximately at the retina-RPE interdigitating zone when present."
      "code" : "128297",
      "display" : "Anterior surface of the RPE",
      "definition" : "Retinal surface located approximately at the anterior surface of the Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE)."
      "code" : "128298",
      "display" : "Surface of the center of the RPE",
      "definition" : "Retinal surface located approximately at the center of the Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE)."
      "code" : "128299",
      "display" : "Posterior surface of the RPE",
      "definition" : "Retinal surface located approximately at the posterior surface of the Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE)."
      "code" : "128300",
      "display" : "Outer surface of the BM",
      "definition" : "Retinal surface located approximately at the outer boundary of the Bruch’s Membrane (BM)."
      "code" : "128301",
      "display" : "Surface of the choroid-sclera interface",
      "definition" : "Retinal surface located approximately at the choroid-sclera interface (SC)."
      "code" : "128302",
      "display" : "Outer surface of the CC",
      "definition" : "Retinal surface located approximately at the outer boundary of the choriocapillaris (CC)."
      "code" : "128303",
      "display" : "OCT B-scan analysis",
      "definition" : "Values are derived from performing analysis on OCT B-scans"
      "code" : "128304",
      "display" : "OCT-A one-sided ratio (lesser)",
      "definition" : "OCT angiography method that utilizes a one-sided ratio on a pixel by pixel basis between various combinations of B-scan repetitions. The ratio is inverted when necessary such that values are less than or equal to one. Individual ratio calculations are averaged or combined across eligible frame combinations for each pixel in the OCT image."
      "code" : "128305",
      "display" : "OCT-A one-sided ratio (greater)",
      "definition" : "OCT angiography method that utilizes a one-sided ratio on a pixel by pixel basis between various combinations of B-scan repetitions. The ratio is inverted when necessary such that values are greater than or equal to one. Individual ratio calculations are averaged or combined across eligible frame combinations for each pixel in the OCT image."
      "code" : "128401",
      "display" : "Patient Radiation Dose Report",
      "definition" : "Report title for the report of estimated absorbed energy from ionizing radiation to a patient."
      "code" : "128402",
      "display" : "Radiation Dose Estimate",
      "definition" : "Estimate of absorbed energy from ionizing radiation."
      "code" : "128403",
      "display" : "Radiation Dose Estimate Name",
      "definition" : "Name used to identify a radiation dose estimate."
      "code" : "128404",
      "display" : "Anthropomorphic Model",
      "definition" : "A mathematical description of a patient model for estimating radiation dose that describes or is thought of as having a human form or human attributes."
      "code" : "128405",
      "display" : "Breast Thickness",
      "definition" : "Thickness of the breast."
      "code" : "128406",
      "display" : "BREP Radiation Transport Model",
      "definition" : "Boundary based representation of the model for the estimation of radiation transport and absorbed dose in materials."
      "code" : "128407",
      "display" : "DgN",
      "definition" : "Normalized Mean Glandular Dose (DgN) is the conversion value used to calculate the absorbed dose from radiation to the fibroglandular tissue component of the breast from the exposure in air."
      "code" : "128408",
      "display" : "Patient AP Dimension",
      "definition" : "The size of a patient in the anterior-posterior dimension."
      "code" : "128409",
      "display" : "Patient Lateral Dimension",
      "definition" : "The size of a patient in the lateral dimension."
      "code" : "128410",
      "display" : "SSDE Conversion Factor",
      "definition" : "Conversion factor for Size Specific Dose Estimate (SSDE) calculations from CTDIvol."
      "code" : "128411",
      "display" : "Backscatter",
      "definition" : "Scattering of radiation in a direction opposite to that of the incident radiation."
      "code" : "128412",
      "display" : "Radiation Dose Estimate Representation",
      "definition" : "The description of the representation of the estimated absorbed energy to an organ, a set of organs or the whole body, e.g., surface segmentation, mesh, parametric map, RT dose , Secondary Capture SOP Instances, etc."
      "code" : "128413",
      "display" : "Distribution Representation",
      "definition" : "The form of the representation used to describe the distribution of the radiation dose."
      "code" : "128414",
      "display" : "Radiation Dose Representation Data",
      "definition" : "The absorbed energy data estimated by the method."
      "code" : "128415",
      "display" : "Radiation Dose Estimate Methodology",
      "definition" : "The methodology and parameters used to estimate the radiation dose to an organ, the whole body or a phantom."
      "code" : "128416",
      "display" : "SR Instance Used",
      "definition" : "Reference to an SR instance used."
      "code" : "128417",
      "display" : "Patient Model Type",
      "definition" : "The type of model used to define the shape, size, location of objects, etc. to represent a patient or phantom for use in radiation transport analysis."
      "code" : "128418",
      "display" : "Simple Object Model",
      "definition" : "A simple object (e.g., cylinder) used to model a patient or organ."
      "code" : "128420",
      "display" : "Radiation Transport Model Type",
      "definition" : "The type of model used to estimate energy transport and absorbed dose in materials."
      "code" : "128421",
      "display" : "Geometric Radiation Transport Model",
      "definition" : "A model that uses geometrical shapes for the estimation of radiation transport and absorbed dose in materials."
      "code" : "128422",
      "display" : "Voxelized Radiation Transport Model",
      "definition" : "A model that uses volumetric elements for the estimation of radiation transport and absorbed dose in materials."
      "code" : "128423",
      "display" : "Mesh Radiation Transport Model",
      "definition" : "A model that uses a mesh structure representation for the estimation of radiation transport and absorbed dose in materials."
      "code" : "128424",
      "display" : "NURBS Radiation Transport Model",
      "definition" : "A model that uses surfaces of a non-uniform rational B-spline (NURBS) based representation for the estimation of radiation transport and absorbed dose in materials."
      "code" : "128425",
      "display" : "Patient Radiation Dose Model Data",
      "definition" : "The data from the model used to estimate radiation dose to a patient or organ."
      "code" : "128426",
      "display" : "Patient Radiation Dose Model Reference",
      "definition" : "Rationale or reference to the methodology for the model used in the estimation of radiation dose."
      "code" : "128427",
      "display" : "Patient Model Demographics",
      "definition" : "The demographics for which the patient model used by the radiation dose estimation method is intended."
      "code" : "128428",
      "display" : "Model Minimum Age",
      "definition" : "The minimum age used in the patient model in the radiation dose estimation method."
      "code" : "128429",
      "display" : "Event UID Used",
      "definition" : "Unique Identifier of an event used."
      "code" : "128430",
      "display" : "Model Maximum Age",
      "definition" : "The maximum age used in the patient model in the radiation dose estimation method."
      "code" : "128431",
      "display" : "Beam Block",
      "definition" : "A material placed in the radiation beam that is used to completely attenuate the beam in a specific region of the field of view."
      "code" : "128433",
      "display" : "Tissue Air Ratio",
      "definition" : "Ratio of the absorbed dose at a given depth in tissue to the absorbed dose at the same point in air."
      "code" : "128434",
      "display" : "Radiation Dose Estimate Parameters",
      "definition" : "The parameters used in the algorithms for determining the radiation dose to a patient, organs, or any material."
      "code" : "128436",
      "display" : "Radiation Dose Composite Parameters",
      "definition" : "Reference to the SOP Instance that describes the parameters and values used in the algorithms for determining the radiation dose to a patient, organs, or any material."
      "code" : "128437",
      "display" : "Model Patient Sex",
      "definition" : "The sex used in the patient model in the radiation dose estimation method."
      "code" : "128438",
      "display" : "Model Minimum Weight",
      "definition" : "The minimum weight used in the patient model in the radiation dose estimation method."
      "code" : "128439",
      "display" : "Model Minimum Height",
      "definition" : "The minimum height used in the patient model in the radiation dose estimation method."
      "code" : "128441",
      "display" : "Model Maximum Weight",
      "definition" : "The maximum weight used in the patient model in the radiation dose estimation method."
      "code" : "128442",
      "display" : "Model Maximum Height",
      "definition" : "The maximum height used in the patient model in the radiation dose estimation method."
      "code" : "128444",
      "display" : "Spatial Registration Reference",
      "definition" : "Reference to the Spatial Registration instance or Deformable Spatial Registration instance."
      "code" : "128446",
      "display" : "Registration Method",
      "definition" : "Name of the method used to register the frame of reference for two or more sets of data."
      "code" : "128447",
      "display" : "Spatial Fiducials",
      "definition" : "Reference to Spatial Fiducials SOP Instance."
      "code" : "128452",
      "display" : "Correction Factor",
      "definition" : "A factor used to make an adjustment to a calculation to account for deviations."
      "code" : "128453",
      "display" : "Curve Fit Parameter",
      "definition" : "A value used in a mathematical function to create a curve or a function that approximates a set of data."
      "code" : "128455",
      "display" : "Homogeneity Factor",
      "definition" : "A value used to describe the uniformity or composition of data or a material that relates to the same degree of variability."
      "code" : "128456",
      "display" : "Patient Model Registration",
      "definition" : "The spatial registration used in the patient model in the radiation dose estimation method."
      "code" : "128457",
      "display" : "X-Ray Beam Attenuator",
      "definition" : "Attenuator in the radiation beam that may alter the estimated radiation dose to the patient, organs, or phantoms."
      "code" : "128458",
      "display" : "Attenuator Category",
      "definition" : "The type of object in the radiation beam that may alter the estimated radiation dose to the patient, organs, or phantoms."
      "code" : "128459",
      "display" : "Table",
      "definition" : "The table a patient is sitting, standing, or lying on and that is in the radiation beam such that it may alter the estimated radiation dose to the patient, organs, or phantoms."
      "code" : "128460",
      "display" : "Table Core",
      "definition" : "The core material of a table a patient is sitting, standing, or lying on and that is in the radiation beam such that it may alter the estimated radiation dose to the patient, organs, or phantoms."
      "code" : "128461",
      "display" : "Table Outer Liner",
      "definition" : "The outer shell of a table a patient is sitting, standing, or lying on and that is in the radiation beam such that it may alter the estimated radiation dose to the patient, organs, or phantoms."
      "code" : "128462",
      "display" : "Table Pad",
      "definition" : "The padding on a table a patient is sitting, standing, or lying on and that is in the radiation beam such that it may alter the estimated radiation dose to the patient, organs, or phantoms."
      "code" : "128464",
      "display" : "Radiation Dose Estimate Parameter Type",
      "definition" : "Parameters used in mathematical, simulation, or empirical calculations for radiation dose estimation."
      "code" : "128465",
      "display" : "Equivalent Attenuator Material",
      "definition" : "The equivalent material used to estimate the reduction in radiation intensity."
      "code" : "128468",
      "display" : "Attenuator Description",
      "definition" : "An explanation of the actual attenuator material used in the estimation of radiation dose."
      "code" : "128469",
      "display" : "Equivalent Attenuator Thickness",
      "definition" : "The thickness of a specified material that provides the same attenuation as the actual attenuator."
      "code" : "128470",
      "display" : "X-Ray Attenuator Model Data",
      "definition" : "The stored data from the model used to represent the X-Ray beam attenuator."
      "code" : "128472",
      "display" : "X-Ray Beam Attenuator Model",
      "definition" : "Model of the attenuator used in the estimation of radiation dose."
      "code" : "128474",
      "display" : "X-Ray Beam Attenuator Model Reference",
      "definition" : "Reference to the methodology or rationale for the model of the beam attenuator used in the estimation of radiation dose."
      "code" : "128475",
      "display" : "X-Ray Beam Attenuator Model Registration",
      "definition" : "Spatial registration of the beam attenuator model."
      "code" : "128476",
      "display" : "Radiation Dose Estimate Method",
      "definition" : "The container for the radiation dose estimation methods and parameters."
      "code" : "128477",
      "display" : "Radiation Dose Estimate Method Type",
      "definition" : "Type of method used to estimate the radiation dose to a patient, organs or phantoms."
      "code" : "128479",
      "display" : "Tabular Data Algorithm",
      "definition" : "Algorithms that use a table of values indexed by a key."
      "code" : "128480",
      "display" : "Analytical Algorithm",
      "definition" : "Algorithms that use mathematical models that have a deterministic result."
      "code" : "128481",
      "display" : "Empirical Algorithm",
      "definition" : "Algorithms that use mathematical models that use parameters derived from observation."
      "code" : "128482",
      "display" : "Radiation Dose Estimate Method Reference",
      "definition" : "A reference to the methodology or rationale for the estimation methodology used for the estimation of radiation dose."
      "code" : "128484",
      "display" : "Isodose",
      "definition" : "Representation of radiation dose of equal intensity as a surface, curve, or line."
      "code" : "128485",
      "display" : "Skin Dose Map",
      "definition" : "Representation of radiation dose intensity at the surface on the skin."
      "code" : "128487",
      "display" : "3D Dose Map",
      "definition" : "Representation of radiation dose as a 3D shape or object."
      "code" : "128488",
      "display" : "Dose Gradient",
      "definition" : "Representation of the change in radiation dose with respect to the change in another variable. Often represented as a change with respect to time or distance."
      "code" : "128492",
      "display" : "Physical Support",
      "definition" : "Material that is in radiation beam that is used to provide physical support to the patient or other objects."
      "code" : "128494",
      "display" : "Patient Segmented Model",
      "definition" : "A model for estimating radiation dose defined from the actual patient anatomy or characteristics."
      "code" : "128496",
      "display" : "Dose Point Cloud",
      "definition" : "Radiation dose represented as a distribution of points."
      "code" : "128497",
      "display" : "Measured Radiation Dose",
      "definition" : "The measured amount of energy that is deposited in a material by ionizing radiation."
      "code" : "128500",
      "display" : "Patient Radiation Dose Model",
      "definition" : "A computational representation of a human body or other object used to simulate the attenuation of radiation in human tissue."
      "code" : "128511",
      "display" : "Reference to Uncertainty Determination Method",
      "definition" : "A reference to the methodology used to determine the uncertainty in the estimation of radiation dose."
      "code" : "128512",
      "display" : "Equivalent Dose",
      "definition" : "Absorbed dose to a tissue or organ multiplied by a quality factor to normalize the dose to the type of radiation that is depositing the dose."
      "code" : "128513",
      "display" : "Absorbed Dose",
      "definition" : "Energy from ionizing radiation absorbed per unit mass."
      "code" : "128522",
      "display" : "Normalization Factor",
      "definition" : "A factor that is used to make an adjustment to a calculation to normalize the data."
      "code" : "128523",
      "display" : "Offset Factor",
      "definition" : "A factor that is used to make an adjustment to a calculation to translate or move the data in a defined manner."
      "code" : "128526",
      "display" : "Tissue Fraction",
      "definition" : "The amount of a specific tissue content, either mass or volume, in a material."
      "code" : "128527",
      "display" : "Distance Correction",
      "definition" : "A correction factor for a measurement of distance or location."
      "code" : "128528",
      "display" : "Conversion Factor",
      "definition" : "A numerical ratio to express a measurement from one unit to another unit."
      "code" : "128531",
      "display" : "Maximum Absorbed Radiation Dose",
      "definition" : "The largest absorbed radiation dose amount estimated."
      "code" : "128532",
      "display" : "Minimum Absorbed Radiation Dose",
      "definition" : "The smallest absorbed radiation dose value estimated."
      "code" : "128533",
      "display" : "Mean Absorbed Radiation Dose",
      "definition" : "The average value of the absorbed radiation dose estimated."
      "code" : "128534",
      "display" : "Mode Absorbed Radiation Dose",
      "definition" : "The absorbed radiation dose value estimated that occurs most frequently."
      "code" : "128535",
      "display" : "Maximum Equivalent Radiation Dose",
      "definition" : "The largest equivalent radiation dose value estimated."
      "code" : "128536",
      "display" : "Minimum Equivalent Radiation Dose",
      "definition" : "The smallest equivalent radiation dose value estimated."
      "code" : "128537",
      "display" : "Mean Equivalent Radiation Dose",
      "definition" : "The average value of the equivalent radiation dose estimated."
      "code" : "128538",
      "display" : "Mode Equivalent Radiation Dose",
      "definition" : "The equivalent radiation dose value estimated that occurs most frequently."
      "code" : "128539",
      "display" : "Median Absorbed Radiation Dose",
      "definition" : "The central value of the absorbed radiation dose estimated."
      "code" : "128540",
      "display" : "Median Equivalent Radiation Dose",
      "definition" : "The central value of the equivalent radiation dose estimated."
      "code" : "128551",
      "display" : "Is Repeated Acquisition",
      "definition" : "This acquisition of data (e.g., for constructing an image) is a repeat of an earlier acquisition that was for some reason unsatisfactory."
      "code" : "128552",
      "display" : "Reason for Repeating Acquisition",
      "definition" : "The reason that data (e.g., for constructing an image) was acquired again."
      "code" : "128553",
      "display" : "Patient motion",
      "definition" : "The acquired data is unsatisfactory because the patient moved."
      "code" : "128554",
      "display" : "Suboptimal contrast timing",
      "definition" : "The acquired data is unsatisfactory because the contrast timing was not adequate."
      "code" : "128601",
      "display" : "Appropriate for the indications",
      "definition" : "The protocol is appropriate for the indications recorded in the protocol instance."
      "code" : "128602",
      "display" : "Consistent with labeling of the device",
      "definition" : "The protocol is consistent with the regulatory product labeling of the device recorded in the protocol instance."
      "code" : "128603",
      "display" : "Approved for use at the institution",
      "definition" : "The protocol is approved for use at the institution recorded in the protocol instance."
      "code" : "128604",
      "display" : "Approved for use in the clinical trial",
      "definition" : "The protocol is approved for use in the clinical trial recorded in the protocol instance."
      "code" : "128605",
      "display" : "Approved for use on pregnant patients",
      "definition" : "The protocol is specifically approved for use on pregnant patients."
      "code" : "128606",
      "display" : "Appropriate for the device",
      "definition" : "The protocol is appropriate for execution on the device recorded in the protocol instance (which may identify an individual device by serial number or may identify a family of devices). I.e. the protocol has incorporated model-specific parameters and optimizations as necessary."
      "code" : "128607",
      "display" : "Inside operational limits of the device",
      "definition" : "The protocol specifies parameters that are within the operational limits of the device recorded in the protocol instance. I.e. execution of the protocol is not expected to damage or exceed the operational limits of the device."
      "code" : "128608",
      "display" : "Optimized for the device instance",
      "definition" : "The protocol is optimized for the characteristics of the specific instance of the device recorded in the protocol instance. I.e. the protocol has incorporated model-specific parameters and optimizations as necessary."
      "code" : "128609",
      "display" : "Disapproved for any use",
      "definition" : "The protocol is explicitly disapproved, or approval of the protocol has been withdrawn."
      "code" : "128610",
      "display" : "Deprecated protocol",
      "definition" : "The protocol is no longer to be used. E.g. it has been replaced by another protocol."
      "code" : "128611",
      "display" : "Approved for experimental use",
      "definition" : "The protocol is approved for use in experimental procedures."
      "code" : "128612",
      "display" : "Disapproved for experimental use",
      "definition" : "The protocol is disapproved for use in experimental procedures."
      "code" : "128613",
      "display" : "Eligible for reimbursement",
      "definition" : "The protocol is understood to be eligible for reimbursement by a given payer."
      "code" : "128614",
      "display" : "Eligible for reimbursement on per patient basis",
      "definition" : "The protocol is understood to be eligible for reimbursement on a per patient basis by a given payer."
      "code" : "128615",
      "display" : "Ineligible for reimbursement",
      "definition" : "The protocol is understood to be ineligible for reimbursement by a given payer."
      "code" : "128617",
      "display" : "Disapproved for use on pregnant patients",
      "definition" : "The protocol is explicitly disapproved for use on pregnant patients."
      "code" : "128618",
      "display" : "Inappropriate for the device",
      "definition" : "The protocol is inappropriate for execution on the device recorded in the protocol instance (which may identify an individual device by serial number or may identify a family of devices)."
      "code" : "128619",
      "display" : "Outside operational limits of the device",
      "definition" : "The protocol specifies parameters that are not within the operational limits of the device recorded in the protocol instance. I.e. execution of the protocol may damage or exceed the operational limits of the device."
      "code" : "128620",
      "display" : "Not optimized for the device instance",
      "definition" : "The protocol is not optimized for the characteristics of the specific instance of the device recorded in the protocol instance."
      "code" : "128621",
      "display" : "Inappropriate for the indications",
      "definition" : "The protocol is inappropriate for the indications recorded in the protocol instance."
      "code" : "128622",
      "display" : "Inconsistent with labeling of the device",
      "definition" : "The protocol is inconsistent with the regulatory product labeling of the device recorded in the protocol instance."
      "code" : "128623",
      "display" : "Disapproved for use at the institution",
      "definition" : "The protocol is disapproved for use at the institution recorded in the approval instance."
      "code" : "128624",
      "display" : "Disapproved for use in the clinical trial",
      "definition" : "The protocol is disapproved for use in the clinical trial recorded in the protocol instance."
      "code" : "128670",
      "display" : "Head of Radiology",
      "definition" : "The senior ranking radiologist in the organization"
      "code" : "128671",
      "display" : "Chair of Protocol Committee",
      "definition" : "The chair of a committee tasked with reviewing and approving protocols in the organization."
      "code" : "128673",
      "display" : "Administrator of Radiology Department",
      "definition" : "The administrative head of a department that provides radiology services."
      "code" : "128674",
      "display" : "Lead Radiologic Technologist",
      "definition" : "The senior ranking radiologic technologist in the organization."
      "code" : "128675",
      "display" : "Head of Cardiology",
      "definition" : "The senior ranking cardiologist in the organization."
      "code" : "128676",
      "display" : "Representative of Protocol Committee",
      "definition" : "A representative of a committee tasked with reviewing and approving protocols in the organization."
      "code" : "128677",
      "display" : "Representative of Ethics Committee",
      "definition" : "A representative of a committee tasked with evaluating medical ethics. E.g. Institutional Review Board."
      "code" : "128701",
      "display" : "3D Gel",
      "definition" : "A volume of gel that changes physical characteristics when exposed to ionizing radiation."
      "code" : "128702",
      "display" : "Diode Array",
      "definition" : "A number of semiconductor devices that generates current when exposed to ionizing radiation. The devices are arranged systematically in a regular pattern."
      "code" : "128703",
      "display" : "Ion Chamber Array",
      "definition" : "A number of devices that measures charge from the ions produced in a medium when exposed to ionizing radiation. The devices are arranged systematically in a regular pattern."
      "code" : "128704",
      "display" : "Diode",
      "definition" : "A semiconductor device that generates current when exposed to ionizing radiation."
      "code" : "128705",
      "display" : "Liquid Ion Chamber",
      "definition" : "An ion chamber that uses a liquid as the medium."
      "code" : "128706",
      "display" : "OSLD",
      "definition" : "Optically Stimulated Luminescent Dosimeter. It is a crystal that when exposed to green light, emits blue light in proportion to the amount of ionizing radiation it has been exposed to."
      "code" : "128707",
      "display" : "Ion Chamber",
      "definition" : "A device that measures charge from the ions produced in a medium when exposed to ionizing radiation."
      "code" : "128708",
      "display" : "Diamond Detector",
      "definition" : "A semiconductor detector that uses diamond as the medium."
      "code" : "128709",
      "display" : "RPLGD",
      "definition" : "A radiophotoluminescence glass dosimeter. It is a solid state cumulative radiation dosimeter usually made of silver-activated phosphate glass. The silver atoms act as radiophotoluminescence centers excited by ionizing radiation. The number of centers excited is proportional to the absorbed dose to the RPLGD."
      "code" : "128710",
      "display" : "For Teaching File Export",
      "definition" : "Instances that have been selected for export to a teaching file."
      "code" : "128711",
      "display" : "For Clinical Trial Export",
      "definition" : "Instances that have been selected for export for a clinical trial."
      "code" : "128712",
      "display" : "Additional Teaching File Information",
      "definition" : "The title of a document containing additional teaching file information."
      "code" : "128713",
      "display" : "For Research Collection Export",
      "definition" : "Instances that have been selected for export to a research collection."
      "code" : "128714",
      "display" : "For Publication Export",
      "definition" : "Instances that have been selected for export for publication."
      "code" : "128715",
      "display" : "Delay export until final report is available",
      "definition" : "Delay export until final report is available."
      "code" : "128716",
      "display" : "Delay export until clinical information is available",
      "definition" : "Delay export until clinical information is available."
      "code" : "128717",
      "display" : "Delay export until confirmation of diagnosis is available",
      "definition" : "Delay export until confirmation of diagnosis is available."
      "code" : "128718",
      "display" : "Delay export until histopathology is available",
      "definition" : "Delay export until histopathology is available."
      "code" : "128719",
      "display" : "Delay export until other laboratory results are available",
      "definition" : "Delay export until other laboratory results are available."
      "code" : "128720",
      "display" : "Delay export until patient is discharged",
      "definition" : "Delay export until patient is discharged."
      "code" : "128721",
      "display" : "Delay export until patient dies",
      "definition" : "Delay export until patient dies."
      "code" : "128722",
      "display" : "Delay export until expert review is available",
      "definition" : "Delay export until expert review is available."
      "code" : "128723",
      "display" : "Teaching File Category",
      "definition" : "The category that describes the subject matter of a teaching file."
      "code" : "128724",
      "display" : "Level of Difficulty",
      "definition" : "The level of difficult that the material represents."
      "code" : "128725",
      "display" : "Primary level",
      "definition" : "The teaching material is of a primary level of difficulty."
      "code" : "128726",
      "display" : "Intermediate level",
      "definition" : "The teaching material is of an intermediate level of difficulty."
      "code" : "128727",
      "display" : "Advanced level",
      "definition" : "The teaching material is of an advanced level of difficulty."
      "code" : "128728",
      "display" : "Musculoskeletal imaging subject matter",
      "definition" : "The subject matter pertains to musculoskeletal imaging."
      "code" : "128729",
      "display" : "Pulmonary imaging subject matter",
      "definition" : "The subject matter pertains to pulmonary imaging."
      "code" : "128730",
      "display" : "Cardiovascular imaging subject matter",
      "definition" : "The subject matter pertains to cardiovascular imaging."
      "code" : "128731",
      "display" : "Gastrointestinal imaging subject matter",
      "definition" : "The subject matter pertains to gastrointestinal imaging."
      "code" : "128732",
      "display" : "Genitourinary imaging subject matter",
      "definition" : "The subject matter pertains to genitourinary imaging."
      "code" : "128733",
      "display" : "Neuroimaging subject matter",
      "definition" : "The subject matter pertains to neuroimaging ."
      "code" : "128734",
      "display" : "Vascular and interventional imaging subject matter",
      "definition" : "The subject matter pertains to vascular and interventional imaging."
      "code" : "128735",
      "display" : "Nuclear medicine imaging subject matter",
      "definition" : "The subject matter pertains to nuclear medicine imaging."
      "code" : "128736",
      "display" : "Ultrasound imaging subject matter",
      "definition" : "The subject matter pertains to ultrasound imaging."
      "code" : "128737",
      "display" : "Pediatric imaging subject matter",
      "definition" : "The subject matter pertains to pediatric imaging."
      "code" : "128738",
      "display" : "Breast imaging subject matter",
      "definition" : "The subject matter pertains to breast imaging."
      "code" : "128739",
      "display" : "UDI",
      "definition" : "The entire Human Readable Form of the Unique Device Identifier as defined by the Issuing Agency."
      "code" : "128740",
      "display" : "Longitudinal Temporal Offset from Event",
      "definition" : "An offset in time from a particular event of significance. In the context of a clinical trial, this is often the time since enrollment, or the baseline imaging study."
      "code" : "128741",
      "display" : "Longitudinal Temporal Event Type",
      "definition" : "The type of event to which a temporal offset is relative."
      "code" : "128750",
      "display" : "Equipment Landmark",
      "definition" : "A well-known landmark of the equipment that is visible by the operator."
      "code" : "128751",
      "display" : "Center of Table Head",
      "definition" : "An equipment landmark on the X-Ray Table head located on the table top plane, centered in the left-right direction of the table."
      "code" : "128752",
      "display" : "Equipment Landmark X Position",
      "definition" : "The X coordinate of the Equipment Landmark in the Table Coordinate System."
      "code" : "128753",
      "display" : "Equipment Landmark Z Position",
      "definition" : "The Z coordinate of the Equipment Landmark in the Table Coordinate System."
      "code" : "128754",
      "display" : "Patient Location Fiducial",
      "definition" : "A patient fiducial used to establish the patient location relative to equipment."
      "code" : "128756",
      "display" : "Equipment Landmark to Patient Fiducial Z Distance",
      "definition" : "The distance in the Z direction from the Equipment Landmark to the Patient Location Fiducial in the Table Coordinate System. Positive when the direction from the Equipment Landmark to the Patient Location Fiducial lies in the positive Z direction."
      "code" : "128757",
      "display" : "Positioner Isocenter Primary Angle",
      "definition" : "Angle in the XY plane of the isocenter reference system between the Y axis and a plane containing the Z axis and the X-Ray center beam (deg)."
      "code" : "128758",
      "display" : "Positioner Isocenter Secondary Angle",
      "definition" : "Angle, in the plane containing the Z axis of the isocenter reference system and the X-Ray center beam, between the XY plane and the X-Ray center beam (deg)."
      "code" : "128759",
      "display" : "Positioner Isocenter Detector Rotation Angle",
      "definition" : "Rotation of the X-Ray detector plane (deg)."
      "code" : "128760",
      "display" : "Positioner Isocenter Primary End Angle",
      "definition" : "Position of the X-Ray center beam in the isocenter reference system in the X direction (deg) at the end of an irradiation event."
      "code" : "128761",
      "display" : "Positioner Isocenter Secondary End Angle",
      "definition" : "Position of the X-Ray center beam in the isocenter reference system in the Z direction (deg) at the end of an irradiation event."
      "code" : "128762",
      "display" : "Positioner Isocenter Detector Rotation End Angle",
      "definition" : "Rotation of the X-Ray detector plane (deg) at the end of an irradiation event."
      "code" : "128763",
      "display" : "Table Head Tilt End Angle",
      "definition" : "Angle of the head-feet axis of the table (deg) relative to the horizontal plane at the end of an irradiation event."
      "code" : "128764",
      "display" : "Table Horizontal Rotation End Angle",
      "definition" : "Rotation of the table in the horizontal plane (deg) at the end of an irradiation event."
      "code" : "128765",
      "display" : "Table Cradle Tilt End Angle",
      "definition" : "Angle of the left-right axis of the table (deg) relative to the horizontal plane at the end of an irradiation event."
      "code" : "128766",
      "display" : "Table X Position to Isocenter",
      "definition" : "X position of the Table Reference Point with respect to the Isocenter (mm)."
      "code" : "128767",
      "display" : "Table Y Position to Isocenter",
      "definition" : "Y position of the Table Reference Point with respect to the Isocenter (mm)."
      "code" : "128768",
      "display" : "Table Z Position to Isocenter",
      "definition" : "Z position of the Table Reference Point with respect to the Isocenter (mm)."
      "code" : "128769",
      "display" : "Table X End Position to Isocenter",
      "definition" : "X position of the Table Reference Point with respect to the Isocenter (mm) at the end of an irradiation event."
      "code" : "128770",
      "display" : "Table Y End Position to Isocenter",
      "definition" : "Y position of the Table Reference Point with respect to the Isocenter (mm) at the end of an irradiation event."
      "code" : "128771",
      "display" : "Table Z End Position to Isocenter",
      "definition" : "Z position of the Table Reference Point with respect to the Isocenter (mm) at the end of an irradiation event."
      "code" : "128772",
      "display" : "Reference Basis",
      "definition" : "The anatomical feature or point of reference on which the reference location is based."
      "code" : "128773",
      "display" : "Reference Geometry",
      "definition" : "Characterizes the geometry of the reference location (e.g., a plane or point)."
      "code" : "128774",
      "display" : "Person Observer's Login Name",
      "definition" : "Login name (user ID) of human observer who created the observations."
      "code" : "128775",
      "display" : "Identifier within Person Observer's Role",
      "definition" : "An alphanumeric designator of an individual within a role."
      "code" : "128776",
      "display" : "Gray Level Run Length Matrix",
      "definition" : "The tabulation of gray level run lengths in a particular direction in an image. Abbreviated GLRLM.See ."
      "code" : "128777",
      "display" : "Gray Level Size Zone Matrix",
      "definition" : "A tabulation of counts of the number of groups of connected voxels with a specific discretized gray level value and size. Abbreviated GLSZM.See ."
      "code" : "128778",
      "display" : "Gray Level Distance Zone Matrix",
      "definition" : "A tabulation of counts of the number of groups (or zones) of linked voxels that share a specific discretised grey level value and possess the same distance to ROI edge. Abbreviated GLDZM.See ."
      "code" : "128779",
      "display" : "Neighbourhood Grey Tone Difference Matrix",
      "definition" : "A matrix containing the sum of grey level differences of pixels/voxels with a discretised grey level and average discretised grey level of neighbouring pixels/voxels within a specified Chebyshev distance. Abbreviated NGTDM.See ."
      "code" : "128780",
      "display" : "Neighbouring Grey Level Dependence Matrix",
      "definition" : "A tabulation of the counts of dependent (within a specified coarseness parameter) neighbouring discretised grey levels within a specified Chebyshev distance. Abbreviated NGLDM.See ."
      "code" : "128781",
      "display" : "Joint Maximum of GLCM",
      "definition" : "The probability corresponding to the most common gray level co-occurrence in the GLCM. Abbreviated MAX.See Fcm.joint.max in ."
      "code" : "128782",
      "display" : "Joint Average of GLCM",
      "definition" : "The gray level weighted sum of joint probabilities of a Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM).See Fcm.joint.avg in ."
      "code" : "128783",
      "display" : "Joint Variance of GLCM",
      "definition" : "The sum of squares of the difference from the joint average of a Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM).See Fcm.joint.var in ."
      "code" : "128784",
      "display" : "Difference Average of GLCM",
      "definition" : "The average for the diagonal probabilities of a Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM).See Fcm.diff.avg in ."
      "code" : "128785",
      "display" : "Difference Variance of GLCM",
      "definition" : "The variance for the diagonal probabilities of a Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM).See Fcm.diff.var in ."
      "code" : "128786",
      "display" : "Difference Entropy of GLCM",
      "definition" : "The entropy for the diagonal probabilities of a Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM).See Fcm.diff.entr in ."
      "code" : "128787",
      "display" : "Sum Average of GLCM",
      "definition" : "The average for the cross-diagonal probabilities of a Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM).See Fcm.sum.avg in ."
      "code" : "128788",
      "display" : "Sum Variance of GLCM",
      "definition" : "The variance for the cross-diagonal probabilities of a Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM).See Fcm.sum.var in ."
      "code" : "128789",
      "display" : "Sum Entropy of GLCM",
      "definition" : "The entropy for the cross-diagonal probabilities of a Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM).See Fcm.sum.entr in ."
      "code" : "128790",
      "display" : "Inverse Difference of GLCM",
      "definition" : "The inverse difference of a Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM).See Fcm.inv.diff in ."
      "code" : "128791",
      "display" : "Inverse Difference Normalized of GLCM",
      "definition" : "The normalized inverse difference of a Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM).See Fcm.inv.diff.norm in ."
      "code" : "128792",
      "display" : "Inverse Difference Moment Normalized of GLCM",
      "definition" : "The normalized inverse difference moment of a Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM).See Fcm.inv.diff.mom.norm in ."
      "code" : "128793",
      "display" : "Inverse Variance of GLCM",
      "definition" : "The inverse variance of a Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM).See Fcm.inv.var in ."
      "code" : "128794",
      "display" : "Autocorrelation of GLCM",
      "definition" : "The autocorrelation of a Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM).See Fcm.auto.corr in ."
      "code" : "128795",
      "display" : "Cluster Tendency of GLCM",
      "definition" : "The cluster tendency of a Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM).See Fcm.clust.tend in ."
      "code" : "128796",
      "display" : "Cluster Shade of GLCM",
      "definition" : "The cluster shade of a Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM).See Fcm.clust.shade in ."
      "code" : "128797",
      "display" : "Cluster Prominence of GLCM",
      "definition" : "The cluster prominence of a Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM).See Fcm.clust.prom in ."
      "code" : "128798",
      "display" : "First Measure of Information Correlation of GLCM",
      "definition" : "The first measure of information correlation of a Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM).See Fcm.info.corr.1 in ."
      "code" : "128799",
      "display" : "Second Measure of Information Correlation of GLCM",
      "definition" : "The second measure of information correlation of a Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM).See Fcm.info.corr.2 in ."
      "code" : "128801",
      "display" : "Short Runs Emphasis",
      "definition" : "A measure of the distribution of short runs in a gray level run length matrix. Abbreviated SRE.See Frlm.sre in ."
      "code" : "128802",
      "display" : "Long Runs Emphasis",
      "definition" : "A measure of the distribution of long runs in a gray level run length matrix. Abbreviated LRE.See Frlm.lre in ."
      "code" : "128803",
      "display" : "Low Gray Level Run Emphasis",
      "definition" : "A measure of the distribution of low gray level values in a gray level run length matrix. Abbreviated LGRE.See Frlm.lgre in ."
      "code" : "128804",
      "display" : "High Gray Level Run Emphasis",
      "definition" : "A measure of the distribution of high gray level values in a gray level run length matrix. Abbreviated HGRE.See Frlm.hgre in ."
      "code" : "128805",
      "display" : "Short Run Low Gray Level Emphasis",
      "definition" : "A measure of the joint distribution of short runs and low gray level values in a gray level run length matrix. Abbreviated SRLGE.See Frlm.srlge in ."
      "code" : "128806",
      "display" : "Short Run High Gray Level Emphasis",
      "definition" : "A measure of the joint distribution of short runs and high gray level values in a gray level run length matrix. Abbreviated SRHGE.See Frlm.srhge in ."
      "code" : "128807",
      "display" : "Long Run Low Gray Level Emphasis",
      "definition" : "A measure of the joint distribution of long runs and low gray level values in a gray level run length matrix. Abbreviated LRLGE.See Frlm.lrlge in ."
      "code" : "128808",
      "display" : "Long Run High Gray Level Emphasis",
      "definition" : "A measure of the the joint distribution of long runs and high gray level values in a gray level run length matrix. Abbreviated LRHGE.See Frlm.lrhge in ."
      "code" : "128809",
      "display" : "Gray Level Nonuniformity in Runs",
      "definition" : "A measure of the similarity of gray level values throughout the image in a gray level run length matrix. Abbreviated RLM.GLNU.See Frlm.glnu in ."
      "code" : "128810",
      "display" : "Gray Level Nonuniformity in Runs Normalized",
      "definition" : "A normalized measure of the similarity of gray level values throughout the image in a gray level run length matrix.See Frlm.glnu.norm in ."
      "code" : "128811",
      "display" : "Run Length Nonuniformity",
      "definition" : "A measure of the the similarity of the length of runs throughout the image in a gray level run length matrix. Abbreviated RLNU.See Frlm.rlnu in ."
      "code" : "128812",
      "display" : "Run Length Nonuniformity Normalized",
      "definition" : "A normalized measure of the the similarity of the length of runs throughout the image in a gray level run length matrix.See Frlm.rlnu.norm in ."
      "code" : "128813",
      "display" : "Run Percentage",
      "definition" : "A measure of the homogeneity and distribution of runs of an image in a specific direction in a gray level run length matrix. Abbreviated RPC.See Frlm.r.perc in ."
      "code" : "128814",
      "display" : "Gray Level Variance in Runs",
      "definition" : "The variance in runs for the gray levels in a gray level run length matrix.See Frlm.gl.var in ."
      "code" : "128815",
      "display" : "Run Length Variance",
      "definition" : "The variance in runs for run lengths in a gray level run length matrix.See Frlm.rl.var in ."
      "code" : "128816",
      "display" : "Run Entropy",
      "definition" : "The entropy of runs in a gray level run length matrix.See Frlm.rl.entr in ."
      "code" : "128821",
      "display" : "Small Zone Emphasis",
      "definition" : "A feature that emphasizes small zones from a gray level size zone matrix. Abbreviated SZE.See Fszm.sze in ."
      "code" : "128822",
      "display" : "Large Zone Emphasis",
      "definition" : "A feature that emphasizes large zones from a gray level size zone matrix. Abbreviated LZE.See Fszm.lze in ."
      "code" : "128823",
      "display" : "Low Gray Level Zone Emphasis",
      "definition" : "A feature that emphasizes low gray level zones from a gray level size zone matrix. Abbreviated LGZE.See Fszm.lgze in ."
      "code" : "128824",
      "display" : "High Gray Level Zone Emphasis",
      "definition" : "A feature that emphasizes high gray level zones from a gray level size zone matrix. Abbreviated LGZE.See Fszm.hgze in ."
      "code" : "128825",
      "display" : "Small Zone Low Gray Level Emphasis",
      "definition" : "A feature that emphasizes small zone sizes and low gray levels from a gray level size zone matrix. Abbreviated SZLGE.See Fszm.szlge in ."
      "code" : "128826",
      "display" : "Small Zone High Gray Level Emphasis",
      "definition" : "A feature that emphasizes small zone sizes and high gray levels from a gray level size zone matrix. Abbreviated SZHGE.See Fszm.szhge in ."
      "code" : "128827",
      "display" : "Large Zone Low Gray Level Emphasis",
      "definition" : "A feature that emphasizes large zone sizes and low gray levels from a gray level size zone matrix. Abbreviated LZLGE.See Fszm.lzlge in ."
      "code" : "128828",
      "display" : "Large Zone High Gray Level Emphasis",
      "definition" : "A feature that emphasizes large zone sizes and high gray levels from a gray level size zone matrix. Abbreviated LZHGE.See Fszm.lzhge in ."
      "code" : "128829",
      "display" : "Gray Level Nonuniformity of Zone Counts",
      "definition" : "The distribution of zone counts over the gray values in a gray level size zone matrix. Abbreviated SZM.GLNU.See Fszm.glnu in ."
      "code" : "128830",
      "display" : "Gray Level Nonuniformity of Zone Counts Normalized",
      "definition" : "The normalized distribution of zone counts over the gray values in a gray level size zone matrix.See Fszm.glnu.norm in ."
      "code" : "128831",
      "display" : "Zone Size Nonuniformity",
      "definition" : "The distribution of zone counts over the different zone sizes in a gray level size zone matrix. Abbreviated ZSNU.See Fszm.zsnu in ."
      "code" : "128832",
      "display" : "Zone Size Nonuniformity Normalized",
      "definition" : "The normalized distribution of zone counts over the different zone sizes in a gray level size zone matrix.See Fszm.zsnu.norm in ."
      "code" : "128833",
      "display" : "Zone Percentage",
      "definition" : "The fraction of the number of realised zones relative to the maximum number of potential zones in a gray level size zone matrix. Abbreviated ZPERC.See Fszm.z.perc in ."
      "code" : "128834",
      "display" : "Gray Level Variance in Zones",
      "definition" : "The variance ithe variance in zone counts for the gray levels in a gray level size zone matrix.See Fszm.gl.var in ."
      "code" : "128835",
      "display" : "Zone Size Variance",
      "definition" : "The variance in zone counts for the different zone sizes in a gray level size zone matrix.See Fszm.zs.var in ."
      "code" : "128836",
      "display" : "Zone Size Entropy",
      "definition" : "The entropy of zone sizes in a gray level size zone matrix.See Fszm.zs.entr in ."
      "code" : "129001",
      "display" : "Eligibility Reader",
      "definition" : "Person who looks at and interprets medical images against defined criteria for the purpose of establishing eligibility of the subject of said images to be enrolled in a research experiment or a clinical trial."
      "code" : "129002",
      "display" : "Designator",
      "definition" : "Person who designates locations on medical images (such as the location of lesions) for other persons or devices to measure or interpret."
      "code" : "129003",
      "display" : "Image Quality Controller",
      "definition" : "Person who reviews medical images to evaluate the compliance of said images with quality criteria."
      "code" : "129004",
      "display" : "Results Quality Controller",
      "definition" : "Person who reviews results derived from medical images to evaluate the compliance of said results with quality criteria."
      "code" : "129010",
      "display" : "Edited Model",
      "definition" : "A reference to a predecessor model that has been edited to produce the current model.For example: inclusion of more organs, completion of a partial segmentation, insertion of a bisection plane to allow interior inspection, or addition of support material."
      "code" : "129011",
      "display" : "Component Model",
      "definition" : "A reference to a predecessor model that contributed to the creation of the current combined model.This includes simple assembly of discrete pieces as well as more complex combination. For example: by Boolean mathematical and similar operations."
      "code" : "129012",
      "display" : "Educational Intent",
      "definition" : "Intended for educational purposes.For example: patient or care-giver education/informed consent, or training residents and fellows."
      "code" : "129013",
      "display" : "Planning Intent",
      "definition" : "Intended to be used to assist with procedure planning"
      "code" : "129014",
      "display" : "Tool Fabrication",
      "definition" : "Intended to be used to manufacture a patient-matched tool that is employed during a medical procedure.For example: drill/cutting guides, immobilizers, radiation shields, and plate bending templates."
      "code" : "129015",
      "display" : "Prosthetic Fabrication",
      "definition" : "Intended to be used to manufacture a fully external prosthetic/orthotic"
      "code" : "129016",
      "display" : "Implant Fabrication",
      "definition" : "Intended to be used to manufacture a wholly or partially internal implant"
      "code" : "129017",
      "display" : "Simulation Intent",
      "definition" : "Intended to be used for simulation and/or practice of a surgery or other medical procedure. \"Simulation\" is not used for patient-matched simulation, as this would be covered by \"Diagnostic Intent\" or \"Planning Intent\"."
      "code" : "129018",
      "display" : "US 3D CAM model",
      "definition" : "A 3D manufacturing model derived from ultrasound imaging."
      "code" : "129019",
      "display" : "Mixed Modality 3D CAM model",
      "definition" : "A 3D manufacturing model derived from images from multiple different modalities."
      "code" : "129020",
      "display" : "Photogrammetric Imaging 3D CAM model",
      "definition" : "A 3D manufacturing model derived from measurements made from photographs."
      "code" : "129021",
      "display" : "Laser Scanning 3D CAM model",
      "definition" : "A 3D manufacturing model derived from laser scanning measurements."
      "code" : "129100",
      "display" : "Fat fraction",
      "definition" : "The fraction of fat present, derived using Dixon or other techniques."
      "code" : "129101",
      "display" : "Water/fat in phase",
      "definition" : "Water/Fat In Phase signal, derived using Dixon or other techniques."
      "code" : "129102",
      "display" : "Water/fat out of phase",
      "definition" : "Water/Fat Out of phase signal, derived using Dixon or other techniques."
      "code" : "129103",
      "display" : "Water fraction",
      "definition" : "The fraction of water present, derived using Dixon or other techniques."
      "code" : "129104",
      "display" : "Perfusion image analysis",
      "definition" : "Analysis of perfusion images."
      "code" : "129105",
      "display" : "Diffusion image analysis",
      "definition" : "Analysis of diffusion images."
      "code" : "129106",
      "display" : "Diffusion tractography",
      "definition" : "Estimation of the course of fiber tracts by analysis of anisotropic diffusion."
      "code" : "129201",
      "display" : "Image used for Treatment Planning",
      "definition" : "Images that have been used in the treatment planning process."
      "code" : "129202",
      "display" : "Image used for Dose Calculation",
      "definition" : "Images that have been used for dose calculation in the treatment planning process."
      "code" : "129203",
      "display" : "Image Acquired during Treatment",
      "definition" : "Images that have been acquired during a treatment session."
      "code" : "129204",
      "display" : "Image used as Reference Image for Treatment",
      "definition" : "Images that are used in a treatment session as reference images to position the patient."
      "code" : "129210",
      "display" : "Registration used in Planning",
      "definition" : "Registrations that have been used in the treatment planning process"
      "code" : "129211",
      "display" : "Registration created during Treatment",
      "definition" : "Registrations that have been created in the execution of a treatment session"
      "code" : "129301",
      "display" : "Coil Marker",
      "definition" : "A coil-shaped marker visible in an image."
      "code" : "129303",
      "display" : "Cylinder Marker",
      "definition" : "A cylinder-shaped marker visible in an image."
      "code" : "129305",
      "display" : "Wire Marker",
      "definition" : "A thread or rod-shaped marker visible in an image."
      "code" : "129306",
      "display" : "Transponder Marker",
      "definition" : "A marker that receives a radio signal and transmits a response."
      "code" : "129308",
      "display" : "MR Marker",
      "definition" : "A marker containing a substance that produces a distinctive signal on MR images."
      "code" : "129309",
      "display" : "Infrared Reflector Marker",
      "definition" : "Infrared reflecting external marker, e.g., attached to skin or stereotactic frame."
      "code" : "129310",
      "display" : "Visible Reflector Marker",
      "definition" : "Visible light reflecting external marker, e.g., attached to skin or stereotactic frame."
      "code" : "129320",
      "display" : "Effective Atomic Number",
      "definition" : "The average atomic number for a compound or mixture of materials. There are a variety of methods for estimating this value for a given compound."
      "code" : "129321",
      "display" : "Modified Hounsfield Unit",
      "definition" : "Modified pixel values within the Hounsfield Unit Value range."
      "code" : "129322",
      "display" : "Value-based Image",
      "definition" : "Each real-world value mapped pixel represents a certain value for a specified material (the exact interpretation of the value range has to be defined by the user)."
      "code" : "129323",
      "display" : "Material Specific Image",
      "definition" : "Each real-world value mapped pixel value represents a property the attenuation of a material such as attenuation, concentration or density."
      "code" : "129324",
      "display" : "Material Removed Image",
      "definition" : "Image with the attenuation contribution of one or more materials removed. For pixels that did not contain any of the removed material(s), the pixel values are unchanged."
      "code" : "129325",
      "display" : "Material Highlighted Image",
      "definition" : "Image where pixel values have been modified to highlight a certain target material by partially suppressing the background and/or by enhancing the modified material."
      "code" : "129326",
      "display" : "Material Suppressed Image",
      "definition" : "Image where pixel values have been modified to partially suppress the modified material (opposite to Material Highlighted image)."
      "code" : "129327",
      "display" : "Material Recalculated Image",
      "definition" : "Image where pixels are recalculated by a vendor-specific method."
      "code" : "129328",
      "display" : "Volume Occupancy Image",
      "definition" : "Each real-world value mapped pixel represents a fraction, by volume, occupied by the material."
      "code" : "129329",
      "display" : "Mass Occupancy Image",
      "definition" : "Each real-world value mapped pixel represents a fraction, by mass, occupied by the material."
      "code" : "130001",
      "display" : "Minimum Surface Radiation Dose",
      "definition" : "An objective to achieve a radiation dose which is greater than or equal to the specified radiation dose at the surface of a volume."
      "code" : "130002",
      "display" : "Maximum Surface Radiation Dose",
      "definition" : "An objective to achieve a radiation dose which is less than or equal to the specified radiation dose at the surface of a volume."
      "code" : "130003",
      "display" : "Minimum Radiation Dose",
      "definition" : "An objective to achieve a radiation dose which is greater than or equal to the specified radiation dose throughout a volume."
      "code" : "130004",
      "display" : "Maximum Radiation Dose",
      "definition" : "An objective to achieve a radiation dose which is less than or equal to the specified radiation dose throughout a volume."
      "code" : "130005",
      "display" : "Minimum Mean Radiation Dose",
      "definition" : "An objective to achieve a mean radiation dose over the volume which is greater than or equal to the specified radiation dose."
      "code" : "130006",
      "display" : "Maximum Mean Radiation Dose",
      "definition" : "An objective to achieve a mean radiation dose over the volume which is less than or equal to the specified radiation dose."
      "code" : "130007",
      "display" : "Minimum Equivalent Uniform Dose",
      "definition" : "An objective to achieve an equivalent uniform dose (EUD) which is greater than or equal to the specified radiation dose."
      "code" : "130008",
      "display" : "Maximum Equivalent Uniform Dose",
      "definition" : "An objective to achieve an equivalent uniform dose (EUD) which is less than or equal to the specified radiation dose."
      "code" : "130009",
      "display" : "Prescription Radiation Dose",
      "definition" : "An objective to achieve a radiation dose which is equal to the specified radiation dose throughout the volume."
      "code" : "130010",
      "display" : "Minimum Conformity Index",
      "definition" : "An objective to achieve a conformity index which is greater than or equal to the specified conformity index for a radiation dose which is equal to the specified radiation dose throughout the volume.Minimum Conformity Index as defined in , page 335."
      "code" : "130011",
      "display" : "Minimum Healthy Tissue Conformity Index",
      "definition" : "An objective to achieve a healthy tissue conformity index which is greater than or equal to the specified healthy tissue conformity index for a radiation dose which is equal to the specified radiation dose throughout the volume.Minimum Healthy Tissue Conformity Index as defined in , page 335."
      "code" : "130012",
      "display" : "Minimum Conformation Number",
      "definition" : "An objective to achieve a conformation number which is greater than or equal to the specified conformation number greater for a radiation dose which is equal to the specified radiation dose throughout the volume.Minimum Conformation Number as defined in , page 335."
      "code" : "130013",
      "display" : "Maximum Homogeneity Index",
      "definition" : "An objective to achieve a homogeneity index which is less than or equal to the specified homogenity index for a radiation dose which is equal to the specified radiation dose throughout the volume.Maximum Homogeneity Index as defined in , page 335."
      "code" : "130014",
      "display" : "Minimum Percent Volume at Radiation Dose",
      "definition" : "An objective to achieve a radiation dose which is greater than or equal to the specified radiation dose for at least a specified volume percentage."
      "code" : "130015",
      "display" : "Maximum Percent Volume at Radiation Dose",
      "definition" : "An objective to achieve a radiation dose which is less than or equal to the specified radiation dose for at least a specified \"volume percentage."
      "code" : "130016",
      "display" : "Minimum Absolute Volume at Radiation Dose",
      "definition" : "An objective to achieve a radiation dose which is greater than or equal to the specified radiation dose for at least a specified volume size."
      "code" : "130017",
      "display" : "Maximum Absolute Volume at Radiation Dose",
      "definition" : "An objective to achieve a radiation dose which is less than or equal to the specified radiation dose for at least a specified volume size."
      "code" : "130018",
      "display" : "Minimize Meterset",
      "definition" : "An objective to minimize the total Meterset."
      "code" : "130019",
      "display" : "Specified Radiation Dose",
      "definition" : "The radiation dose value for a Dosimetric Objective."
      "code" : "130020",
      "display" : "Specified Volume Size",
      "definition" : "The specified volume size of an anatomical region in a Dosimetric Objective."
      "code" : "130021",
      "display" : "Specified Volume Percentage",
      "definition" : "The percentage which represents a fractional parameter used by a Dosimetric Objective."
      "code" : "130022",
      "display" : "Radiation Characteristics Note",
      "definition" : "Free text note describing characteristics of the radiation."
      "code" : "130023",
      "display" : "Beam Shaping Note",
      "definition" : "Free text note describing the devices and techniques used to shape the radiation beam."
      "code" : "130024",
      "display" : "Treatment Planning Note",
      "definition" : "Free text note to describe suggestions or advice to treatment planning."
      "code" : "130025",
      "display" : "Special Procedure Note",
      "definition" : "Free text note describing additional activities that address individual patient needs."
      "code" : "130026",
      "display" : "Patient Positioning Note",
      "definition" : "Free text note describing the process to position the patient for the procedure."
      "code" : "130027",
      "display" : "4D Radiation Treatment Note",
      "definition" : "Free text note describing management of patient motion during the radiation treatment."
      "code" : "130028",
      "display" : "Patient Setup Note",
      "definition" : "Free text note describing the setup of the patient on the patient support device(s)."
      "code" : "130029",
      "display" : "Previous Treatment Note",
      "definition" : "Free text note describing previously delivered treatments."
      "code" : "130030",
      "display" : "Planning Imaging Note",
      "definition" : "Free text note describing the intended use of images for planning."
      "code" : "130031",
      "display" : "Delivery Verification Note",
      "definition" : "Free text note describing how delivery is to be verified."
      "code" : "130032",
      "display" : "Simulation Note",
      "definition" : "Free text note describing preferred simulation procedures."
      "code" : "130033",
      "display" : "Radiation Therapy Particle",
      "definition" : "Particle used for Radiotherapy treatment."
      "code" : "130034",
      "display" : "RT Beam Energy",
      "definition" : "Energy of the Radiotherapy treatment beam."
      "code" : "130035",
      "display" : "Patient Positioning Procedure Note",
      "definition" : "Free text note describing the procedure \"for acquiring and applying information about patient position."
      "code" : "130036",
      "display" : "QA Process Note",
      "definition" : "Free text note describing the Quality Assurance Process for the treatment of the patient."
      "code" : "130037",
      "display" : "Ion Therapy Particle",
      "definition" : "Particle for a radiotherapeutic treatment using beams of energetic protons, positive ions or other particles."
      "code" : "130038",
      "display" : "Brachytherapy Isotope",
      "definition" : "Isotope for a radiotherapeutic treatment where a decaying radiation source is placed inside or next to a target area, called Brachytherapy."
      "code" : "130039",
      "display" : "Adaptive Radiation Therapy Note",
      "definition" : "Free text note describing how adaptive radiotherapy is to be performed."
      "code" : "130040",
      "display" : "Teletherapy Isotope",
      "definition" : "Isotope for a radiotherapeutic treatment where a decaying radiation source is placed outside the body."
      "code" : "130041",
      "display" : "RT Target",
      "definition" : "Volume containing tissues to be irradiated to a specified radiation dose, typically encompassing a tumor, and possibly including surrounding subclinical disease, and margin(s) to account for uncertainties in patient positioning and organ motion."
      "code" : "130042",
      "display" : "RT Dose Calculation Structure",
      "definition" : "Non-target structure or volume used when calculating the radiation dose, e.g., during an optimzation process. This may be a structure whose proximity to the target and/or radiosensitivity restrict the radiation dose deliverable to the target."
      "code" : "130043",
      "display" : "RT Geometric Information",
      "definition" : "Points or volumes used as spatial references, e.g., treatment or imaging device isocenter or fiducial markers."
      "code" : "130044",
      "display" : "Fixation or Positioning Device",
      "definition" : "Device used to reproducibly position or limit the motion of a patient or portion of a patient during treatment."
      "code" : "130045",
      "display" : "Brachytherapy Device",
      "definition" : "Device used to deliver Brachtherapy treatments. This includes both devices containing radioactive sources (seeds, eye plaques) and devices used to position radioactive sources (source applicators, channels etc.)."
      "code" : "130046",
      "display" : "Non-specific Volume",
      "definition" : "A volume that does not represent a named physical entity."
      "code" : "130047",
      "display" : "External Body Structure",
      "definition" : "A volume representing the external shape of the patient body used in radiotherapeutic procedures."
      "code" : "130048",
      "display" : "Unclassified Volume",
      "definition" : "A volume that does not correspond to an identifiable physical entity and has user specified boundaries."
      "code" : "130049",
      "display" : "CTV Nodal",
      "definition" : "Clinical Target Volume encompassing diseased lymph node(s) , with margin to include surrounding sub-clinical disease as defined in ."
      "code" : "130050",
      "display" : "CTV Primary",
      "definition" : "Clinical Target Volume encompassing primary tumor(s) , with margin to include surrounding sub-clinical disease as defined in ."
      "code" : "130051",
      "display" : "GTV Nodal",
      "definition" : "Gross Tumor Volume encompassing diseased lymph nodes as defined in ."
      "code" : "130052",
      "display" : "GTV Primary",
      "definition" : "Gross Tumor Volume encompassing primary tumor(s) as defined in ."
      "code" : "130053",
      "display" : "PTV Nodal",
      "definition" : "Planning Target Volume encompassing a nodal CTV, with margin to account for uncertainty in patient positioning and organ motion as defined in ."
      "code" : "130054",
      "display" : "PTV Primary",
      "definition" : "Planning Target Volume encompassing a primary CTV, with margin to account for uncertainty in patient positioning and organ motion as defined in ."
      "code" : "130055",
      "display" : "Entire Body Target Volume",
      "definition" : "Entire Body as a target volume for radiotherapy treatment. The usual term for a treatment technique irradiating this target is Full Body Irradiation."
      "code" : "130056",
      "display" : "ITV",
      "definition" : "Internal Target Volume encompassing the CTV, with margin to account for internal motion, often delineated using multiple images, e.g., acquired over a breathing cycle, cardiac cycle, etc, as defined in ."
      "code" : "130057",
      "display" : "Planning Organ At Risk Volume",
      "definition" : "Volume encompassing the Organ At Risk (Planning organ at Risk Volume (PRV)) with margin to account for uncertainty in patient positioning and organ motion as defined in ."
      "code" : "130058",
      "display" : "Avoidance Volume",
      "definition" : "Volume to which delivered radiation dose should be minimized or limited as defined in ."
      "code" : "130059",
      "display" : "Treated Volume",
      "definition" : "Volume enclosed by an isodose surface appropriate to achieve the purpose of treatment (e.g., tumor eradication or palliation) as defined in ."
      "code" : "130060",
      "display" : "Organ At Risk",
      "definition" : "Normal tissue that receives undesired radiation and may be damaged by the radiation treatment as defined in . The treatment is typically planned to limit the radiation dose to such an organ."
      "code" : "130061",
      "display" : "Radiation Dose Shaping Volume",
      "definition" : "A volume used to express dosimetric constraints for shaping the radiation dose distribution."
      "code" : "130062",
      "display" : "Conformality Shell",
      "definition" : "A volume surrounding the target to achive a high radiation dose gradient using a low radiation dose constraint."
      "code" : "130063",
      "display" : "Radiation Dose Normalization Point",
      "definition" : "A point for which a specific radiation dose value is chosen. The rest of the radiation dose distribution is normalized against\" this value."
      "code" : "130064",
      "display" : "Radiation Dose Reference Point",
      "definition" : "A point at which the radiation dose is observed."
      "code" : "130065",
      "display" : "Dose Calculation Bounding Volume",
      "definition" : "Volume for which radiation dose is calculated."
      "code" : "130066",
      "display" : "Radiation Interaction Volume",
      "definition" : "Volume in which the interaction of radiation with matter is taken into account."
      "code" : "130067",
      "display" : "Patient Anatomy Model",
      "definition" : "The external boundary of patient tissue without additional devices."
      "code" : "130068",
      "display" : "Extended Patient Anatomy Model",
      "definition" : "The external boundary of patient tissue plus devices that may be attached or adjacent to the body (such as Bolus, Patient Support Devices, Patient Immobilization Devices)."
      "code" : "130069",
      "display" : "Patient Setup Point",
      "definition" : "Point at which the patient is initially positioned prior to any other positioning procedure."
      "code" : "130070",
      "display" : "Room Laser Patient Setup Point",
      "definition" : "A reference point used for patient setup based on room lasers."
      "code" : "130071",
      "display" : "Moveable Laser Patient Setup Point",
      "definition" : "A reference point used for patient setup based on movable lasers."
      "code" : "130072",
      "display" : "Reference Acquisition Point",
      "definition" : "A reference point at which patient position verification references are acquired."
      "code" : "130073",
      "display" : "Isocentric Treatment Location Point",
      "definition" : "A point representing the machine isocenter."
      "code" : "130074",
      "display" : "Specified Conformity Index",
      "definition" : "The Conformity Index for a Dosimetric Objective as defined in , page 335."
      "code" : "130075",
      "display" : "Specified Healthy Tissue Conformity Index",
      "definition" : "The Healthy Tissue Conformity Index for a Dosimetric Objective as defined in , page 335."
      "code" : "130076",
      "display" : "Specified Conformation Number",
      "definition" : "The Conformation Number for a Dosimetric Objective as defined in , page 335."
      "code" : "130077",
      "display" : "Specified Homogeneity Index",
      "definition" : "The Homogeneity Index for a Dosimetric Objective as defined in , page 335."
      "code" : "130078",
      "display" : "Brachytherapy Source Applicator",
      "definition" : "Source applicator used in brachytherapy treatment delivery"
      "code" : "130079",
      "display" : "Brachytherapy Channel Shield",
      "definition" : "Channel shield device used in brachytherapy treatment delivery"
      "code" : "130080",
      "display" : "Brachytherapy Channel",
      "definition" : "Channel device used in brachytherapy treatment delivery"
      "code" : "130081",
      "display" : "Unclassified Combination",
      "definition" : "A logical combination of two or more volumes for which the combination is not classified."
      "code" : "130082",
      "display" : "Relative Mass Density",
      "definition" : "Ratio of the mass density of a material relative to the mass density of water."
      "code" : "130083",
      "display" : "Relative Electron Density",
      "definition" : "Ratio of the electron density of a material relative to the electron density of water."
      "code" : "130084",
      "display" : "Effective Z",
      "definition" : "The average atomic number of a material."
      "code" : "130085",
      "display" : "Effective Z per A",
      "definition" : "Ratio of effective atomic number to mass (AMU -1) for a material."
      "code" : "130086",
      "display" : "Relative Linear Stopping Power",
      "definition" : "Ratio of the linear stopping power of a material to the linear stopping power of water."
      "code" : "130087",
      "display" : "Reference Energy",
      "definition" : "An energy value which qualifies a quantity or parameter whose value is defined in respect to this energy."
      "code" : "130088",
      "display" : "Linear Cell Kill Factor",
      "definition" : "Linear Cell Kill Factor (α) as defined in J. Deacon et al (Rad. Onc 2(4) : 317-323, 1984), page 318-"
      "code" : "130089",
      "display" : "Quadratic Cell Kill Factor",
      "definition" : "Quadratic Cell Kill Factor (β) as defined in J. Deacon et al (Rad. Onc 2(4) : 317-323, 1984), page 318."
      "code" : "130090",
      "display" : "High Dose Fraction Linear Cell Kill Factor",
      "definition" : "High Dose Fraction Linear Cell Kill Factor (γ) as defined in Frederick W. McKenna et (J. Med. Phys, 36(2) : 100-106, 2011), page 102."
      "code" : "130091",
      "display" : "Half-time for Tissue Repair",
      "definition" : "Half-time for Tissue Repair as defined in R Singh R, et al. (Medical Dosimetry 28(4) : 225-259, 2003), page 256."
      "code" : "130092",
      "display" : "High Dose Fraction Transition Dose",
      "definition" : "High Dose Fraction Transition Dose as defined in Astrahan, M. (Med. Phys., 35(9) : 4161-4172, 2008), page 4164."
      "code" : "130093",
      "display" : "Atomic Number",
      "definition" : "The atomic number of an element, i.e. the number of protons found in the nucleus of an atom."
      "code" : "130094",
      "display" : "Elemental Composition Atomic Mass Fraction",
      "definition" : "The fractional weight of the element in a compound."
      "code" : "130095",
      "display" : "alpha gEUD Value",
      "definition" : "Tissue-specific parameter that describes the volume effect of radiation dose delivered to a volume.See AAPM Report 166 (http://www.aapm.org/pubs/reports/RPT_166.pdf) for additional information."
      "code" : "130096",
      "display" : "Single Fraction",
      "definition" : "A treatment consisting of a single treatment fraction, e.g., for stereotactic treatments."
      "code" : "130097",
      "display" : "Standard Fractionation",
      "definition" : "A treatment consisting of a one treatment fraction per day, typically 1.8-2.0 Gy per treatment fraction."
      "code" : "130098",
      "display" : "Hypo-fractionation",
      "definition" : "A treatment consisting of a reduced number of treatment fractions relative to a standard fractionation, typically with a higher radiation dose per fraction."
      "code" : "130099",
      "display" : "Hyper-fractionation",
      "definition" : "A treatment consisting of an increased number of fractions relative to a standard fractionation, typically two per day with smaller radiation dose per fraction."
      "code" : "130100",
      "display" : "Continuous Temporary",
      "definition" : "A treatment consisting of a continuous delivery using a temporary implant."
      "code" : "130101",
      "display" : "Continuous Permanent",
      "definition" : "A treatment consisting of a continuous delivery using a permanent implant."
      "code" : "130102",
      "display" : "Static Beam",
      "definition" : "A treatment technique in which the field shape and the source position do not change during delivery."
      "code" : "130103",
      "display" : "Arc Beam",
      "definition" : "A treatment technique in which the field shape does not change during delivery while the source position follows an arc."
      "code" : "130104",
      "display" : "Conformal Arc Beam",
      "definition" : "A treatment technique in which the field shape changes during delivery while the source position follows an arc."
      "code" : "130105",
      "display" : "Step and Shoot Beam",
      "definition" : "A treatment technique in which the field shape does not change during an exposure. Several field shapes may be used in different exposures at the same source position."
      "code" : "130106",
      "display" : "Sliding Window Beam",
      "definition" : "A treatment technique in which the field shape continously changes during an exposure at the same source position."
      "code" : "130107",
      "display" : "VMAT",
      "definition" : "A treatment technique in which the field shape, gantry speed and radiation dose rate changes during delivery while the source position follows an arc.Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT)."
      "code" : "130108",
      "display" : "Helical Beam",
      "definition" : "A treatment technique in which the field shape continously changes during delivery while the source position follows a continous arc in parallel to a simultaneous patient support movement."
      "code" : "130109",
      "display" : "Topographic Beam",
      "definition" : "A treatment technique in which the field shape and the source position do not change during\" delivery while the patient support is moving."
      "code" : "130110",
      "display" : "Headframe",
      "definition" : "A device attached to the tabletop that is also screwed into the skull of the patient's head to position and orient the head in a prescribed geometry relative to the tabletop. The device is commonly known as a \"halo\"."
      "code" : "130111",
      "display" : "Head Mask",
      "definition" : "A device that is placed over the patient's face and attached to the tabletop to prevent the patient from moving relative to the tabletop."
      "code" : "130112",
      "display" : "Head and Neck Mask",
      "definition" : "A device that is placed over the patient's face and neck and attached to the tabletop to prevent the patient from moving relative to the tabletop."
      "code" : "130113",
      "display" : "Mold",
      "definition" : "A device that is modified by pressure (molded) to fit another object (such as the patient\"s anatomy) and then used to control the reproducibility of the patient\"s treatment position."
      "code" : "130114",
      "display" : "Cast",
      "definition" : "A device that is fabricated from a mold of another object (like the patient\"s anatomy) and then used to control the reproducibility of the patient\"s treatment position."
      "code" : "130116",
      "display" : "Breast Board",
      "definition" : "A device placed on the tabletop to support the chest and arms of a patient in a prescribed position and orientation."
      "code" : "130117",
      "display" : "Body Frame",
      "definition" : "A device placed beneath a patient to support the whole body in a prescribed position and orientation relative to the table top."
      "code" : "130118",
      "display" : "Vacuum Mold",
      "definition" : "A device placed beneath a patient to support a body part in a prescribed position and orientation relative to the table top. It is commonly a bag containing low density polystyrene spheres that becomes semi-hard when vacuum is applied conforming to the bottom surface of the patient."
      "code" : "130119",
      "display" : "Whole Body Pod",
      "definition" : "A device placed beneath a patient to support the whole body in a prescribed position and orientation relative to the table top. It is commonly shaped like a hollow half cylinder. The space between the patient and the wall is commonly filled with a dual component foam that hardens conforming to the bottom surface of the patient."
      "code" : "130120",
      "display" : "Rectal Balloon",
      "definition" : "A flexible fluid container inserted into the rectum to maintain an immovable geometry during treatment."
      "code" : "130121",
      "display" : "Vaginal Cylinder",
      "definition" : "An intracavity cylinder inserted into the vagina to achieve greater radiation dose control and radiation dose shaping. Radioactive sources are inserted into the cylinder for treatment."
      "code" : "130123",
      "display" : "Aperture Block",
      "definition" : "A device, typically made of a low temperature alloy, such as Lipowitz\"s metal, that provides an opening in a beam block with constant attenuation across an area of the beam to prevent or reduce radiation dose delivery to normal tissues."
      "code" : "130124",
      "display" : "Accessory Tray",
      "definition" : "A device placed into a machine slot or an applicator to which accessories are attached."
      "code" : "130125",
      "display" : "Radiotherapy Applicator",
      "definition" : "A device placed into a radiotherapy machine slot which provide slot to add other devices and/or to limit the beam."
      "code" : "130126",
      "display" : "Radiation transport-based methods",
      "definition" : "A category of methods for the calculation of effective dose that are based on radiation transport and are used to predict the Relative Biological Effectiveness of an ion beam based on the quality of the radiation used.[Wambersie A, RBE, reference RBE and clinical RBE: Applications of these concepts in hadron therapy, Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 1999 June, 175(2) : 39-43][Paganetti H, et al., Relative biological effectiveness (RBE) values for proton beam therapy, Int J Rad. Onc Biol Phys, 2002 June; 53(2) : 407-421]"
      "code" : "130127",
      "display" : "Fractionation-based or temporally-based methods",
      "definition" : "A category of methods for the calculation of effective dose that are based on Fractionation or temporal patterns and are used to predict the Biologically Effective Dose.[Thames HD, Hendry JH. Fractionation in radiotherapy. New York: Taylor & Francis; 1987][Barendsen, G.W (1982) Dose fractionation, dose rate and iso-effect relationships for normal tissue responses, Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 8 (11) : 1981-1997.]"
      "code" : "130128",
      "display" : "Local Effect Model",
      "definition" : "The Local Effect Model (LEM) method used to predict the Relative Biological Effectiveness of dose delivered using ion beams.[Grun, R. Friedrich, T. Elasasser, T. Kramer, M. Zink, K. Karger, C. P. Durante, M. Engenhard-Cabillic, R. Scholz, M. (2012) \"Impact of enhancements in the local effect model (LEM) on the predicted RBE-weighted target dose distribution in carbon ion therapy\" Physics in Medicine and Biology 57: 7261 - 7274.]"
      "code" : "130129",
      "display" : "Microdosimetric Kinetic Model",
      "definition" : "The Microdosimetric Kinetic Model (MKM) \" used to predict the Relative Biological Effectiveness of dose delivered using ion beams.[Inaniwa, T. Furukawa, T. Kase, Y. Matsufuji, N. Toshito, T. Matsumoto, Y. Furusawa, Y. Node, K. (2010) \"Treatment planning for a scanned carbon beam with a modified microdosimetric kinetic model\" Physics in Medicine and Biology 55: 6721 - 6737.]"
      "code" : "130130",
      "display" : "Equivalent 2-Gray Fractions Model",
      "definition" : "The linear quadratic model usedto compute the equivalent Biologically Effective Dose (BED) delivered in 2 Gray dose fractions.[Fowler JF. The linear-quadratic formula and progress in fractionated radiotherapy. Br J Radiol. 1989 Aug; 62 (740) : 679-94.]"
      "code" : "130131",
      "display" : "Linear-Quadratic Model",
      "definition" : "The linear quadratic model usedto compute the equivalent Biologically Effective Dose (BED) delivered at an infinitely low dose-rate.[Fowler JF, Br J Radiol. 1989; 62: 679-694]"
      "code" : "130132",
      "display" : "Linear-Quadratic Model with Time Factor",
      "definition" : "The modified linear quadratic model with time factor method usedto compute the equivalent Biologically Effective Dose (BED) delivered at an infinitely low dose-rate, taking into account tumor repopulation during treatment.[Fowler JF, Semin. Radiat. Oncol. 1992; 2(1) : 16-21]"
      "code" : "130133",
      "display" : "Linear-Quadratic-Linear Model",
      "definition" : "The linear-quadratic-linear dose-response model usedto compute the equivalent Biologically Effective Dose (BED) delivered at an infinitely low dose-rate, taking into account linear cell survival with high dose fractions.[Astrahan M, Med.Phys. 2008; 35: 4161-4172]"
      "code" : "130134",
      "display" : "Linear-Quadratic Model for Low-Dose Rate Brachytherapy",
      "definition" : "The linear-quadratic dose-response model modified for low-dose rate brachytherapy used to compute the equivalent Biologically Effective Dose (BED) delivered at an infinitely low dose-rate.[Sing R, Al-Hallaq H, Med.Dosim. 2003; 28(4) : 225-259]"
      "code" : "130135",
      "display" : "Historical RT Prescription",
      "definition" : "A Radiotherapy prescription prescribed prior to the current prescription."
      "code" : "130136",
      "display" : "RT Prescription Input Images",
      "definition" : "Image Instances available as input for prescribing a Radiotherapy treatment prescription."
      "code" : "130137",
      "display" : "RT Treatment Planning Input Images",
      "definition" : "Image Instances available as input for planning a Radiotherapy treatment plan."
      "code" : "130138",
      "display" : "Multiple Fixed Sources",
      "definition" : "A treatment technique using multiple decaying radiation sources at fixed spatial locations."
      "code" : "130139",
      "display" : "Synchronized Robotic Treatment",
      "definition" : "A treatment technique using a robotic delivery device with real-time motion tracking and compensation."
      "code" : "130140",
      "display" : "Non-Synchronized Robotic Treatment",
      "definition" : "A treatment technique using a robotic delivery device without real-time motion tracking and compensation."
      "code" : "130141",
      "display" : "^3^Helium nucleus",
      "definition" : "Ionized helium atom with 2 protons and 1 neutron."
      "code" : "130142",
      "display" : "^4^Helium nucleus",
      "definition" : "Ionized helium atom with 2 protons and 2 neutrons."
      "code" : "130143",
      "display" : "^12^Carbon nucleus",
      "definition" : "Ionized carbon atom with 6 protons and 6 neutrons."
      "code" : "130144",
      "display" : "^16^Oxygen nucleus",
      "definition" : "Ionized oxygen atom with 8 protons and 8 neutrons."
      "code" : "130150",
      "display" : "Pressure above warning limit",
      "definition" : "The injector device detected a pressure above the warning threshold, generated a warning and did not automatically terminate the administration."
      "code" : "130151",
      "display" : "Pressure above adjustment limit",
      "definition" : "The injector device detected a pressure above the adjustment limit, took compensating action and did not automatically terminate the administration."
      "code" : "130152",
      "display" : "Flow rate above warning limit",
      "definition" : "The injector device detected a flow rate above the warning threshold, generated a warning and did not automatically terminate the administration."
      "code" : "130153",
      "display" : "Flow rate above adjustment limit",
      "definition" : "The injector device detected a flow rate above the adjustment limit, took compensating action and did not automatically terminate the administration."
      "code" : "130154",
      "display" : "Terminated due to request from operator",
      "definition" : "The injector device terminated the administration due to detection of an abort request by the operator."
      "code" : "130155",
      "display" : "Fixed duration pause ended",
      "definition" : "The device detected that a pause duration has been reached and the device resumed automatically."
      "code" : "130156",
      "display" : "Terminated due to pressure above termination limit",
      "definition" : "The injector device detected a pressure above the termination limit and automatically terminated the administration."
      "code" : "130157",
      "display" : "Terminated due to flow rate above termination limit",
      "definition" : "The injector device detected a flow rate above the termination limit and automatically terminated the administration."
      "code" : "130158",
      "display" : "Terminated due to excessive duration pause",
      "definition" : "The Injector device detected that a pause duration has exceeded limit and the injector device terminated the administration."
      "code" : "130159",
      "display" : "Terminated due to injector communication loss",
      "definition" : "The injector device detected a communication loss and automaticallyterminated the administration."
      "code" : "130160",
      "display" : "Terminated due to unspecified injector failure",
      "definition" : "The injector device detected an unspecified failure and automaticallyterminated the administration."
      "code" : "130161",
      "display" : "Keep vein open started",
      "definition" : "The injector device started saline flow for the purpose of keeping vein open."
      "code" : "130162",
      "display" : "Keep vein open ended",
      "definition" : "The injector device ended saline flow for the purpose of keeping vein open."
      "code" : "130163",
      "display" : "Syringe attached",
      "definition" : "The injector device detected that a syringe was attached to the injector."
      "code" : "130164",
      "display" : "Syringe detached",
      "definition" : "The injector device detected that a syringe was detached from the injector."
      "code" : "130165",
      "display" : "Total Keep Vein Open Volume Administered",
      "definition" : "Total volume of flush delivered by the keep vein open function of the injector."
      "code" : "130168",
      "display" : "Automatic Programmed Administration Phase",
      "definition" : "An administration phase where fluid is being delivered by an injector system according to the programmed instructions."
      "code" : "130169",
      "display" : "Automatic Programmed Delay Phase",
      "definition" : "An administration phase where fluid delivery is stopped by the injector system until a programmed time elapses."
      "code" : "130170",
      "display" : "Automatic with Manual Hold Phase",
      "definition" : "An administration phase where the fluid is delivered automatically by an injector system and stopped under manual control by the operator."
      "code" : "130171",
      "display" : "Automated Manual Inject Phase",
      "definition" : "An administration phase where the fluid is delivered by the injector system under manual control by the operator."
      "code" : "130172",
      "display" : "Manually Triggered Injection Information",
      "definition" : "Information only available if injection was triggered manually."
      "code" : "130173",
      "display" : "Automated Administration",
      "definition" : "An administration mode where the fluid is delivered by a mechanical injector system."
      "code" : "130174",
      "display" : "Manual Administration",
      "definition" : "An administration mode where the substance is delivered manually"
      "code" : "130175",
      "display" : "Air detected",
      "definition" : "The injector device detected air in the tubing or syringe before or during the Imaging Agent administration and did not automatically terminate the administration."
      "code" : "130176",
      "display" : "Terminated due to air detected",
      "definition" : "The injector device detected air in the tubing or syringe and terminated the administration."
      "code" : "130177",
      "display" : "Terminated by scanner",
      "definition" : "The injector device received instruction from scanner to terminate the administration and terminated the administration."
      "code" : "130178",
      "display" : "Terminated due to critical battery level",
      "definition" : "The injector device detected critical battery level and terminated the administration."
      "code" : "130179",
      "display" : "Terminated due to consumable removal",
      "definition" : "The injector device detected removal of a consumable from the injector device and terminated the administration."
      "code" : "130181",
      "display" : "Administration Mode",
      "definition" : "A code that specifies how the Imaging Agent is administered to the patient."
      "code" : "130182",
      "display" : "Planned Imaging Agent Administration Procedure Report",
      "definition" : "A report of the planned patient-specific Imaging Agent administration steps."
      "code" : "130183",
      "display" : "Imaging Agent Information",
      "definition" : "Description of a specific Imaging Agent that was planned or was administered."
      "code" : "130184",
      "display" : "Osmolality at 37C",
      "definition" : "Number of osmoles of solute per kilogram of solvent at 37°C."
      "code" : "130185",
      "display" : "Osmolarity at 37C",
      "definition" : "Number of osmoles of solute per liter (L) at 37°C."
      "code" : "130186",
      "display" : "Viscosity at 37C",
      "definition" : "A measure of a resistance of a fluid to gradual deformation by stress, measured at 37°C."
      "code" : "130187",
      "display" : "Imaging Agent Warmed",
      "definition" : "Indicates if an Imaging Agent was warmed prior to the administration procedure."
      "code" : "130188",
      "display" : "Contrast Transverse Relaxivity",
      "definition" : "The degree to which a paramagnetic contrast agent can enhance the proton transverse relaxation rate constant (R2, 1/T2), normalized to the concentration of the contrast agent.Also referred to as r2. Typically expressed in units l/mmol/s."
      "code" : "130189",
      "display" : "Is Ionic",
      "definition" : "Indicates whether the Imaging Agent is Ionic or non-ionic."
      "code" : "130190",
      "display" : "Dosing Factor",
      "definition" : "Indicates normalized dose of Imaging Agent per kg of patient weight. Typically recommended by the vendor.For e.g,. grams Iodine per Kg (gI / Kg)."
      "code" : "130191",
      "display" : "Imaging Agent Component Usage",
      "definition" : "Information about use of Imaging Agent component(s)."
      "code" : "130192",
      "display" : "Imaging Agent Administration Steps",
      "definition" : "Information about list of administration steps for administering Imaging Agent."
      "code" : "130193",
      "display" : "Pressure Limit",
      "definition" : "A limit set at the power injector device indicating the maximum allowed pressure planned for administering the Imaging Agent."
      "code" : "130194",
      "display" : "Time after the start of injection",
      "definition" : "Time after the start of injection of a delivered Imaging Agent administration."
      "code" : "130195",
      "display" : "Imaging Agent Administration Step",
      "definition" : "An individual administration step in the Imaging Agent administration plan."
      "code" : "130196",
      "display" : "Imaging Agent Administration Step Identifier",
      "definition" : "Identifies a step in an Imaging Agent administration plan."
      "code" : "130197",
      "display" : "Imaging Agent Administration Delay",
      "definition" : "Time difference between the nominal start of the administration step and the actual start of Imaging Agent administration."
      "code" : "130198",
      "display" : "Scan Delay",
      "definition" : "Time delay for start of image acquisition after start of Imaging Agent administration."
      "code" : "130199",
      "display" : "Imaging Agent Administration Steps Description",
      "definition" : "Description of Imaging Agent administration plan."
      "code" : "130200",
      "display" : "Imaging Agent Administration Protocol Name",
      "definition" : "Protocol name for Imaging Agent administration."
      "code" : "130202",
      "display" : "Imaging Agent Administration Phase",
      "definition" : "Information about a delivery phase of an Imaging Agent administration step."
      "code" : "130203",
      "display" : "Imaging Agent Administration Phase Identifier",
      "definition" : "Identifies a phase in an Imaging Agent administration step."
      "code" : "130204",
      "display" : "Imaging Agent Administration Phase Type",
      "definition" : "Type of phase in an Imaging Agent administration step."
      "code" : "130205",
      "display" : "Initial Volume of Imaging Agent in Container",
      "definition" : "The volume of the Imaging Agent in an Imaging Agent container before administration."
      "code" : "130206",
      "display" : "Residual Volume of Imaging Agent in Container",
      "definition" : "The volume of the Imaging Agent remaining in the Imaging Agent container after administration."
      "code" : "130207",
      "display" : "Rise Time",
      "definition" : "Time for the injector to build up from zero to the set pressure."
      "code" : "130208",
      "display" : "Starting Flow Rate of administration",
      "definition" : "Flow rate at the start of an administration of the Imaging Agent."
      "code" : "130209",
      "display" : "Ending Flow Rate of administration",
      "definition" : "Flow rate at the end of an administration of the Imaging Agent."
      "code" : "130210",
      "display" : "Bolus Shaping Curve",
      "definition" : "A vendor-specific code indicating the shape of the flow rate curve within an administration phase."
      "code" : "130211",
      "display" : "Imaging Agent Administration Completion Status",
      "definition" : "The status of the Imaging Agent administration procedure at completion as reported by the automated injector or by the administering person."
      "code" : "130212",
      "display" : "Imaging Agent Administration Adverse Events",
      "definition" : "Information about adverse events occurring during administration of an Imaging Agent."
      "code" : "130214",
      "display" : "Estimated Extravasation Volume",
      "definition" : "The estimated volume lost at the injection site.The estimation includes extravasation, paravenous administration and leakage at the injection site."
      "code" : "130215",
      "display" : "Adverse Event Detection DateTime",
      "definition" : "Date and Time when an adverse event was noticed by the observer."
      "code" : "130216",
      "display" : "Referenced Imaging Agent Administration Step UID",
      "definition" : "The unique identifier of the Imaging Agent administration step being referenced."
      "code" : "130217",
      "display" : "Referenced Imaging Agent Administration Phase Identifier",
      "definition" : "The identifier of an Imaging Agent administration phase being referenced."
      "code" : "130218",
      "display" : "Programmable Injector Device",
      "definition" : "An injector device that can be configured to execute a series of phases automatically."
      "code" : "130219",
      "display" : "Number of Injector Heads",
      "definition" : "Number of injector heads or pumps (single, dual or many) in an injector device."
      "code" : "130220",
      "display" : "Administration discontinued",
      "definition" : "Whether the agent administration was discontinued."
      "code" : "130221",
      "display" : "Imaging Agent Volume per Unit of Presentation",
      "definition" : "The volume of Imaging Agent in one unit of presentation. The capacity of the unit of presentation may be larger than this."
      "code" : "130222",
      "display" : "Imaging Agent Administration Consumable",
      "definition" : "Information about the Imaging Agent accessory or consumable used for performing the Imaging Agent administration."
      "code" : "130223",
      "display" : "Imaging Agent Administration Consumable Type",
      "definition" : "Type of consumable used for performing the Imaging Agent administration."
      "code" : "130224",
      "display" : "Consumable is New",
      "definition" : "If the consumable is installed newly during the preparation process for this Imaging Agent Administration."
      "code" : "130226",
      "display" : "Planned Imaging Agent Administration",
      "definition" : "Information about the Imaging Agent administration steps that is patient-specific."
      "code" : "130227",
      "display" : "Performed Imaging Agent Administration",
      "definition" : "Information about the Imaging Agent administration steps that were delivered to a patient."
      "code" : "130228",
      "display" : "Contrast Volume Limit",
      "definition" : "The maximum volume of contrast agent allowed to be administered.This is typically specified by the prescribing health care professional for patient safety and quality purposes."
      "code" : "130229",
      "display" : "Flow Rate vs Time",
      "definition" : "Graph depicting the measurement of flow rate of fluid against time."
      "code" : "130230",
      "display" : "Pressure vs Time",
      "definition" : "Graph depicting the measurement of pressure of fluid against time."
      "code" : "130231",
      "display" : "Barcode Value",
      "definition" : "The alphanumeric string from reading a barcode."
      "code" : "130232",
      "display" : "Imaging Agent Administration Graph",
      "definition" : "Information about two-dimensional graph data for a syringe or pump."
      "code" : "130233",
      "display" : "Imaging Agent Administration Injector Events",
      "definition" : "Information about events that occurred at an injector during an Imaging Agent administration."
      "code" : "130234",
      "display" : "Imaging Agent Administration Injector Event Type",
      "definition" : "Type of event that occurred at an injector during an Imaging Agent administration."
      "code" : "130235",
      "display" : "Injector Event Detection DateTime",
      "definition" : "Date and time when an injector event was detected."
      "code" : "130236",
      "display" : "Planned Imaging Agent Administration SOP Instance",
      "definition" : "Reference to a Planned Imaging Agent Administration SOP instance."
      "code" : "130237",
      "display" : "Imaging Agent Administration Activity",
      "definition" : "Information about the activity in an Imaging Agent administration phase. In an Automated Injection system this describes the activity of one of the pump or syringe units used."
      "code" : "130238",
      "display" : "Imaging Agent Component",
      "definition" : "Information about a component of an Imaging Agent."
      "code" : "130239",
      "display" : "Component Volume",
      "definition" : "Volume of one agent component in a mixture of multiple components."
      "code" : "130240",
      "display" : "Total Phase Volume Administered",
      "definition" : "Total volume administered by all syringes/pump actions during a single phase."
      "code" : "130241",
      "display" : "Total Step Volume Administered",
      "definition" : "Total volume administered by all syringes/pump actions within all phases during a single Step."
      "code" : "130242",
      "display" : "Total number of manually triggered injections",
      "definition" : "Total number of times that an injection was triggered manually."
      "code" : "130244",
      "display" : "Peak Flow Rate in Phase Activity",
      "definition" : "Peak flow rate value detected at a specific location (syringe or pump) during a specific activity of an administration phase."
      "code" : "130245",
      "display" : "Peak Pressure in Phase Activity",
      "definition" : "Peak pressure value detected at a location (syringe or pump) during a single administration phase activity."
      "code" : "130246",
      "display" : "Imaging Agent Administration Performed Step UID",
      "definition" : "Unique identification of a single performed Imaging Agent administration step actually delivered on a specific occasion"
      "code" : "130247",
      "display" : "Patency Test Injection",
      "definition" : "An injection of an inactive agent to test for blockages or leakages in the delivery path, usually performed prior to an administration of an imaging or therapeutic agent."
      "code" : "130248",
      "display" : "Transit Time Test Injection",
      "definition" : "An injection of a bolus of Imaging Agent to determine the appropriate delay time for a diagnostic administration."
      "code" : "130249",
      "display" : "Diagnostic Administration",
      "definition" : "Administration of an Imaging Agent for the purpose of enhancing contrast in an image."
      "code" : "130250",
      "display" : "Administration Step Type",
      "definition" : "Type of step in an Imaging Agent administration. For example, a test administration or a diagnostic administration."
      "code" : "130251",
      "display" : "Flush Administration",
      "definition" : "Injection of an inactive fluid to clear the administration path of an active agent."
      "code" : "130252",
      "display" : "Negative exponential",
      "definition" : "A curve that decays exponentially from a specified start value, at a specified decay rate."
      "code" : "130253",
      "display" : "Linear Curve",
      "definition" : "A curve that changes linearly from a specified start value to a specified end value.Note: The start value and the end value may be the same, indicating a flat curve."
      "code" : "130254",
      "display" : "Imaging Agent Identifier",
      "definition" : "Identifies an Imaging Agent uniquely within a set of Imaging Agents. The Imaging Agent may be a single component or a mix of multiple components."
      "code" : "130255",
      "display" : "Referenced Imaging Agent Identifier",
      "definition" : "The identifier of an Imaging Agent being referenced."
      "code" : "130257",
      "display" : "Consumable Catheter Type",
      "definition" : "Type of catheter used for Imaging Agent administration."
      "code" : "130259",
      "display" : "Contrast Reaction Prophylactic Agent",
      "definition" : "A pharmaceutical agent administered as a pre-medication to prevent contrast reactions."
      "code" : "130261",
      "display" : "Imaging Agent Administration Performed Phase UID",
      "definition" : "Unique identification of a single Imaging Agent administration performed phase."
      "code" : "130262",
      "display" : "Referenced Imaging Agent Administration Phase UID",
      "definition" : "The unique identifier of the Imaging Agent administration performed phase being referenced"
      "code" : "130263",
      "display" : "Automatic Programmed Wait Phase",
      "definition" : "A non time-determined administration phase that is not automatically terminated, where fluid delivery is stopped until manually resumed."
      "code" : "130264",
      "display" : "Imaging Agent Administration Injector Phase Identifier",
      "definition" : "The Imaging Agent Administration Injector Phase Identifier used for presenting this Phase to the User Interface of the injector. Not necessarily the same as the Imaging Agent Administration Phase Identifier of the IAASR Plan."
      "code" : "130265",
      "display" : "Imaging Agent Administration Phase with Manual Hold",
      "definition" : "Indicator for marking this phase as a Automated Administration Phase, which has undergone a manual hold during execution."
      "code" : "130266",
      "display" : "Programmed hold started",
      "definition" : "A programmed administration phase initiated an injector hold/wait state."
      "code" : "130267",
      "display" : "Manual hold started",
      "definition" : "A manual intervention of the technologist initiated an injector hold/wait state."
      "code" : "130268",
      "display" : "Manual resume from hold",
      "definition" : "A manual intervention of the technologist has resumed injector fluid administration. It does not matter if the hold/wait state was initiated programmed or manually."
      "code" : "130269",
      "display" : "Terminated hold due to timeout",
      "definition" : "The injector terminated injection processing from hold/wait after exceeding a time limit."
      "code" : "130290",
      "display" : "Median",
      "definition" : "Towards the mid-sagittal plane of the body."
      "code" : "130300",
      "display" : "Skin of paraspinal area of the neck",
      "definition" : "Structure of skin of paraspinal area of the neck."
      "code" : "130301",
      "display" : "Skin of paraspinal area of the superior back",
      "definition" : "Structure of skin of paraspinal area of the superior back."
      "code" : "130302",
      "display" : "Skin of upper paraspinal region",
      "definition" : "Structure of skin of upper paraspinal region."
      "code" : "130303",
      "display" : "Skin of mid paraspinal region",
      "definition" : "Structure of skin of mid paraspinal region."
      "code" : "130304",
      "display" : "Skin of lower paraspinal region",
      "definition" : "Structure of skin of lower paraspinal region."
      "code" : "130305",
      "display" : "Skin of anterior helix of ear",
      "definition" : "Structure of skin of anterior helix of ear."
      "code" : "130306",
      "display" : "Skin of caruncle of eye",
      "definition" : "Structure of skin of caruncle of eye."
      "code" : "130307",
      "display" : "Skin of inferior helix of ear",
      "definition" : "Structure of skin of inferior helix of ear."
      "code" : "130308",
      "display" : "Skin of inferior posterior surface of the pinna",
      "definition" : "Structure of skin of inferior posterior surface of the pinna."
      "code" : "130309",
      "display" : "Skin of lateral part of dorsum of foot",
      "definition" : "Structure of skin of lateral part of dorsum of foot."
      "code" : "130310",
      "display" : "Skin of lower antihelix of ear",
      "definition" : "Structure of skin of lower antihelix of ear."
      "code" : "130311",
      "display" : "Skin of lower eyelid margin",
      "definition" : "Structure of skin of lower eyelid margin."
      "code" : "130312",
      "display" : "Skin of infraalar groove",
      "definition" : "Structure of skin of infraalar groove."
      "code" : "130313",
      "display" : "Skin of medial part of dorsum of foot",
      "definition" : "Structure of skin of medial part of dorsum of foot."
      "code" : "130314",
      "display" : "Skin of paranasal cheek",
      "definition" : "Structure of skin of paranasal cheek."
      "code" : "130315",
      "display" : "Skin of posterior helix of ear",
      "definition" : "Structure of skin of posterior helix of ear."
      "code" : "130316",
      "display" : "Skin of posterior lobule of the ear",
      "definition" : "Structure of skin of posterior lobule of the ear."
      "code" : "130317",
      "display" : "Skin of sole of forefoot",
      "definition" : "Structure of skin of sole of forefoot."
      "code" : "130318",
      "display" : "Skin of superior antihelix of ear",
      "definition" : "Structure of skin of superior antihelix of ear."
      "code" : "130319",
      "display" : "Skin of superior posterior helix of ear",
      "definition" : "Structure of skin of superior posterior helix of ear."
      "code" : "130320",
      "display" : "Skin of superior posterior surface of the pinna",
      "definition" : "Structure of skin of superior posterior surface of the pinna."
      "code" : "130321",
      "display" : "Skin of upper antihelix of ear",
      "definition" : "Structure of skin of upper antihelix of ear."
      "code" : "130322",
      "display" : "Skin of upper eyelid margin",
      "definition" : "Structure of skin of upper eyelid margin."
      "code" : "130323",
      "display" : "Skin of mid back",
      "definition" : "Structure of skin of mid back."
      "code" : "130324",
      "display" : "Functional condition present during acquisition",
      "definition" : "A functional condition present during acquisition, such as phonation, weight bearing, voiding of the bladder or hemodynamic physiological challenges."
      "code" : "130330",
      "display" : "Jaw Pair",
      "definition" : "RT beam limiting device jaw pair"
      "code" : "130331",
      "display" : "Leaf Pairs",
      "definition" : "RT beam limiting device multi-element leaf pairs"
      "code" : "130332",
      "display" : "Variable Circular Collimator",
      "definition" : "A circular, aperture size adjustable beam limiting device for an RT treatment device."
      "code" : "130333",
      "display" : "Single Leaves",
      "definition" : "RT beam limiting device multi-element unpaired leaves"
      "code" : "130334",
      "display" : "X Orientation",
      "definition" : "Oriented in the X direction of a defined coordinate system."
      "code" : "130335",
      "display" : "Y Orientation",
      "definition" : "Oriented in the Y direction of a defined coordinate system."
      "code" : "130340",
      "display" : "Physical Compensator",
      "definition" : "Physical RT external beam compensator to compensate for inhomogeneity."
      "code" : "130341",
      "display" : "Total Body Irradiation",
      "definition" : "RT Treatment irradiating the body of the Patient in part or in whole."
      "code" : "130342",
      "display" : "Total Skin Irradiation",
      "definition" : "RT Treatment irradiating the surface of the skin of the Patient in part or in whole."
      "code" : "126812",
      "display" : "Isocentric Patient Support Continuous Pitch Angle",
      "definition" : "Patient SupportContinuous Pitch Angle at the isocenter position about the x-axis of the Equipment Coordinate System."
      "code" : "126813",
      "display" : "Isocentric Patient Support Continuous Roll Angle",
      "definition" : "Patient Support Continuous Roll Angle at the isocenter position about the y-axis of the Equipment Coordinate System."
      "code" : "126814",
      "display" : "Isocentric Patient Support Continuous Yaw Angle",
      "definition" : "Patient Support Continuous Yaw Angle at the isocenter position about the z-axis of the Equipment Coordinate System."
      "code" : "126815",
      "display" : "Isocentric Patient Support Lateral Position",
      "definition" : "Patient Support Lateral Position along the x-axis of the Equipment Coordinate System."
      "code" : "126816",
      "display" : "Isocentric Patient Support Longitudinal Position",
      "definition" : "Patient Support Longitudinal Position along the y-axis of the Equipment Coordinate System."
      "code" : "126817",
      "display" : "Isocentric Patient Support Vertical Position",
      "definition" : "Patient Support Vertical Position along the z-axis of the Equipment Coordinate System."
      "code" : "130343",
      "display" : "Electron Fixed Aperture",
      "definition" : "A type of device (or cone) for electron treatments that attaches to the applicator carriage of an RT treatment device for the purpose of holding an aperture and a bolus close to the patient's skin. Several beam applicators may be available to reduce the weight of apertures lifted by therapists, decrease the aperture/bolus-to-skin distance, and reduce leakage radiation."
      "code" : "130344",
      "display" : "Photon Fixed Aperture",
      "definition" : "A type of device (or cone) for photon treatments that is attached to the radiation head of an RT treatment device into which beam modifiers are installed."
      "code" : "130345",
      "display" : "Intraoperative Fixed Aperture",
      "definition" : "A type of device which is used to delimit the radiation of an RT treatment device in case of an intraoperative radiotherapeutic treatment."
      "code" : "130346",
      "display" : "Hard Wedge",
      "definition" : "A physical device placed inside the radiation head used to modify the fluence distribution across the field."
      "code" : "130347",
      "display" : "Motorized Wedge",
      "definition" : "A physical device manually placed between the radiation head and the patient used to modify the fluence distribution across the field. It is motorized and can be inserted/extracted from the beam path."
      "code" : "130348",
      "display" : "Dynamic Wedge",
      "definition" : "An effective wedge generated by the movement of a jaw across the treatment field while delivering radiation."
      "code" : "130349",
      "display" : "Graticule",
      "definition" : "Mechanical grid to embed scaling information in a radiographic image"
      "code" : "130350",
      "display" : "Reticle",
      "definition" : "Mechanical crosshair to embed a crosshair representing axes and scaling information in a radiographic image"
      "code" : "130351",
      "display" : "Image Detector",
      "definition" : "An electronic radiographic imaging device"
      "code" : "130352",
      "display" : "Film Holder",
      "definition" : "Mechanical device to hold imaging film"
      "code" : "130353",
      "display" : "Winston-Lutz Pointer",
      "definition" : "A spherical mechanical indicator used for alignment"
      "code" : "130354",
      "display" : "Bowtie Filter",
      "definition" : "A bowtie-shaped filter used in imaging"
      "code" : "130355",
      "display" : "Flattening Filter Beam",
      "definition" : "Beam that uses a filter to produce a nearly uniform intensity profile."
      "code" : "130356",
      "display" : "Non-Flattening Filter Beam",
      "definition" : "Beam that does not use a filter to produce a nearly uniform intensity profile."
      "code" : "130357",
      "display" : "Partial Flattening Filter Beam",
      "definition" : "Beam that uses a filter to produce a nearly uniform region across part of the intensity profile."
      "code" : "128678",
      "display" : "Physics Assistant",
      "definition" : "A medical professional capable of developing a radiotherapy plan from a Physicians prescription and assisting in radiation machine calibration and other radiotherapy quality assurance work under supervision of a Medical Physicist."
      "code" : "130358",
      "display" : "Nominal Radiation Source Location",
      "definition" : "The point location defined as the nominal source of radiation."
      "code" : "130359",
      "display" : "Treatment Machine Isocenter",
      "definition" : "The center point of the treatment machine through which all beam central axes pass under all gantry angles."
      "code" : "130360",
      "display" : "Fixed Laser Setup Point",
      "definition" : "A fixed point at which initial patient setup is performed based on lasers."
      "code" : "130361",
      "display" : "Radiotherapy Treatment Device",
      "definition" : "A device delivering radiotherapy treatments."
      "code" : "130362",
      "display" : "Head Node Set",
      "definition" : "Set of Robotic Nodes that can be used for targets associated with the patient's head."
      "code" : "130363",
      "display" : "Body Node Set",
      "definition" : "Set of Robotic Nodes that can be used for targets within the patient's body, excluding the head."
      "code" : "130364",
      "display" : "Trigeminal Node Set",
      "definition" : "Set of Robotic Nodes that can be used for targets near the patient's trigeminal nerve."
      "code" : "130365",
      "display" : "QA Node Pair",
      "definition" : "Two Robotic Nodes for Quality Assurance, for example daily checks."
      "code" : "130366",
      "display" : "QA Node",
      "definition" : "Single Robotic Node for Quality Assurance."
      "code" : "130370",
      "display" : "RTV Rendition",
      "definition" : "DICOM objects communicated in time-synchronized flows using DICOM-RTV, intended for a simultaneous presentation."
      "code" : "130371",
      "display" : "RTV Audio and Video Rendition",
      "definition" : "Audio and Video DICOM objects communicated in time-synchronized flows using DICOM-RTV, intended for a simultaneous presentation."
      "code" : "130372",
      "display" : "RTV Stereo Video Rendition",
      "definition" : "Two Video DICOM objects communicated in time-synchronized flows using DICOM-RTV, intended for a stereo video."
      "code" : "130373",
      "display" : "RTV Audio and Stereo Video Rendition",
      "definition" : "Audio and two Video DICOM objects communicated in time-synchronized flows using DICOM-RTV, intended for a stereo video."
      "code" : "130400",
      "display" : "Geometric purpose of region",
      "definition" : "The purpose of defining a region."
      "code" : "130401",
      "display" : "Visual explanation",
      "definition" : "A visual explanation of how an algorithm produced its results."
      "code" : "130402",
      "display" : "Class activation",
      "definition" : "Values are derived using global average pooling in convolutional neural networks to produce a localization map highlighting the important regions in the image for predicting a class. The class activation map (CAM) indicates the discriminative image regions used by the network to identify a class."
      "code" : "130403",
      "display" : "Gradient-weighted class activation",
      "definition" : "Values are derived using the gradients of a target class flowing into the final convolutional layer of a convolutional neural network to produce a localization map highlighting the important regions in the image for predicting a class. The gradient-weighted class activation map (Grad-CAM) indicates the discriminative image regions used by the network to identify a class."
      "code" : "130404",
      "display" : "Saliency",
      "definition" : "Values are derived using a single back-propagation pass through a network to produce a localization map highlighting the spatial support of a given class in a given image."
      "code" : "130405",
      "display" : "Patient-Attached Dose Control Object",
      "definition" : "An object which is attached to the patient to attenuate the therapeutic dose (such as a Bolus or a lead shield)."
      "code" : "130406",
      "display" : "Non-uterine leiomyosarcoma",
      "definition" : "A leiomyosarcoma (sarcoma containing large spindle cells of smooth muscle) occuring at a site other than the uterus."
      "code" : "130407",
      "display" : "Bone and soft tissue",
      "definition" : "Body structures of bone and soft tissue."
      "code" : "130408",
      "display" : "Perivascular adipose tissue fat attenuation index",
      "definition" : "A measure of weighted attenuation shifts within perivascular adipose tissue, computed as a weighted measure of attenuation in concentric layers of perivascular tissue around the arterial wall, capturing the respective perivascular attenuation gradients. Abbreviated \"FAI\".See Antoniades C, Kotanidis CP, Berman DS. State-of-the-art review article. Atherosclerosis affecting fat: What can we learn by imaging perivascular adipose tissue? Journal of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography. 2019 Mar 29;0(0). Available from: http://​www.journalofcardiovascularct.com/​article/​S1934-5925(18)30618-X/​abstract."
      "code" : "130410",
      "display" : "Patient position",
      "definition" : "A channel monitoring the patient’s position."
      "code" : "130411",
      "display" : "Patient rotation longitudinal",
      "definition" : "A channel monitoring the patient’s rotation around the body’s longitudinal (head – feet) axis."
      "code" : "130412",
      "display" : "Patient elevation",
      "definition" : "A channel monitoring the angle of elevation of the patient against horizontal."
      "code" : "130413",
      "display" : "Hyperventilation begin",
      "definition" : "Begin of deepened or accelerated breathing."
      "code" : "130414",
      "display" : "Hyperventilation end",
      "definition" : "End of deepened or accelerated breathing."
      "code" : "130415",
      "display" : "Post-hyperventilation",
      "definition" : "Point in time after end of hyperventilation."
      "code" : "130416",
      "display" : "Airflow Thermistor",
      "definition" : "Airflow measured by a thermistor sensor."
      "code" : "130417",
      "display" : "Airflow Thermocouple",
      "definition" : "Airflow measured by a thermocouple sensor."
      "code" : "130418",
      "display" : "Airflow Nasal Prong",
      "definition" : "Airflow measurement by a nasal prong."
      "code" : "130419",
      "display" : "Airflow PVDF",
      "definition" : "Airflow measurement by a nasal piezoelectric polyvinylidenefluoride sensor."
      "code" : "130420",
      "display" : "Airflow CPAP",
      "definition" : "Airflow measurement by a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure device."
      "code" : "130421",
      "display" : "Airflow",
      "definition" : "Airflow measured by an unspecified method or device."
      "code" : "130422",
      "display" : "PAP Pressure",
      "definition" : "Pressure delivered by a positive airway pressure device like a CPAP or BiPAP machine."
      "code" : "130423",
      "display" : "PAP Leak Pressure",
      "definition" : "Pressure of air leaking from a positive airway pressure device like a CPAP or BiPAP machine."
      "code" : "130424",
      "display" : "PAP Tidal Volume",
      "definition" : "Tidal volume during breathing when subject is using a positive airway pressure device like a CPAP or BiPAP machine."
      "code" : "130425",
      "display" : "Esophageal Pressure",
      "definition" : "Pressure in the esophagus measured by esophageal manometry."
      "code" : "130426",
      "display" : "Respiratory Pressure",
      "definition" : "Respiratory pressure measured with an unspecified method or device."
      "code" : "130427",
      "display" : "Thoracic Respiratory Inductance",
      "definition" : "Respiratory effort delivered by a respiratory inductance plethysmography (RIP) belt applied on the patient’s thorax."
      "code" : "130428",
      "display" : "Abdominal Respiratory Inductance",
      "definition" : "Respiratory effort delivered by a respiratory inductance plethysmography (RIP) belt applied on the patient’s abdomen."
      "code" : "130429",
      "display" : "Thoracic Respiratory PVDF",
      "definition" : "Respiratory effort delivered by a piezoelectric polyvinylidenefluoride sensor belt applied on the patient’s thorax."
      "code" : "130430",
      "display" : "Abdominal Respiratory PVDF",
      "definition" : "Respiratory effort delivered by a piezoelectric polyvinylidenefluoride sensor belt applied on the patient’s abdomen."
      "code" : "130431",
      "display" : "Thoracic Respiratory Effort",
      "definition" : "Respiratory effort measured by an unspecified method or device on the patient’s thorax."
      "code" : "130432",
      "display" : "Abdominal Respiratory Effort",
      "definition" : "Respiratory effort measured by an unspecified method or device on the patients abdomen."
      "code" : "130433",
      "display" : "Respiratory Effort",
      "definition" : "Respiratory effort measured by an unspecified method or device."
      "code" : "130434",
      "display" : "CO2 Transcutaneous",
      "definition" : "Partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the respiratory gases measured transcutaneously."
      "code" : "130435",
      "display" : "CO2 Waveform End-tidal Main-stream",
      "definition" : "Partial pressure of carbon dioxide measured in the end-tidal main-stream respiratory gases."
      "code" : "130436",
      "display" : "CO2 Trend End-tidal Main-stream",
      "definition" : "Partial pressure of carbon dioxide measured in the end-tidal main-stream respiratory gases averaged over time."
      "code" : "130437",
      "display" : "CO2 Waveform End-tidal Side-stream",
      "definition" : "Partial pressure of carbon dioxide measured in the end-tidal side-stream respiratory gases."
      "code" : "130438",
      "display" : "CO2 Trend End-tidal Side-stream",
      "definition" : "Partial pressure of carbon dioxide measured in the end-tidal side-stream respiratory gases averaged over time."
      "code" : "130439",
      "display" : "CO2 Waveform Main-stream",
      "definition" : "Partial pressure of carbon dioxide measured in the main-stream respiratory gases."
      "code" : "130440",
      "display" : "CO2 Waveform Side-stream",
      "definition" : "Partial pressure of carbon dioxide measured in the side-stream respiratory gases."
      "code" : "130441",
      "display" : "CO2 Trend Main-stream",
      "definition" : "Partial pressure of carbon dioxide measured in the main-stream respiratory gases averaged over time."
      "code" : "130442",
      "display" : "CO2 Trend Side-stream",
      "definition" : "Partial pressure of carbon dioxide measured in the side-stream respiratory gases averaged over time."
      "code" : "130443",
      "display" : "CO2 Respiration",
      "definition" : "Partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the respiratory gases measured using an unspecified method or device."
      "code" : "130444",
      "display" : "RT Treatment with Ad Hoc Planning",
      "definition" : "Radiotherapy treatment delivery where treatment parameters are defined at the treatment device, rather than specified by a treatment plan."
      "code" : "130445",
      "display" : "Imaging Agent Administration Step Sequence Number",
      "definition" : "The order in which Imaging Agent administration steps are planned to be performed."
      "code" : "130450",
      "display" : "Operator decision to terminate treatment",
      "definition" : "Decision was made by the operator of the equipment to discontinue treatment."
      "code" : "130451",
      "display" : "Patient decision to terminate treatment",
      "definition" : "Decision was made by the patient to discontinue treatment."
      "code" : "130452",
      "display" : "Physician decision to terminate treatment",
      "definition" : "Decision was made by the physician to discontinue treatment."
      "code" : "130453",
      "display" : "Treatment Terminated",
      "definition" : "Treatment delivery of this RT Radiation was terminated."
      "code" : "130454",
      "display" : "Resolved by overriding Interlock",
      "definition" : "An out-of-tolerance delivery parameter was accepted or re-specified and treatment delivery was continued."
      "code" : "130455",
      "display" : "Resolved by repositioning Patient",
      "definition" : "The patient was re-positioned and treatment delivery was continued."
      "code" : "130456",
      "display" : "Bolus Present",
      "definition" : "A bolus is confirmed to be present."
      "code" : "130457",
      "display" : "Cone Present",
      "definition" : "A cone is confirmed to be present."
      "code" : "130458",
      "display" : "Block Present",
      "definition" : "A block is confirmed to be present."
      "code" : "130459",
      "display" : "Applicator Present",
      "definition" : "An applicator is confirmed to be present."
      "code" : "130460",
      "display" : "Headframe Present",
      "definition" : "A headframe is confirmed to be present."
      "code" : "130461",
      "display" : "Inappropriate Patient Orientation",
      "definition" : "The patient could not be positioned on the patient positioning device in a way, that the shape of treatment area has an unacceptable orientation to match the intended target area."
      "code" : "130462",
      "display" : "Inappropriate Patient Position",
      "definition" : "The patient could not be positioned on the patient positioning device in a way, that the that the shape of treatment area radiated the intended target area."
      "code" : "130463",
      "display" : "Machine Not Available",
      "definition" : "The machine intended to be used for treatment was not available."
      "code" : "130464",
      "display" : "Change in Patient Anatomy",
      "definition" : "The patient´s anatomy is found to be inconsistent with the patient model used during planning to the extent that treatment delivery was impacted."
      "code" : "130465",
      "display" : "Machine Calibration Adjustment",
      "definition" : "A re-calibration of the treatment device impacted the treatment delivery."
      "code" : "130466",
      "display" : "Unavailability of a Beam Modifier",
      "definition" : "A planned Beam Modifier was not available at the time of treatment."
      "code" : "130467",
      "display" : "Machine Capability License Expired",
      "definition" : "A capability of the treatment device was not available because the corresponding license expired."
      "code" : "130468",
      "display" : "Beam Targeting Tolerance Violation",
      "definition" : "Beam targeting parameters have been adjusted in a way that violated a clinical tolerance."
      "code" : "130469",
      "display" : "Meterset Tolerance Violation",
      "definition" : "A Meterset value has been adjusted in a way that violated a clinical tolerance."
      "code" : "130470",
      "display" : "Delivery Rate Tolerance Violation",
      "definition" : "A Delivery Rate has been adjusted in a way that violated a clinical tolerance."
      "code" : "130471",
      "display" : "Jaw Position Tolerance Violation",
      "definition" : "Jaw positions exceeded the machine tolerance."
      "code" : "130472",
      "display" : "MLC Position Tolerance Violation",
      "definition" : "One or more MLC leave positions exceeded the machine tolerance."
      "code" : "130473",
      "display" : "Source Position Tolerance Violation",
      "definition" : "The Source Position angle exceeded the machine tolerance."
      "code" : "130474",
      "display" : "Dose Rate Tolerance Violation",
      "definition" : "The dose rate exceeded the machine tolerance."
 lay" : "IEC61217 X-Ray Image Receptor Rotation",
      "definition" : "X-Ray Image Receptor rotation (around the z-axis of the IEC X-RAY IMAGE RECEPTOR Coordinate System) as defined by . DICOM represents this value as a Continous Rotation Angle in degrees."
      "code" : "130806",
      "display" : "Configured Lowest Imaging Energy",
      "definition" : "Lowest energy for acquiring an image as configured on the device."
      "code" : "130807",
      "display" : "Configured Default Imaging Energy",
      "definition" : "Default energy for acquiring an image as configured on the device."
      "code" : "130808",
      "display" : "Planar matrix ultrasound transducer geometry",
      "definition" : "Ultrasonic transducer geometry characterized by multiple transducer elements arranged in a grid on a plane."
      "code" : "130809",
      "display" : "Hemispherical ultrasound transducer geometry",
      "definition" : "Ultrasonic transducer geometry characterized by multiple transducer elements arranged on a hemispherical surface."
      "code" : "130810",
      "display" : "Single-side illumination",
      "definition" : "The subject is illuminated from a single direction."
      "code" : "130811",
      "display" : "Dual-side illumination",
      "definition" : "The subject is illuminated from two distinct directions."
      "code" : "130812",
      "display" : "Multi-side illumination",
      "definition" : "The subject is illuminated from more than two (potentially a very large number of) distinct directions."
      "code" : "130813",
      "display" : "Through-transducer illumination",
      "definition" : "The subject is illuminated through the transducer. Light may pass through the transducer at one or more locations."
      "code" : "130814",
      "display" : "Interstitial illumination",
      "definition" : "The subject is illuminated internally. Light is delivered via a device (other than the transducer) inside the body."
      "code" : "130815",
      "display" : "Piezocomposite Transducer",
      "definition" : "Ultrasound Transducer that utilizes Piezo-composite crystalline structures."
      "code" : "130816",
      "display" : "MEMS-based Transducer",
      "definition" : "Ultrasound Transducer that utilizes Micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS)-based structures."
      "code" : "130817",
      "display" : "Interferometric Transducer",
      "definition" : "Ultrasound Transducer that utilizes interferometric detection systems."
      "code" : "130818",
      "display" : "Uniform Speed of Sound Correction",
      "definition" : "Mechanism for correction of data using a sound propagation model based on a single speed of sound, where the speed for the acoustic coupling medium (if present) is assumed to be the same as for the imaged object."
      "code" : "130819",
      "display" : "Dual Speed of Sound Correction",
      "definition" : "Mechanism for correction of data using a sound propagation model based on two speeds of sound, one for the acoustic coupling medium and one for the imaged object."
      "code" : "130820",
      "display" : "Speed of Sound Map Correction",
      "definition" : "Mechanism for correction of data using a sound propagation model based on a speed of sound map that defines the speed of sound on a per-pixel basis."
      "code" : "130821",
      "display" : "Spherical Back Projection",
      "definition" : "A family of algorithms for reconstructing an image from measured data by back-projection over spheres or parts of spheres. May include linear or nonlinear processing steps before and/or after the back-projection step. Includes methods termed ‘beamforming’ and ‘delay-and-sum’."
      "code" : "130822",
      "display" : "Numerical Acoustic Model",
      "definition" : "A family of algorithms for reconstructing an image from measured data by iteratively adjusting the image to minimize a cost function between the data and a numerical model or that uses non-iterative (e.g. time-reversal) methods, or that performs inversion of a forward model matrix."
      "code" : "130823",
      "display" : "Blood Deoxygenation Level",
      "definition" : "Signal intensity of a Blood Deoxygenation Level image."
      "code" : "130824",
      "display" : "Scan Spot Interlock",
      "definition" : "An interlock triggered during scan spot delivery that is not covered by a more specific code."
      "code" : "130825",
      "display" : "Scan Spot Position Interlock",
      "definition" : "An interlock triggered by the scan spot position being outside of tolerance."
      "code" : "130826",
      "display" : "Scan Spot Size Interlock",
      "definition" : "An interlock triggered by the scan spot size being outside of tolerance."
      "code" : "130827",
      "display" : "Scan Spot Meterset Interlock",
      "definition" : "An interlock triggered by the Meterset delivered for a spot being outside of tolerance."
      "code" : "130828",
      "display" : "Radiation Detected During Beam Hold Interlock",
      "definition" : "An interlock triggered by detection of radiation when the beam is supposed to be off."
      "code" : "130829",
      "display" : "MLC Position Interlock",
      "definition" : "An interlock triggered by a multileaf collimator (MLC) leaf position being outside of tolerance."
      "code" : "130830",
      "display" : "Meterset Rate Interlock",
      "definition" : "An interlock triggered by the detected Meterset rate being outside of tolerance."
      "code" : "130831",
      "display" : "Beam Energy Interlock",
      "definition" : "An interlock triggered by the detected energy of the beam being outside of tolerance."
      "code" : "130832",
      "display" : "Skin lesion color",
      "definition" : "A visual assessment of the coloration of a skin lesion."
      "code" : "130833",
      "display" : "Pre-surgical anatomy",
      "definition" : "The anatomy of the subject prior to the effect of a surgical procedure."
  "text" : {

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